What is the message that synchronicity is trying to convey to us?

Subtitle: There is no such thing as "true reality"

(image source : https://astrologyanswers.com/)


- The following is a summary in context, taking into account what Mike Clelland has said in other videos.


- Q) Grant Cameron : Owls, Synchronicities, UFOs, various paranormal phenomena, etc... what is the message they are trying to convey to us? - A) Mike Clelland :   - There is an abyssal reality that transcends this everyday world - this desk, for example - and is beyond our awareness.   - Synchronicities are the result of the chess grandmaster's clever and casual manipulation of the details of this everyday world.   - We are getting a glimpse of the Grand Master's attention in this way.   - Synchronicities are a compass. When you are moving in the right direction, Synchronicities occur frequently, so you know you are not veering off course.   - Perhaps after we die, we will come face to face with the Grand Master and understand the mystery.

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110:27 what's the so i would say the main 110:29 message is that there 110:30 is a deeper reality beyond this 110:33 reality here like this reality here with 110:36 the hard table and the 110:38 you know the clock ticking one second at 110:40 a time 110:42 there's something grander just beyond 110:46 our our available perception 110:48 and and that i mean that's where you get 110:52 the question of what is god you know 110:53 where you know what's our purpose what's 110:55 so --- GC: yeah i'm i'm um 110:59 it's almost like you've stolen jacques 111:01 ballet's message it's a giant kabuki 111:03 theater 111:04 and the only message is we're not alone 111:06 that something's going on 111:07 --- MC: yeah yeah so i mean it's once again the 111:10 i can't understand the 111:12 agenda of the people behind the you know 111:14 like the grand chess player 111:16 you know the kabuki theater puppeteer um 111:19 but i can say that it's that something's 111:21 happening 111:22 and and then maybe when we die we'll be 111:25 enlightened and we'll understand it all 111:27 or 111:28 so but for now we're stuck here we can 111:34 tickle the corners of it but we'll never 111:36 know it completely so

Video (1:54:44)

GRANT CAMERON with Mike Clelland, on OWLS, Synchronicities and the Paranormal

My view 1

- Mike Clelland, Grant Cameron, and the other two participants in this online interview all believe in the following threreotype beliefs.   - (A) There is a "True Reality" that transcends this everyday world (= the ultimate truth, the innermost truth of the universe, the home of the soul, God, nirvana, the world of enlightenment...etc. . The expressions may change, but the content is the same in all of them).   - (B) The "attention" from the "True Reality" is Synchronicities, revelations/downloads, and an awareness of one's mission on earth. - As Grant Cameron cites, Jacques Vallee also shares this (A) tenet. - In fact, all religious believers, spiritual believers, and most philosophers, led by Platonists, believe in this (A) creed. - However, (A) is the last boss-like fiction that awaits us at the last stage. The "True Reality" (= the ultimate truth, the deepest truth of the universe, the home of the soul, God, nirvana, the world of enlightenment) beyond this everyday world...all these are nothing but fictions. - There is no such thing as "True Existence" or "True Reality. - Like God, Buddha, Truth, Seeing, True Nature, Emptiness, "True Reality," the Way of Lao Tzu,..etc., it is nothing more than a grandiose fiction. This ordinary everyday world is the "True Reality" itself. - On top of that, whether one sees this everyday real world as an "endless daily prison" or "realizes it as a marvel of existence" (*1) is a matter of individual sensitivity, and in the context of this article, it is a trivial matter.


Sadhguru's Childhood Stories (2020-12-27) Doug Auld : When I ingested LSD, I was fascinated and marveled at the ordinary brick. (2020-04-29)

My view 2

- If I maintain that there is no such thing as "True Reality," then I need to explain how the many mysterious Synchronicities experienced by Mike Clelland came about. - My guess at this point is as follows.   - Synchronicities that are too inexplicable to be explained by mere coincidence may be caused by a part of the brain (or another personality, a shadow personality) that is inaccessible to the person's daily consciousness. - There are a number of reasons for this, but I will list just three:   - First, there is the frequent occurrence of 2-3 digit numbers, which Mike Clelland cites as a typical example of Synchronicities. For example, in his case it is 123, in someone else's it is 11, and in Darryl Anka's (Bashar) case it is 10. When you look at my watch, it is always 11 minutes. Why two or three-digit numbers?   - This suggests that the entities causing Synchronicities are not capable of handling complex concepts, but are at best capable of dealing with two or three-digit numbers, even the simplest ones (e.g., 11 or 10, but rarely 79 or 58). There is not a single example of that subject pointing to advanced thought, philosophy, or ethics. There is not even an example that shows an understanding of elementary school-level arithmetic or science. It is only at the level of childish puns, far from poetry with a literary flavor, so to speak.   - Second, as Mike Clelland emphasizes, Synchronicities are so personal that only he himself can perceive the inexplicable coincidence hidden in the coincidence. This also strongly suggests that it is he himself who causes the Synchronicities.   - Three. Synchronicities show us nothing more than strange but trivial coincidences in our mundane daily lives. There are no instances in which Synchronicities have given decisive suggestions at critical life-altering moments. It seems that grand masters do not appear at the most critical times. - If the above assumptions are correct, then it is problematic for spiritual believers to rely on Synchronicities as a compass. We can assume that the entities that cause Synchronicities are of very low intelligence and ideologically immature. They will be dragged through life believing in the meaningfulness of the Synchronicities of such a childish entity.
Jeffrey Mishlove's hypothesis : Consciousness exists in hyperspace. (2021-09-22) Anthony Peake : There is a hidden world of truth behind this everyday world, and we can glimpse it. (2018-06-13) Anthony Peake : Epilepsy opened the door to recognize "the reality that exists behind this everyday world. (2020-03-21) "Astral Projection"/OBE : Do we catch a glimpse of the "True World" from this everyday world, or do we temporarily slip from the "True World" into the everyday world? (2021-07-19) (2022-02-14)


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(2022-07-11 translate)

Original article in Japanese

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