Explain why the "Oz factor" (phenomenon in which the surroundings become silent) occurs when a UFO approaches.

(picture ref: 9780859241472: The Oz factor: Whoʼs doing what in Australia - AbeBooks - Coyne, Michael: 0859241475 - https://www.abebooks.com/9780859241472/Oz-factor-doing-what-Australia-0859241475/plp )


- First, I will discuss a specific example of the "Oz factor" (the phenomenon of silence in the surroundings). Next, I will explain why and how such a phenomenon occurs.

Specific examples

- From Dr. Lynne Kitei's testimonial video. - When I witnessed the orb, I was enveloped in a strange stillness that felt as if time had stopped. - I also had a strong feeling that the orb was observing me.
11:28 they're on the website anybody who goes 11:29 to the photo page mean excites network 11:31 website you'll see those two lower orbs 11:33 in the lower left corner 11:36 but immediately noticed an eerie silence 11:39 as if time had stopped it was just 11:41 bizarre and as intently as i was 11:43 watching those two lower orbs i have to 11:46 admit which i did not for two years till 11:49 after the mass sighting 11:51 that it felt like something was watching 11:53 me 11:54 and going through my mind i was thinking 11:56 who are you what are you do you know


Dr. Lynne Kitei on The Phoenix Lights

My hypothesis

- Dr. Lynne Kitei's case above is another typical Oz factor phenomenon. We have discussed many cases of Oz factor phenomena in previous articles (*1) below. - When the sensation of this phenomenon intensifies, even the surrounding people feel as if they have frozen to a standstill. - This strange sensation of stopping may be the result of impaired consciousness caused by EMF abnormality(*2). The patient must have felt the following.   - The ambient sound has disappeared.   - The traffic on the busy road had stopped.   - People around me had frozen to a standstill. - In reality, however, it is not that the surroundings have changed, but rather a functional decline in the person's awareness that has occurred. In other words, the cognitive function to grasp changes in the surrounding environment in real time has deteriorated. - For example, in a disorder of consciousness called Akinetopsia (*3), a person has difficulty even crossing a pedestrian crossing because moving vehicles appear to stop.


Akinetopsia Akinetopsia also known as cerebral akinetopsia or motion blindness, is a rare neuropsychological disorder in which a patient specifically loses the ability to perceive visual motion despite being able to see stationary objects without issue following cortical lesions outside the striate cortex 1). Reportedly, bilateral cortical injury might be necessary for symptomatic akinetopsia 2). However, Cooper et al. 3) reported that unilateral lesions can induce global akinetopsia as well. People with akinetopsia see the world as a series of freeze-frame images. Patients with akinetopsia say that smooth movements of objects appear as a discontinuous freeze frame image 4). Therefore, patients have difficulty, for example, in pouring tea into a cup because the fluid appears to be frozen, like a glacier 5). Patients with akinetopsia often bump in things, get confused about how things got moved around, have difficulty in crossing roads and driving and are accident-prone. Cerebral akinetopsia symptom is believed to result from damage to the visual motion pathway, especially area V5/medial temporal cortex (MT) complex 6). Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation study revealed that akinetopsia can be induced selectively and temporarily by magnetic stimulation of area MT/V5 in healthy subjects 7). Akinetopsia was also reported in patients with traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer’s disease, and stroke 8). Sakurai et al describe a patient who showed akinetopsia recurrently as epileptic seizures 9). ref: Akinetopsia definition, causes, signs and symptoms - https://healthjade.net/akinetopsia/


  The "Oz Factor" as championed by Jenny Randles (2015-07-04)   Colorado, circa 1997: Suddenly, just after the surroundings become silent, a B-2 bomber passes directly over the house at very low speed. (2016-01-03)   Frequent "strange quiet around witnesses" during UFO/ET encounters (2016-01-16)   Linda Zimmermann : Abductee experiences time stoppage around him; ET discovers brain damage (2016-06-05   Preston Dennett : UFO appeared, time stopped around it. (2017-04-09)   Oz factor also arose in the case of what appears to be a time slip. (2017-05-08)   DMT ingestion "made the surroundings silent (Oz factor)." (2017-06-29)   While driving a motorcycle, the surrounding vehicles suddenly became silent and invisible to others (2017-08-18)   Relationship between abductee's time loss experience and "human freeze" (2018-01-12)   Surroundings came to a halt at home. The next day, MIB appears and threatens him immediately after he and a friend witness a UFO. (2018-02-20)   Renato Longato : Light changes to ET, time stops, telepathic interaction with ET (2018-03-10)   Oz Factor : The sound of the engine of a running car also disappeared due to the appearance of the UFO. (2018-04-29)
・The flickering of the fire stopped. The surroundings stopped operating as if time had stopped. Silence. No voices.   abductee's testimony: 200,000 years ago, we were told by a Nordic ET that humans were created by modifying the DNA of apes. (2018-12-28)
  Testimony of Bob Lazar : I witnessed a time stop in the underground facility at Area-51. (2019-01-16)   Hypothesis to solve the mystery of time stopping reported in connection with UFO/ET. (2019-03-01)   Chris Marx : Skinwalker Ranch : Suddenly, the surroundings fell into complete silence, and I was overcome by a strong feeling of nausea. (2020-01-09)   Suddenly, a sense of time slowing down around me. I looked around and saw a UFO in the sky. Immediately after that, time returned to normal. (2020-04-11)   Relationship between abductee's time-loss experience and "human freeze". (2020-11-06)   Testimony of Bob Lazar : I witnessed the time stop in the underground facility at Area 51. (2021-04-11)   Butch Witkowski : Light appears over the accident site → Police officers, firefighters, and medical team on the scene all experience a mysterious stop (2021-12-01)   David Paulides : Hiking stopped around me and my watch stopped. One person almost went missing. (2022-02-12)


Simplified illustration of what UFOs are. (Version: 2022-04-09) - http://news21c.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-19331.html (2022-04-09)

My opinion

UFO/abduction/Bigfoot/NDE/OBE/God/Buddha/Magic/Liberation/Mystical Experiences/ghost/missing-411, and so on... all of these identities are caused by a special and temporary disturbance of consciousness --- this is my "disturbance of consciousness due to EMF abnormality" hypothesis. (2022-03-19)


- Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) (2022-04-15 translation)

First published

Explain why the "Oz factor" (phenomenon in which the surroundings become silent) occurs when a UFO approaches. (2022-04-15)

Original article (in Japanese)

Lynne Kitei : orb を目撃→時間が止まったような異様な静けさに包まれた (2022-03-20)