Jeff Knox:abduction とトラウマの間に深い関係がある
Jeff Knox が Jeffrey J. Kripal の主張を肯定的に取り上げている。Kripal の主張の詳細は下の過去記事で取り上げた。
abduction とトラウマの関係について 知らない(or 知っていても無視しがちな) UFO 関係者が圧倒的に多い中、Jeff Knox は目敏い。
❏ "UFO abductee" と 臨死体験者の共通点:子供時代に虐待などのトラウマを体験 (2024-03-04)
Jeffrey J. Kripal : トラウマが引き金となって脳の機能停止や障害が起き、「世界の他の部分」が流れ込むことで超常現象が起きる (途中 1) (2023-05-01)
【編】Jeffrey J. Kripal : 宗教的な手法の多くは人間にトラウマを植え付けるように設計されている(途中1) (2023-05-06)
Jeffrey Kripal の仮説:幼児期の虐待やトラウマ → 脳のフィルター機能を一部解除 → 日常世界を超えたリアルな世界の扉が開く → 超常体験/超常現象 (2024-07-05)
Whisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
(offset = 45:00 )
ジェフリー・クリパルは『トラウマティック・シークレット』という論文を書いていて、拉致被害者だけでなく、恍惚としたスピリチュアルな体験をする修道士やシャーマンといった人たちにも、実はひどい虐待や幼少期の性的虐待に遭っていたという関連性について書いているんだ。そしてこのトラウマ的な秘密が、いかにひどい虐待、幼少期の性的虐待などであるかということだ。 (00:00:31)
そして、このトラウマ的な秘密が、実際にどのようにあなたの心を打ち砕くのか。だから、エイリアンとの超常的な体験とか、そういうものに対してオープンになるんだ。それがとにかく理論的なことなんだ。でも彼は、ジョージ・ パテルのような神秘主義者や、他の何人かの人々について、その論文の中で話しているんだ。(00:00:57)それは、ジェイソン・モリソンの『Prisoners of Infinity』という本のトピックのようなものなんだ。 (00:00:57)
Microspherules | Ufos Chat # 4 - August 11, 2024 (Edited)
0 views Aug 17, 2024
This is Ufos Chat # 4 (edited), a saucer-side chat in response to Ufos # 9 ( • Valensole Part II & Little People | U... ). In this episode, the three of us talked about microspherules, interviewing witnesses, skepticism, egg-shaped craft in CE-III reports, and much more.Welcome to Ufo Sunset, a live ufo magazine. We feature current news, history, and discussion on ufos and the ufo adjacent. We also hope to provide a space to help strengthen our broader ufo community. Come join us in the live chat. And thank you so much for visiting! 🛸❤️
We're here to provide a space for independent fact-based reporting, essays, and discourse, and we're here to provide a community platform. Each of us promotes our own social political views, and an individual host's statements on the show are not necessarily endorsed by all hosts. Please see our Ufos episodes every other week for full Ufos Chat context. We strive to create a space where people can feel free to share their unique perspectives without fear of harassment. We will not tolerate fascism, racism, or intolerance based on gender, sex, sexual identity, ethnicity, ability, or religion.
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Thumbnail image by alans1948
References & RN's Script
Jeff Knox (co-host, Ufo History)
Jeff Knox is a ufo researcher/historian and archivist with a lifelong interest in this topic starting around the age of 8. He has spent the last decade working full-time researching and archiving on the ufo topic. Since September 2022, he has posted daily cases and information from ufo history on social media under the title "Today in UFO History." He's also spent years helping digitize ufo material so that it can be preserved and shared with future generations of researchers. The preservation and digitization of ufo archives and material is something he has been passionate about for many years. He lives in Vancouver, Washington. |
Luis Cayetano (co-host)
Luis is an aspiring sleuth with a background in evolutionary biology and a tangential interest in UFOs, particularly in its psychosocial aspects and the uses of ufology and pseudoscience by elements of the far right. He is deeply concerned by the future of rationality, democracy and free societies. He lives in Merced, California and is the creator of the website, which provides commentary about the unsavory aspects of UFO belief.
Rachel Nelson (host, creator)
Rachel Nelson is the creator of various forms of "content" on ufos and the unexplained. These include the youtube channel The Earth, Telesma Blooorb's Earth Love Diary, and tiktok adaptations of Jeff Knox's Today in Ufo History posts. She currently resides in Portland, Oregon.