Why evil and tragedy will not disappear from this world even if God exists.


(2021-01-16) added (2020-07-25) added (2020-06-26) create


- I came up with an answer to the question in the title. It's not much, but I'll record it before I forget. Perhaps someone else will come up with something similar.


Dr. Richard Carrier : God does not exist. That was proven 2300 years ago. (2018-11-25) Where is God? If there is a God, he will have to beg my forgiveness. (2013-05-20) Dr. Kenzo Tagawa's resentment and regret for a "god that does not exist" (2018-08-26) Dr. Kenzo Tagawa: "True Christians do not believe in God." Because God is an idol and does not exist. (2018-08-10) Note: Evil and God in Christianity (2012-02-01) The distortion of humanity, inflections, and foolishness that Jesus had. Me: Jesus' last words should have been. (2019-07-24)

the Epicurean paradox

He is famous also for the Epicurean paradox: Is god willing to stop evil, but unable? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able but not willing? Then he is evil. Is he willing and able? Then why is there evil? Is he unable and unwilling? Then why is he god? ref: https://www.reddit.com/r/philosophy/comments/2hippw/epicurus/
(The following section was added on 2020-07-25)


- Epicurus, who stated the paradox above, and Augustine, who also stated that:
"Either God does not desire to abolish evil or He cannot abolish it. If he does not desire it, God is not good. If he cannot do it, then God is not omnipotent."  ref: Note: Evil and God in Christianity (2012-02-01)
and also a prison Jews who carved the following text on the wall:  If there is a God, he will have to beg my forgiveness. (2013-05-20) and also Elie Wiesel, who asked himself the following question (and responded with a sarcastic answer):  Where is God? and also Dr. Kenzo Tagawa, discussed in the next article:  Dr. Kenzo Tagawa's resentment and regret for a "god that does not exist (2018-08-26)  ...are all mistaken. They all harbor an intense dependence on and unfulfilled desire for God (if there is an omnipotent and good God), "God would not leave us human beings alone. He would save us from our plight and hardships" (Hereafter abbreviated as GSU : God Save Us). - This GSU is deeply rooted because it projects onto God the sentiments that infants have for their mothers, even after adulthood. - But the GSU cannot be established even if there is an omnipotent and good God. In other words, an omnipotent and good God does not save mankind. The reason is simple. To understand this, we don't need esoteric theology or Zen-like spiritual nonsense. Common sense is enough. - The problem is the word omnipotent. The word omnipotence is a pitfall. Because of this pitfall, it has been regarded as a paradox. However, the pitfall can be avoided by the following analogy of infinite set theory.

Why an all-powerful and good God will not redeem mankind.

(2021-01-16 begin) - In a nutshell, humanity is not a redeemable object for a God-like being. This is why. - God is separated from human beings in the sense of omniscience and omnipotence. Because of this separation, from God's point of view, human beings cannot be objects of mercy or goodness. Man cannot be the object of God's righteousness or salvation. - Man does not want to apply human notions of justice and morality to bacteria, nor does he want bacteria to have faith in man. To God, human beings are like bacteria. - The following is a quote from a recent article.
- The same can be said of God. A being as capable as God does not deal with humans. Man can control and oversee the bacteria in the drains whenever he wants, but no one cares about that. No one cares whether the bacteria die or multiply slightly. No one thinks about granting the wishes of the disadvantaged individuals in the bacterial community. - That God competes, worries, suffers, and seeks salvation (metaphorically speaking, though we cannot imagine it) in the society to which he belongs. Just as bacteria cannot understand human debt distress, neither can humans understand God's suffering. - God is omniscient and omnipotent to man, but in God's society he is not all-powerful, but just one of the ordinary people. Hence, God seeks salvation from the Super-God. God has no room or intention to save mankind. - The same is true of the Super-God, who seeks salvation from the Super-Super-God. This also solves the Epicurean paradox. And this is the reason of Why evil and tragedy will not disappear from this world even if God exists. (part-2) (2020-07-25) - The Epicurean paradox is based on the pre-modern common sense that there is only one kind of infinite when "omniscience = infinite capacity." The infinite set theory pioneered by Cantor reveals that there is a difference between large and small infinities. In a crude way, real numbers are infinitely "greater" than integers. - Similarly, there is an infinite gap between what man means by omniscience and omnipotence and what a more-than-human being means by omnipotence. ref: Jordan Maxwell : It is ETs, not humans, that rule the earth. - http://news21c.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-17360.html (2021-01-15)

What happens when man becomes God?

- And by the way, hypothetically, what would happen if (and I don't ask how) humans transcended humans? - The answer is, that former human being will disappear from this world (i.e., the human recognizable range). That former human being does not guide or save this world. There is no "Bodhisattvas who become Buddhas and then return to this world to teach/save others," to put it in Buddhist terms. - Once they get their driver's license, no one goes to the driving school they used to go to. After serving their sentences and getting out of prison, no one wants to return to the prison with their friends. Graduates do not return to the same school as students. It is the same thing. They have new things to do in a new world.
- But.... In the first place, God must not be present in the world. For the world to continue to exist as the world, God must be absent. In that sense, God's absence is inevitable. ref: Philip K. Dick's Mystical Experiences and Their Verification (2018-08-04)
(2021-01-16 end)

By the way...

- In connection with this issue, considering Dr. Tagawa's next claim : Dr. Kenzo Tagawa: "True Christians do not believe in God." Because God is an idol and does not exist. (2018-08-10) ... ... ... (2020-07-25) (2021-01-16)


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(2022-07-18 translate)

First published article (Japanese)

Why evil and tragedy will not disappear from this world even if God exists. (part-3) (2021-01-16)