Ofreo M. Angelucci, "THE SECRET OF THE SAUCERS" : 『空飛ぶ円盤の秘密』:序文和訳
Web で 70年前の UFO 本のテキストを見かけたので序文部分を和訳しておく。
出版社 1955年
- まえがき - I
- 別世界からの円盤 - 1
- 私は空飛ぶ円盤で旅をする - 16
- ネプチューンとの出会い - 37
- 「私たちは地球人として現れ、機能することができる、オルフェオ!」 - 52
- 過去は決して死なない! - 58
- 飛行機は消える! - 64
- ハリウッドでの空飛ぶ円盤大会 - 75
- 別の惑星での私の目覚め - 84
- 東への旅 - 114
- ニュージャージーでのネプチューンと現象 - 120
- 私にはビジョンがある - 133
- 空飛ぶ円盤を知る方 法 - 145
- 空飛ぶ円盤の構造と動力 - 154
- 空飛ぶ円盤の動力 - 154
- 円盤の謎の正体 - 16
p. ii
p. iii
p. iv
しかし、数週間が数ヶ月に伸び、徐々に回復し 始めました。最終的には再び座ることができ、それから歩けるようになりました。まるで生まれ変わったようでした。科学書にも再び興味が湧いてきました。そしてついに、退院して自宅に戻れるという嬉しい日が訪れました。長い入院生活の間、妻と家族の信頼と励ましは絶えることはありませんでした。メイベルは常に私のそばにいてくれました。彼女の愛と理解がなければ、私は生き延びることができなかったでしょう。
職場に復帰した後、私は夜間学校でコースを受講しました。知識に対する昔からの飽くなき渇望が、私の魂をむしばんでいました。科学は多くのことを発見しましたが、まだ学ぶべきことはたくさんあり、自然界の秘密の多くはまだ解明されていません。私は原子の真の性質を解明することに夢中でした。また、ウイルス性の病気、特に最も恐ろしい身体障害を引き起こすポリオの治療法を発見することにも夢中でした。私は、宇宙全体の創造と作用について、まだ満足のいく説明がなされていないと感じていました。物質の創造における大きな謎、あるいは原子の実際の起源とは何なのでしょうか? このような疑問や、その他の類似した謎が、昼夜を問わず私の脳裏にこだましていました。
p. v
自分でいくつかの簡単な実験を行いました。 私は、雷雨が迫ると、鳥類はみな神経質になり、特に鶏は不安になることに気づきました。 自分自身の反応から、鳥類も大気の状態によって明確な身体症状を経験していることは明らかでした。 また、鶏は「範囲麻痺」にかかりやすく、それはあらゆる点で人間の小児麻痺と類似していることも発見しました。
p. vi
ルーズベルト大統領の尽力により、私の理論は、国立小児麻痺財団の研究部長ジョン・L・ラバン・ジュニア博士の耳に届いた。ラバン博士は興味を示し、フィラデルフィアの小児病院でポリオのビタミン療法に取り組んでいたジョセフ・ストークス博士を紹介してくれた。しかし、私はストークス博士を訪ねたことはなかった。彼の研究について学んだところ、彼の考えは、B複合体の特定のビタミンがポリオウイルスの栄養に大きく関わっているという私の理論とは正反対のものであることが分かりました。(この見解は、それ以降、ウイルス学のすべての研究によって 裏付けられています。)
p. vii
私は悲痛な思いで、青空高く舞い上がる風船と私の大切な型を見つめながら、大きくため息をつきました。 それは完璧な一日で、まさに私がこのテストを行うために待ち望んでいたような天気でしたが、今やすべてが取り返しのつかないほど失われてしまいました。
p. viii
その場にいた全員がその物体を目にしました。そして、気球が上昇する集団に引き寄せられてその場にやってきたという意見で一致しました。しかし、その物体が頭上でホバリングし、旋回しているうちに、それは普通の飛行機ではないことがすぐに分かりました。まず、操縦が驚くほど優雅で、楽々と行われていることに気づきました。そして、それがはっきりと見えるようになると、私たちは驚きました。それは、私たちが知っているどの航空機の型にも見られない、見慣れない輪郭をしていたのです。それは間違いなく円形で、太陽の光にきらきらと輝いていました。私たちは驚きと困惑の表情で互いに顔を見合わせ、カメラマンがその物体の写真を撮ろうとしました。メイベルは叫びました。「まあ、こんな飛行機は見た ことがないわ!丸いし、翼もない!」 皆が同意し、その物体が高度を上げ、風船の後を追うように見え、やがて視界から消えるまで、私たちは見つめ続けていました。その後数日間、私たちはその奇妙な物体について話し合いましたが、ほとんどの謎の場合と同様に、1~2週間も経つとすっかり忘れてしまいました。しかし今日、あの日私と一緒にいた人なら誰でも、あの奇妙な物体の真実性を保証してくれるでしょう。
p. ix
