Bill Moore が 1989年の MUFON UFO 大会で情報機関と一緒に UFO 情報の捏造を告白した音声記録



  • 47:14

切り出し動画(1:00):Bill Moore の証言の核心部分

  • 44:50-- 45:48 Bill Moore の証言音声。

(視聴時には mute の解除が必要)

切り出し動画(4:40):Jimmy Akin の解説を含む

(視聴時には mute の解除が必要)


at the 1989 mutual ufo network or mufon convention 44:14 in las vegas he gave a speech in which he revealed the whole thing in this speech he revealed how the air 44:21 force including richard doty had misled and manipulated paul benowitz 44:26 he also revealed how the ufo community itself had been misled and manipulated with the claims that paul and others had 44:33 been making these included major elements of 1980s ufo lore including not only roswell but also the 44:40 idea that we had a secret treaty with the aliens that there were underground bases conflicts between the military and the 44:47 aliens and the alien plan to take over the world here's part of that 1989 speech 44:52 what we are hearing today about malevolent aliens underground bases secret treaties with the us government 44:59 has its roots firmly planted in the benowit's affair the entire story of a secret treaty 45:07 between the us government and the aliens of exchanges of technology between us 45:12 and the aliens of battles between aliens and american armed forces 45:17 and of aliens allegedly having implanted hundreds of thousands if not millions of human beings for that for 45:23 the purpose of taking over the world and using us as cattle or slaves 45:28 came about as a result of the disinformation process 45:34 i know because i was in a position to observe much of this process as it 45:39 unfolded and i was providing regular regular reports on its effectiveness 45:45 to some of the very people who were doing it to paul how did the mufon convention crowd take it when bill 45:50 revealed all these things not well he was trashing major elements of the ufo lore 45:56 that they were heavily invested in they started booing and heckling in fact in this clip you can hear them 46:03 start to boo after which mufon official hal starr has to step up to the mic to calm them down 46:10 it became apparent to me that my supplying information to the government through doty on the activities of paul 46:18 benowitz april and to a lesser extent several other individuals 46:24 was to be a part of this equation i also discovered that whatever it was 46:30 that benowitz was involved with he was the subject of considerable interest on the part of not 46:35 one but several government agencies and that they were actively trying to 46:41 defuse him by pumping as much mis-disinformation through him as he could possibly absorb 46:48 being a very small part of that process gave me i thought something of an advantage 46:54 it became [Music] 47:06 frankly i'm a little ashamed of some people in this audience regardless of what you believe what you hear 47:12 or not greg bishop who attended bill's speech at the 1989 mufon convention 47:18 reports moore's speech ran nearly two hours it had to be stopped several times by 47:24 mufon's arizona state director hal starr to restore order another researcher 47:29 stood up and rhetorically asked where'd you get all that crap from bill the publisher of a major ufo magazine 47:35 ran out in tears people literally yelled cried and gritted their teeth in anger 47:40 i was surprised that they didn't throw things the reaction to moore's admission was predictable 47:46 bill english who ran out with fisk clinch saying i'm going to get a fire hose was one of moore's fellow apro members 47:53 and probably felt doubly betrayed even though moore had never disinformed him or anyone else he worked 47:59 with at apro english stormed out in red-faced rage like english many of morse colleagues could 48:05 not handle the cognitive dissonance that he had laid on them when he got up to give his speech bill 48:11 knew that this would likely end his career in ufology and it basically did after this he 48:17 essentially retired from the field however he had succeeded in his goal of alerting the ufo community 48:23 to how the air force and others within the intelligence community were deceiving and manipulating the ufo 48:30 world and it wasn't just paul and bill that were involved bill revealed that 48:35 other prominent ufologists had also struck deals similar to the one he had he hasn't 48:42 revealed the names of these other ufologists but what he said suggests a broader 48:47 disinformation campaign than just the one aimed at paul benowitz

DeepL 原文不完全


Richard Doty's Shocking UFO Revelations! (Paul Bennewitz) - Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World
