Margie Kay's assertion that "the government is secretly recovering the implants taken out of abductees" is a classic misconception.

(image source : )
(This image is an example of an IMPLANT EXTRACTION surgery, not from the surgery in the article below.)


- Margie Kay is an abductee and has been investigating UFO/paranormal phenomena for many years. She also claims that ET gave her the ability to see inside the body. This video interview with Margie Kay details her experiences. - A few details about her experience with the removal of her implants in the hospital are discussed below. Because it is an obvious case that the title claim based on that experience of hers is a "complete misunderstanding" governed by preconceived notions. In other words, this case is a good judge of the veracity of the various claims she makes in the video below.


- Around 19:00, the topic of the title begins. - In 1987, the "implant" under her navel was removed in a hospital surgery. The doctor said it was a very small (about 6 mm in size) hernia. However, she disagrees with the doctor's opinion. The doctor told her beforehand that the surgically removed object could not be returned. When she questioned the doctor as to why, he vaguely refused. She became suspicious and claimed that the doctor was lying (21:40). - During surgery, the doctor placed the object he removed from her body in a plastic bag and called somewhere. A person in a suit came and took the bag away. - Based on this experience, she claims that the government is secretly recovering "implants" taken out of abductees. She also states that she is not the only one who has had this experience (around 23:00).
- Around 24:00. A hole like a black hole appeared in the ceiling, and ET's hand extended from there. - Around 26:00. A praying mantis type ET is communicating telepathically with a human body. - Around 28:00. ET has given me the ability to see through the human body, which is better than X-rays. - Around 32:00. I spoke to a tree and it responded.

Interview Video (36:25)


My view

- Her detailed account of her hospital experience from 19:00 to around 24:00 and the claims based on it are - I assure you - an excellent example of "complete misunderstanding" governed by the "preconceptions of a layperson". The reasons for this assertion are briefly explained below. - In cases like hers, doctors are most concerned about the possibility that it is a malignant tumor (cancer), not whether it is an ET implant. - Of course, this is unlikely in her case. But it cannot be ignored by any means. In case it is a malignant tumor, it needs to be immediately tested for distant metastasis via blood or lymph fluid. So doctor need to quickly diagnose if it is a malignant tumor or not. - The diagnosis of whether or not it is a malignant tumor cannot be made by the surgeon in charge of the open abdominal surgery. There is a specialist (pathologist) who specializes in making a diagnosis (definitive diagnosis). The specialist makes a diagnosis by preparing a specimen from the tissue (specimen) surgically removed from the patient. - In her case, it seems that an intraoperative rapid pathology diagnosis was made (in less than 20 minutes). An appointment is made with the pathologist in advance, and the pathologist is supposed to call with the sample taken. The person who received the call took the bag away. - The doctor's response as below:   The doctor told her beforehand that the surgically removed object could not be returned. When she questioned the doctor as to why, he vaguely refused. was intended to avoid causing unnecessary anxiety to the patient. They do not foolishly and honestly disclose in a case such as hers, "There is not a total possibility of cancer, so you have to rush to a specialist for a diagnosis. - By the way, I am an amateur with no medical knowledge. Please do not make any strange assumptions or misunderstandings about me based on the above plausible explanations...(laugh) (2015.09.11)


Translated with

(2022-09-25 translate)

First published article (Japanese)

Margie Kay : アブダクティから取り出したインプラントを政府が秘密裏に回収している (途中:その1) (2015-09-11)