風船を失くしてから数日後、私はプリンストン大学のパルマー物理学研究所に立ち寄り、宇宙線部門の責任者であるダン・デイビス博士を訪ねました。 デイビス博士はいつも私に対して非常に親切で、私がいつも悩まされていた技術的な問題について、多忙にもかかわらず時間を割いて助けてくれました。 私はデイビス博士と彼の補佐官の一人に、実験用の型と風船の事故による紛失について話しました。デイビス博士は、事前に私の実験について知らされていなかったことを残念がった。博士は、実験用の水素ガスを供給したり、その他の面でも経費削減に協力したかったと述べた。また、気球の航跡を東部のレーダー基地で追跡できるように手配しただろうとも述べた。
プリンストンとその周辺は、文字通り私にとって「地上の楽園」であった。なぜなら、そこは私が愛する科学の重要な拠点のひとつであったからだ。この近辺には、ロックフェラー医学研究所、RCA研究所、アメリカン・テレフォン・アンド・テレグラフ社、先端研究研究所、ペニシリンの製造元であるヘイデン化学研究所などの素晴らしい研究機関がありました。また、ラトガース大学、E.R.スクイブ社、メルク・アンド・サン社など、他にも多くの研究機関が近隣にありました。 そう、私はニュージャージー州の素晴らしい教育機関や科学研究機関が大好きでした。しかし、ニュージャージー州に対する私の愛情は、そこで経験した激しい雷雨に対する抑えきれない不安と肉体的苦痛によって相殺されてしまいました。そのため、メイベルが雷雨がほとんどない(あるいはまったくない)と聞いた西海岸への引っ越しを言い出したとき、私はすんなりと彼女の計画に賛成しました。
p. x
診断医学の現代のヒポクラテスであるウォルター・C・アルバレス博士に会うためです。 医学界の権威であるこの医師に時間を割いていただいたことは、私にとって非常に幸運なことでした。 私よりもずっとふさわしい多くの人々が、この多忙な医師に会うことができないからです。 アルバレス博士は、その名声と医学界での重要性を考慮しても、非常に謙虚で親切な方でした。 徹底的な診察の後、博士は私の症状は先天的な体質が極度に不十分であることが原因であると結論づけました。その症状は、幼少期に不十分な加熱処理の豚肉を食べてトリコノゾ症に感染したことが原因であるというのが彼の意見でした。急性症状を生き延びたことは幸運だったと彼は言いました。そして、弱った体質と神経系への負担を最小限に抑えるために、できるだけ休養をとり、自分の好みや適性に合わない仕事は決して引き受けてはならないと助言してくれました。
p. xi
私は数年前から「無限の存 在の本質」という論文に取り組んでおり、原子進化、停止、内包、宇宙線の起源、宇宙の速度などに関する章を含んでいました。トレントンにいた間、私はこの論文を自費出版し、基礎研究に取り組むさまざまな大学や個人の科学者に郵送しました。もちろん、その時は自分でも思い上がりだと気づいていましたが、専門教育を受けていないために正しく理論化できないものの、理解していると信じていたアイデアに対する途方もない熱意にすっかり夢中になっていました。
p. xii
トレントンに戻って、物質的な快適さと小さな財産が待っているという安心感に身をゆだねる誘惑は大きかった。しかし、メイベルと子供たちは南カリフォルニアを愛していた。 私としては、原子、電子、光子といった世界において、安心感はそれほど重要ではない。それに、あの電気嵐もまだあった。電気恐怖症の私にとって、この点は常に最優先事項である。そこで、セキュリティのことは忘れて、ロサンゼルスで家を維持し、うまくやっていくことに賭けてみることにした。
p. xiii
数ヶ月間、私はロスフェリス・クラブハウスのマネージャーとして働きました。 空いた時間には、映画の脚本を書こうと努力しました。 どちらかというと趣味の延長でした。 脚本の経験がなかったので、脚本が採用されるとは思っていませんでした。 宇宙旅行が映画で人気を博していたため、架空の月旅行を題材にしたストーリーに集中しました。完成した原稿に興味を示したスタジオはいくつかありましたが、結局映画化されることはありませんでした。
p. xiv
金属加工部門で約6週間働いた後、私はロッキードのプラスチック部門に異動になりました。プラスチックには以前から興味があったので、この異動を嬉し く思いました。私は3人のチームの一員として、F-94CおよびF-94Bスターファイアジェット機のレーダーユニット用のプラスチックとガラス製ハウジングであるレドームの製造に従事しました。私は同僚のデイブ・ドネガンとリチャード・バターフィールドのことが好きでした。2人とも誠実で、勤勉な典型的な若いアメリカ人でした。彼らは地に足がついており、新しいアイデアや科学の発展に興味はありましたが、あくまでも物質的な面に関心があり、抽象的なものには興味を示しませんでした。
p. 1
