仮説:「Wilson/Davis メモ」を含む政府の「極秘 UFO 逆解析計画」の正体は、巨額の軍事費不正流用の隠蔽工作


  • つい最近、Richard Dolan が up した動画(後述)を見ていてタイトルの仮説を思いついたので記録しておく。

  • 後述の動画で Richard Dolan が行っている解説は、「Jacques Vallee の新刊本に記載された重大情報」を扱ったもので、

    • 「Wilson/Davis メモ」は本物

    • 政府の「極秘 UFO 逆解析計画」も信憑性が高い

    • ET の解剖も本物(例の捏造動画とは別の話)

    • なぜなら、Jacques Vallee の新刊本に記載された重大情報がそれを大胆に指摘しているからだ



  • 17:00 あたり。調査のため、米政府の「極秘 UFO 逆解析計画」の現場を訪れた軍高官が、現場にあった UFO に手で触れた。


  • Richard Dolan による 1時間におよぶ長広舌の動画なので詳しい内容紹介はダルい。後述の大量の説明パネルの切り出し静止画を見れば内容は粗々、理解できる筈。

  • 動画全体の音声書写(自動生成)をつけておく。DeepL 訳が劣化したので、この動画では訳をつける労力に値しそうにないし、そもそも読み手の誰も必要としていない。


  • なぜ、「Wilson/Davis メモ」の元ネタとなった、Wilson による Eric Davis への告白がなされたのだろうか?

  • なぜ、

    • 米政府は「極秘 UFO 逆解析計画」を進めている


  • なぜ、

    • 政府も議会も軍高官も監督できない「UFO 絡みの秘密計画」が存在している



  • 私は、旧ソ連時代から続くロシアに対する米情報機関のブラフだと思ってきた。 だが、旧ソ連崩壊後も同様のブラフが続いているのはやや奇妙。

  • ブラフ以外にも何か、別の差し迫った動機も隠されているのではないか?


  • その動機として最もありえそうなものはカネ。たとえばこんな筋書きはどうか。

    • 巨額の軍事費不正流用(具体例:アメリカでは 9.11事件の直前に巨額の軍予算の支出不明が Rumsfeld によって発表されている)を隠蔽する必要があり、

    • 彼らは、巨額の極秘計画、それも政府や議会による監督が不可能な民間企業主導の極秘計画を捏造して、不正流用を隠蔽するというプロットを組み立てた

    • そのプロットに最適なのが、「UFO 絡みの極秘計画」が進行中というネタ

  • このプロットにそって Wilson らが茶番劇を仕組んだ。CIA や 元・NIDS の一部もその茶番劇に加担した。海軍の tic-tac UFO 動画リーク⇒即座に公認…もその一貫。Luis Elizondo も茶番劇に Good Cop 役で登場。 NYT もスクープ記事で茶番劇を応援。

  • その茶番劇を UFO 研究者/ファン/マニアは大真面目に鑑賞中。

  • なお、Jacques Vallee の本には「軍の高官が軍予算に巨額使途不明金があることを発見したがその詳細の究明調査は阻止された」ことが記載されているという。これも上の仮説の支持材料となる。






































