「Stephen Greer の空中歩行体験」からも、チベット密教の「ルン・ゴム・パ」は意識障害の副産物だと判断できる

(image surce: The Lung-Gom-Pa Runners of Old Tibet - Prepare For Change https://prepareforchange.net/2016/07/09/the-lung-gom-pa-runners-of-old-tibet/ )


  • チベット密教の「ルン・ゴム・パ」とは…
^ 黒魔術を教えるラマの寺院には馬よりも速く走る僧がいたとの伝承があり、この速歩術はチベットではルン・ゴム・パ (rlung-sgom-pa) と呼ばれる。ルン (rlung) とは「風」でゴム・パ (sgom-pa) とは「瞑想」。この歩法によって数日間も休むことなく非常に速く走り続けることができるといわれている。これには天台宗や修験道の回峰行の行者との関連も指摘されている。 ref: ミラレパ - Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%9F%E3%83%A9%E3%83%AC%E3%83%91
  • この「ルン・ゴム・パ」は意識障害(トランス状態を含む)の副産物(=幻覚や錯覚)だ…ということを強く示唆する事例を見かけたので記録しておく。その事例とは後述する Stephen Greer の体験。

コメント 1

  • Stephen Greer の証言自体は、たぶん意図的な嘘ではないと思える。彼は、「体が軽くなって半浮遊の状態となり、歩幅が異常に伸び、長距離を短時間に移動できた」と本気で思いこんでいる筈。

  • だが、実際は「体が軽くなって半浮遊の状態となり、歩幅が異常に伸び」という感覚は意識障害による幻覚や錯覚だとみなすのが妥当。当然、普通に長時間かけて移動したが、missing-time と同じ機序で記憶障害も併発していたために、短時間しか経過していないと思いこんだだけ。

  • この、


  • 書籍やネットに出回っている「ルン・ゴム・パ」(「ルン・ゴム」を含む)の映像はその全てが静止画のみ(しかも中にはオカルト雑誌 『ムー』 の取材者(or 編集者)による撮影だったりしている)。

  • なお、「ルン・ゴム・パ」を実際に目撃したという第三者の証言は採用できない。なぜなら、UFO 目撃事例でも現場で複数人がそろって天を覆い尽くすほどの巨大 UFO を目撃したという事例が多数ある(がその現場以外では誰も目撃していない)ゆえに。このような不可解な同時目撃者が生じる機序を、私は「共鳴認知」仮説によって説明している。

コメント 2

  • 禅やチベット仏教(チベット密教を含む)を賛美する人々が少なくない。彼らは皆、禅やチベット仏教には、俗人が窺い知ることができぬ、世界の奥深い真理に通じていると錯覚している(錯覚させられている)。

  • だが、私は禅もチベット仏教も全否定する。禅もチベット仏教も完全な錯誤や欺瞞という土台の上に築かれている。よって有害無益でしかない。(諺には「嘘から出た真」とあるが)嘘(偽)から真は生じない。

  • 「世界の奥深い真理」それ自体が全くの虚構であるから、その虚構でしかない「世界の奥深い真理」を大悟したところで無益だし、その虚構を土台にして何をどうやって構築しようがすべては錯誤や欺瞞でしかない。よって大悟や解脱を目指す人々や、それを獲得したと自認する方々には実に気の毒なことだが、全て徒労かつ有害無益でしかない。


