Linda Bradshaw's UFO photo is a HOAX. Here is the definitive proof.


  • Linda Bradshaw (deceased) was one of the owners of Bradshaw Ranch, where paranormal phenomena frequently occurred.

  • In an old TV program that covered the Bradshaw Ranch, Linda Bradshaw testified about her UFO sighting, and the UFO photo (below) that she took at that time was shown.



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Testimony of Linda Bradshaw

  • Linda claims the following about this UFO shooting.

    • There are no utility poles at Bradshaw Ranch, where the photo was taken, so another space and dimension was captured via a portal.

    • ET was also visible.

Voice transcription (auto-generated)

40:38 luna got linda shot a strange photograph that appeared to her to be an enormous movie 40:44 screen in the sky a huge brilliant light showed up in the sky it was octangular i 40:49 got two frames before it flicked back out again all i could see with my eye was the 40:55 light but when i picked up the photograph there was 41:01 a picture of another place it showed a ship flying through the air 41:06 telephone pole there are no telephone poles here it almost looks like it might be on the shore of an ocean and there 41:12 was a humanoid in the far left corner we feel that this is indicative of 41:17 showing us that there is another dimension right here there is a connection there is an 41:23 opening

Video (3:39:21)

HOODOO TALL - Full Documentary about the Bradshaw Ranch, Bigfoot, UFOS, and paranormal activity


  • I have determined the following.

  - All UFOs seen and photographed at Bradshaw Ranch are orb (ball lightling).   - The EMF anomalies generated by the crystalline minerals unique to the site's subsurface caused the orbs.

  • However, this UFO photo seems to disprove this judgment. Therefore, I examined this UFO photo.

Result of examining the photos

  • Looking at the photo in question, one notices something. And with just a little more exploration of it, I found conclusive evidence that this photo is a fabrication.

  • That conclusive evidence is the photo illustrated below.

  • The photo immediately above is an adjusted version of the original photo below, which was originally one of the photos (*1) from the McMinnville UFO incident (1950).


  • The source of the McMinnville UFO incident (1950) photo is below.



  • The UFO photo that Linda Bradshaw took is a close-up of part of a photo of the McMinnville UFO incident that was published in a magazine (Time magazine, I believe), or may have been taken from a TV screen.

  • In other words, the above UFO photo was deliberately fabricated by Linda Bradshaw. At the same time, the story of the ET sighting was also fabricated.

  • The orb sighting at Bradshaw Ranch should be considered a fact, as there are numerous third-party testimonies and video footage.

  • However, Linda Bradshaw thought that orb alone was not enough, so she let her service spirit go into overdrive and ended up fabricating a UFO photo.

  • I did a quick search to see if anyone has noticed this fabrication, but there seems to be no suggestion that Linda Bradshaw's UFO photo is a fabrication. This may be due to the fact that the information source is an old TV program.


  • Linda Bradshaw's story to Tom Dongo about the dinosaur sighting (see article below) is also probably a fabrication.

  Tom Dongo's testimony : Bradshaw Ranch owner saw dinosaur → screamed at me while I was nearby → I did not hear screams. I didn't hear the screams (2022-10-10)


Translated with

(2022-10-12 translate)

First published article (Japanese)

Linda Bradshaw が撮影した UFO 写真は捏造。その決定的な証拠。