0:01 greetings and welcome to the Richard Olin show where every week we fight the good fight very glad to be here with you 0:06 I have a lot planned for this particular presentation um try to organize it the best way that 0:13 I can I hope that that will succeed in your estimation uh I'll be talking about 0:18 something that I definitely believe that the UFO research Community needs to 0:26 take very seriously and I also think that the the outside world the people who are not 0:32 UFO researchers or people who don't even necessarily think or care much about the UFO subject I do believe that this is 0:39 something that they may find important as well over at my website 0:46 Richard Olin members for the past week and a half I have been doing relatively 0:51 deep dives into a recently published book by Jacques valet this is Forbidden Science volume Five many of you know who 0:59 Jacques valet is is I think without a doubt you can we can say one of the most important UFO 1:05 researchers of all time certainly one of the most brilliant he's had a long career he has been 1:12 he's not simply an Innovative thinker but he's been very well plugged into various Circles of individuals who know 1:19 a lot of things about the inside uh scoop on UFOs as it were and has been 1:25 writing a journal he's one he's really unique in the UFO field in this Regard 1:30 in terms of writing a journal for decades is the first one covered the period of the 1:36 1960s and he had a second volume which covered the 70s the third volume which covered the 1980s volume four covering 1:43 the 90s and now volume Five covering from 2000 to 2009. and that volume has just come out within 1:51 the last month or so it's very interesting I I certainly recommend it to any serious student of the phenomenon 1:58 what I am going to discuss are some key takeaways out of that volume 2:04 that are in my view they are akin to Bombshells that have been dropped 2:12 silently I think we can say on the UFO feel and I say silently because I'm not I'm not aware that a lot of people are 2:18 really having serious discussions about what he has had to say in it but I want to go over what I believe are some of 2:24 the key takeaways and in fact let me do that before we go any further key insights out of this book that I 2:31 will be discussing here when you read this last volume you get three examples in about 12 or 13 years 2:39 that he writes about of high-level United States government employees 2:45 stumbling into what we might call the program that is the program dealing with UFO secrecy and specifically the program 2:53 to study UFO technology and that is exactly what he talks about here 3:00 so that's something that we're going to discuss uh additionally 3:05 a very interesting statement from what I think is a good source regarding the reality of the whole alien autopsy 3:13 phenomenon not talking about the race santilly video or film not talking about that we're talking about 3:20 I mean there has been long-standing leaks and rumors about alien autopsies 3:26 from a variety of sources and this is one of them that valet will be talking about and that I will discuss here 3:32 a statement from former President George Herbert Walker Bush from 2004 about the UFO reality we're 3:39 going to get into that um and most uh 3:45 suggestively a program known as zodiac we can call it a UFO reverse engineering 3:50 program it might even be more than that but definitely it seems to be that it's a few of the things that I'll be 3:55 discussing here as well these are going to be the key highlights I strongly recommend that you stick around 4:03 for all of it I don't think you're going to want to miss any of this and let me just say right off the bat uh if you 4:09 haven't subscribe to this YouTube channel why don't you do it now if you support what I do hit that like button 4:15 anytime you want I think you're going to find this particular presentation to be interesting and if you haven't clicked 4:20 on notifications go and do that now let me jump right back into this this is the first element of this will be to talk 4:27 about the famous uh Davis Wilson notes those of you who have been following the 4:33 UFO field in any way for the last few years I've heard about this this is something that hit the scene in 4:41 2019 very explosive notes written by Dr Eric Davis detailing his meeting in 2002 with 4:49 a former Admiral retired Admiral Thomas R Wilson who's pictured here all regarding Wilson's failed attempt in 4:57 1997 to gain access to a contractor's 5:02 program dealing with UFO technology and indeed their possession of an alien craft and their attempts to understand 5:08 the technology of it all of that is laid out in Davis's notes uh when those notes 5:13 came out in 2019 a number of UFO researchers shouting very vociferously that these 5:20 were hoax they would the movie script whatever there is literally no leg for these 5:25 people to stand on at this point I mean there really wasn't prior to the publication of LA's book but with the 5:31 publication of this journal there is absolutely not a not a chance that what 5:38 they have is a legitimate argument here these notes are real uh valet's book provides what I say is unequivocal proof 5:45 of the reality of Davis's meeting with Wilson in O2 and the creation of his 5:50 notes to describe them accurately I'm just going to discuss a little bit I'm not going to belay but the whole Davis 5:55 Wilson thing talked about it many times but I do think it's useful 6:01 for us to go over some of the things valet has to say about it in these journals of his 6:06 and he has a lot to say I'm only going to be discussing a sliver 6:12 of it uh this is one thing that ballet writes about from Edgar Mitchell who of course is intimately involved with all 6:17 of this from back in 2000 it was of course from Mitchell's estate that the notes came out at all 6:24 and it was Mitchell who attended the meeting with Wilson in 1997 along with 6:30 UFO researcher Stephen Greer and navy Commander will Miller and a few other 6:35 individuals so here's Mitchell talking about this in 2002 valet and he just 6:41 says I participated in the meeting in the Pentagon with the Joint Chiefs 6:46 intelligence Chief that's Wilson he goes on he says it was quite factual 6:52 discussing credibility of sightings UFO sightings the possible existence of a 6:57 covert government organization and reviewed testimony of a few military 7:03 eyewitnesses all interesting he goes on he says the particular vice admiral again that's Wilson and staff seemed 7:10 naive and uninformed this is Mitchell talking the valet about the meeting he 7:15 goes on he says the Admiral promised to look into the issue of a covert high 7:21 level organization you know something along the lines of maybe an mj-12 or some other kind of 7:27 deeply secret UFO Management program and Mitchell then concluded the statement to 7:34 valet by saying a few weeks later Miller Commander will Miller who's part of their group 7:40 received a cryptic call from the Admiral's office saying only you are correct 7:47 so that that's one interesting statement that you get there's a few others here let me just pull up again this is valet 7:53 talking about the Davis Wilson situation in 2003 and he is talking about Wilson at this 8:01 point valet is you know he's involved with all the folks over at nibs that is the National 8:07 Institute for Discovery Science which included people like Eric Davis and halput off and kid green and Edgar 8:12 Mitchell and Colm Kelleher and many others so he's obviously quite familiar 8:18 with the whole Davis Wilson Saga by this time and what valet is saying is 8:23 he's just saying Wilson was unimpressed by Greer and he was upset at the meeting 8:29 with Miller who sounded flaking but he was reportedly influenced by 8:35 Shannon that is Oak Shannon uh that's just an interesting thing because Oak Shannon uh was