Bass rumbles from underground → orb appears → strange noises and voices are heard → sounds like Bigfoot are also heard

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- Grant Baker has an interesting testimony. - His testimony on 2022-02-10 confirms my hypothesis as if it were tailor-made. In other words, you can see the following neat correspondence.   - Mechanical noise and hum from underground ==> Vibration sound due to friction in the earth's crust → rocks in the earth's strata are under pressure.   - Orb appearance ==> EMF anomaly caused by piezoelectric effect due to pressure of rocks → Luminous phenomenon in the atmosphere.   - Strange noises and voices ==> EMF anomalies disturb nerve impulses in the brain, causing auditory hallucinations.   The site was in an area where Bigfoot and orb sightings were frequent ==> EMF anomalies disturbed nerve impulses in the brain and caused hallucinations.

Point of Interest

- There is one place in California where strange phenomena abound. There, crazy, low-pitched hums emanate from deep underground. if you stay the night 98:49 you're gonna hear the earth making its 98:51 crazy noise now when i say crazy noise 98:54 this is the earth in the middle of the 98:55 night and everybody hears it you can hear machinery this deep hum 99:15 thrum under the earth there's a little 99:17 brook a little stream right next to you 99:19 but that's not making this kind of noise - After "after" the sound from underground, orb appears and its luminosity and color change are visible. An aura is also visible. you know like everybody else heard the 99:33 noise 99:34 and then 99:35 the orbs showed up 99:38 which are orange and flickering kind of 99:39 like you know when you see a star 99:41 and it flickers but it can change colors - In addition, strange striking sounds and calls can be heard coming from the forest. Bigfoot and orb are frequently seen in this area.

Automatically generated audio transcription

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so 98:20 over at sheep's creek off of 98:22 um whiskey town lake in redding 98:24 california or just west and we're in 98:26 california 98:28 in fact the people that story that i'm 98:29 about to tell you is in the chats right 98:31 now 98:32 and this particular individual has gone 98:35 to a site that i've been to 98:36 a lot 98:38 now this site is very special very very 98:40 special because it'll scare the living 98:43 heck out of you but it's absolutely 98:45 gorgeous there's waterfalls and a 98:47 natural stream but if you stay the night 98:49 you're gonna hear the earth making its 98:51 crazy noise now when i say crazy noise 98:54 this is the earth in the middle of the 98:55 night and everybody hears it i don't 98:57 care who you are i can take you there 98:58 myself right now 99:00 it's only a couple hours away from me 99:02 and i'll let you i'll let you hear it 99:03 yourself it is wild there is not a car 99:06 within 10 miles of you there's not a 99:08 city within 20 99:10 and 99:11 you can hear machinery this deep hum 99:15 thrum under the earth there's a little 99:17 brook a little stream right next to you 99:19 but that's not making this kind of noise 99:22 so 99:23 the people that i'm talking about right 99:25 now 99:26 had gone down there we all experienced 99:28 this 99:30 and she 99:31 you know like everybody else heard the 99:33 noise 99:34 and then 99:35 the orbs showed up 99:38 which are orange and flickering kind of 99:39 like you know when you see a star 99:41 and it flickers but it can change colors 99:44 really quickly that's what she was 99:45 saying 99:46 and and then when i say 99:49 seeing an aura i mean she was literally 99:51 within 20 feet of the thing it was 99:54 right in front of her face 99:57 it was wild i have never seen an orb 100:00 there 100:01 at that exact spot but i've heard the 100:03 knocking on the wood 100:05 and i've heard a couple of calls that 100:07 were much further in the distance so 100:09 they weren't like crazy close where it 100:11 scared the heck out of me but i've heard 100:13 some calls out there before 100:15 and so it only makes sense to me that 100:17 orbs and bigfoot actually might coexist 100:20 in some way shape or form whether 100:22 they're both ethereal or they're both 100:24 however they mix i don't know but that 100:26 is a good question i like where you're 100:29 going with that

Youtube Video (3:25:59)

Grant Baker - MESSING WITH SASQUATCH & ALIENS - PERSONAL CRYPTID & ET ENCOUNTERS (2022-02-13) (2022-05-25 Translation)


- Translated with (free version)

Original article in Japanese

Grant Baker : Bigfoot/ET 目撃地帯で、地下から機械音・ハム音 → orb 出現 → 奇妙な物音・人声 (2022-02-13)