Here's the real reason why people bring cameras to take pictures, but fail to photograph UFOs


- Malcolm Robinson's own UFO sighting experience inspired the title of this article. - In Malcolm Robinson's case below, what appears is not a so-called UFO or orb, but a strange strip of light in the night sky, but even if it were a UFO, the case of the title would be just as valid.

The core of the story

i had a camera around my 27:14 chest and i was too gobsmacked and yes 27:17 to look at it look at this 27:18 and then suddenly i just realized i 27:20 better take a photograph but by that 27:22 time it just boom boom it was gone

Auto-generated voice transcription

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26:01 there was another gentleman 26:03 who says malcolm would you like to come 26:05 up and see ufos where i live i went yeah 26:08 of course of course it says well what i 26:10 do is i use a torch and i click my torch 26:14 into the nice the night sky and bang 26:17 yeah those laser flashlights yes and i 26:19 get versa light bluster light come down 26:21 for my 26:23 so i says okay i've got to see this so i 26:26 traveled up to a little place called 26:28 altbay in western ross in scotland 26:31 and again thankfully it was a lovely 26:32 starry night not we don't get a lot of 26:34 that in scotland but that night it was 26:36 lovely 26:37 and we got out of his car and we walked 26:38 maybe about 26:40 three four hundred feet and it was all 26:42 mirrors and scottish outside this the 26:44 milky way was in the distance and 26:47 well malcolm this is all i do this is 26:49 this is a torch i use and this is what i 26:50 do and he started clicking this torsion 26:53 i swear hand on heart within about 30 26:56 seconds this enormous column of light 26:59 descended from a clear cloudless sky 27:02 amazing yeah and it came down like a 27:04 rope ladder if you had a flimsy rope 27:06 ladder and you threw it over the wall 27:07 came down in stages 27:11 i had a camera i had a camera around my 27:14 chest and i was too gobsmacked and yes 27:17 to look at it look at this 27:18 and then suddenly i just realized i 27:20 better take a photograph but by that 27:22 time it just boom boom it was gone in 27:25 seconds and he says oh i'm so glad you 27:27 saw that malcolm so glad a researcher 27:30 has come all this way to see this 27:33 and whilst it's great from another 27:35 photograph sadly 27:37 why else is great for me and it's part


The Most Significant Scottish UFO & Paranormal Incident EVER Recorded

The Real Reason You Missed Photographing a UFO

- Suppose you brought your camera with the intention of photographing a UFO when it appeared. If it is a small spot of light in the night sky, it is unlikely that you will forget to photograph it, but there are many cases where you somehow forget to photograph a UFO that appears at a short distance from you. (In the rare cases where you do remember to take a picture, it is usually only a small blurry speck...) - Many UFO witnesses, including Jay (*1) of Project Unity, testified as follows   - (a) I could not take my eyes off the UFO even for a moment. I was afraid that if I took my eyes off the UFO, it would disappear.   - (b) They were so overwhelmed and stunned by the UFO that they forgot about the camera. - However, a and b are interpretations added after the incident, and the real reason is most likely as follows.   - During the hallucination of the UFO, the witness is in a temporary stupor, unable to think or judge normally. - Therefore, whether the UFOs appear for a few seconds or for 20 minutes, while they are appearing (i.e., while they are hallucinating), they are in the midst of a disturbance of consciousness, so they do not have the active will to take pictures in the first place. When the patient finally recovers from the disturbance to a level where he or she can take pictures, the hallucination of the UFO has disappeared. I can tell you this is a very well-designed mechanism (laughter). - For the above reasons, in most cases, we fail to photograph UFOs.


Jay : Explain why I can't take pictures of a UFO/Orb even though I've witnessed it many times (2021-10-22)


- If my above theory is correct, the following is derived: In 99.9% (*2) of cases, the following is true.   - (1) So-called "real UFOs" cannot be photographed.   - (2) The captured UFO image is one of the following       - The kind of prototypes created by humans.       - Fabrication       - Natural phenomena that resemble UFOs (e.g., lens-shaped clouds)       - An object of easily misidentified shape (e.g., airship) was accidentally captured on the image. - Thus, for example, if the photo in the case below is not a fabrication, then this identity is a prototype of sorts, or a test of a special kind of airship. 1952-07-19、Peru : Cigar-shaped UFO flies with smoke (in progress: Part 1) (2013-02-24) - I will deal with the famous UFO photo below in a separate article at some point, but I have determined that this is not the so-called UFO with ET on it. Details of the famous UFO photo shoot approved by the Brazilian government.(in progress: Part 1) (2020-08-01)


- 99.9% … - According to above assumption, there is an inherent difficulty in having enough data to make it an universal proposition. Therefore, I will assume 99.9%. In other words, I am providing a way out (laughter) (2022-05-16)


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First published article (Japanese)

- カメラを持参しているのに、UFO を撮影し忘れる本当の理由 (2022-05-16) (2022-05-27 Translation)