recently a 8:42 few months ago interviewed by Jay over at Project Unity uh who did very very fine job with him and Oak 8:49 Shannon talked about his involvement in connecting Wilson to Davis and to this 8:55 group in general so here's valet simply writing about it in his from his 9:01 perspective um and now Wilson agreed to look into the existence of a possible secret project 9:09 involving UFO Hardware he goes on William Perry Secretary of Defense at the time 9:16 authorized his review of Black Project budgets and Wilson did find a 9:22 multi-billion Dollar discrepancy that he tracked down as general Jack Sheehan had 9:28 done a few years earlier we will get to Sheehan in a moment 9:42 foreign 9:54 foreign 10:01 Secretary of Defense at the time authorized his review of Black Project 10:07 budgets and Wilson did find a multi-billion Dollar 10:13 discrepancy that he tracked down as general Jack Sheehan had done a few 10:19 years before I'll get I'm going to come back to Jack Sheehan shortly so just put a little pin in that uh 10:25 all this simply confirms what many of us already knew so that's valet talking about that again 10:32 hang on Jack Sheen's very interesting person in all of us one one mistake minor one that valet makes here is that 10:40 Perry was no longer Secretary of Defense when Wilson was looking into the black 10:47 budget records that in Spring of 1997 Perry had recently retired in that role but what does seem 10:55 to be true at least what Davis's notes indicate is that um Wilson 11:00 talked to Perry about it and Perry gave him advice on how to go through the 11:06 system so that that part is accurate he goes on and uh now he's talking about 11:12 Davis's transcript itself that notes and ballet says the transcript is stupefying 11:18 here is Wilson explaining that he searched through the records of special 11:24 access programs under the authority of the sapoc that's a special uh Access 11:29 program oversight committee and of course that is all detailed in in the notes indeed 11:35 he goes on he says he found not one but three programs related to UFOs none of 11:40 the three would talk to him my reading of that is more like four programs but whatever 11:45 valet goes on he says it became clear that all they wanted out of the meeting was to know how Wilson had learned of 11:53 their existence this is something by the way that when I was shown these notes back in 2006 12:00 I was shown only a few pages of the notes but I also was told explicitly by the individual show them to me that one 12:09 of the primary reasons Wilson was able to get a meeting at all with these individuals who we call The Gatekeepers 12:16 was because they wanted to know how he had found out about the program and here's valet saying the exact same thing 12:22 he goes on he's just again describing Davis notes no they said they had an 12:29 alien craft they had been studying it for many years and they were getting nowhere they gave him no details they 12:36 said they had almost been outed once a valet again 12:41 refers to Jack sheehani evidently referring to General Sheehan's inquiry so they were nervous I'm going to 12:47 suggest a little later that they were not referring to General Xi'an they were referring to another individual who also 12:53 nearly out of the program we'll get to all of that ballet then states of security budget 12:59 for the program was six or seven times the research budget something again that I have been told as well by individuals 13:06 connected to all of us so let's talk about Jack Sheehan we're not going to belabor uh Thomas Wilson at 13:12 this point any longer and there's no need there again if there's anyone who really wants to maintain that the Davis notes 13:19 are fake and who say you know silly things like well you know Wilson denied it so we have to take him at his word 13:26 our journalists literally who have this position I cannot believe it or people who say well Davis won't confirm it 13:32 uh yes of course Davis is not going to confirm it of course Wilson's not going 13:38 to confirm it if you read Davis's notes that he takes Wilson actually said if this ever comes 13:44 out I'm going to deny it 100 1000 it's obvious how could he possibly 13:50 uh confirm that I mean put yourself in that position you know you're deeply engaged in all of these uh classified 13:56 programs you've got your security classifications to your clearances to be concerned about and you're going to just 14:02 admit uh that this thing is true and just break all of your all the trust 14:07 that all of your other people in the intelligence Community have in you of course they're not going to do that it's ridiculous but I think we're at the 14:14 point where there is there's no leg for any of the Skeptics of Davis notes to stand on but let's continue and 14:21 talk about Jack Sheehan who uh was head of NATO's Atlantic commanders four stars in ant-man's Lapel 14:28 there he uh was very important during the 1990s and he also 14:35 uncovered the project we can say and that's really list indicated in ballet's notes here so let's let's just get into 14:42 it uh valet talks about a meeting between with Sheen and Joe firmage and Hal puttoff 14:49 in 1996 and then later with firmage again in 98 and actually I believe a 14:55 third time that Joe firmish may have met with Sheen Joe firmage for those of you who may not recall was a young Tech I 15:03 think he was a billionaire back in the late 90s unfortunately for him lost really his vast fortune in the.com Crash 15:11 of the spring of 2000. but up to that point was uh doing very 15:17 very well and was to our Point here deeply engaged in the UFO subject and 15:23 spending a lot of money and paying a lot of researchers to do uh UFO research and before it really all fell apart for 15:32 him in the early 2000s but in any case so he had met with this General 15:37 in 96 along with Hal putoff so they did this together I think that's interesting so valet is writing about it 15:45 and by the way I will just mention um in the early 2000s I had a few 15:50 Communications myself with Joe firmage uh in person and on the phone just 15:55 basically got to meet him uh which was interesting but he did tell me on one occasion that he had met with a 16:01 four-star general about this and so here it is now uh coming out in ballet's journals uh what he valet writes is that 16:08 Joe and Hal had started the discussion by showing the mj-12 documents to 16:14 Sheehan he vaguely said he had seen something like that that's kind of interesting uh 16:20 he's not saying that they're real he's not saying it's valid he's saying he had seen something like that you could say 16:27 maybe that's kind of non-committal fair enough but he could have also said that looks like total nonsense and apparently 16:33 he did not say that to them uh let's continue ballet writes Shee and then 16:39 told the story of his boss instructing him to take a 16:45 flight to a certain facility ballet rides presumably a Lockheed site 16:50 that's interesting where he saw and touched a craft 16:56 he also said he would honor his secrecy oath and not reveal more however he did 17:02 say he did acknowledge that he found a nine billion dollar discrepancy in some 17:09 budgets which led him to uncover the project this is all valet describing 17:15 this he seemed Disturbed at the absence of oversight 17:22 uh and one thing that came out here which makes perfect sense is that Sheehan was very close to former 17:29 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld from cell of course with Secretary of Defense under George W bush in the early 17:36 2000s and you can Wonder 17:42 did Rumsfeld also know about this UFO project and about the craft and so forth 17:49 and it you know you can't really automatically assume even though 17:54 Rumsfeld was Xi'an Superior um well actually Sheehan retired in 97. 