UFOs encountered by U.S. Navy fleet and fighter jets during exercises were probably orb swarms created by fault lines on the seafloor at the site.

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Original title: U.S. Navy F-18 Pilots Sighted from 15m: Encounter with a Transparent Spherical UFO with a Black Box Inside


- Recently uploaded interview + documentary video. Ross Coulthart, a real, major media journalist, and Bryce Zabel, a major Hollywood producer, discuss several UFO cases. - Ryan Graves' testimony (*1) is quoted.


- The diameter of the UFO was about 5-10 meters. It did not respond to radar.
- 24:10 Q&A: A dark colored cube appeared to be inside the sphere. ref: Military pilot who testified to frequent UFO/UAP sightings in a special TV program gives a detailed report to his expert counterpart at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. (2021-08-26)


he described it as a as a dark gray or 9:56 black cube and that was inside a translucent or clear sphere 10:01 where the kind of apexes of that the cube were touching the inner surface of that sphere

Auto-generated voice transcription

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what he and his colleagues are aware of here's what ryan graves the former f-18 9:00 fighter pilot says he and his colleagues have witnessed off the east coast of america 9:07 as my my colleague was flying out to the area his wingmen was off his wing as 9:12 expected um about 100 feet or so and right as they passed through the entrance of the working area one of 9:18 these objects apparently was right right at the entrance uh it went by the lead 9:24 aircraft somewhere you know again we have to guesstimate somewhere around um you know no further than about 50 feet 9:33 and you know they almost hit this object and they never had it on their radar at this point we were aware there are physical 9:38 objects so if he had on his radar he would have maneuvered around it um we were already briefing this as a safety 9:44 hazard at this point what did this object look like right yeah when he came back to the ready room he described it 9:50 with his mouth open and he said i almost hit one of those damn things and then he described it as a as a dark gray or 9:56 black cube and that was inside a translucent or clear sphere 10:01 where the kind of apexes of that the cube were touching the inner surface of that sphere i mean that's how he 10:07 described well we talked to ryan graves the pilot that you just heard from 10:12 literally is the first part of our road trip as part of our need to know podcast and what ryan said 10:18 is extraordinary he was one of the people that briefed congress and and part of his briefing that was so 10:24 extraordinary is that he said these things happened all the time sometimes daily uh and of course many of them 50 10:32 to 100 at a time and that they were strange beyond belief uh the idea of uh 10:37 being followed by what amounts to a sphere with a cube inside it i mean come on i mean if i put that in one of 10:44 the screenplays that i write i'm not sure that anybody would find that credible and yet that's exactly what 10:50 this uh pilot ryan graves was saying i i find it incredible ross that we have

Video (1:18:00)

UFO & UAP 'Need to Know' News Documentary with Coulthart & Zabel | 7NEWS Spotlight

Note attached to the video

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The world is watching as the US Congress looks into the UAP phenomenon. Here, veteran investigative journalists Ross Coulthart and Bryce Zabel break down the news, and speak with credible experts and insiders. Subscribe now » http://7news.link/SpotlightSubscribe This is a special edition of NEED TO KNOW in collaboration with Australia’s 7NEWS. For more information head to http://www.NeedToKnow.today For those of you who aren’t already viewers or listeners to NEED TO KNOW @Need to Know (Coulthart & Zabel) presented by Ross Coulthart and his friend and colleague Bryce Zabel, NEED TO KNOW is a show that gives you the latest news and analysis about what they suspect will soon turn out to be the biggest story ever, the emerging astonishing revelations about UAPs – Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - what some folk have long called UFOs. As you’ll see, Bryce and Ross think this is a story that needs to be taken very seriously after decades of what we both believe is unjustified stigma and ridicule. UAPs are an authentic mystery that can no longer be denied. Ross and Bryce embarked on a road trip of the US, speaking with credible experts and insiders for this documentary. Hear from Ryan Graves, the former US Navy advanced fighter pilot, whose testimony to Congressmen and Senator in closed door hearings in Congress has been key in waking politicians up to the reality that this phenomenon, whatever it is, is a potential national security threat and a real danger to flight safety. Investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell shares insights on secrets he believes the US government is hiding. Ross and Bryce also went UAP hunting with investigator Ben Hansen, in an area renowned for sightings. Ross also sits down for an incredible interview with Professor Garry Nolan. Garry is a Stanford University professor, an internationally renowned immunologist, who has recently been nominated for a Nobel Prize. He’s also been involved in secret work for the CIA investigating illnesses suffered by military and intelligence personnel who’ve had damaging close-up experiences with UAPs. And Bryce's co-creator of TV series 'Dark Skies', Brent Friedman, reveals a bizarre encounter he had, when the show was launched.

My view

- It was probably orb that pilot Ryan Graves witnessed. - The orb looked like a cube in a transparent sphere to his eyes. Why is that? As mentioned briefly in a previous article, there is a huge fault zone on the seafloor at the site where the Navy was exercising, and strong magnetic anomalies have been observed. - In other words, EMF anomalies were frequently observed at the exercise site. Ryan Graves' brain, influenced by the EMF anomalies, saw the orb as a "cube inside a sphere." - The information that there is a huge fault zone on the seafloor seems to have been leaked by Ben Hansen, i.e., the FBI, as an alibi. - Pilot Ryan Graves saw an orb. The orb looked to his eyes like a cube in a transparent sphere. Why? As I briefly mentioned in a previous article (Ben Hansen's information (= alibi leak from the FBI?)), the Navy was conducting a training exercise at the bottom of the ocean floor in a huge fault zone. The sea floor where the Navy was exercising has a huge fault zone, and strong magnetic anomalies have been observed. In other words, EMF anomalies were frequently observed at the exercise site. Ryan Graves' brain image, influenced by the EMF anomalies, showed the orb as a "cube inside a sphere. - The EMF anomalies caused many orb occurrences, which resulted in tic-tac UFOs and numerous UAPs surrounding US Navy vessels. - At this point, there is a 60-70% chance that the upper echelons of the Navy are aware of this (fault zones on the seafloor → orb occurrence)(*1). There is also a 20% possibility that the Navy was experimenting with orb-generating weapons developed by the Navy in the confusion of this phenomenon. That is my opinion. - I have already mentioned another data that strongly suggests a "fault zone on the seafloor → orb generation" at this site in my previous article below.   Michio Kaku : Our observation team rewrote human history. (2022-06-23)


- In other words, it is highly likely that the upper echelons of the Navy knew the true identity of the tic-tac UFO/UAP, but pretended to be unaware of it. On top of that, they manipulated the NYT and others to publish the "scoop of the century on UFOs. - In that case, they must be trying to manipulate and use the information disclosure campaign of private UFO researchers in a derisive manner. And the plot is succeeding. In other words, all civilian UFO researchers are playing the scripted role without being aware of it. (2022-08-27)


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(2022-09-12 translate)

First published article (Japanese)

海軍の F-18 パイロットらが 15m 以内から目撃:中に黒い箱が見える透明な球体の UFO と遭遇 (2022-08-27)