海軍の艦隊や戦闘機が演習中に遭遇した UFO の正体は現場海底の断層が生じさせた orb 群だろう

(image generated by craiyon: https://www.craiyon.com)

原題:海軍の F-18 パイロットらが 15m 以内から目撃:中に黒い箱が見える透明な球体の UFO と遭遇


- 最近、up されたインタビュー + ドキュメンタリー 動画。本物の、大手メディアのジャーナリストである Ross Coulthart と ハリウッドの大物プロデューサーである Bryce Zabel が幾つもの UFO 事例を取り上げている。 - Ryan Graves の証言(*1)を引用している。


- 本人の証言を過去記事で取り上げた。UFO の直径は 5-10m 程度。レーダーには反応せず。
- 24:10 Q&A: 暗い色の立方体が球体の内部に見えた。 ref: TV 特番で頻繁に UFO/UAP を目撃していたと証言した軍パイロットがアメリカ航空宇宙学会で専門家相手に詳しく報告 (途中1) (2021-08-26)


he described it as a as a dark gray or 9:56 black cube and that was inside a translucent or clear sphere 10:01 where the kind of apexes of that the cube were touching the inner surface of that sphere


what he and his colleagues are aware of here's what ryan graves the former f-18 9:00 fighter pilot says he and his colleagues have witnessed off the east coast of america 9:07 as my my colleague was flying out to the area his wingmen was off his wing as 9:12 expected um about 100 feet or so and right as they passed through the entrance of the working area one of 9:18 these objects apparently was right right at the entrance uh it went by the lead 9:24 aircraft somewhere you know again we have to guesstimate somewhere around um you know no further than about 50 feet 9:33 and you know they almost hit this object and they never had it on their radar at this point we were aware there are physical 9:38 objects so if he had on his radar he would have maneuvered around it um we were already briefing this as a safety 9:44 hazard at this point what did this object look like right yeah when he came back to the ready room he described it 9:50 with his mouth open and he said i almost hit one of those damn things and then he described it as a as a dark gray or 9:56 black cube and that was inside a translucent or clear sphere 10:01 where the kind of apexes of that the cube were touching the inner surface of that sphere i mean that's how he 10:07 described well we talked to ryan graves the pilot that you just heard from 10:12 literally is the first part of our road trip as part of our need to know podcast and what ryan said 10:18 is extraordinary he was one of the people that briefed congress and and part of his briefing that was so 10:24 extraordinary is that he said these things happened all the time sometimes daily uh and of course many of them 50 10:32 to 100 at a time and that they were strange beyond belief uh the idea of uh 10:37 being followed by what amounts to a sphere with a cube inside it i mean come on i mean if i put that in one of 10:44 the screenplays that i write i'm not sure that anybody would find that credible and yet that's exactly what 10:50 this uh pilot ryan graves was saying i i find it incredible ross that we have


UFO & UAP 'Need to Know' News Documentary with Coulthart & Zabel | 7NEWS Spotlight


The world is watching as the US Congress looks into the UAP phenomenon. Here, veteran investigative journalists Ross Coulthart and Bryce Zabel break down the news, and speak with credible experts and insiders. Subscribe now » http://7news.link/SpotlightSubscribe This is a special edition of NEED TO KNOW in collaboration with Australia’s 7NEWS. For more information head to http://www.NeedToKnow.today For those of you who aren’t already viewers or listeners to NEED TO KNOW @Need to Know (Coulthart & Zabel) presented by Ross Coulthart and his friend and colleague Bryce Zabel, NEED TO KNOW is a show that gives you the latest news and analysis about what they suspect will soon turn out to be the biggest story ever, the emerging astonishing revelations about UAPs – Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - what some folk have long called UFOs. As you’ll see, Bryce and Ross think this is a story that needs to be taken very seriously after decades of what we both believe is unjustified stigma and ridicule. UAPs are an authentic mystery that can no longer be denied. Ross and Bryce embarked on a road trip of the US, speaking with credible experts and insiders for this documentary. Hear from Ryan Graves, the former US Navy advanced fighter pilot, whose testimony to Congressmen and Senator in closed door hearings in Congress has been key in waking politicians up to the reality that this phenomenon, whatever it is, is a potential national security threat and a real danger to flight safety. Investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell shares insights on secrets he believes the US government is hiding. Ross and Bryce also went UAP hunting with investigator Ben Hansen, in an area renowned for sightings. Ross also sits down for an incredible interview with Professor Garry Nolan. Garry is a Stanford University professor, an internationally renowned immunologist, who has recently been nominated for a Nobel Prize. He’s also been involved in secret work for the CIA investigating illnesses suffered by military and intelligence personnel who’ve had damaging close-up experiences with UAPs. And Bryce's co-creator of TV series 'Dark Skies', Brent Friedman, reveals a bizarre encounter he had, when the show was launched.


- Ryan Graves が目撃したのは orb だろう。その orb が彼の眼には透明な球体の中の立方体に見えた。なぜか? 先日の過去記事でざっと触れたが(Ben Hansen の情報(= FBI からのアリバイ的リーク情報?))、海軍が演習していた現場の海底には巨大な断層地帯があり、強い磁気異常が観測されている。つまり演習現場には EMF 異常が多発していた。その EMF 異常に影響された Ryan Graves の脳内映像には orb が「球体の中の立方体」に見えていた。 - その EMF 異常により orb が多発し、それが tic-tac UFO や海軍艦船を取り巻く多数の UAP となった。 - 現時点で、海軍上層部がこの事(地下断層地帯→ orb 発生)を承知している可能性は 60-70% ほどか(*1)。そして、この現象のどさくさに紛れて海軍が開発した orb 生成兵器の実験を行っていた可能性が 20% ほどあると私は見ている。 - なお、この現場一体の「地下断層→ orb 発生」を強く示唆する別のデータを下の過去記事で取り上げた。   Michio Kaku : 我々の観測チームは人類の歴史を書き換えた (+追加2) (2022-06-23)


- つまり、海軍上層部は tic-tac UFO/UAP の正体を知っていながら、知らぬふりをしている可能性が高い。その上で NYT などを操って「UFO に関する世紀のスクープ」を発表させた。 - その場合、彼らは民間 UFO 研究者の情報公開運動を薄笑いを浮かべながら操って利用しようとしている筈。そしてその謀略は成功しつつある。つまり、民間 UFO 研究者は全員、脚本どおりの演技を無自覚のまま演じている。 (2022-08-27)


海軍の F-18 パイロットらが 15m 以内から目撃:中に黒い箱が見える透明な球体の UFO と遭遇 (2022-08-27)