夕方の早い時間帯は順調だったが、11時頃に気分が悪くなり始めた。 奇妙なチクチクした感覚が手や腕から首の後ろにかけて走った。 軽い動悸がして神経が過敏になっていた。まるでひどい雷雨が来る前のいつもと同じような気分でした。 見覚えのある症状が強まってきたので、外に出て重苦しい脅迫的な雲を見つけようとしましたが、その夜は例外的に澄み渡り、星が明るく輝いていました。
自分を取り囲む何らかの力を感じた。これまでに経験したことのない奇妙な症状だった。痛みはなかったが、今にも死んでしまいそうな気がした。チクチクする感覚は増し、腕や脚、頭皮にまで広がった。昔の病気が再発したのかと不安になった。またベッドに縛り付けられ、小学生の頃の「体質不良」のひどい衰弱と耐え難い痛みに苦しむことになるのだろうか? 恐ろしい兆 候は確かに あった。
p. 3
私はそのままリバーサイド・ドライブを直進し、物体に向かっていったが、物体は私から遠ざかっているように見えたので、私は物体との距離をほぼ同じに保った。午前1時近くだったので、道路にはほとんど車が走っていなかった。車を停めて物体を調べている車は見当たらなかったので、どうやら私以外には物体に気づいている人はいなかったようだった。もし、私の奇妙な症状がなければ、ヘッド ライトのまぶしさで私も物体を見逃していたかもしれない。
p. 4
しかし、赤く光る球体が消える直前に、そこから2つの小さな物体が現れました。それらの物体は間違いなく円形で、柔 らかい蛍光グリーンの色をしていました。それらは私の車の真ん前を直進し、ほんの数フィートの距離でホバリングしました。私はそれぞれが直径約3フィートほどだと判断しました。虹色の泡のように静かに空中に浮かぶそれらの緑色の光は、強弱をリズミカルに変化させていました。
その時の私は緊張とショックでほとんどパニック状態にあったため、その後の会話の逐語的な記録を述べることは不可能です。 見えない話し手は明らかに、私が理解できる言葉や表現を選ぼうとしていましたが、今でもいくつかの点が私には不明です。 私は、彼の言葉の要点を大まかにしか説明できません。
p. 5
光る円盤は柔らかな光を放っていましたが、どこにも人影は見えませんでした。 声が再び話し、私のフルネームで挨拶したのをぼんやりと覚えています。 さらに、小さな緑の円盤は、地球で開発されたものとは比較にならない送受信装置であると述べました。 そ して、その声は、円盤を通じて私は別の世界からの友人たちと直接コミュニケーションを取っていると付け加えました。
p. 6
突然、その光景がすべて鮮明に記憶に蘇った。メイベル、私の妻、義父、友人や近所の人たちと一緒に、空に浮かぶ奇妙な円盤型の物体を見つめていたことを思い出した。その物体が、私の大切なアスペルギルス・クラヴァトゥス(Aspergillus Clavatus)の培養菌を乗せた気球を追いかけるように見えたことを思い出した。当時、私はかなり実験好きでした。蛍光色の円盤がニュージャージーで目撃したあの不思議な飛行物体と形が似ており、同じように予測不可能な動きをしていたことに気づきました。ただ、ニュージャージーで目撃した飛行物体は昼間に金属のように光り輝いていたのに対し、円盤は暗闇の中で光っていました。
「私たちのことを覚えていますね、オルフェオ」と、その黄金の声が言った。「私たちは、あの日以来、あなた方の様子を観察していま した」この言葉に、恐怖の感情はすべて消え去ったが、私はその意味がどうしても理解できなかった。突然、私はとても喉が渇いていることに気づいた。
まるで私の考えに応えるかのように、声がこう言いました。「オルフェオ、車のフェンダーにあるクリスタルのカップで飲みなさい」 私は驚いて視線を落とし、車のフェンダーにゴブレットのようなものがあるのを見ました。 それは柔らかな光に照らされて輝いていました。 ためらいながら私はそれを唇に近づけ、飲み物を味わいました。 それは私が今まで味わった中で最も美味しい飲み物でした。 私はカップを空にしました。
p. 7
飲んでいる間、強さと幸福感が私を包み込み、不快な症状はすべて消え去りました。 「ありがとうございます」と私は言い、空のカップを車のフェンダーに戻しました。するとカップは消えてしまいました。
p. 8
▼原文 展開
From http://www.sacred-texts.com/ufo/sos/index.htm
by Ofreo M. Angelucci
Many persons have asked me why the space visitors should have chosen me for contact rather than some other individual whom they considered eminently better qualified for such a contact than myself. Why, they infer, should the space visitors have picked so insignificant a nonentity as I for their revelations?
