The mystery of the captured pteranodon photo is solved.


  • The two "captured pteranodon photos" below are well known among occult enthusiasts. The mystery of these two photos has been solved, as described below.

Two Captured Pteranodon Photographs

This latest find, unfortunately with no information attached to it, if real, is the best evidence of the famed Thunderbird of Native American legend. The beak looks like it's adapted for fishing, like a crane, and the chest shows feathers. In my humble opinion, this does not look Photoshopped. By the quality of film and the style of dress, I'm guessing this is from the 1950's or early 60's. 
  • The article above referred to the article below.
20141126_thunderbird_015.jpg source:


  • This purportedly captured pteranodon was a imitation made to resemble a pteranodon. A group of mischievous people gathered around the imitation and took commemorative photographs, which are shown in the two photos above.

Evidence of fabrication

  • The evidence for fabrication lies in the skeletal structure of the wings. The wing membranes of pteranodon reproduced from fossils have a structure in which only the fourth finger is extremely extended and supported (see figure below).
20211017_bone4.jpg 20211017_bone4.jpg Learn about the Texas Pteranodon | Earth | EarthSky -
20220518_cmt2.jpg 20211017_bone2.jpg 20211017_bone2.jpg 20211017_bone3.jpg
  • In the photo of the hanging pteranodon above, the end of the fourth finger extends "without any support" in a straight line to the arm (see figure below).

  • Considering the skeletal structure above and the fact that the membrane is attached to the fourth finger, it is impossible for the end of the fourth finger to extend in a straight line to the arm "without any support".


(Translation : 2022-05-18)


  • Translated with (free version)

Original article in Japanese

捕獲された翼竜の写真のミステリー → 捏造(全体) (2021-10-23)