18:04 uh he was a Marine Corps four-star general retired in 97. Rumsfeld didn't become Secretary of 18:11 Defense until a few years after that so it's it's really not clear in you know 18:16 wood Rumsfeld have known what she and knew or not I think it's very likely Rumsfeld did know Donald Rumsfeld was 18:22 very capable SEC death and you know he'd been deeply involved in Washington power politics since the mid 18:30 70s he had a high level job under uh Gerald Ford back in 1975. So Donald Rumsfeld 18:38 I'm going to guess probably new everything that Jack Sheehan knew knows Chan's still alive 18:45 but um anyway I think that's just a very interesting statement now what is not clear is when Sheehan had that 18:53 experience with the craft and uncovering the program and and all of that uh 19:00 prior he became ahead of NATO's Atlantic command in October 94. prior to that he 19:07 held the position of J-3 which was director of operations at the Joint Chiefs of Staff Wilson in 97 was deputy 19:15 director J2 as director of intelligence and Wilson soon after his experience 19:21 became promoted to uh director of intelligence J2 but Sheehan was j3 and 19:27 that meant director of operation so that's in the early 90s at the Joint Chiefs he clearly was in a very good 19:34 position to know a number of things but it is not clear from valet's notes 19:39 as to when uh that whole thing happened so let's leave Sheehan we're going to 19:45 talk about Charles bauscher now I I think Charles Bowser Bowser's story 19:50 is very very interesting and important and this is another man who uncovered 19:57 what we can call the project he was comptroller General of the United States for 15 years from 1981 to 1996. that's 20:05 through two terms of Ronald Reagan one full term of George Herbert Walker Bush and uh most of President Bill Clinton's 20:13 first term as well 15 years and he is discussed in this book let's talk about 20:19 Charles bauscher valet speculates or believes I think in his 20:25 journal that Bowser may be one of the four iron posts Beyond Xi'an and Wilson and here he was 20:33 referring to something that Hal putoff had described as his four iron posts essentially uh the impression you get is 20:41 that these are the individuals that puttoff believed were the most absolutely strong 20:46 uh individuals who knew of the existence of the alien Tech reverse engineering 20:53 program okay so the the three three would be Wilson Sheehan and bauscher it's not 21:00 clear who the fourth one is but here's Bowser so let's continue uh 21:05 valet writes Bowser found a crashed UFO program during a massive audit of 21:12 classified projects less than a handful of officials knew about it in the period 1984 to 1985 21:21 bauscher uncovered a bizarre special Access program cover-up which this is 21:29 valet writing here surely violated every classification executive order 21:35 regulation and Congressional rule I really like the way valet described this 21:41 very comprehensive and very very definitive and I I think he is certainly 21:46 right here he goes on he writes in his journal they 21:52 contemplated turning it over to justice for prosecution 21:57 can you imagine just like put yourself in this situation for a second you have the Comptroller 22:04 General of the United States in the mid-1980s doing an audit of the Pentagon doing an audit of the special access 22:10 programs within the Pentagon finding apparently this type of a program here 22:15 and and concluding you're doing things that are really wrong and in fact totally illegal and we're going after 22:22 you this is not right we're not going to put up with this that's what he's describing here this is incredible 22:29 um let me just make sure I've got it all uh Congressional rule they contemplated 22:34 turning it over to justice for prosecution but a powerful person in DOD quenched it according to valet how he 22:40 writes it uh we're going to find we're going to delve more into this in a moment and I think it's a bit more 22:46 complex than that but I think he's got the fundamentals correct here and then valet concludes he says the program 22:52 according to the reviewers had to do with an exotic non-earthly vehicle 23:00 all right so this is this is Bowser now let me just uh let's 23:05 take you to Davis's notes here we're going to return I'm just going to quote from Pages 10 and 11 of those notes so 23:13 Davis of course is interviewing Wilson in 2002 they're discussing it and he's 23:18 quoting Wilson roughly speaking Wilson says they the he's talking about The 23:24 Gatekeepers who we got to meet with The Gatekeepers of the alien reverse engineering program they said they were 23:29 formed out of necessity to protect themselves after a near disaster in the past 23:37 almost blew their cover something to do with an agreement that was reached with a couple of Pentagon 23:44 SES that senior executive Service uh basically Personnel oversight 23:50 who are overseeing special access programs in those days we're vague about when that was 23:57 he goes on he says this is again Wilson years ago in past an audit investigation 24:04 led to them and it wasn't supposed to nearly outed 24:11 he goes on a battle a nasty back and forth between them and 24:17 the investigator and his Pentagon Chief ensued like a tug of war for program 24:24 transparency they told me money was the issue they're hiding out 24:30 became the other issue and uh he says some kind of threat was leveled 24:37 to blow the lid off them so they backed down and let the investigator in to 24:44 complete his job they work very hard to keep program 24:49 hidden and I think Davidson says well what happened with that and Wilson says he was officially 24:56 briefed given the tour shown their program said after that episode a formal 25:02 agreement was struck with Pentagon people at sapoc to prevent this in the future did not want to repeat special 25:09 criteria were established in agreement he goes on a special circumstance that must meet 25:17 rigorous access criteria set by contractor committee the contractor 25:22 committee no U.S government Personnel are to gain access unless they met the 25:28 criteria which was to be administered by the contractor committee who's the 25:33 contractor committee Wilson tells Davis that is the program director the attorney and the security director in 25:40 other words The Gatekeepers of the contractor that he was meeting with at that time they were the ones who made 25:45 who determined the criteria for Access by U.S government personnel 25:51 and Wilson says irregardless of the tickets or position of the U.S 25:56 government Personnel in other words tickets meaning their security clearances didn't matter how how high your clearance was didn't matter what 26:02 your position was The Gatekeepers determined who is in and who is out 26:08 and as Wilson concludes he says literally their way or the highway so just a couple of things to review there 26:16 I think Davis's notes really ex expand significantly and give an extra amount 26:22 of detail on what valet is also writing about in his journal which is that uh you know ballet says a 26:29 DOD quenched the investigation that's basically true but where you get in Davis's notes is a vast amount of much 26:36 more detail in how this fight really went back and forth and how uh I think 26:42 this is really all referring to Bowser here I don't think this is referring to Xi'an I could be wrong maybe it's 26:48 referring to Sheehan but you're talking about an audit I mean that's what the Comptroller General does uh you're 26:55 talking about you know dealing with government transparency again that's something that 27:00 a comptroller would be much more obsessed with frankly than military individuals not not that they wouldn't 27:07 care either but this is what it strikes without strikes me as and then also where you know 27:13 Wilson's talking about years ago quite a while ago get the idea so we're talking maybe more than