In all humility I tell you that I too have asked both the space visitors and myself that very question many times. And it is only within recent months that I have begun to understand fully just why I was chosen. But this is not the place in this book to disclose the reasons for their choice. After you have finished the book, however, you will have the answer. It is up to you then to decide whether or not you agree with the saucer beings in their choice of contact.
Thus I shall begin by telling you something of my early life and the space visitors first contact with me back in the year 1946, when I was totally unaware that I first came under their observation.
My childhood was the usual happy, carefree childhood of most American boys. I joined in the less strenuous games, attended school and was fairly good in my studies, although I was always frail and in poor health. Fortunately, my family was in fairly comfortable circumstances and they and my two indulgent uncles saw to it that I always had the best medical attention available.
p. ii
My youthful trouble was diagnosed as "constitutional inadequacy" and its symptoms were great physical weakness, lassitude, lack of appetite and malnutrition. Hence I tired very easily and the slightest physical effort often left me weak and exhausted. I suffered from severe migraine headaches and as I grew older it seemed at times that every nerve and muscle in my body ached with excruciating pain.
When I was in the ninth grade the doctors advised that I discontinue school and continue my studies at home. This arrangement was highly satisfactory with me, for I had always been intensely interested in all branches of science. At home I was able to devote my entire time to the study of these subjects.
With plenty of rest and on a weight-building diet I gained strength and within a year the doctors believed I was well enough to return to school. But as my family had suffered some financial reverses in the meantime, it was decided that it would be best if I went to work for a while. I heartily approved. My first job was with my uncle's flooring and stucco company. He hired me as an estimator-salesman as I was not equal to any heavy work. I liked the work and enjoyed getting out and meeting people. All in all I got along pretty well even though I was considered just a kid. In my spare time I continued to study all of the books I could get hold of on scientific subjects.
p. iii
In 1936 I met Mabel Borgianini, an attractive Italian girl who is a direct descendant of the famous Italian Borgias. From the first, both of us knew that we were meant for each other. Her happy, cheerful disposition helped me to keep from brooding over my health and physical inability to accomplish all of the things that I longed to do. It was the happiest day of my life when we were married. About a year later our first son, Raymond, was born and our cup of happiness was full.
A little later I suffered a complete physical breakdown and was forced to give up my job. My weight fell alarmingly from 150 to 103 pounds and I was so weak that I could scarcely sit up. After a number of medical examinations and complicated tests, the doctors decided I was suffering from a neurovascular disturbance. They prescribed complete rest and continuous medical attention.
Thus I entered a new world, a white world of doctors, nurses and hospital beds. For eighteen long months I was confined to bed. My body was wracked with excruciating pains and I was so utterly exhausted that I could not even read. Medical science was doing everything possible for me, but I knew that my doctors didn't believe that I would ever pull through. Frankly, I didn't much care whether I lived or died. Life was no longer desirable. To lie day after day on a white hospital cot with a body flayed with pain and too exhausted even to think is indeed a living hell. Death, I felt, could only mean release from pain.
p. iv
Especially was the confinement difficult for me to bear as I had always loved the out of doors, the sparkle of the sunshine, the whisper of the leaves in the woods, and the music of the woodland streams. Sometimes I prayed that I might die and escape the pain and awful weariness that ached in my muscles.
But weeks lengthened into months and gradually I began to improve. Finally I was able to sit up again and then to walk. It was like being reborn. I even began to take an interest in my science books once more. At last came the joyous day when I was able to leave the hospital and return home. All through those long months of confinement the faith and encouragement of my wife and family never failed. Mabel was with me through it all and if it hadn't been for her love and understanding 1 doubt if I ever would have made it.
My body was still wracked with pain, but I had learned to bear that. The good thing was that the terrible exhaustion and trembling weakness was gone so that I was able to be up and about. Although my family tried to dissuade me, I insisted upon going back to work on my old job almost immediately. I had been inactive so long that I wanted more than anything just to be busy again.
After I returned to work, I took up courses in night school. The old insatiable hunger for knowledge was gnawing at my very soul. I realized that science had discovered much, but there were still so many things to be learned; so many of nature's secrets yet to be revealed. I was obsessed with learning the true nature of the atom; discovering a cure for the virus diseases and especially for polio, that most ghastly of all crippling diseases. I felt that a satisfactory explanation for the creation and operation of the entire universe was yet to be worked out. What was the great mystery of the creation of matter, or the actual origin of the atom? These and other similar enigmas echoed in my brain night and day.
p. v
The field of electricity and electro-magnetic phenomena interested me in particular.
