Jacques Vallee インタビュー: UFO 現象で遭遇する奇妙さ
B:.B:. © http://web.archive.org/web/19980424205338/http://www.brotherblue.org/brethren/valleege.htm
Jacques Vallee は
と主張するが、私は後述の理由で同意 できない。
については Missing-411 でも取り上げたが、巨石地帯では圧電効果による
- orb 発生 → UFO と誤認
- 意識障害 → 幻覚体験
謎の行方不明事件(missing-411)の多発地帯は「水場の近くや岩山」 (2020-02-12)
David Paulides が整理した Missing-411 の不可解な特徴 ⇒ 全て合理的に説明可能 (途中2) (2023-04-20)
Ronald Murphy : 石灰岩と花崗岩地帯で超常現象が多発するのはなぜ? (改定) (2024-09-25)
❏ C. J. Mulkerrin : 花崗岩の 巨石 +水晶地帯で Bigfoot の気配を感知 (2024-05-24)
❏ Steve Mera : 牧場地帯の怪奇現象―数多くの牧場やその他の地質学的な場所で撮影され、記録された様々な現象に深く迫る(全文+日本語訳) (2024-01-28)
の、電磁現象、空中を浮遊、発光 の部分は私の
- 「UFO =自転する orb+大気中の発光現象」説
物体があった場所に戻り、私は彼らに 「物体はどうやって飛び立ったのか?」と尋ねた。彼らは 「飛び立った......ちょっと斜めに 」と言った。私はその場所を見て、「木々の間を通り抜けたんだろう?」と言った。
すると彼らは、「まあ、木の間を通ったようなものだ!」と言った。私は、「それは、あなたが調査した他の人たちに話したことと違うし、公表された報告書にも書かれていない 」と指摘した。すると彼らはこう言った。「この人はとてもいい人で、木の間を通り抜けたと言っても、明らかに信じようとしなかった」。
どのような本物のUFO目撃談も、「合理的」な見方、つまり単に宇宙からの宇宙船であるという単純明快な図式には衝撃的な要素を含んでいる。 あなたの質問のもう一つの側面は、UFOロジストが長い間、現象は操作できるという事実に目をつぶってきたということです。
- 超常現象的な側面
などではない。orb(or 大気中の発 光現象)が「木の間を通り抜けた」だけ(*2)であり、何の不思議もない。
Another aspect of your question is that for a long time the UFOlogists have been blind to the fact that the phenomenon can be manipulated.
といった判断(= UFO は時空間を操作できる…の類)は正しくない。
UFO(=orb や 大気中の発光現象)が、固体の通り抜けた事例は幾つも報告されている。たとえば…
1966年、オーストラリア:巨大 UFO が高層ビルを通り抜けた(改定) (2024-09-28)
1963年10月、ワシントン州:サイズが変化し、地中に沈み込んだ UFO (途中:その3) (2014-03-09)
❑ Shane Ryan: 1966-04-06, Westall UFO 事件: UFO が半透明になって木々を無抵抗ですり抜けつつ透明になって消えた (2023-08-23)
❏ Linda Zimmermann : Hudson Valley UFO: UFO は梢に触れそうな低空だったが、葉は動かなかった (2023-10-23)
1966-04-06, Westall UFO 事件 ⇒ この正体が orb と同様の機序で発生した発光現象である決定的な証拠 (2023-05-24)
1966年、オーストラリア:巨大 UFO が高層ビルを通り抜けた。(途中:その1) (2018-03-27)
Jackques Vallee : UFO が木々に衝突せずに(非物質化して)通り抜けた事例 (変換)
ジャック・ヴァレへのインタビュー ダニエル・ブレア・スチュワート著 C:.A:.W:. [グリーンエッグのために]
J・アレン・ハイネックの言葉を不朽の名作にしたスピルバーグの名作映画『クローズ・エンカウンターズ・オブ・ザ・サード・カインド(原題:Close Encounters of the Third Kind)』は、誰もが観たことがあるだろう。この映画は、地球外生命体との接触現場で出会った少年、電話修理工、そして慈愛に満ちた賢明なフランス人科学者の物語である。この架空の人物「ラコンベ」が実在の人物をモデルにしていることを知っている人はどれほどいるだろうか?
