Jeremy Rifkin : AI will never surpass humans. Here's why.
- Singularity - the assertion that AI will inevitably outperform humans in the near future - is gaining traction among geeks (science geeks). - But social thinker Jeremy Rifkin is outspoken in his denial. When I heard his passionate arguments, I was caught off guard. His arguments have a strangely realistic persuasiveness, and even seem to have deep insights and truths (fragments) in a religious and philosophical sense behind them (but this may be an illusion...). - In the following excerpts, the "deep insight" is missing. Partly because of my poor ability to verbalize, but also because I feel that the "deep insight" that should be behind his assertion has slipped through my hands of understanding, and I have only caught it at a faint premonition level. That is the main reason for the missing. - Therefore, I suggest you ignore the useless excerpts below and listen directly to the 7 minutes of his remarks starting at 1:25:00. - Skip to 1:25:00, as he talks in detail about topics covered in his book (see comments), which have little to do with AI or Singularity.sumamry
- The title of the article is from around 1:25:00 to 1:32:00. - The reason for the title is discussed from around 1:27:20. - AI "will never pass the turing test" and will never surpass humans because AI cannot have empathy or sympathy. - Humans are doomed to die and live only once. And we live in a world with a lot of suffering. Therefore, they have empathy and sympathy. - People misunderstand. In a world without death (a world where people can live forever) or without suffering (heaven, an ideal world), there can be no empathy or sympathy. AI works in that world without death. - 1:31:30 Empathy and sympathy are the human experience, the meaning of life, and human thought itself.interview video (1:36:45)
・Jeremy Rifkin on Singularity 1 on 1My view
- The video above was rated quite highly by viewers.- Jeremy Rifkin talks in the first half of the video above, mainly about the book below. "The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism"
"The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power Is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World"
Translated with (free version)
(2022-10-03 translate)
First published article (Japanese)
Jeremy Rifkin :AI は絶対に人間を超えることはない、なぜなら… (2016-03-15)