Probably because from earliest childhood I had an acute fear or phobia about lightning. During an electrical storm I suffered not only actual bodily pain, but mental perturbation and distress. Thus I became well versed in atmospheric static electricity.
I conducted some simple experiments on my own. I noticed that all fowl and especially chickens are nervous and apprehensive during an impending thunderstorm. It was obvious from my own reactions that they too experienced definite physical symptoms because of atmospheric conditions. Also, I discovered that chickens are subject to a "range paralysis" which in every respect parallels infantile paralysis in human beings.
From my studies and experiments in this field I believed that I had discovered certain facts that might be highly significant in the treatment of polio. In my enthusiasm, I wrote a long, detailed letter on the subject to President [paragraph continues] Franklin Roosevelt, who was then in the White House.
p. vi
Through the efforts of President Roosevelt my theories were heard by Dr. John L. Lavan, Jr., Director of Research, National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. Dr. Lavan was interested and referred me to Dr. Joseph Stokes of the Children's Hospital in Philadelphia who was working along the vitamin therapy line of treatment for polio. But I never called on Dr. Stokes. From what I learned of his work I knew that his ideas were directly opposed to my own theory that a certain vitamin of the B complex group was largely responsible for the nutrition of the polio virus. (This view has since been substantiated by all research in virology.)
Returning to my studies and home experiments, I became interested in fungi and the atmospheric conditions affecting them. I studied the wild mushrooms and the particular atmospheric conditions which resulted in their sudden, erratic growth. From the mushrooms I turned to molds. It was my belief that molds are a negative form of life which leech on living matter by an illusive, subtle process of mutation.
At that time we were well into World War II. Penicillin had been discovered, but it was yet only a magic word and a deep mystery to the public. No books or reports were available on the subject. But by then I was familiar with the characteristics of fungi. In my experiments I discovered that one of the most common molds could be made to produce chemicals indefinitely if kept in proper nutrition and temperature. It was then I decided to see what structural changes would occur in the mold aspergillus clavatus in the upper atmosphere.
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On August 4, 1946 I took cultures of the mold in three stages of growth: embryonic, half mature and mature. I placed the molds in baskets and attached the baskets to eighteen Navy-type balloons and prepared to send them aloft. But through an unfortunate accident the balloons broke away prematurely, carrying the baskets with the molds aloft with no means of retrieving them. My long months of strenuous effort and careful planning were hopelessly lost.
Heartsick, I sighed heavily as I watched the balloons and my precious molds ascending higher and higher into the clear blue sky. It was a perfect day, just the kind of weather I had longed for to make my test, but now everything was irreparably lost.
My family and a number of friends and neighbors were with me watching the experiment. Also on hand were a reporter and a photographer from the Trentonian, the Trenton daily newspaper. Everyone was silent staring into the heavens watching the balloons growing smaller and smaller as they gained altitude. Everyone there and especially Mabel and my father-in-law knew how keenly disappointed I was. Mabel put her arm comfortingly about my shoulders and murmured: "It's all right, Orfie. You can try again." It was then that my father-in-law, Alfred Borgianini, noticed a craft in the sky and called out: "Look! There's an airplane, Orfeo. Maybe it will follow your balloons."
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Everyone there saw the object and it was the consensus that it had been attracted to the spot by the group of ascending balloons. But as it hovered and circled overhead, we were all soon aware that it was no ordinary airplane. In the first place it maneuvered in an amazingly graceful and effortless manner. Then as we gained a clearer view of it, we were startled to see that it did not have the familiar outline of any known type of aircraft. It was definitely circular in appearance and glistened in the sunshine. We looked at each other in surprise and bewilderment and the photographer tried to get some shots of the thing. Mabel exclaimed: "Why, I never saw such an airplane before! It's round and it doesn't have any wings!" Everyone agreed and we continued to stare as it gained altitude and appeared to follow after the balloons until it too vanished from our sight. For several clays afterward we discussed the strange object, but as in the case of most mysteries, we forgot all about it within a week or two. Today, however, any one of those persons who were with me that day will vouch for the authenticity of that strange craft.
Since then I have learned that the occasion of the launching of the balloons was the first time I came under direct observation of the extra-terrestrials. Although I never then dreamed of the significance of the event, that was their first contact with me.
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From that moment on for the next five years and nine months I remained under constant observation by beings from another world, although I was wholly unaware of it.
The state police force was appealed to and requested to be on the lookout for the eighteen lost balloons and their strange cargo. Also, local radio stations and newspapers publicized the loss of the balloons and requested anyone finding or sighting them to report to authorities. But nothing was ever heard about them and to all intents the eighteen balloons and the mold cultures vanished.
