Cases of clear sightings of the ghost of the deceased are not evidence of "life after death". Here's why.


- First, I will discuss a video in which Raymond Moody testifies that he witnessed the ghost of his grandmother as if she were still alive, even though she is already deceased. - Raymond Moody is well known for his research on near-death experiences and his best-selling book, "Life After Life. Therefore, his testimony is not surprising. - He assumes that the deceased's "life after death" is real and considers these sightings as strong evidence for it. 20210413_Raymond_Moody.jpg


- 9:40... - My grandmother did not appear to me as a hazy ghostly figure, but as clearly as if she were a normal, living person. I saw a halo around her. I also heard her voice.

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i saw my deceased 09:43 grandmother 09:45 as vividly as i have seen any other 09:48 person 09:50 i felt her presence i heard her voice 09:56 and to this day i'm still startled by 09:59 that i mean i can't deny 10:01 my experience it was completely real 10:05 to me when people have an apparition of 10:10 the deceased one of the things that they 10:13 often describe 10:14 is how natural it seems i think if 10:17 you're just sitting abstractly and 10:19 saying that 10:20 aunt ruth had a visit from aunt jane 10:23 last night 10:24 that you would think that that must be 10:26 something totally extraordinary and out 10:28 of the order of anything we experience 10:31 but what people say is no this is 10:33 completely 10:34 natural the naturalness of it is 10:37 is one thing that people 10:40 experience and i can talk about that 10:43 from my own 10:44 experience that i realized full well 10:48 that my grandmother was dead 10:51 and i guess i could have abstractly 10:54 realized that there's something very 10:56 paradoxical in that situation 10:58 but in terms of the encounter that i had 11:01 with my grandmother 11:03 it was completely natural because number 11:06 one 11:07 it was like all her neuroses were gone 11:11 it's it's like she acknowledged them in 11:15 some way that that's how i used to be 11:17 with a little bit of humor in her eyes 11:20 but also 11:21 that that's something she left behind 11:26 and so it was just 11:29 i was talking with my grandmother and 11:31 she was dead 11:32 and i was completely awake 11:36 and another very odd thing about it was 11:40 that when i looked at her she looked 11:43 like a 11:44 just a physical person 11:48 except that there was a light 11:51 just around her 11:56 not like a light that i would experience 11:59 here but 12:00 is very vibrant in energy emanation 12:06 and that in a way that i can't very just 12:10 i can't describe very well it was like 12:12 she was indented 12:14 right that she was pushed back from the 12:16 physical framework in a way and that 12:18 that's what i was seeing is this 12:21 energy line


When Spirits Cross Over… They Will Try Every Method Possible To Connect with You

My view 1

- There are countless similar testimonies (A) of close and clear sightings of the deceased. I don't think all of them are fabricated stories. Most of them are probably real experiences. However, such cases are not evidence that the deceased existed in some form after death. This is because the doppelganger is a clear disproof of this. - There are also countless testimonies (B) of up-close and clear sightings of doppelgangers (*1). Therefore, it is unreasonable to claim that B is an illusion or misidentification, but A is the real thing. In the case of a doppelganger, the doppelganger is a copy of a living person that is witnessed by the himself/herself or by another person, so of course the witnessing cannot be evidence that the subject person "exists in some form even after death. - There is no significant difference in specific observations between A and B. It would be unreasonable to say that A is evidence of postmortem existence and B is not. - Rather, we should consider that the phenomenon A and the phenomenon B are generated by the same mechanism.


- In the past articles below I have discussed many specific examples of doppelgangers. The doppelganger of my sister, who was sleeping next to me, was looking for something. (2018-09-21)

My view 2

- In response to the above rebuttal using the doppelganger as a specific example, Raymond Moody and the proponents of "life after death" would argue as follows. - Both A and B are the same in that they are manifestations of "copies of beings. Therefore, in the same sense that the doppelganger in B is a manifestation of a real person, the ghost of the deceased in A is a manifestation of a copy of the deceased in the afterlife..., this should be the argument. - However, such an argument can be easily disproved by the numerous Slender Man sightings(*2). - The Slender Man is a fictional entity that was created and therefore does not exist. Many people have witnessed the existence of this fiction. - Furthermore, there are cases such as "The Philip Experiment"(*3) in which a fictional ghost is summoned. - The following testimonials by well-known author Alan Moore are also available. Nick Redfern : The writer's experience of meeting the characters he created in the cafeteria. (in progress: Part 4) (2019-02-08) - The list of other examples of manifestations of "fictional existence" is endless, including the following. The protagonist of the cartoon appeared by the bed. (2018-11-28) Jordan Maxwell : Six giant pterodactyls were spotted over Los Angeles. (in progress: Part 2) (2019-01-31) - In light of these cases, so-called ghost sightings should not be regarded as confirmation of "life after death," but rather as an example of the manifestation of "fictional existence."


Nick Redfern:"Slender Man" threatened to stab her friend 19 times with a knife. (2018-08-16) "Slender man," a monster created on the Internet, has become a reality, and many eyewitnesses have testified to its existence. (2017-02-20)


Year 1972, "The Philip Experiment" : Successful experiment to summon a fictional ghost created by a group of people (in progress: Part 6) (2019-07-11) Solving the mystery of "The Philip Experiment" that summoned a fictional ghost created by a group of people. (2020-11-13) Brent Swancer : The theory that ghosts are what Tibetan Buddhists call "tulpas." (2018-10-13) Nick Redfern : UFOs may be Tulpa in Tibetan Buddhism. Because... (2018-07-30) The theory that UFOs/ETs may be embodied thought entities (2015-11-02) Hypothesis that UFOs and ETs are astral bodies (in progress: Part 1) (2013-10-20) Ted Owens : Incredible psychic who has manipulated the weather on a statewide scale, made UFOs appear, crashed aircraft with lightning strikes, and manipulated radar response. (in progress: Part 2) (2019-04-08) UFO/ET/abduction Video exploring the inexplicability of UFO/ET/abduction phenomenon (in progress: Part 1) (2016-02-14) Nick Redfern : Shortly before "Slender Man" was created, it was witnessed. (2019-05-17) Kyle J. Macias : I covered several cases in which "Hat man" and ET appeared at the same time. (2020-01-28) (2021-04-13)


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First published article (Japanese)

  故人の幽霊を明瞭に目撃した事例は「死後の生」の根拠にはならない。なぜなら… (2021-04-13) (2022-6-09 translation) Completeness of this article:100%