ジャック・ヴァレは天体物理学者としての訓練を受け、修士号を取得した後、フランスで天文学者として働いた。そこで彼は、自分が録音を手伝った未確認航空現象を示す追跡テープが破壊されるのを目撃した。これがUFOに興味を持つきっかけとなった 。シカゴのノースウェスタン大学でコンピューター・サイエンスの博士号を取得し、カリフォルニアに移り、コンピューター・サイエンスのパイオニアとなり、UFOロジストの中にはUFOを題材にした最高の本と考える人もいる。
Anatomy of a Phenomenon』(1966年)に続き、『Challenge to Science』(1967年)は妻のジャニーン・ヴァレとの共著である。1970年の名著『マゴニアへのパスポート』(Passport to Magonia)では、UFOとのコンタクトとフェアリー伝承のパターンやリトル・ピープルとの関係について書いている。その5年後、彼は『The Invisible College』を出版し、説明のつかない現象が歴史的に人類に及ぼしてきた影響のパターンを探求した。
彼の調査は、不可解な現象の不吉な側面の壮大なツアーへと彼を導き、それは1979年の著書『Messengers of Deception(欺瞞の使者たち)』に集約されている。UFOの研究を続けながら、長い間執筆活動から遠ざかっていたが、1982年に『ネットワーク革命』をはじめとする技術書を出版した。1988年、『Dimensions』で再びUFOのテーマに戻り、UFOを歴史的な観点から総括した。
彼の著書『Confrontations』(1990年)は、カリフォルニア北部からブラジルまで、彼の最新の調査100件を詳細に分析したものである。 最近では、『Revelations』(1991年)という本で、UFO報道と調査の世界を垣間見ることができる。論争を恐れず、常に人気のない問題を検証する用意がある彼は、どのようなテーマにおいても、私たちの最も大胆で独創的な思想家の一人である。
[注:グリーンエッグは、ハインラインの古典SF小説『見知らぬ国のストレンジャー』に登場する同名のグループに倣い、全世界教会(CAW )と名乗る新教徒グループによって発行されている 「オカルト 」雑誌である。このインタビューを読んで、謎めいたヴァレ博士には、パンケーキをかぶった火星人の奇想天外な話以上のものがあることを発見し、嬉しい驚きを覚えた人もいるかもしれないが、私たちが見つけたのは、インタビューの新鮮で象徴的な内容以上に、この特定の出版物に掲載されたという事実である。最後に、私たちの親愛なる友人でありウォーター・ブラザーであった、最近亡くなったCAWの吟遊詩人、アダム・ウォークス・ビトウィーン・ワールドを偲んで、この記事をここに掲載する。-B:.B:.]
ダニエル・ブレア・スチュワート: UFO現象について、どのような側面、データ、疑問が、調査者や研究者のコミュニティによって扱われていないのでしょうか?
