This is probably the true nature of the missing-time experienced by Betty/Barney Hill.

(image source : )


  • Betty Hill's niece, Kathleen Marden, testifies in the following video about what she heard from the parties involved.

Points of Interest

  • They felt a tingling sensation pass through their bodies. The next thing they knew, they were 35 miles away. Memories of the journey were missing.

Auto-generated voice transcription

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43:10 the car to vibrate a tingling sensation 43:13 to pass through their bodies the next 43:15 thing they knew they were 35 miles down 43:17 the highway with uh 43:19 fragmented memories of what had happened

Video (54:20)

SR Ep. 51 Kathleen Marden & Highest Levels Of Contribution

My view 1

  • Perhaps the "tingling sensation" in the body is a direct effect of the strong electrostatic field or a side effect produced by its effect on the cranial nervous system.

  • There have been many testimonies in other cases where people have reported the sensation of the hairs on their arms and neck standing up (suggesting a strong electrostatic field) during UFO sightings.

My view 2

  • On the phenomenon of "The next thing they knew, they were 35 miles away. Memories of the journey were missing." I explained the mechanism of the missing-time phenomenon in a previous article below.
- As I mentioned in a past article (*1), my view is quite different. In this case, the UFO did not cause the missing-time experience. The EMF anomaly that occurred at the site generated images of the UFO/orb in the brain, which further caused the missing-time experience (*2).


This is why not only UFOs, but also Bigfoot/Ghost apparitions, cause stop a car's engine.


- Of course, the physical passage of time did not cause a gap with that of the surroundings. The missing-time experience is probably caused by a temporary failure of the memory fixation function of the hippocampus, located in the medial inferior part of the temporal lobe of the brain. The hippocampus is extremely vulnerable to damage such as oxygen deprivation, and its function declines quickly. Therefore, the older a person gets, the more difficult it becomes to remember things, and the higher the incidence of dementia.

- In other words, missing-time experiences occur due to the lack of memory during that period. In this sense, it is similar to how some sleepwalkers can drive a car long distances (they can check at intersections and stop at red lights) and converse with others. And yet, he or she does not remember any of it.

- There are many testimonies of UFO witnesses who were driving and experienced missing-time and found themselves driving a car in a distant place.... This must have occurred by the same mechanism as described above.

- If the above hypothesis is correct, it would be almost impossible in principle to recall experiences during missing-time with regressive hypnosis. This is because the hippocampus is not functioning normally and therefore memories are not fixed (i.e., not stored). Therefore, the experiences forcefully recalled by regressive hypnosis are likely to be unconsciously created stories. If regressive hypnosis really "regresses" the consciousness to a point in time, the experience is inevitably creative, because the hippocampus "returns" to a state of consciousness that is not functioning properly and recounts the experience.

- It is highly possible that this is true not only for missing-time but also for attempts to recall experiences during abduction through regressive hypnosis.

- David Jacobs said that in many cases, the recalled content becomes more and more concrete and clear after repeated regressive hypnosis, which makes sense if it is an unconscious creation. In this sense, there are advantages and disadvantages to having a detective persistently recount the same situation over and over again when questioning a suspect.


ref: David Paulides : UFO and missing-time  (2021-12-20)


Japanese article of the translation source

Betty/Barney Hill : 体にヒリヒリする感覚が通り抜けた → 次の瞬間 35マイル彼方にいた (2022-02-02)

(2022-05-20 : translation)


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