Specific cases of "blue light" causing brain damage and missing-time

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Two pilots who encountered the "blue light" lost consciousness → MRI revealed brain damage. There have been cases of missing-time due to "blue light" in the past.


- Eric Mitchell: Two military aircraft pilots who encountered a "blue light" (= UFO/UAP) were dazed upon their return; an MRI scan revealed damage to the brain (Cardiopathamine Basal Ganglia).
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22:55 highly emotional people very sensitive to other people's emotions pick them up like animals do 23:01 um there is a list that goes on and on and on that i guarantee you never made that 1500 pages and if it did it was 23:07 minute and underwritten the only people that were brain damaged that i know of were the first two pilots 23:14 that were brought in to stanford university and this is still classified but i don't have an nda i can speak i'm 23:20 a i'm an american citizen they were brought in to 23:25 take this thing down with no president whatsoever take this thing down okay 23:30 these two pilots went up they came down they were confused they needed an mri and it showed in the 23:36 mri immediate brain lesions immediate brain lesions you know in the same area 23:42 that the experiencer has a heightened sense of mind now 23:47 take that for what you will okay but experiences themselves 23:53 when they come across this blue light okay this electromagnetic field related 23:58 to the brain synopsis will light up the cardiopathamine basal ganglia 24:04 in a super cluster in which they now call the antenna this antenna when it thinks the left 24:11 brain and right brain doesn't do anything it reaches out and it receives information that proves intuition so if 24:17 anybody doesn't like the idea of intuition i'm sorry you're having a bad day
- EM: As for EMFs, they date back to 1952, and according to Lockheed Martin, many people have reported sightings of "blue light" and accompanying missing-time experiences. Maybe it is the effect on the basal ganglia.
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1:04:01 this electromagnetic field went black in 1952 by lockheed martin 1:04:07 um so a lot of people report the uh the blue light the missing time um all these 1:04:12 things this is what's going on it's directly affecting your cardioputainment basal ganglia super cluster
- EM: There was a reported incident of a large number of birds crashing, could this be due to EMF?
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tonight buddy but if you have that many birds 1:11:20 confused by about you know the electromagnetic field fluctuation over your home and they drop out of the sky 1:11:27 and and just die and land in your yard and i'm talking about thousands it's happened to jonathan it's happened to me 1:11:34 you know and that eluded me from day one of the electromagnetic field effects you know birds uh rely on that all the time 1:11:42 and uh you know that's something that jonathan and i have in common you know he contacted me uh once and uh uh we 1:11:49 started talking about it and yeah i mean this this strong electromagnetic field 1:11:54 is dropping birds out of the sky so if they didn't notice jonathan



My view 1

- As mentioned above, Eric Mitchell mentions the following key words in this video   Blue light, disorientation, brain damage, missing-time, EMF, abnormal bird behavior - These keywords explicitly suggest the identity of UFOs. However, all participants in this net conference, including Eric Mitchell himself, are convinced that "UFOs are real and that radiation and blue light emitted by UFOs are affecting the human brain." - I believe the mechanism is as follows.   (a) intense EMF anomalies are encountered at close range → brain damage   (b) Normal EMF abnormality encountered at a distance → temporary disturbance of consciousness  The blue light or orb would be a luminous phenomenon as a byproduct of EMF abnormality. UFOs as so-called ET vehicles are considered to be hallucinations brought on by disorders of consciousness.

My view 2

- The mechanism by which EMF anomalies produce such strong electromagnetic waves and radiation is unknown, but should be clarified in time." Anderson localization" is a candidate for the EMF concentration effect. Or, perhaps a laser-like amplification effect occurs as a natural phenomenon.


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) (2022-04-13)

First published

Eric Mitchell : Two pilots who encountered the "blue light" lost consciousness → MRI revealed brain damage. There have been cases of missing-time due to "blue light" in the past. (2022-04-13)

Original article

Eric Mitchell : 「青い光」に遭遇した二人のパイロットが意識障害 → MRI で脳の損傷を発見。過去に「青い光」で missing-time の事例も (2022-04-13)