Several days after the loss of the balloons I stopped in at the Palmer Physics Laboratory at Princeton University to visit Dr. Dan Davis, head of the Cosmic Ray Department. Dr. Davis had always been most friendly toward me and was never too busy to take time out to help me with some of the technical problems that were always troubling me. I told Dr. Davis and one of his aides about the experimental molds and their loss in the accident with the balloons. Dr. Davis regretted that I had not told him about my experiments beforehand, for he said that the laboratory would have been glad to supply the hydrogen gas for the experiment and otherwise help to reduce expenses. Also, he said he would have arranged to have the balloons traced by the chain of radar stations in the eastern section.
Princeton and its environs were literally heaven-on-earth to me, for it was one of the important homes of my beloved science. In the vicinity were such great institutions as Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, the R.C.A. Laboratories, the American Telephone and Telegraph Co.; the Institute for Advance Study; the Heyden Chemical Corporation, producers of penicillin. And nearby were Rutgers University, E. R. Squibb and Co., Merck and Son and many others. Yes, I loved every inch of New Jersey with its marvelous institutions of learning and scientific research. But my love for the state was offset by my uncontrollable apprehensions of and physical anguish during the rather violent thunderstorms there. Thus when Mabel began to talk of moving to the West Coast where I'd heard there were few, if any, thunderstorms, I was easily persuaded to go along with her plans.
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In November of 1947 my family, consisting of Mabel and I and my two boys, Raymond and Richard, started by automobile for Los Angeles. On the trip we stopped at Rochester, Minnesota where I had an appointment at the famous Mayo Clinic with Dr. Walter C.
Alvarez, the modern Hippocrates of diagnostic medicine. I sincerely appreciated my tremendous good fortune at being granted time by this authority in the field of medicine, for many far more deserving than I have been unable to see this busy man. Despite his fame and his importance in the medical world, I found him extremely modest and kindly. After a thorough examination he concluded that my condition was caused by an inherent constitutional inadequacy in an extreme degree. It was his opinion that the condition had been induced by a childhood attack of trichinosis from eating contaminated, under-cooked pork. He said I was fortunate to have survived the acute attack. He advised me to get as much rest as possible and never to engage in work that was not of my choice and liking in order to minimize the burden on my weakened constitution and nervous system.
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At last we arrived in the Golden State on the West Coast. Southern California was a delightful new experience for both my family and myself. I decided it was paradise indeed when I discovered that it actually was practically free from electrical storms. And my boys and Mabel were thrilled with stretches of golden sand at the seashores, the mountains and the continuous semi-spring that prevails there at all seasons of the year.
We spent five months in California sight-seeing and enjoying the sunshine and the wonders of its scenery. At the end of that time we had to return to Trenton, as I had some unfinished business to attend to there. But I had purchased a lot in Los Angeles and we planned to return and make our permanent home there as soon as possible.
For some years I had been working on a thesis titled, "The Nature of Infinite Entities" which included chapters on such subjects as Atomic Evolution, Suspension, and Involution; Origin of the Cosmic Rays; Velocity of the Universe, etc. While I was in Trenton I had the thesis published entirely at my own expense and mailed copies to various universities and individual scientists working on fundamental research. Of course I realized at the time it was presumptuous of me, but I was completely carried away with my tremendous enthusiasm for ideas which I believed I understood but could not properly formulate because of lack of technical training.
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It was my deep and abiding hope that some one of the scientists might understand what I was driving at and work out the technical and mathematical angles. Some of the men were interested, but none as far as I know ever exerted the effort on the theories that I had hoped they might. But at least I was satisfied that I had done my best considering the limited circumstances of my education. I was content to let the matter rest. It was obvious science had no need of me, a rank and presumptuous amateur. I must remain mute, an orphan of science!
We were all happy to return to Los Angeles and settle down in our new home. There I went into business with my father. But from the first we encountered vicissitudes on every side. For three long, difficult years we struggled along trying to make a go of it, but monopolies and stiff competition made the going so rough that we were finally forced to close down the business.
The temptation was great to return to the security of Trenton where material comfort and a small fortune awaited us if we would make our home there. But Mabel and the boys loved Southern California. As far as I am concerned, security has never been of great importance in my world of the atom, the electron and the photon. Also, there were still those electric storms to reckon with. To an electrophobe like myself, this aspect is always of primary consideration. So we decided to forget security and gamble on keeping our home and making a go of it in Los Angeles where we were all content.
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This was in the year 1948 and the flying saucers were then making headlines from time to time. But I was completely disinterested in the phenomenon. Like many other persons, I thought the saucers were some new type of aircraft being secretly developed here in the United States. I figured the information would come out in good time.
