UFO: documents list

  1. 1964-05-23, UK : The famous "photo of the Spaceman behind the girl" → Solve this mystery.

  2. Identity of the famous UFO photo taken in 1954, Italy

  3. 1985-09-09, California : Identity of cigar-shaped UFOs photographed from a Cessna aircraft

  4. Linda Bradshaw's UFO photo is a HOAX. Here is the definitive proof.

  5. Solving the Mystery of Bruce Maccabee's "Mysterious Predetor Photos and UFOs"

  6. Solving the Mystery of Dr. Bruce Maccabee's Officially Approved "Authentic Missing-Time Photographic Evidence"

  7. 1561-04-14, Germany: dozens of UFOs engaged in aerial combat over nuremberg → this case is solved

  8. Hessdalen,Norway : 2 tons of the earth's surface was cut off and moved in an area where UFO sightings are frequent → Explain the mechanism of this phenomenon

  9. Solving the Mystery of NASA's Photo of "Entrance to Mars that Appears to be Artificially Carved Out of Rock"

  10. Richard Dolan : This is the strongest evidence that SSP is real → I will explain what it is.
    20210719_sg2.jpg 20210523_rd_0.jpg

  11. Explain why "Oz factor" occurs.

  12. Explain Why rapid emptying batteries occurs

  13. The identity of the UFO that shot down ICBM

  14. Pentagon Scientists showed Ray Boeche photos of "the state of the bodies of three people who died during an experiment in mental communication with ET" → I solved the mystery of this photo.

    1. The deceased in the photo seen by Dr. Ray Boeche are not prisoners.)
  15. Immediately after Bigfoots appeared, "Shadow People" also appeared, and even a huge triangular UFO appeared → This mystery was solved.

  16. Xendra/Xandra is really a "Fog Dome"

  17. Fallacy of Michael Schratt's claim that "the U.S. government acquired anti-gravity technology in the 1950s.

    (image source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ki7YkOjVzDg )

  18. Video of orb that entered the body and cured tumors → found to be faked.

  19. The Identity of William Tompkins' "UFO Photo" (plus the reality of remote viewing)

  20. 2009-05-22, Mexico : In broad daylight, spheres in the sky separates and many small spheres extend in a straight line → probably a natural phenomenon

  21. Hypothesis: All of the following famous UFO photos are of rotating orb.

  22. "The mystery of UFO/Bigfoot remains unsolved," which will be the salvation of the soul.

  23. Simplified illustration of what UFOs are.

  24. detail version: The key to understanding the UFO/Bigfoot phenomenon is the temporary disturbance of consciousness.

  25. On Gregory Little's Hypothesis

  26. Condign report can't explan UFO phenomena

  27. Objectivity should not be applied to UFO/Bigfoot

  28. Kikoura Lights Incident

  29. The identity of "blue light" associated with UFO/ET/Bigfoot

  30. "blue light" causing brain damage and missing-time

  31. This is why not only UFOs, but also Bigfoot/Ghost apparitions, cause stop a car's engine.

  32. The consciousness of a person experiencing abduction is not normal. Here is the proof.

  33. Solving the mystery of the "Kelly-Hopkinsville" alien encounter.

  34. This is probably the true nature of the missing-time experienced by Betty/Barney Hill.

    (image source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-bjBj6Nbx8 )

  35. Here's the real reason why people bring cameras to take pictures, but fail to photograph UFOs

  36. Fallacy of Jacques Vallee's hypothesis on UFO/ET

  37. The identity of the UFOs frequently sighted on the ECETI Ranch would be a ball lightning generated by crustal pressure.

  38. Hypothesis: "Why serious frustration and despair cause shamanic awakening experiences" and its deep relationship to UFO/abduction phenomena

  39. 1977-04-25, Chile: UFO appears → Captain disappears → he appears 15 minutes later, 5 days have passed : solve the mystery of this time jump.

  40. Review :JACQUES F. VALLEE, "Five Arguments Against the Extraterrestrial Origin of Unidentified Flying Objects"

  41. Explain why absurdities occur frequently in the UFO phenomenon

  42. Solving the mystery of the "UFO that appeared at every nuclear explosion test in the atmosphere" to which Richard Dolan's frequent references to.

  43. Stan HO's photo of a cigar-shaped UFO is almost certainly faked.

  44. The UFOs sighted by Kenneth Arnold was probably a natural phenomenon. Here's why.

    1. Kenneth Arnold saw UFOs over WA the same night many people in WA saw orb
  45. UFOs encountered by U.S. Navy fleet and fighter jets during exercises were probably orb swarms created by fault lines on the seafloor at the site.

    1. Ben Hansen : The site where the Navy aircraft sighted the tic-tac UFO and UAP has a fault line on the seafloor and is an area of intense magnetic anomalies.
  46. Solving the mystery of the image of the black helicopter changing its form.

  47. Margie Kay's assertion that "the government is secretly recovering the implants taken out of abductees" is a classic misconception.

  48. NIDS analyzes ET's toenails left on bedroom floor → Surprising result

  49. Typical case of misidentifying a small orb as an aircraft carrier-sized UFO

  50. Scheduled for translation 月面の巨大な塔やブリッジの正体

  51. Scheduled for translation 2022-10-23 : "UFO" が地上にビームを放射している動画映像 →その正体を解く

  52. Scheduled for translation 2022-06, 春日部市: 上空の "UFO" を撮影した動画 → その正体を解く

  53. Scheduled for translation 動画:2020-02、エアバス機のパイロットが撮影した立方体型 UFO → その正体を解く

  54. Scheduled for translation 1942-02-25, CA : "Battle of Los Angeles" 事件の UFO の正体を推測する

  55. Scheduled for translation 一部で出回っている ET 写真の正体

  56. Scheduled for translation 1969-03, ソビエト: UFO 墜落現場と異星人解剖シーンの動画(全体+追加)

  57. Scheduled for translation 1957-09, Edwards AFB, CA : 有名な UFO 写真 → この正体を推測