a decade ago 27:20 so my feeling is that when you read uh valets vol 5 here of his Forbidden 27:26 Science you're you're seeing a large amount of connection to other data 27:32 points that are already out that we already have such as Davis's notes they certainly correspond I would say very 27:39 very carefully so let's think about this just let's pause here you're talking about three 27:46 specific threats to deeply a deeply classified you uh 27:55 government program government slash contractor program to 28:00 study well alien technology that's really what we're talking about 28:06 these are three very high level individuals bow shashian and Wilson all of them were in very responsible 28:12 positions at the time that they stumbled onto the program or the programs 28:19 each of them uh certainly Bowser certainly Wilson we know both made a 28:25 really big stink about this Wilson you know he's talking to The Gatekeepers he's telling them this is your mistake 28:31 that you have not brought me into the program and I'm going to talk to Washington about this and uh you know 28:38 what he tells Davis is that their attitude was pretty nonchalant they didn't really care their attitude was 28:44 essentially well go go ahead this hasn't affect us we're not afraid of you and they had very good reason not to be 28:50 afraid because as is indicated here they got legal status 28:57 to be the ones to decide who's in and who's out so it's their decision 29:02 and indeed Wilson go went back to Washington did complain and he was threatened with his career 29:09 all of that is detailed in the notes it's not so clear how strongly Sheehan 29:15 may have complained if he found a nine billion discrepancy uh valet did right 29:21 that Xi'an was I think it was disturbed by the lack of transparency so he wasn't happy about it either none of these men 29:28 were happy about what they found so you could say three times in 12 or 13 years 29:36 that's a lot you know you stop and think about it that's it's quite significant for a program 29:42 that is so serious so secret so profoundly revolutionary and its 29:47 implications for our world three times in just about a dozen or more years that 29:53 this program uh ran into some serious internal opposition that wanted to you 29:58 know to out it potentially so you can look at it uh in that sense as a positive sign in 30:06 favor of transparency but then you have to recognize well in every one of those cases the system 30:12 was able to protect its secrecy every single time so what does that tell us about this system it tells tells me 30:20 that this system works very well very effectively at maintaining its secrecy 30:25 against all significant opposition they sometimes had to scramble it a 30:31 little bit looks like the bow share situation in the mid 80s was a real 30:36 Danger where things perhaps were in danger of coming out maybe but they took their measures to 30:44 ensure that it wouldn't and that was that so a system 30:49 what I would have sometimes referred to as legal illegality essentially came into place where these individuals were 30:56 able to manage a multi-billion dollar research and development and expensive 31:03 program in terms of security to manage all of that on taxpayer expense by the way and to 31:11 have the US government as their essentially their security system to 31:16 keep them away from all prying eyes that's really the system as it has come 31:21 into place and you know we uh in in the western Nations you know you always hear 31:26 about uh what the United States or Western Europe being described as described as democracies 31:32 well I will just ask you to consider how Democratic is this system that we're talking about here democracy coming from 31:39 the Greek word demos meaning people government of the people that's what democracy is supposed to 31:45 signify and yet does it what do we really have what is the true 31:52 nature of our system I I believe I'm not saying that we have a full-blown totalitarian or a full-blown 31:58 dictatorship what we what we have is something that we don't have proper language for 32:04 and that we really need proper language for we don't have a true kind of 32:09 conceptual understanding of the kind of system that is truly in place we call it 32:14 a democracy out of shared laziness and out of share expediency for those people who run the system because it's in their 32:20 interest to call it democracy obviously because that's what people want to hear that's not what we have 32:26 it's a system of secrecy it's a system of immense power that is in the case of the 32:33 UFO UAP phenomenon exercise behind the scenes with well apparently little to no oversight 32:40 so we're going to continue here because there's a bit more of significance and I still need to get to zodiac that's very 32:46 important but before I get to that I'm going to mention this man here this is a brigadier general Donald Flickinger he 32:52 appears in this journal as well and I think in in a fairly significant way uh 32:59 Flickinger was a general but what really makes him significant is that he was a medical doctor 33:04 and he does give what I think can fairly be 33:09 said as a confirmation of some form of alien autopsy again this is not to talk 33:15 about the Santilli film I think we need to just step away from that and recognize that throughout the history of 33:21 the UFO UFO research there have been a number of researchers uh particularly Leonard Stringfield comes to mind who 33:29 encountered a number of statements and bits of testimony that spoke to the 33:35 reality of an alien autopsy phenomenon on multiple occasions and so here is 33:41 this man Donald Flickinger also speaking about it so what's the context so this is again in ballet's 33:47 book and here he's talking about Dr kit green or Christopher green formerly of the CIA 33:53 many people know who kid Green is uh one thing that he stated was that 34:00 Flickinger was kind of a mentor to him and here's valet describing what kit green said about Flickinger who died in 34:07 1997 uh at about age of 90. kit green says Don told me he had seen 34:15 the alien autopsy material too many years earlier when he was the first 34:22 Air Force MD to make the rank of General officer he told me it was all real 34:31 that's all I've got to say on Flickinger it's just a very interesting 34:36 statement and I just wanted to make sure that it got out there I want to talk now about former president uh the late 34:43 President George Herbert Walker Bush this to me is another just nice little 34:48 bombshell that is dropped in this book where Bush in 2004 in his retirement is 34:54 talking to Dr Eric Davis Eric Davis has just joined in 2004 the 35:01 afio The Association of Former Intelligence Officers a very significant organization which at the time 35:07 apparently the number two person in that organization I'm sure it was honorary was was the former president of course 35:13 George Bush had been director of the CIA if you remember back in the 70s so uh bush 35:22 is confirming it let's let's get dig into it Davis uh upon joining the afio 35:27 in04 had two phone conversations with former President Bush it's quite interesting which valet writes about 35:34 so the first conversation uh Davis mentions to the president his interest 35:40 in the Philip Corso Revelations can you imagine what a conversation this had to 35:45 be so Philip Corso of course in 97 had written a book called The Day After Roswell where he is saying in the early 35:52 60s working under General Arthur Trudeau he was tasked with segwaying alien 35:58 technology to Private Industry okay it was a huge explosive Revelation 36:03 at the time people argued back and forth about it and so on so here's Davis talking to President Bush about it I 36:10 just think that's incredible so Davis asks he says could it be that 36:16 Corso was mistaken in dealing with the material he