The Causes of Missing-411


- I propose a hypothesis that solves the Missing-411 mystery. - This hypothesis offers the prospect of a reasonable solution to the following mysteries.   - (a) Why does severe weather occur immediately after a Missing-411 incident?   - (b) Why do Missing-411 incidents occur more frequently in granite-rich areas?   - (c) Why can't police dogs track the scent of missing persons?   - (d) Why do missing persons who are found have little or no memory during the incident?   - (e) Why can't search parties find missing persons?

Original article

Missing-411 case: why can't police dogs track the scent of missing victims? (2021-12-14)

Mechanism of Missing-411 (slightly modified version)

- The rocks (granite) that make up the mountain are pushed up by the drop in atmospheric pressure.  --> Piezoelectric effect of the granite creates a strong electric field near the surface of the mountain (*1)  (--> nearby rivers and lakes transmit or enhance the electric field?)  --> Strong electric fields with unique patterns (*2) disrupt the nerve impulses in the brains of nearby humans.  --> The person's consciousness fades, but they're already unaware of it.  --> That person would behave in a way they would never behave in a normal state of consciousness.  --> The search party does not expect the missing person to behave in such an abnormal manner.  --> As a result, the person is never found and goes missing. - I believe this is how missing-411 occurs. - This hypothesis is consistent with the examples in previous articles on missing-411, including the following...  David Paulides: there are many cases of people suddenly and mysteriously going missing during a call. (On the way: Part 2) (2018-06-20)  David Paulides : Cases of people going missing while talking on a mobile phone device (2016-07-26)   (On the way: Part 1) (2016-07-18)  David Paulides : Creepy voice mails left by inexplicable missing persons (2016-07-18)   (2020-04-06)  Missing-411 : Missing person called me just before she disappeared and said she didn't know where she was. (2020-04-06) - Furthermore, it is consistent with the numerous instances of mystery depicted in the "Mountain Monster" trilogy(*3), which I have described in a previous article below. For example...   Hunter A was repeatedly going round and round in the same place on the mountainside. His companion B witnesses this from the mountainside opposite him. A was completely unaware that he was climbing up and down in circles without any sense of direction.   The villagers were walking dizzy on the road into the mountains when another villager called out to them, and they came to their senses. In his dazed state of consciousness, he was about to enter the mountain without realizing it.   A group of veteran hunters were taking a familiar mountain road and for some reason they all turned left where they usually turn right. Only one of them noticed it and thought it was strange, but he didn't say anything because he didn't want to upset the senior members of the group. After a while, we all realized that we had taken a wrong turn because of the unfamiliar sight around us.   The veteran hunter was suddenly faced with an impossible rock wall on a familiar mountain trail and was unable to move forward. He realized that he had been tricked by some kind of fox, smoked a cigarette to calm himself down, and the wall disappeared and he was back on his usual mountain path. If he had not realized that he had been tricked and had bypassed the cliff ahead, he would have fallen off the cliff or gone missing.


- Quantitative evaluation of electric field generation by piezoelectric effect in granite... paper is below. - Why are CE-5 organizers and participants holding their invocation ceremonies in the Mt. Shesta and at the base of Mt. Adams (where James Gilliland's ECETI ranch is located)? - The answer may be that "atmospheric luminous phenomena" (= orb) occur frequently in such places, and people misidentify them as UFOs, as described in the paper below. - The same disturbance of nerve impulses may explain the ET sighting by Paola Harris and the telepathic reception by the "antennae".
Mechanism of Surface Charge Generation during Earthquakes According to the data obtained so far, 0.1 mV/m at 1 Gal at the observation points. Therefore, the electric field at the epicenter is 0.1 mV/m. If all the source faults are granite, the resistivity ρ= 10e6 ohmm would be 10e2 V/m. The above is the underground electric field, but let us evaluate the atmospheric electric field above the ground surface. When the electric charge appears on the ground surface by the underground electric field due to the flow potential, the atmospheric electric field is about 8 times larger than the earth electric field, because the relative permittivity of granite is about 8. Since the atmospheric electric field under clear sky is several hundred V/m, it is possible that the electric field is two orders of magnitude larger than the atmospheric electric field. Under normal conditions, atmospheric luminous phenomena are not atmospheric dielectric breakdown phenomena like lightning (breakdown voltage of 3 MV/m), but partial atmospheric discharges (corona discharges), and weak discharges may occur in areas where the electric field is concentrated. Therefore, if the resistivity around the epicenter is very high, such as in granite, an atmospheric emission phenomenon in the region where the electric field is concentrated is considered. ref:


- Strong electric field with a unique pattern... - Merely a strong electric field (e.g. electrostatic field) does not disturb cranial nerve impulses. This can be understood from the fact that holding a scrubbed sheet of plastic over the head does not cause abnormalities in consciousness. - If we compare synapses to a micro swing, nerve impulses correspond to the driving force that makes it swing. The impulses are generated by a strong external electric field with a special pattern that induces impulses with a period, amplitude and repetition frequency similar to those of the driving force. In other words, the human cranial nervous system is disturbed only when a number of special conditions are met. Therefore, missing-411 cases and "Mountain Monster" trilogy(*3) cases occur only rarely.


- "Mountain Monster" trilogy Yasuhiro Tanaka、"Mountain Monster : Mysterious Stories Told by Mountain People"、山と溪谷社、June 6, 2015


- According to data collected by David Paulides, many of the missing persons are of German descent. - The reason for this is probably due to genetic disposition. In other words, the cranial nervous system of people of German descent may be more susceptible to the electric field patterns described above. (2021-12-14)


- Translated with (free version) (2022-04-14 : translation)

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