This is why not only UFOs, but also Bigfoot/Ghost apparitions, cause stop a car's engine.


  • Steve Ward is a veteran civilian UFO/Paranormal researcher with about 50 years of experience, and the interview below focuses on the Mothman case.

  • This video was a live recording at the time I viewed it, so the time of the statement cannot be taken, nor is there an auto-generated audio transcription. (Note: The video was later became a normal video, but the auto-generated audio transcript is still not available.)

(screenshot image)


  • The car engine stopped for no reason and could not be started. Immediately after that, Bigfoot appeared, and when Bigfoot left into the woods, the engine started again. This kind of phenomenon has been reported frequently in UFOs.

  • When the ghost soldier appeared, the engine of the cab stopped for some reason.



My view 1

  • Both private UFO researchers and Bigfoot researchers have long wondered about the following mysteries.

    • Why do UFO/orb and Bigfoot share such strange engine stoppage phenomena?

    • Why have there been several cases of UFO/orb and Bigfoot sightings at the same time?

    • Why have there been several instances of Bigfoots disappearing with a flash of light?

  • Both guest Steve Ward and host Dave Scott say these mysteries are so strange that they are completely incomprehensible and out of their depth.

My view 2

  • The main reason why they all end up saying, "These mysteries are so strange and totally incomprehensible," is because of a common preconception. They are as follows.

    • (a) "UFO/orb" caused the engine shutdown.
    • (b) "Bigfoot" caused the engine shutdown.
    • (c) "Ghost soldiers" caused the engine shutdown.
  • My guess is that the reality is as follows

    • (1) UFO/Bigfoot did not cause the engine shutdown.
    • (2) There was an EMF anomaly (*1) on site (Hypothesis 1) that caused the engine to stop.
    • (3) The EMF anomaly "caused" the UFO/Bigfoot to appear.
    • (4) The EMF anomaly "caused" the missing-time.
  • The more appropriate expression of (3) and (4) is as follows.

    • The following (3)' and (4)' occur when the EMF anomaly at the site (as well as the engine) affects the human cranial nervous system (Hypothesis 2).

    • (3)' The hallucination or false perception that a UFO/Bigfoot appeared in the vicinity of the site (Hypothesis 3).

    • (4)' Interruptions in memory function created the misconception that missing-time had occurred (Hypothesis 4).
  • The degree of influence on the cranial nervous system varies from person to person. Therefore, the following phenomena occur even though they are at the same site.

    • Some people see UFOs/bigfoots and others do not (fact).
    • The shape and color of the UFOs/Bigfoots seen are completely different from person to person. Some people do not see UFOs/Bigfoots (fact).
  • Although there are individual differences, because of the resonance effect among people who "see" (Hypothesis 5), multiple people experience similar things (= UFOs/Bigfoots). As a result, they mistakenly believe that they are objective realities.

  • In addition, the affected cranial nervous system may induce a kind of ESP phenomenon (Hypothesis 6), which may cause various phenomena such as the following.

    • Strange blurring in a photograph of a UFO
    • Scoop marks
    • Hitchhiker phenomenon that occurred frequently in the Skinwalker ranch (i.e., a phenomenon in which a person becomes obsessed with a mysterious presence in the area, and then appears at his/her home far from the area)

My view 3

  • Of the above hypotheses 1-6, 1 is supported by numerous circumstantial evidences. Although empirical data are lacking for the other hypotheses (2-6), hypotheses 1-6 provide a unified explanation for the mysteries of UFOs/ETs/abduction/ghosts/ghostly creatures/paranormal phenomena/miracles.

  • For example, the following series of related mysteries can be explained.

    • Why do people who have UFO/ET encounters or abduction experiences testify that they have acquired various ESP abilities after the experiences?

    • Why do the electrical equipment around them tend to malfunction after UFO/ET encounters or abduction experiences?

    • What are MIB and BEK?

    • What is a hybrid with ET?


  • In fact, the EMF anomaly could also be a byproduct of an "unknown anomaly," but there is no end to the possibilities.


The article on which the translation is based

【編】Steve Ward : Bigfoot や幽霊兵隊の出現で、車のエンジンが停止 (2021-12-03)


  • Translated with (free version)

(2022-05-14 translation)