was handling could that have been Nazi Hardware 36:23 could that have been Nazi Hardware yeah a lot of people might wonder that right always rumors of rumors about the 36:28 Germans with their Advanced program during World War II Bush says impossible 36:34 impossible the two topics were clearly separated by that time which 1947 Bush 36:41 said all German Secrets had been processed and filed away they were not 36:46 used as cover for anything else now it has to be said Bush was not saying that 36:52 definitely Corso was handling alien material but he also wasn't not saying that at least 36:58 as Davis related to valet one would think if Bush thought the whole thing was BS 37:05 he would have said to Davis like come on man what's wrong with you get get it together you're talking about alien 37:10 nonsense stop he didn't do that he just said he just Kai Bosh the whole Nazi 37:15 connection he didn't he didn't have anything to say about the alien connection I thought that was quite interesting so here's where it gets even 37:22 more interesting the second phone conversation where they got into the Holloman film 37:28 now that's the uh 1971 an alleged Landing of a UFO at Holloman Air Force 37:34 Base in New Mexico been much discussed in the lore uh for years and years and 37:39 years valet says which remains a fixation for 37:44 Hal Eric and me I thought that was a nice little touch the Holloman film so Davis asks George Bush about this film 37:55 and and what valley ripes is the former president was aware of it 38:01 okay so by itself that's kind of an amazing thing right I mean you think about the the attitude of the 38:08 establishment in 2004. who in the hell is going to be talking about something like the Holloman Phil 38:15 in those circles openly publicly no one at all George Bush Senior would never 38:21 ever ever talked about that kind of thing publicly or acknowledge its reality he would have said I don't know what you're talking about but here he's 38:28 talking to Davis about it and he knows about it but it gets even better so Davis asks 38:33 Davis asks Bush okay you're aware of it let's get real here was that a training 38:40 film was that a special ops exercise in other words was there a conventional explanation 38:47 to that whole event and what Bush says is no 38:53 it was the real thing there was a secret project 38:59 said Bush and the security was obscene that was his word security was obscene 39:05 so he's talking about it in the past tense so you might think well maybe there isn't a present version of that 39:12 but I think that's kind of ridiculous of course there's a present version of it bush is talking about ancient history here the 1971 Holloman and he's also 39:19 referring to what he knew in his active years with CIA and as president so yeah he's going to talk about the security 39:26 was obscene the program was real this was the real thing an extraordinary 39:33 statement by George Herbert Walker Bush on what I 39:39 will say is the UFO and the E.T reality and here it is in valet's book really 39:45 for the first time I think you get something approaching you know a specific statement that I 39:52 think can reliably be attributed to the former president uh his people around him would probably 39:57 say Ah that's all rumor that's all sir you know uh you know just people talking but look we're getting this directly 40:05 from valet to uh from Davis to valet and so you can say well Davis is just making 40:11 this up but you know I don't think that's the case I don't think there's any reason that any rational person 40:17 would say that you're talking about friends who have you know deep knowledge 40:22 and who are very careful in we're laying this only to themselves valet happens to 40:27 write it in his journal so it gets published uh but I don't think there is any reason 40:34 whatsoever to doubt that Davis was telling ballet the truth and that bush literally said what valet is writing so 40:40 real interesting stuff um before we get to zodiac I just I think this is also a significant 40:46 statement that valet makes just about uh there the assessment of how UFO UAP 40:53 secrecy evolved over the years and he's just writing I forget what year this was 40:59 maybe 0506 I can't recall ballet says my friends believe the hardware reverse 41:04 engineering project in question is not a simple special Access program 41:10 but belongs to quote a special subset of the unacknowledged carve out waived 41:16 programs this is a really a reference to the what 41:22 you get in Davis's notes with Wilson valet says in other words there is no way to know the code word 41:29 and the budgets hidden inside other special access budgets stacked like 41:36 Russian dolls that's a good analogy like Russian dolls one fitting into another 41:41 into another into another into another how do you get to the ultimate 41:49 truth because you've got programs buried or nested within other programs 41:55 exactly now and then he has this to say about 42:00 how the secrecy or at least what he and his Circle believe how the secrecy 42:06 evolved he's writing evidently the program was inside the government at some point he's 42:12 talking about the reverse engineering program the program to study alien Tech 42:18 he says evidently the program was inside the US government at some point under Nixon it got transferred to a private 42:25 contractor in order to secure it and he goes on as in the remote viewing 42:31 program at SRI the parts that the managers wanted kept secret were handled 42:37 as proprietary not subject to Freedom of Information classified papers are 42:43 subject to review and reclassification while proprietary data can be kept secret forever yes exactly and this is 42:50 something that again in the UFO research field you've had 42:55 a number of researchers talking about this for a long long time that it's not just classified we're 43:03 talking about matters that are proprietary it's the it's a very effective way to take a sensitive 43:10 subject out of public purview in a particularly this became I think very 43:16 valuable after the 1970s when the Freedom of Information Act was strengthened in 1974 and when 43:25 researchers were able to start petitioning the United States government for UFO documents starting around that 43:31 period of time well at that point uh you know when you start getting privatization the 43:37 information is no longer formally or legally under the purview of the United 43:42 States government it becomes under the purview of a private contractor to the United States government therefore 43:48 impervious to foia that's a really effective system 43:54 it's a system again of legal illegality now let's talk about zodiac 43:59 absolutely fascinating elements here that you get in valet's book and I'm gonna we're gonna be bouncing around to 44:04 other sources as well when I talk about this so here's valet in 2000 writing in 44:10 the year 2000 about um a Ned's board meeting again nibs is the National Institute for Discovery 44:16 Science headed owned by Robert Bigelow at the time which included people like valet people like Eric Davis who's 44:22 pictured here people like help putoff and John Alexander and kid green and comb Kelleher 44:27 and Edgar Mitchell all of them were on the board of Ned's at the time so ballet 44:33 is writing about a nid's meaning in 2000 and he says the first topic concerned the 44:40 revelations of a former TRW employee TRW of course with major defense 44:46 contractor bought out by uh Northrop in O2 or 0402 I think 44:53 he goes on an attorney friend of her hers the employee the woman an attorney friend of hers has gathered her 45:00 testimony she was part of a secret reverse engineering project called 45:06 zodiac Eric has compiled his own file 45:14 in 2001 ballet continues he's coming back to this he says Eric Davis retold 45:19 the story of zodiac which involves real people like Jerry