Ben Hansen : 海軍機が tic-tac UFO や UAP を目撃した現場は海底に断層線があり、強烈な磁気異常地帯だ
- Ben Hansen はこの現場に UFO/UAP が出現するのは ・UFO 自体が放出する EMF を隠すために、この磁気異常地帯を選んで出現しているのかもしれない。 と語っているが、苦しい説明。切り出し静止画
29:43 it i thought he had a lot of interesting things to say and a whole new perspective 29:49 in particular bryce one of the things that he drew our attention to was quite interesting magnetic anomalies that 29:57 happen exactly in the area where the 2004 uss nimitz sighting occurred have a 30:04 listen to what ben told us well this whole channel that we're in from santa barbara to catalina and 30:10 including an island known as san clemente right off here on the back is really unique right because you have an 30:16 area of tectonic um anomalies you got a lot of fault lines going through here so this 30:22 but also big big lumps of land rubbing yeah plates clashing against each other and and geologists 30:28 don't even know how some of these things are formed you have here the catalina crater and what's called the emery knoll 30:34 right next to it now these two features lie right off the coast of a very very deep trench over 30:40 four or five thousand feet and along with this we have these magnetic anomalies 30:46 now look what's right off the back side of san clemente so this that's a huge catalina 30:52 yeah this gray color depicts the strongest practically the strongest magnetic intensity that you can have now 30:59 what does it mean that's what we're interested in because the the nimitz uh videos the sightings 31:06 of people that have been talking to me see things between the channel and the coast all the way up to santa barbara 31:13 all the way down here of objects entering the water so you don't think it's a coincidence that there's a huge magnetic anomaly 31:19 there no i there's a lot of theories now this sounds really strange right but 31:25 one theory is as we believe that some of these craft have a propulsion system that creates its own 31:31 magnetic uh field right sure so if you wanted to hide that if let's say set up 31:36 a base of operations where would be the perfect place to do it in a place that already has a natural feature 31:42 that can hide or cover up any signatures that you're putting out 31:49 one of the interesting things i thought going out with ben tatus is that it isn't just the government that gets to - Ben Hansen : 暗視カメラで UFO/UAP を撮影している様子。
33:06 take the fact that it's now possible for journalists like ben hansen to obtain 33:12 military-grade non-exportable night vision gear that allows you to see very 33:17 clearly at night it's quite extraordinary and one of the things i found quite fascinating is whilst we 33:23 didn't see any strange anomalous objects that night that we were out there with him 33:28 he told us that frequently he does we see a lot of things in in orbit and 33:34 suddenly they'll start changing directions doing s turns really um disappearing or 33:40 or reappearing you know so is there anything else is there anything of our technology in orbit that can do s turns 33:46 not at that altitude you consider that they're they're falling at about 17 500 33:51 miles an hour so if in real time you're turning that quickly 33:57 not only could the craft not survive the g-force but occupants couldn't unless you're using some sort of 34:05 inertia displacing you know propulsion
UFO & UAP 'Need to Know' News Documentary with Coulthart & Zabel | 7NEWS Spotlight動画メモ
The world is watching as the US Congress looks into the UAP phenomenon. Here, veteran investigative journalists Ross Coulthart and Bryce Zabel break down the news, and speak with credible experts and insiders. Subscribe now » This is a special edition of NEED TO KNOW in collaboration with Australia’s 7NEWS. For more information head to For those of you who aren’t already viewers or listeners to NEED TO KNOW @Need to Know (Coulthart & Zabel) presented by Ross Coulthart and his friend and colleague Bryce Zabel, NEED TO KNOW is a show that gives you the latest news and analysis about what they suspect will soon turn out to be the biggest story ever, the emerging astonishing revelations about UAPs – Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - what some folk have long called UFOs. As you’ll see, Bryce and Ross think this is a story that needs to be taken very seriously after decades of what we both believe is unjustified stigma and ridicule. UAPs are an authentic mystery that can no longer be denied. Ross and Bryce embarked on a road trip of the US, speaking with credible experts and insiders for this documentary. Hear from Ryan Graves, the former US Navy advanced fighter pilot, whose testimony to Congressmen and Senator in closed door hearings in Congress has been key in waking politicians up to the reality that this phenomenon, whatever it is, is a potential national security threat and a real danger to flight safety. Investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell shares insights on secrets he believes the US government is hiding. Ross and Bryce also went UAP hunting with investigator Ben Hansen, in an area renowned for sightings. Ross also sits down for an incredible interview with Professor Garry Nolan. Garry is a Stanford University professor, an internationally renowned immunologist, who has recently been nominated for a Nobel Prize. He’s also been involved in secret work for the CIA investigating illnesses suffered by military and intelligence personnel who’ve had damaging close-up experiences with UAPs. And Bryce's co-creator of TV series 'Dark Skies', Brent Friedman, reveals a bizarre encounter he had, when the show was launched.コメント
- Ben Hansen が独力でこの情報を発見したとは思えない。実際、大勢の UFO 研究者がいるが、彼以外の誰もこのような情報を語っていない。UFO 現象と磁気異常の関連を長らく追求してきた Steve Mera でさえ、発見していない。 - Ben Hansen は元 FBI 捜査員(という触れ込み。その言動から彼は FBI 側の UFO 情報撹乱工作員ではないかという疑念を私は抱いている)。なので、タイトルのネタは FBI からの情報リークだろうと思える。 - 動画に登場する彼の乗っているボートも彼のカネで調達したとは思えない。彼の関与するケーブル TV 番組の資金で調達したのなら(予算はせいぜい番組 1本あたり 500万円とかの筈なのでそれでも苦しい)、独占情報として番組内で発表する筈。関連
- Ryan Graves が目撃したのは orb だろう。その orb が彼の眼には透明な球体の中の立方体に見えた。なぜか? 先日の過去記事でざっと触れたが(Ben Hansen の情報(= FBI からのアリバイ的リーク情報?))、海軍が演習していた現場の海底には巨大な断層地帯があり、強い磁気異常が観測されている。つまり演習現場には EMF 異常が多発していた。その EMF 異常に影響された Ryan Graves の脳内映像には orb が「球体の中の立方体」に見えていた。 - その EMF 異常により orb が多発し、それが tic-tac UFO や海軍艦船を取り巻く多数の UAP となった。 - 現時点で、海軍上層部がこの事(地下断層地帯→ orb 発生)を承知している可能性は 60-70% ほどか(*1)。そして、この現象のどさくさに紛れて海軍が開発した orb 生成兵器の実験を行っていた可能性が 20% ほどあると私は見ている。 - なお、この現場一体の「地下断層→ orb 発生」を強く示唆する別のデータを下の過去記事で取り上げた。 Michio Kaku : 我々の観測チームは人類の歴史を書き換えた (+追加2) (2022-06-23) ref: 海軍の F-18 パイロットらが 15m 以内から目撃:中に黒い箱が見える透明な球体の UFO と遭遇 (2022-08-27)(2022-09-08)
Ben Hansen : 海軍機が tic-tac UFO や UAP を目撃した現場は海底に断層線があり、強烈な磁気異常地帯だ (2022-09-08)