Dr. Ray Boeche が見せられた写真の死亡者は囚人ではあり得ない


 国防総省のチームが ET とのチャネリング実験中に謎の頭蓋骨陥没で死亡 (+追加) (2020-02-28)  Nick Redfern や Jacques Vallee が頼っている国防総省科学者からの情報は撹乱工作。(2)(+追加3) (2021-02-20)


- 目新しい箇所は…   ・被害者(=被験者)が囚人だった可能性もあると Ray Boeche が推測。   ・それを受けて Erica Luke が「おそらく囚人だと思う」と発言。


- 毎度のことながら Erica Luke はあまりに軽率。 - 問題の写真はそもそも DoD の捏造だから、囚人の可能性は無い。だが、100万歩譲って例の写真が DoD の科学者の主張どおりだと(=捏造ではないと)仮定しても、被験者が囚人だった可能性はない。 - なぜなら、これは ET と人類の心的交信を試みる初の公的機関による実験だった。後に被験者が殺害された事によって、ET ではなく悪魔的存在であるという恐ろしい可能性に気づいて Ray Boeche に相談に来た…これが DoD の科学者が Ray Boeche に語った事件の経緯の物語。 - 初の ET と人類の心的交流の実験において、その人類側代表として犯罪者を選ぶ筈がない。心的交流の実験だから、ET は相手の人間の心を読むことを前提としている。人類は邪悪な犯罪を行う存在だと ET に見透かされる事態を許容できる DoD の責任者など存在しない。 - 囚人のような信用できない輩に ET との心的交流という大役を任せる筈もない。外国の要人との会談の場面で、詐欺師に通訳を任せるようなもの。


things i've ever run across 84:10 they 84:13 showed me some photos 84:14 of experiments experimental 84:18 participants 84:20 in this 84:20 uh two men and a woman who had been 84:23 killed allegedly at a distance 84:26 uh in a laboratory setting 84:29 the they were all three were in what 84:31 appeared to be the same dentist's chair 84:33 very dentist-like chair 84:35 uh 84:36 monitoring equipment in the background 84:39 uh one had allegedly been 84:42 suffocated one had been killed by 84:45 a distance induced heart attack 84:48 and the other had been killed by having 84:51 the occipital area of their skull 84:52 crushed 84:53 at a distance 84:54 wow 84:57 was not explained to me 84:59 whether these were volunteers whether 85:01 they were prisoners 85:03 no idea 85:04 um 85:06 i think the prisoner angle is probably a 85:08 good one 85:09 could be 85:10 could be 85:13 one of the last things that they said 85:16 was because they knew about my work with 85:19 the whole rental ship forest bentwaters 85:21 incident 85:22 was that that was part of this 85:24 program and that the object that was 85:26 seen 85:28 at bentwaters 85:29 uh in rendelsham forest 85:31 was 85:33 a holographic projection 85:35 that was 85:36 capable of leaving physical traces 85:40 wow 85:41 and that 85:44 some of the people who were present 85:46 during that were more interested in the 85:47 reaction of the servicemen 85:50 than they were in the events 85:54 um 85:56 and that's where that's kind of where we 85:57 left it we we were in con i had two one 86:00 other face-to-face meeting 86:02 uh another instance where they just 86:04 handed a disc back to me a floppy disk 86:07 um 86:09 with some information for linda howe 86:12 um 86:15 but essentially that was that was it if 86:17 if anyone's interested you can go to 86:19 academia.edu 86:21 and you'll find uh the entire 86:24 story of what took place 86:28 as well as the 86:31 conversations if you will 86:33 between linda howe and these two 86:36 gentlemen that she termed the writers 86:39 um 86:41 it's it's fascinating stuff 86:43 i still to this day i mean i 86:46 when i first 86:47 made mention of this publicly 86:51 i said i don't i don't know that i i 86:53 have no way to judge whether this is 86:55 true false 86:56 i i don't know it's it's a fantastic 86:59 story 87:00 but 87:01 these two guys are who they say they are 87:06 the reason they came to me was because 87:09 of my background in 87:12 ufo and paranormal research 87:15 and my 87:16 training as a theologian and a pastor 87:19 so 87:23 they felt comfortable talking to me they 87:25 said because 87:26 they knew they could ask me to invoke 87:28 the sanctity of the confessional 87:31 and not 87:32 not reveal who they are 87:35 um 87:37 and i 87:37 agree to that 87:39 um 87:41 again i don't 87:43 i still can't vouch for the accuracy of 87:46 it 87:47 but 87:48 the interesting thing when nick redfern 87:50 ran across 87:51 this research 87:53 in 2007 i believe got a hold of me 87:57 he was able to dig down and he was able 87:59 to actually confirm 88:01 the majority of what i was told 88:04 so that makes me 88:06 that takes me another step closer to 88:08 saying yeah there's something going on 88:10 here 88:11 um 88:12 i never heard the term collins elite 88:14 they never used that term 88:16 uh the first time i encountered that was 88:19 from nick when he told me about his 88:21 research 88:22 um 88:23 i believe they're 88:27 i believe they're probably still active 88:29 not necessarily the two the gentleman 88:30 that spoke with me 88:32 uh but this group 88:35 i think 88:38 i think lou elizondo 88:40 has at least in a roundabout way 88:43 referenced this group when he's talked 88:46 about the 88:47 forces at the pentagon right that say 88:49 you can't deal with this because these 88:50 are demons


UFO Classified | Ray Boeche (2022-01-05)


Dr. Ray Boeche : DoD の科学者から見せられた被害者の写真の詳細 (2022-01-05)