For several months I worked as manager of the Los Feliz Club House. In my spare time I endeavored to write a motion picture script. It was more of a hobby than anything else. I didn't really expect the script to be accepted as I'd had no writing experience. As the idea of space travel was quite popular in the films then, I concentrated on a story about an imaginary trip to the moon. Several studios were interested in the finished manuscript, but it was never made into a motion picture.
When the club house where I was employed was finally leased to a large organization, I made application for work at the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation plant at Burbank, California. The application was approved and I went to work for Lockheed on April 2, 1952, in the metal fabrication department.
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After about six weeks in Metal Fabrication I was transferred to the Plastics Unit at Lockheed. Since plastics had always interested me, I was pleased with the change. I was one of a three-man crew working on radomes, or plastic and glass housings for the radar units of the F-94C and F-94B Starfire jet aircraft. I liked my fellow workers, Dave Donnegan and Richard Butterfield. Both were honest, sincere, hardworking typical young Americans. They had their feet firmly on the ground and although interested in new ideas and scientific developments, they were strictly on the material plane and not interested in abstractions.
I was fortunate indeed to have two such men to cushion the shock of the fantastic chain of events in which I was so soon and unexpectedly to be involved. As I look back now it appears that an occult power of some sort had neatly arranged every smallest detail in advance including the particular type of job I was in as well as the two men who were to be closest to me through all of my incredible experiences. Ours was the swing shift. The unusual hours appealed to me as well as the excitement of the new work and the motley assortment of people at the plant. But I did not know then what infinitely strange destiny fate held in store for me.
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Friday, May 23, 1952, was an ordinary day in Burbank, California insofar as I was concerned. I got up at my usual time, worked around the yard for a few hours and later stopped in at the Drive-In snack bar. After several cups of coffee and an exchange of good-natured banter with some of the customers, I left and went to my job at the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation plant.
Things went along well enough during the earlier part of the evening, but about 11 o'clock, I began to feel ill. An odd prickling sensation was running through my hands and arms and up into the back of my neck. I had a slight heart palpitation and my nerves were on edge. I felt just as I always do before a bad electrical storm. As the familiar symptoms increased I went outside expecting to find heavy threatening clouds, but the night was exceptionally clear and the stars were bright.
Puzzled, I went to work wondering what was wrong with me. By 12:30 A.M., when the quitting whistle sounded, I was so exhausted I could scarcely stand; it would be a relief to get home and into bed. I took my car from the Lockheed parking lot and headed southeast on Victory Boulevard toward home. I became increasingly conscious of nervous tension as I drove.
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I sensed a force of some kind about me. Never in all of my similar illnesses had I experienced such peculiar symptoms. There was no pain, yet I felt as though I might die at any moment. The prickling sensation had increased and spread to my arms, legs and up into my scalp. Frightened, I wondered if an old illness was returning upon me. Was I going to be confined to my bed again with the terrible debility and excruciating pain of the "constitutional inadequacy" of my schoolboy days? The dread symptoms were certainly there.
At Alameda Boulevard I stopped for a traffic signal. It was then I noticed that my eyesight was glazed and the sounds of traffic were oddly muffled and far-away as though my hearing was also affected. I decided that I had better stop at one of the all-night cafes and have a cup of coffee. But at the thought all of my alarming symptoms increased. I forgot the idea of a cup of coffee. My sole and overwhelming desire was to get home as fast as I could.
I continued on Victory Boulevard toward home. I had the illusion that the night was growing brighter as though enveloped in a soft golden haze. Directly ahead and slightly above my line of vision I saw a faintly red-glowing oval-shaped object. At first it was so dim I had to stare at it to be certain it was really there. But gradually it increased in brilliance. It was about five times as large as the red portion of a traffic light. Nervously I rubbed my eyes; something was wrong with my vision! But the thing remained there; not sharp and clearly defined, but fuzzily luminous, definitely oval-shaped and deep red in color.
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I continued on Riverside Drive directly toward the object, but it appeared to be receding from me so that I remained relatively the same distance from it. As it was almost one o'clock in the morning there was little traffic on the road. Apparently no one else had noticed the object as I saw no cars stopped to investigate. I wondered if I also would have missed it above the glare of the headlights if my strange symptoms had not drawn my eyes to it.
I drove across the bridge over the Los Angeles River with the object still in view. Just the other side of the bridge, to the right of the highway, is a lonely, deserted stretch of road called Forest Lawn Drive. The object stopped and hovered over the intersection. As I drew near, it gained in brilliance and its red color grew deeper and more glowing.
Simultaneously, the physical symptoms I was experiencing became more acute. I was aware of a tingling sensation of pain and numbness in my arms and legs that reminded me of contact with an electrical current.