Rosenberg currently at Ida 45:25 I think that's Institute for defense analyzes and Dale Graf who was part of the remote 45:31 viewing experiments at Wright-Patterson now let's just stop right there that's interesting 45:38 Dale Graf uh dealing with remote viewing it right first of all remote viewing at wright-patterson's interesting but 45:44 having a remote viewing expert dealing with zodiac is also interesting why 45:49 would that be the case well when you look through some of the history of this subject you go back 45:56 through um I should have pulled this up as a slide Wilbert Smith in 1950 who writes his 46:02 memo to the Canadian government after his uh meeting with Dr Robert sarbacher 46:08 in 1950 where Smith is telling his government people about what he learned and saying that U.S government people 46:15 believe that there's critically important mental phenomena to this 46:21 subject not that it's make-believe but that there's you get the impression it's kind of a telepathic thing happening 46:27 here there's something Beyond mere physicality Smith's writing about this in 1950 and so uh and then you know 46:34 you've got the famous Case of Dr Eric Walker something that I've talked about a number of times Grant Cameron's 46:40 talking about Eric Walker quite a bit where Walker gets a phone call from a researcher who uh they're talking about 46:47 Psy phenomena being very very important in the management of the UFO dealing 46:54 with the UFO subject Walker basically said look if you don't know the mathematics or at least understand PSI 47:00 phenomenon there's no one will want you in the program so cyphenomenon is important and here we have valet 47:07 mentioning a person dealing with remote viewing as part of zodiac I just think 47:13 that's an interesting connection he goes on valet writes Eric has been told 47:19 there are 10 vilabine volumes at Wright-Patt with Roswell data concerning 47:24 two crashed manta ray shaped craft recovered bodies 47:31 foil type material and a special study by TRW 47:38 now let's go to this email this is uh from the final page of the infamous 47:44 alien autopsy email thread I mentioned that a little while ago in which Summit 47:49 researchers really lost it it was actually kind of funny uh when this whole thing came out there were people 47:55 like that whole thing I can't believe these people are talking about the reality of the santilly autopsy email 48:01 those idiots missing the entire Point uh first of all in 1999 there was still some debate as 48:08 to whether that um autopsy video was legit or not and in fact look if you 48:13 really want to get into it there are still people who may maintain it but I'm not here to discuss that it's not the point 48:19 what I am interested in is the attitude that the individuals on this email 48:24 thread uh have about alien autopsy in general but then there's this last 48:31 email from July 31st 1999 by Hal put off to kid green and Kip's wife Kristen and 48:38 this is what Hal put off writes in 99 he says just wanted to check uh didn't I send you a package of UFO 48:45 magazine articles by the pseudonymus author sedge Masters concerning uh crash 48:53 retrievals by a group called zodiac if so still hoping for a readout by you 48:59 on this as we have reason to believe the uh trying to read this here 49:06 as we have reason to believe the set of stories three I think are only slightly fictionalized versions of a sources 49:14 experiences writing up records for the archives at Wright-Patterson Air Force 49:19 Base specifically ever heard of zodiac which is supposed to be the true name 49:25 yeah interesting It Goes On by the way this last little statement's kind of interesting too it's the second question comb Kelleher once mentioned that you 49:34 had seen real autopsy records are you holding out on me with a nice little smiley face yeah that's interesting but 49:41 the other thing about zodiac and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base well uh and the sedge Masters what's that all 49:48 about well after looking into this I realized I had I personally had those three issues of UFO magazine and so what 49:55 I did was I um took photographs of every page and I turned them all into one PDF which 50:02 is on my website it's a free download I'm going to provide a link below here I would strongly recommend anyone 50:07 interested uh download the PDF read the series of Articles this is very interesting why is it interesting well 50:14 here's a couple of pages from it it is because so here are the issues so May and June 50:21 of 1998 September 1998 and December 98 those are the three issues of UFO 50:27 magazine where this series appears um it is written uh how putoff's email 50:33 had it almost right he had a couple of things slightly wrong there but uh this was written by a man under a 50:40 pseudonym who was the attorney or the friend of that TRW employee and that woman's name 50:47 was Mary Elizabeth Elliott and she recently about a year and a half ago passed away so she's the TRW employee 50:55 her friend who wrote this article this series of Articles was named Jeffrey Griffith 51:01 he wrote it however under a pseudonym the pseudonym was Greg Halifax so there's all these different names floating around and then the story is 51:07 about sedge Masters so okay so the whole thing is so 51:13 essentially what you've got is a situation where Mary Elliott had information gained through her 51:20 experience at TRW dealing with project zodiac she clearly tells whatever she tells to 51:27 her friend and attorney Jeffrey Griffith who's also interested in UFO subject and 51:32 he takes it on his initiative to write under a pseudonym essentially the information she's giving 51:38 him for this three-part series on UFO magazine that's really what we've got the sedge Master story is really Mary 51:44 Elizabeth Elliott's story that she got to learn as told to her friend Jeffrey 51:50 Griffith as Hal putoff I think accurately said in all likelihood a not so fictionalized 51:57 story of Crash retrievals of UFOs and that's what this three-part series really is about I'll just show you a few 52:03 uh nice little juicy tidbits from it along with some of the illustrations which I think are interesting also 52:10 um Griffith here writes it soon became clear that these crafts were from some 52:15 planet or solar system other than our own as they were occupied by two kinds of beings which clearly were not of 52:23 Earthly origin yeah and he goes on this is an interesting image here right of aliens and glass cases he says there 52:30 seemed to be at least four types of occupants including humanoids Nordic in 52:36 appearance and small strong hairy ones with no evidence of telepathic 52:41 communication abilities speculation in the popular literature notwithstanding that's an interesting statement right he 52:48 says however there is some sort of empathetic manipulation and thought 52:53 control ability okay you can believe that or not but it's an interesting take and 53:00 I think one could make that argument that this may in fact be the case uh here's some more 53:06 uh illustrations this look like this could be maybe the Aztec or maybe the Kingman UFO crash 53:13 um some color illustrations as well you've got the dead aliens and the craft and 53:18 you've got uh on the left there it looks like something that George adamski could have taken a picture of being lifted 53:25 onto a a vehicle to take to a secure location undoubtedly so very 53:34 interesting and um this is a final slide that I want to show you here 53:39 this is we're going back to Eric Davis notes from his meeting with Thomas Wilson 53:44 and I just want to bring this to your attention this is the final page of those notes Davis just states that he told Wilson 53:53 about Mary Elizabeth Elliott TRW story 53:58 so that's explicitly mentioned he mentions Mr Wilson and that's interesting because what's