Solving the Mystery of Dr. Bruce Maccabee's Officially Approved "Authentic Missing-Time Photographic Evidence"


(2022-06-03) Completion (2021-11-10) Addition (2021-06-03) Addition (2020-11-08) Created


- Dr. Bruce Maccabee's approved "Authentic Missing-time photographic evidence" is briefly discussed in the previous article below.   Dr. Lynne Kitei : Here is the video evidence of missing-time. (in progress: Part 1) (2020-06-08) - Recently, while reviewing a series of missing-time cases, I came across the case study in the previous article above. So, in reviewing these cases, I found that the "authentic missing-time photographic evidence" discovered and approved by Dr. Bruce Maccabee has nothing to do with missing-time and is perfectly reasonable and explainable. - But I digress. I have recently written a series of articles (see below) that refute Dr. Bruce Maccabee's claims, but this is mere coincidence, and I do not mean to discredit his work. ref: Dr. Bruce Maccabee's Predator photo - The following is a tentative version of this article. I plan to add more details at my leisure. It is hoped that by the time the article is completed, the reader will have already solved the riddle.

Overview of the Situation

- Dr. Lynne Kitei, a physician, saw and photographed a strange Orb from the balcony of her home. Her home is on a hillside, and from her balcony she has an extensive view of distant city lights. - The problem is not the orb, but the difference between the distant city lights in the two photos. These two photos were taken in only a few minutes. - Yet, the city lights in the two photographs change in a way that could not have happened in just a few minutes. In a follow-up study, it was found that it takes several hours for such a change in city lights to occur. - Dr. Bruce Maccabee, who noticed this change in the city lights, concluded that this was the first case of missing-time (the inexplicable disappearance of time normally experienced) and the first time it had been documented by physical evidence in the form of photographs.

Photo in question

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Dr. Bruce Maccabee Discovers the Strange Mystery of Photography

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Dr. Bruce Maccabee's rationale for determining that the mystery is missing-time

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Tips for solving the mystery

- If you intend to solve this missing-time puzzle entirely on your own, I recommend that you do not look at the following clues. - The following clues are intended to block the entrances to the maze and guide you to the shortest path to the exit. In other words, this is an easy mode setting for beginners. If you are a real UFO/occult enthusiast, you should avoid easy mode.

Beginner's Tips

▼Click to Expand - Dr. Lynne Kitei, a female doctor, is not lying. In other words, she is not lying when she says, "I clearly remember taking the second picture within minutes of taking the first one. She is being honest about her experience. - She is being truthful about her experience. There is no confusion in her sense of time, and she is not hallucinating. - Dr. Bruce Maccabee's analysis of the photographs is basically correct. Dr. Bruce Maccabee's photographic analysis is basically correct, i.e., a significant portion of the "distant city lights" in the first photograph is missing in the second photograph. - At the request of Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Lynne Kitei conducted a follow-up experiment to reproduce the situation at that time, and there is no irregularity in that follow-up experiment. In other words, there is no irregularity in the follow-up experiment that was conducted to show that the situation in the first photo does not become the situation in the second photo until several hours have passed (i.e., the city lights do not change significantly).
(2021-06-03 begin)

Pictures showing what was really happening

The source video (linked at the beginning of this article) may be deleted, so I have cut out a photo from the source video and posted it here. The following is a photo taken in the evening from the same balcony looking in the same direction, as shown by Lynne Kitei in her talk. Since it is difficult to see the photo due to the moiré mixture, I cropped several photos and added a brightness-adjusted version at the end of the video. 20201108_view.jpg 20201108_view2.jpg 20201108_view3.jpg ・Adjust brightness 20201108_view3_adj.jpg (2021-06-03 end)
(2021-11-10 begin)


- I saw a clear image of the photo taken from the balcony in the evening when it was still light (as posted on 2021-06-03), and I would like to record it here. - Those who may not have noticed "the true nature of missing-time" in the previous unclear photos, may be able to guess what it was when they see the clearer image below.

Another photo cut from the video

- A video interview with Lynne Kitei via the Internet that we recently saw included the image in question. That is the picture below.


GRANT CAMERON with Dr. Lynne Kitei on the Phoenix Lights

Crisper Pictures

- Additionally, in the video above, Lynne Kitei mentioned her website. When I checked out that site, I found a clearer picture. That is the photo below.
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(2021-11-10 end)
(2022-06-03 begin)

The identity of this missing-time photo

- Just as Lynne Kitei took the second photo, a train passed by on the railroad tracks in the distance. The train blocked the city lights, so in the second photo, some of the city lights appear to have disappeared.

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- Translated with (free version)

First published article (Japanese)

【編】Bruce Maccabee 博士が公認した「本物の missing-time の証拠写真」の謎を解く (途中3) (2021-11-10) (2022-06-03 end)