Kenneth Arnold が目撃した UFO はたぶん自然現象
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原題:Daniel Liszt : Kenneth Arnold の目撃した UFOs の挙動の詳細 → この UFO はたぶん自然現象
- 以下の件は初耳。手抜き
- 赤と青のフラッシュ光を伴っていた。 it's flashing lights and the lights are blue and red 44:45 interestingly enough kenneth arnold's crafts are also flashing but they're flashing blue and 44:51 white lights - 9体の UFO は、あたかも電気的に作用しあって連結しているかのように同じように動いていた。 when they moved they seemed to move together so if a piece went down it seemed to affect them all so they were 42:26 almost connected even though he couldn't see anything that was connecting them electronically 42:32 the waves whatever it was they were one connected unit and he said it looked like they were sailing or jutting along 42:39 it wasn't like a smooth thing they were moving in this fashion - 嵐の波間を漂う船のように上下に揺れていた。 and what they say here it seemed to have a wavering motion and swayed back 44:56 and forth in its course through the heavens like a vessel at sea in a storm it sounds 45:02 almost exactly like what rainier uh what arnold was saying about this craft 45:07 in rainier in 1947. um so 45:13 do they have a habit of showing up there is this where they're from what's音声書写(自動生成)
42:07 range and running across this incredible experience uh the crescent-shaped craft that we 42:13 showed this is what he was seeing that was kind of leading the pack and what he noticed a few things was 42:20 that when they moved they seemed to move together so if a piece went down it seemed to affect them all so they were 42:26 almost connected even though he couldn't see anything that was connecting them electronically 42:32 the waves whatever it was they were one connected unit and he said it looked like they were sailing or jutting along 42:39 it wasn't like a smooth thing they were moving in this fashion and um 42:47 at one point the reporter presses him and he says well it was almost like skipping saucers across a pond 42:53 and so the reporter says you mean flying saucers and that's how we get the phrase but 42:58 what's interesting is when i went back to a story in the same area and this is 43:03 the weird thing there's actually a ufo sighting there from 1896 and what they say the reporter himself 43:10 says the word saucer in 1896 isn't that weird i found that very unusual um and i'm 43:16 gonna read that case here tonight too so there's something up there uh tacoma 43:22 mount rainier the whole thing mount hood um and i have to say that whenever i've read 43:29 about ufo cases i've found two things over and over again mountains and water large bodies of water mountains 43:36 seems to be where they're most at home and that's where the action is um kenneth arnold's original 43:44 drawing for the fbi showing something interesting about the discs which is that they're not circular ... ... ... 44:09 backdrop on it okay this is the front page of the tacoma 44:15 daily ledger november 27 1896 tuesday night about 12 o'clock mr and 44:21 mrs saint john saw a peculiar phenomena in the heavens so they looked out their window 44:27 they first saw the strange light and she called her husband's attention to it appeared to be high up in the heavens in 44:32 a southeasterly direction they were lying in bed and watched the heavenly stranger a long time the first time they 44:38 saw the north window of the room and what it's doing is it's flashing lights and the lights are blue and red 44:45 interestingly enough kenneth arnold's crafts are also flashing but they're flashing blue and 44:51 white lights um and what they say here it seemed to have a wavering motion and swayed back 44:56 and forth in its course through the heavens like a vessel at sea in a storm it sounds 45:02 almost exactly like what rainier uh what arnold was saying about this craft 45:07 in rainier in 1947. um so 45:13 do they have a habit of showing up there is this where they're from what's going on there uh 45:20 and it even sounds like the same group so we have then an unusual tradition in 45:26 that area of all sorts of supernatural phenomena the ufo file 45:31 orbs bigfoot everything seems to be up there in the northwest 45:37動画(3:24:22)
Dark Journalist X-128: COG UFO CIA X-Tech 75 Years of Deception!コメント
- Kenneth Arnold の目撃した UFO 群は自然現象ではないか…そう私は密かに疑っていたが、上の動画での Daniel Liszt の説明を聴いて、やはり自然現象の可能性が高いと判断した。特に、- 9体の UFO は、あたかも電気的に作用しあって連結しているかのように同じように動いていた。という光景は 2009-05-22 メキシコ : 白昼、空の球体が分離して多数の小球体が直線上に延びる → たぶん自然現象 (2019-01-31) で取り上げた自然現象として説明できる。 - Kenneth Arnold の目撃した UFO 群は真昼の Mt. Rainier 上空だった(*1)。これが夜間の都市部で起きたのが Phoenix Lights UFO 事件 (*2) だと思える。ref: Puget Sound faults - Wikipedia - ECETI Ranch で頻繁に目撃される UFO の正体は、地殻の圧力が生成した球電だろう。 (2020-11-24)
- これは報じられることは稀だが…。Kenneth Arnold が目撃した当日、Mt. Rainier 付近では行方不明者が出て捜索活動が行われていた。うろ覚えだが、発見者には懸賞金も出ていた。それで Kenneth Arnold もわざわざ飛行経路を若干、変更して空から行方不明者の有無を軽くチェックしていた。そして見かけたのが行方不明者ではなく 9体の UFO だった。 - この時の行方不明事件の詳細は不明だが、Missing-411 的な事例だったとすると、この Missing-411 と UFO 発生は共に EMF 異常が原因だったという一つの状況証拠にも繋がる。(*2)
現在の結論:"Phoenix Lights" は確実に UFO ではない。たぶん自然現象だろう。 (2020-06-08) 【編集中】2017-04-10、Arizona の "Phoenix Lights"(V 字型超巨大 UFO)はたぶん自然現象だ。 (途中:その2) (2020-06-07) (2022-06-28)
Daniel Liszt : Kenneth Arnold の目撃した UFOs の挙動の詳細 → この UFO はたぶん自然現象 (2022-06-28)