obvious is 54:04 that uh let me just take this off for a second that this was a story that 54:09 somehow came to the nibs group it came to Dave as a games of playoff it came to valet came to 54:15 um everyone at Ned's they were clearly interested in this story 54:21 Davis and now an O2 meets with Wilson and tells Wilson about this story which essentially is 54:30 fictionalized written about in this UFO magazine series so what does Wilson say about it 54:36 Wilson says Mary Elliot sounds like the real deal based on her info and behavior 54:44 with attorney Jeffrey W Griffith has mentioned by name now we don't I don't know what that behavior is it's not 54:49 clear there's a lot of information that still is missing but I think that's a very interesting statement uh Wilson 54:54 then said said to Dave is here probably will only come totally clean on her 55:00 deathbed 30 years from now and that is interesting also because she 55:06 did die just about a year and a half ago which was what's that um a little about 20 years later so okay 55:13 she didn't come clean publicly but she appears to have come clean at least to 55:19 Jeffrey Griffith that much seems to be evident and again Griffith wrote about this for UFO 55:27 magazine uh Griffith is still alive my understanding is but I also have been uh 55:32 made to understand he's not talking to anybody he's not happy about the publicity who 55:38 would be but there you go it's out so this is some really interesting just 55:45 fascinating information so let me bring this down to a conclusion here so what are we talking about here 55:53 well I would say you know valet's notes are quite important quite extraordinary there's a great amount of data in here 56:00 that makes it very clear that we're looking at Deep UFO secrecy something of great importance and in 56:07 which the public is totally locked out there's no discussion on this nothing that is Meaningful in the public Realm 56:14 when you compare this type of information with the platitudes given in 56:19 the Congressional hearings on UAP by representatives of the Pentagon 56:25 and utterly you know it's like black versus white here can there be any greater disconnect ask yourself can 56:30 there be any anything greater than the difference between what you get when when we peel away the surface 56:37 which is what the folks at the Pentagon are talking about you know Ronald Moultrie telling Congress we are 56:43 confident that if there's anything out there we can identify and if necessary mitigated 56:49 and as they are you know saying well we're looking into this we are trying to understand what this is all about uh as 56:56 if as if this is a new thing for them when clearly it is anything but this goes back for an entire human lifetime 57:05 and and it's just an incredible incredible level of Disconnect uh this is not to say that every single thing 57:13 valet wrote about has to be taken as gospel I'm not saying that but I do think that responsible researchers have 57:19 an obligation to take what he says seriously valet was in a very good position to say 57:26 the things that he did you consider the significance of 57:31 the UFO program being nearly outed three times over the course of 12 or 13 years 57:38 that that alone is a significant fact or uh alleged fact okay we could 57:44 say that looks like it's true we are looking you know if this if this 57:49 is as true as it appears we're looking at Clear evidence of differing factions within the government always differing 57:56 factions this is something that I have come back to again and again and again that I think some people seem to 58:03 understand and other people don't seem to understand but factions I think have always existed and it's clear which of 58:08 those factions has had the upper hand throughout as a faction of secrecy 58:14 obviously and it's been that way you know when you go back to the 1950s and 60s people like Donald Kehoe back then 58:20 writing about what he called the secrecy group they also had the upper hand and 58:25 continually won the the battles that they had to win but it doesn't mean that there weren't 58:30 factions that oppose them so now I think is the reality that we're 58:37 dealing with here and I wonder how much are broader media 58:42 or even the UFO research Community will develop the proper perspective 58:48 on the implications contained within this book of valets here 58:53 because there are really serious implications How deep the UFO cover-up is how 59:00 severely we have been lied to and are being lied to to this day 59:07 very significant information in here indeed well 59:12 that's all I've got for you I hope you found this interesting I think again these these themes are 59:19 significant uh they show you know I remember many years ago I did an article I think on uh I referred to uh the UFO 59:27 uh the official official lies that we get as Wonderland like Alice going into 59:33 Wonderland you know she goes into this fairy tale right this this crazy world where nothing makes sense and in fact 59:40 what I I realized many years ago is that you you engage in Wonderland every time 59:46 you turn on your official TV news back 20 years ago when I wrote that 59:52 piece uh people were doing TV a lot more but it doesn't really matter it's like anytime you engage in the official 59:59 established narratives you're basically becoming like Alice into Wonderland into 1:00:05 this crazy world where the actual real world this is 1:00:10 what's nuts like we're being led to believe that the UFO part of it is actually the crazy fantasy part when in 1:00:17 fact it is exactly reversed the the official platitudes that you are 1:00:23 given which says that UFOs are fictitious that's the Wonderland that's the fake that's the fake news 1:00:30 the reality that millions of people have around the world all the time where they 1:00:36 experience a UFO sighting some often Close Encounters that's the reality that's the real world 1:00:42 and we are lied to propagandized mind controlled 1:00:48 on a daily basis to be led to believe that that stuff isn't real when in fact 1:00:54 it is totally real and valet's journal here is volume Five I think is a very 1:01:00 useful valuable guide for us to kind of parse through a lot of those relevant 1:01:06 facts again it's not to say that he's infallible you know valet has had people over the years who've loved what he does 1:01:12 and is that people over the years who have strongly taken exception to his attitudes and opinions on many matters 1:01:18 relating to UFOs I myself have not agreed with everything thing that I've read by Jacque Valley but it doesn't 1:01:23 matter he's always interesting he is brilliant and and here what you're 1:01:29 getting is he has been in a very good position to gain some genuine insights into 1:01:35 matters that are of importance to all of us boom that's what you that's what we need 1:01:41 to understand well okay so that's that is now all I've got for you so I'm very uh grateful uh 1:01:48 for you staying with me to the end if you've done that I hope you feel it was worth it as always if you like this video please hit the like button turn on 1:01:55 notifications subscribe to this channel if you haven't already done so of course and also do visit my website 1:02:00 richardonemembers.com to see well this kind of thing that I do uh much more 1:02:06 frequently than on YouTube uh plus there's a great community of people there just amazing group of folks uh 1:02:11 both who write um comments to things that I post and also in the Forum on the on the site 1:02:18 there which is moderated and closed off to the rest of the world so it's um it's a cool place to go to a lot of good 1:02:25 people there that's it I will be back soon again I want to thank you for being here with us let's 1:02:30 keep fighting the good fight catch you all again later

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