Fallacy of Jacques Vallee's hypothesis on UFO/ET

(image source: https://www.amazon.com/Passport-Magonia-Folklore-Flying-Saucers/dp/0987422480/ref=pd_sbs_sccl_1_1/142-2630403-5735661 )


- First, I will use Mike Clelland's claim that the Jungian method of dream analysis is valid for the analysis of UFO/owl/synchronicity experiences as a starting point. I will then explain my view of the fallacy of Jacques Vallee's hypothesis.


- 1:08:00 Mike Clelland: I 've been looking at these experiences trying to trying to analyze real life experiences the same way a jungian analyst would try to decipher a dream so look at a real life experience and analyze it as if it were a dream that has been very helpful in my research.
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i have been 1:08:17 a couple things so one is that i've been looking at these experiences 1:08:23 trying to trying to analyze real life experiences the same way a jungian analyst would try 1:08:30 to decipher a dream so look at a real life experience and 1:08:36 analyze it as if it were a dream that has been very helpful in my 1:08:41 research people will tell me these wild owl stories that don't make any sense logically they are speaking in dream 1:08:47 language right so the shaman goes on a mystical journey he takes ayahuasca or he dances all night or he locks himself 1:08:53 in the cave for 48 hours or something and he comes back with this trippy illogical 1:08:59 [Music] story and account this shamanic journey plays out in dream 1:09:04 language or psychedelic language or or and that's 1:09:09 that's the mystery i think these events are playing out in in that dream logic where someone like um 1:09:15 elizabeth crone who got you know had a near-death experience by being hit by lightning just a few hundred yards from 1:09:21 from the venue um yeah she like the near death experience is a is a 1:09:28 perfect example of this that dream realm like she um it's like in a timeless realm it 1:09:34 doesn't match our time it doesn't match our reality at all you are lifted outside of this reality or 1:09:40 in some other reality most often people will say that reality is more real than real it is beyond our reality it feels 1:09:46 more vital more important more vivid more colorful more more 1:09:52 like i think like people say they can see 360 degrees in these in like an out-of-body 1:09:57 experience like that so they're not like the most person the most personal thing that could ever happen to you yes and


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My view 1

- Let's say.... that the UFO phenomenon is as Mike Clelland says, and that Jungian dream analysis is valid (regardless of what makes it valid...). The implications would be as follows.   - UFO phenomena are more comprehensible if they are interpreted as dreams or illusions in the Jungian way rather than as reality. - This is nothing strange, but it is quite natural if the UFO/abduction phenomenon is a hallucination caused by a disturbance in consciousness (e.g., due to EMF abnormality). - Since they are hallucinations to begin with, it is only natural that they seem unmanageable and inexplicable when treated as reality, but seem to make sense when treated as dreams or illusions. - Mike Clelland is a great admirer of Jacques Vallee's hypothesis regarding UFOs. And he has adopted Jacques Vallee's method of analysis (i.e., similar in some respects to that of the Jungian school) quite faithfully. He even admits it in this video. So he was talking about Jungian. - Jacques Vallee is convinced that   (A) The UFO phenomenon is a real event, and   (B) Behind the phenomenon is the involvement of an unknown intelligent being who controls it, and   (C) The real event is inexplicably connected to the unreal realm of fairy tales, dreams, and illusions. - Jacques Vallee then argues that   (D) Unknown intelligences have been engaging humanity "through the realm of the unreal" since ancient times. The latest mode of engagement, the modern version, is UFO/ET/abduction. - However, Jacques Vallee's perception has taken the wrong path at the first implicit premise, A. Because he has taken the wrong road here, he rushes off in a frightening and bizarre direction, as in B and C, and eventually wanders off into the depths of the underworld, as in D.

My view 2

- However, there may be more to Jacques Vallee's tactics in this case as well. There is a slight suspicion that Jacques Vallee knows all of the above and has been cleverly leading UFO enthusiasts/fans/researchers. - Jacques Vallee has a book on UFOs and cults titled "Messengers of Deception". In fact, the title refers to themselves as well, but it is so blatant that no one notices his bold hints.... No way (laughs). - Joking aside, there are many suspicious things about Jacques Vallee that I see as quite underhanded. I have specifically pointed out those suspicious points in past articles. (2022-05-28)


- Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

First published article (Japanese)

UFO に関する Jacques Vallee の仮説の誤謬を具体的に指摘すると… (2022-05-28)

(2022-06-06 translation)