consider what happened to Dr Stephen Greer MD who's very well known for starting the group C 9:45 seti the center for the study of extraterrestrial intelligence and is also spearheaded largely 9:51 the disclosure movement it was October 1973 and Greer was celebrating his 18th birthday 10:01 he had gone hiking in the mountains outside his home in Boone North Carolina when he saw a UFO 10:09 it was a short time later he was approached by a quote an extraterrestrial biological life form 10:16 the next thing he knew he was being transported into a craft and on board he was greeted he says 10:22 by short four foot tall humanoids with soft deer-like eyes the craft turned transparent 10:30 at one point to reveal a beautiful field of stars and what followed was for him a deeply spiritual 10:37 experience during which he and the et's meditated together and experienced a cosmic consciousness 10:45 so Greer had no fear during this experience instead he calls it quote an incredible encounter 10:52 entirely different from stories usually circulated about extraterrestrial contact 10:58 I wouldn't call it entirely different there's a lot of stories very much like this but at any 11:04 rate this experience ended he was removed from the craft and placed back near his original location 11:12 but it was what happened immediately following his encounter that left him even more amazed 11:17 as Stephen Greer writes and again I quote I found myself back on the mountain under the beautiful 11:24 Starry Sky only to experience another strange phenomenon I was perhaps 100 yards further down 11:32 the Gravel Road as I started down the mountain I found that with each step I was in a state of 11:39 near weightlessness as if walking on the moon my steps were actually leaps of 20 to 30 feet at once 11:48 it was more like floating than walking there was a strange magnetic anti-gravitational effect around 11:55 me making me lighter it wasn't a product of my imagination my physical body was light I was just 12:04 as happy as a lark here I was fresh from this experience on an ETV and now bounding down the 12:11 mountain traveling in Boeing Boeing Boeing leaves across impossible distances with each step it was 12:20 incredibly blissful as I got closer to Town the phenomenon faded and my weight returned to normal 12:28 so again this is clear this is not an out of body experience this is happening during full waking consciousness Greer was totally amazed by this event and following this encounter in this 12:41 levitation event he began meditating regularly and calling out to et's telepathically and it 12:48 was just a few years later that he had another incredible levitation experience and as Greer 12:54 writes in his own words as I was walking in the field behind the manor where we were working 13:01 I spontaneously without effort or forethought levitated it was reminiscent of the prolonged 13:09 experience of bounding down the Mountainside after my ET encounter in October of 73. 13:15 this time I just lifted vertically maybe two or three three feet above the ground 13:23 instead of walking to my destination I glided there in an upright vertical levitation experience 13:31 and then at the moment my intellect kicked in and I exclaimed my god look what's happening how 13:37 can I be doing this I settled down to earth it was halted by my own intellect and ego 13:45 so following this Greer came to the conclusion that all humans likely can levitate and I really 13:51 like what he says about this as Stephen Greer writes ultimately is recognizing and embracing 13:58 the power of God within each of us after this experience it became increasingly clear that 14:05 we have within us any capability and that anyone can acquire and develop them there is sometimes 14:11 a tendency by people involved in various spiritual and religious groups to put people 14:17 who have this level of experience or knowledge on a pedestal as if it's unattainably Unique 14:23 it's not and that's very important to understand it is in fact a disservice to the nature and 14:31 potential of humanity to idolize something that should be understood as the birthright of everyone 14:38 I totally agree anyone can do this you don't even need to have UFO contact

