The spiritual world's established theory that "we are born with our lives planned and agreed upon before birth" is bankrupt.

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(2020-08-16) Added (2020-08-13) Create


- The prevailing theory of the spiritual world that "we are born with our lives planned and agreed upon befor birth" (hereafter abbreviated as PBP: "pre-birth planning" theory) is the following assertion:   - (a) We plan what we will do before we are born, and   - (b) We are born with the consent to experience that planned life. - This PBP theory has been discussed in detail in a previous article (*1). - Widespread in the spiritual world, the PBP theory is completely contradictory and bankrupt. For some reason, no one seems to have pointed out this glaring contradiction. Even if they were aware of and dismayed by the contradictions that the PBP theory holds, apparently no one has the leisure time to be kind enough to go out of their way to point out those contradictions. - I am neither leisure nor kind, but I cannot sit by and watch the evils that the PBP theory drips with. Hence, I will explain this contradiction (I know it is useless to explain it on such an obscure site...).

concrete example

- Rather than dilly-dallying with theoretical abstractions and generalizations to explain where the contradiction lies, I think it would be quicker to show a concrete example, so I will start with a concrete example.
(Example 1) A young woman (W) falls in love with an older man (M) and has a baby (B). M abandons W, so W kills B and buries him. (Example 2) Major General Curtis LeMay led the air raid on Tokyo, killing over 100,000 civilians. (Example 3) President Harry Truman ordered the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians.


- The above examples expose the following blatant contradictions in the PBP theory.

Case of Example 1

- In the case of the young woman W who kills and buries her baby B, W must have planned or agreed to kill B before he was born. The older man M must have planned or agreed to abandon W before she was born. The baby B must also plan or agree to be killed. - The problem is that at the time when the young woman W plans or agrees, the baby B has not yet been born. Therefore, whatever the young woman W plans or agrees to before she is born, the future baby B knows nothing about it. Therefore, it is not necessarily true that B would agree to a plan to be killed by the young mother W. - The same can be said for the older man M. Before M was born, he must have planned and agreed to abandon the younger woman W, but at that time, W did not know about his plan. Therefore, it is not necessarily true that W would later agree to M's plan. - In other words, for the PBP theory to be valid, all the characters in the life must agree to the same life-drama script and accept their roles in it before they are born. However, since the time of birth differs from each other by years, people (W, B) other than the first born (M in this case) are only allowed to agree to the script planned by M. - Even the older man M is not allowed to disobey the "life script planned before the birth of his older relations." - Therefore, in order for the PBP theory to be valid, one is only allowed to agree with those parts of the script that were planned by the predecessors. Only the part not planned by the predecessors (i.e., the part in which the predecessors were not involved at all) can be planned as one wishes, but that part is very small. In other words, there is little room for choice in life. - In other words, the PBP theory is no different from the predestination theory (i.e., fate is predetermined and cannot be changed; one must accept one's destiny). Believers in the spiritual world believe that the PBP theory is the opposite of the predestination theory because one can plan one's own destiny, but in fact it is nothing but an illusion.

There's no possibility that all parties involved could have agreed to this in consultation.

- The only way to avoid the above contradiction is to assume that "all parties involved (in the timeless realm?) confer and plan, and everyone agrees." - I have never heard of such testimony, but even if such testimony were available, further difficulties would arise. I have prepared Examples 2 and 3 to illustrate those difficulties. - In the case of Examples 2 and 3, the number of people directly involved alone would be several hundred thousand. According to the PBP theory, Harry Truman must have planned the mass murder before he was born, but for it to happen, at least several hundred thousand people must have agreed to be killed. - In other words, everyone involved (in the realm of timelessness?) must be consulted, planned, and agreed upon. However, only those who believe the nonsense of the spiritual world (*2) can seriously believe that "the script that was planned by hundreds of thousands of people and agreed upon by all of them was mass murder by atomic bombing."

By the way...

- Currently in the US, there is a violent confrontation between the left and the right, as well as riots by blacks in the city center. The PBP theory asserts that such conflicts "were planned by all parties involved (in a timeless realm?) and were the result of their mutual consent." - The "result of the agreement of all parties" was a violent confrontation and riot... This is a mass of contradictions in itself.


  Grant Cameron : We are born with our lives planned and agreed upon. (2020-08-12)


- For example, the following claims are equivalent. - "Good and evil don't really exist. Everything is like a role in a play." The Worst Spiritual Theories: Richard Martini: Even Victims of Genocide Were Born Choosing Their Lives for Themselves. - Others, for example...
I was being made to understand that "no matter what happens, everything is all right, always." Specific examples of absurd self-brainwashing phrases typical of the religious/spiritual world (2020-07-19)
(2020-08-13) (2020-08-16)


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(2022-07-10 translate)

First published article (Japanese)

精神世界信者の「我々は人生を計画し、同意した上で生まれる」説は完全に矛盾している。(途中:その2) (2020-08-16)

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