Monroe's "Gateway Affirmation" for OBE serves as a self-brainwashing, self-hypnotizing spell

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- I watched the video interview with Jesston Williams that I mentioned in yesterday's article, and it made me think of the title of this article, so I am recording it here. - Jesston Williams praised Monroe and said that the OBE had changed his life forever and he was amazed at what had happened.

Gateway Affirmation, developed by Monroe, is...

- The Gateway Affirmation is taught in the Gateway Program (OBE training seminar for beginners) for OBE experience. - Affirmation here refers to positive statements to oneself that are common in the spiritual world. For example, "I can achieve excellent grades." - The specifics are as follows.

Gateway Affirmation

I am more than my physical body. Because I am more than physical matter, I can perceive that which is greater than the physical world. Therefore, I deeply desire to: to expand, to experience, to know, to understand, to control, and to use such greater energies and energy systems as may be beneficial and constructive to me and to those who follow me. Also, I deeply desire the help and cooperation, the assistance, the understanding of those individuals whose wisdom, development and experience are equal or greater than my own. I ask for their guidance and protection from any influence or any source that might provide me with less than my stated desires. ref: Robert Monroe Institute - Gateway Affirmation - Lucid Mind Center -

Evidence that Gateway Affirmation is self-brainwashing and self-hypnosis

- This Gateway Affirmation statement has the important role of imbuing the core of the worldview into the deep consciousness of the training participants beforehand (i.e., brainwashing) and installing the plot to be experienced in the OBE (i.e., expecting the effect of posthypnosis through self-suggestion). - For example, many people have testified that the OBE experienced through Monroe's technique made them realize that "I am more than my body. However, the true nature of this realization can be seen as the result of the affirmation phrase "I am more than a physical being," which has been repeatedly drilled into one's head, functioning as self-hypnosis. - Furthermore, the testimony that "I reached a world beyond this real world with OBE" can also be seen as the result of the affirmation phrase "I can perceive that which is greater than the physical world." functioning as self-hypnosis as it is. - And those who attempt OBE using Monroe's techniques have read or heard about various OBE experiences prior to attending the seminar. The content of those stories should be strongly reflected in the OBEs they experience later. - Above all, achieving an OBE requires diligent, almost daily, conscious effort for at least several weeks to several months. It is not surprising, then, that after such a long period of intense self-brainwashing and self-hypnosis, even 10-20% of all people (i.e., one or two out of every 10 people who continue training) will experience some kind of OBE, i.e., the effects of self-hypnosis will be apparent. - In addition, ESP phenomena can be involved during an OBE, although this is rare. For example, it is possible, though rare, to have an OBE in which a person sees an acquaintance far away doing something, and it turns out that he or she is doing it. - As a result (ignoring the numerous instances that were not real), they become increasingly absorbed in OBEs, believing that they are real and not hallucinations.

What really is OBE?

… … … … (2021-11-17)


- Translated with (free version) (2022-07-29 translate)

First Published article (Japanese)

Monroe の開発した OBE 用の Gateway Affirmation は自己洗脳、自己催眠の呪文として機能している (途中1) (2021-11-17)

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