Kenneth Ring : UFO/ET 体験者の共通点が「トラウマや悲劇」
Whitley Strieber が Kenneth Ring の "The Omega Project" に記載された異常体験者の共通点を語っている。
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つまり、私が子供の頃から、そしてアニーにとっても、私たちが出会ってからずっと、ずっと 「コンテニアス 」だった。 それが私の生き方なの。なぜかというと、次にその質問をされるかもしれないけど、私の答えは、わからない。 (0:32:46)
でも、確かにそこにある。 あなたの「わからない」という答えは、信じられないような経験をした人に、なぜそのような経験をしたのかと尋ねると、「わからない」というような答えが返ってきます。 まあ、ひとつの可能性はある。ケン・リング博士が80年代 後半に行った非常に興味深いプロジェクトがあり、最終的にオメガ・プロジェクトとして発表されました。 (0:33:26)
そして彼は、接近遭遇体験をした人々の間に一貫性があることを発見した。 それは性的なトラウマかもしれないし、家族の大きな悲劇かもしれない。しかし、何か宇宙の卵にヒビが入り、彼らの世界全体がひっくり返るような出来事だった。そのような人たちが、一般的に接近遭遇体験をするのです。 (0:33:55)
I mean, it has been, since I was a kid, and for Annie, since we met, it has just been contingentious. It's the way I live. As to why, I'm afraid you might ask that question next, and my answer is, I don't know. (0:32:46)
But it's sure there, all right. Yeah. It's interesting, because your answer of, I don't know, is typically the answer I get, you know, when you ask people who have had incredible experiences, why them, and they're like, I don't know. Well, one possibility is this. There was a very interesting project done by Dr. Ken Ring, back in the late 80s, that was published eventually as the Omega Project, where he compared the life experiences of close encounter witnesses, near-death experiencers, and the number of other types of people who have had so-called paranormal experiences. (0:33:26)
And he discovered that there was a consistency among people who had close encounter experiences, and that was that they had trauma in their childhoods of various kinds. It could be sexual trauma, it could be a great family tragedy, but something that kind of cracked the cosmic egg and made their whole world turn upside down. And those people are the ones who generally have close encounter experiences. (0:33:55)
And I don't think it's that they're chosen, and we're chosen. I think that we notice, that we see it, something that is absolutely part of human life.
Whitley Strieber discusses mankind's fate on Open Minds Radio
43,500 views 2011/05/18
Whitley Strieber is the internationally bestselling author of more than twenty novels and works of nonfiction, including Communion, his account of a close encounter of the third kind. He is also the author of The Wolfen, The Hunger, and The Coming Global Superstorm, all of which were made into feature films. On May 12, he releases his latest book, The Key, a true story about a man who visited him in the middle of the night in 1998 and imparted upon him extraordinary lessons in personal development and mankind's fate.
仮に、Kenneth Ring の主張が、Whitley Strieber が直後に語ってい る
何か宇宙の卵にヒビが入り、彼らの世界全体がひっくり返るような出来事だった。そのような人たちが、一般的に接近遭遇体験をするのです。 (0:33:55)
…といった文脈に沿ったものだとすれば、Kenneth Ring も Jeffrey J. Kripal の
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という主張と同様に間違っている筈。実際は、「世界の他の部分」も異次元、ET も無関係であり、
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❑ James Bartley : abduction 体験後に、小さなものを掴み損ねることがよくある (途中 3) (2023-09-26)
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