Now the disk veered sharply to the right off the highway and began moving slowly along Forest Lawn Drive. For the first time it occurred to me that the fantastic thing could be one of those flying saucers I had read about. I turned my car onto Forest Lawn Drive and followed the object.
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About a mile further along the disk swerved to the right, away from the road, and hung motionless over an unfenced field some distance below the road level. I drove off the pavement about thirty feet to the edge of the declivity. From there the glowing red disk was directly in front of me and only a short distance away. As I watched it in bewilderment it pulsated violently; then shot off into the sky at a 30- or 40-degree angle and at very great speed. High in the sky to the west it decelerated abruptly, hung for a moment; then accelerated and disappeared like a meteor.
But just before the glowing red orb vanished, two smaller objects came from it. These objects were definitely circular in shape and of a soft, fluorescent green color. They streaked down directly in front of my car and hovered only a few feet away. I judged each to be about three feet in diameter. Hanging silently in the air like irridescent bubbles their green light fluctuated rhythmically in intensity.
Then, apparently coming from between those two eerie balls of green fire, I heard a masculine voice in strong, well-modulated tones and speaking perfect English.
Because of the nervous tension I was under at that moment, amounting almost to a state of shock, it is impossible for me to give a verbatim account of the conversation which followed. The invisible speaker obviously was endeavoring to choose words and phrases which I could understand, but there were several things which even now are not clear to me. I can only make a poor approximation of the gist of his words.
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I do, however, remember the first words spoken which were: "Don't be afraid, Orfeo, we are friends!" Then the voice requested that I get out of my car and "Come out here." Mechanically, I pushed open the car door and got out. I didn't feel fear, but I was so weak and shaky that I could scarcely stand. I leaned against the front fender of my car and looked at the twin pulsating circular objects hovering a short distance in front of me.
The glowing disks created a soft illumination, but I could see no person anywhere. I remember vaguely that the voice spoke again calling me by my full name in words of greeting. It further stated that the small green disks were instruments of transmission and reception comparable to nothing developed on earth. Then the voice added that through the disks I was in direct communication with friends from another world.
There was a pause and I dimly remember thinking that I should say something, but I was stunned into utter silence. I could only stare in fascination at those fantastic balls of green fire and wonder if I had lost my mind.
When the voice spoke again I heard these startling words: "Do you remember your eighteen balloons and the mold cultures that you lost in the skies back in New Jersey, Orfeo?" I was astounded to hear the strange voice recalling an incident out of the past which had happened so long ago that I had almost forgotten it.
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"Yes . . . . yes sir, I do!"
"Do you also remember the strange, wingless craft that appeared to be observing your activities?"
Suddenly the entire scene carne back to me crystal clear in memory. I remember Mabel, my wife, my father-in-law and our friends and neighbors with me as we stared at that strange, disk-shaped object in the sky. I recalled how the object had appeared to follow the balloons bearing my precious cultures of Aspergillus Clavatus mold. I had been quite an experimenter in those days. It was then it dawned upon me that the fluorescent disks were similar in shape and behaved in the same erratic manner as had that mysterious craft back in New Jersey. The only difference was that I had seen the craft in daylight when it glistened like metal whereas the disks glowed in the darkness.
"You do remember us, Orfeo," the golden voice stated. "We were observing your efforts that day as we have watched you since then." All traces of fear left me at these words, but I could not help but wonder what it all meant. Suddenly I realized that I was feeling very thirsty.
As though in response to my thought, the voice said: "Drink from the crystal cup you will find on the fender of your car, Orfeo." Astonished at his words, I glanced down and saw a kind of goblet on the car fender. It glistened in the soft light. Hesitantly I lifted it to my lips and tasted the drink. It was the most delicious beverage I had ever tasted. I drained the cup.
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Even as I was drinking a feeling of strength and well-being swept over me and all of my unpleasant symptoms vanished. "Oh thank you, sir," I said as I placed the empty cup back on the fender of my car only to see it disappear.
At that moment another incredible phenomenon began to occur. The twin disks were spaced about three feet apart. Now the area between them began to glow with a soft green light which gradually formed into a luminous three-dimensional screen as the disks themselves faded perceptibly.
Within the luminous screen there appeared images of the heads and shoulders of two persons, as though in a cinema close-up. One was the image of a man and the other of a woman. I say man and woman only because their outlines and features were generally similar to men and women. But those two figures struck me as being the ultimate of perfection. There was an impressive nobility about them; their eyes were larger and much more expressive and they emanated a seeming radiance that filled me with wonder. Even more confusing was the troubling thought somewhere in the back of my mind that they were oddly familiar. Strangely enough, the projected images of the two beings appeared to be observing me. For they looked directly at me and smiled; then their eyes looked about as though taking in the entire scene.
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