DeepL 原文不完全



ETs Teach People to Levitate


Dec 3, 2022 A UFO encounter can have many profound effects upon a witness. A person can be physically affected, with such symptoms as injuries or healings. An encounter affects a person mentally, challenging their world view. A UFO encounter is also a very emotional experience and can trigger the full range of emotions. But it goes beyond that. A close encounter can also transform a person spiritually, triggering a wide variety of paranormal events. It’s not unusual for contactees to experience OBEs, precognition, past-life memories, channeling, ghostly encounters and more. One of the most bizarre effects, one that has received little attention, is that following an encounter, some abductees experience spontaneous human levitation. As unusual as this may sound, there are a growing number of cases. This video presents more than a dozen cases of people who have levitated as a result of a UFO encounter. It appears that ETs are teaching people how to levitate. One case comes from French researchers Aime Michel and Jacques Vallee. It involves an anonymous medical doctor who had a close encounter that healed him of a wound on his ankle and partial paralysis. Following the encounter, the doctor also experienced two episodes of spontaneous human levitation. Whitley Strieber (author of Communion and other books) also reports having a spontaneous levitation experience in his cabin in upstate New York. Strieber had just gone to bed one evening in 1986 when he found himself floating up to the ceiling. He rose up and down several times before finally coming down to a landing in his bed. Following this experience, he began to research these experiences and located two other contactees who reported nearly identical events. Another well-known contactee who has experienced spontaneous levitation is Dr. Steven Greer MD, founder of CSETI. Following an onboard UFO experience at age nineteen in his hometown of Boone, NC, Greer found himself able to make leaping bounds, floating more than twenty feet with each step. Some years later, he experienced another even more profound episode of spontaneous levitation and floated a few feet above the ground for several yards before coming in for a landing. These cases are not as rare as you might think. Researcher Budd Hopkins (author of Missing Time and Intruders) uncovered two cases, both involving children who were having UFO experiences. In each case, the children levitated on several occasions. In both cases, the witnesses connected their levitations to their UFO encounters. A firsthand case comes from a man by the name of Maurice who reports that in 1966, he and his sister were taken onboard a craft. In the hours following the experience, both found that they had the ability to levitate. They floated around the basement for an hour and afterwards played with this ability in their yard. In 1951, eight-year-old Mary Frank (who would later discover she was a contactee) experienced a profound levitation event during which she flew down a corridor for several yards, even turning corners, before coming to a soft landing on her feet. She tried several times to duplicate it but was never able to repeat the experience. In 1953, five-year-old Ramon (who would later become an officer in the Marines) was taken onboard a UFO from his home in California. Following the encounter, he discovered that he was able to levitate. In the days and weeks following his onboard encounter, he levitated on at least three separate occasions, two episodes which were verified by outside witnesses. In another case, a mother went to check on her infant child and discovered that her baby was floating above her crib. Later, her child would report many UFO experiences, including being taken onboard a UFO. Researcher Rey Hernandez reports on the case of Alberto Fernandez, a contactee from Florida. On one occasion, Fernandez’s wife woke to find her husband floating above his bed, sound asleep. Another amazing case comes from fully conscious contactee, Dolly Safran. Throughout her life, Dolly has had numerous onboard UFO encounters. She also reports many cases of spontaneous levitations. While most of these occurred as a young child, even as an adult she experienced levitation, and on several occasions, the related phenomenon of telekinesis. Many other cases exist. The dozen cases presented here are likely only the tip of the iceberg. One thing is clear, there is a connection between human levitation and the UFO contact experience. ETs are teaching people a wide variety of psychic abilities, including the ability to levitate. If you would like to explore more about these cases and others, check out the book, “Not from Here Volume Four.” Now available! https://youtu.be/C7hGChhR8c4 LINK TO BOOK: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BJFGZFH1/... LINK TO PRESTON’S WEBSITE: https://prestondennett.weebly.com/

2022年12月3日 UFOとの遭遇は、目撃者に多くの深い影響を与えることがあります。人は、怪我や癒しなどの肉体的な影響を受けることがあります。UFOとの遭遇は、精神的に影響を及ぼし、その人の世界観に挑戦することになります。UFOとの遭遇は、非常に感情的な体験でもあり、あらゆる感情を引き起こす可能性があります。しかし、それはそれだけにとどまりません。UFOとの接近遭遇は、人を精神的に変化させ、さまざまな超常現象を引き起こすことがある。コンタクティが体外離脱、予知、前世の記憶、チャネリング、幽霊との遭遇などを経験することは珍しいことではありません。





このようなケースは、皆さんが思っているほど珍しいことではありません。研究者のバド・ホプキンス(『Missing Time』と『Intruders』の著者)は、UFOを体験した子供たちが関与した2つのケースを発見しました。どちらのケースでも、子供たちは何度か浮遊しました。どちらのケースでも、目撃者はその空中浮遊をUFOとの遭遇と結びつけています。








これらの事例やその他の事例についてさらに詳しく調べたい方は、"Not from here Volume Four "をご覧ください。現在発売中です。 https://youtu.be/C7hGChhR8c4

LINK TO BOOK: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BJFGZFH1/...

プレストンのウェブサイトへのリンク: https://prestondennett.weebly.com/

(2023-02-24) (2023-02-25 追記) 文脈を明確にするため、細部の表現に若干の追加。


「Stephen Greer の空中歩行体験」からも、チベット密教の「ルン・ゴム・パ」は意識障害の副産物だと判断できる (途中1) (2023-02-24)