一例を挙げれば、私がカリフォルニア北部で調査したレディングの事件では、目撃者は彼らが働いていた鉱山の近 くの鉱区で3回、物体を目撃していた。この事件はさまざまなUFOグループによって調査され、報告書が出版されていた。私はそこに行き、目撃者の信頼を得た。
物体があった場所に戻り、私は彼らに 「物体はどうやって飛び立ったのか?」と尋ねた。彼らは 「飛び立った......ちょっと斜めに 」と言った。私はその場所を見て、「木々の間を通り抜けたんだろう?」と言った。
すると彼らは、「まあ、木の間を通ったようなものだ!」と言った。私は、「それは、あなたが調査した他の人たちに話したことと違うし、公表された報告書にも書かれていない 」と指摘した。すると彼らはこう言った。「この人はとてもいい人で、木の間を通り抜けたと言っても、明らかに信じようとしなかった」。
どのような本物のUFO目撃談も、「合理的」な見方、つまり単に宇宙からの宇宙船であるという単純明快な図式には衝撃的な要素を含んでいる。 あなたの質問のもう一つの側面は、UFOロジストが長い間、現象は操作できるという事実に目をつぶってきたということです。
特に、政府、さまざまな諜報グループ、あるいは独自の意図を持つさまざまなカルト集団によって操作される可能性がある。私は10年以上前、『Messengers of Deception(欺瞞の使者たち)』の中で、UFO組織の多くが浸透しているという結論を発表した。その本は、その特殊な問題に目を向けようとしないUFOコミュニティの友人たちと、多くのトラブルを引き起こした。
それ以来、もちろんこの見解は正当化されている。ある政府の情報提供者は、自分が実際、さまざまなUFOロジストと親しくなり、彼らの心理的プロファイルを書くた めにリクルートされていたことを明らかにした。どのUFO団体も政府の情報提供者によって監視されている。
DBS: UFOはホログラムのように見えると多くの調査者が指摘しています。質量を持ったホログラム」という言葉を何度も聞いたことがあります。
多くの場合、UFOは質量を持ったホログラムのように振る舞います。言い換えれば、もしホログラムが環境とも相互作用し、地面に穴を開けたり、植物を燃やしたりすることができれば、UFOの正体に近いものができるはずです。つまり、UFOは、あそこにある車が物体であるように、物体ではないのだ。車のように見え、車のように感じるが、車ではない。その気になれば車のよ うにも見える、まったく別のものなのだ。
DBS: UFOの説明として、地球外生命体仮説に対する反論を聞かせてください。
もし20年前にこのインタビューをしていたら、私たちが持っている最善の理論は、これは地球外生命体だということだと言ったでしょう。UFOが物理的な現象であることは分かっていますし、UFOは私たちに優れた科学を行う機会を与えてくれます。私たちは月に行く能力を持っているし、もうすぐ他の惑星にも行ける。私は、この宇宙には生命が存在すると信じている。では、なぜ 「彼ら 」はここに来ることができなかったのでしょうか?
クローズ・エンカウンターが多すぎるのだ。地球外生命体説の第一段階は、彼らが使命を帯びた探検家であると仮定している。彼らは他の惑星で進化を遂げ、この惑星にやってきたと考えられている。しかし、もし彼らが10万回も着陸して私たちを研究しなければならないとしたら、彼らは非常に間抜けでなければならない!今日、私たちが持っている『未知との遭遇』レポートのデータ量は、だいたいこれくらいだ。観測者が少ない夜間に発生する傾向があることを考慮す れば、外挿すると数百万回の着陸になる。
だから、「彼らはとても賢いから、この惑星とその重力に適応するために生物発生工学を使っているのだ 」と言うことができる。しかし、それならなぜ完全な人間を作らないのでしょうか?もし99%完全であるなら、なぜ100%でないのか?だか ら、これはET説の重大な障害になると思う。
私たちはクローン人間を作る技術を手に入れようとしている。分子生物学を始めてからまだ15年しか経っていない。 非常に若い科学であり、新しい科学なのだ。考えてみてください。もし私たちがすでにこのようなことができるのなら、そして彼らが私たちより100万年進んでいるのだとしたら、彼らは私たちの常識をはるかに超えた実験ができるはずだ。
私は彼に、本質的に同じことを言っている記事を見せた。彼は私を見て、「まるで この10年間、君と私が一緒に仕事をしてきたようだ 」と言った。つまり、世界のまったく異なる場所で、まったく異なる条件のもとで本格的に研究してきた2人が、現象について同じ結論に達するということだ。 もしそれが形を変え、どこからともなく現れ、どこからともなく消えるのであれば、これは単なる宇宙船の集まりではない。これは次元を操作する、もっと興味深いテクノロジーなのだ。時空を操るのだ。それができるのなら、いつでもどこからでも来ることができる。
DBS: 宇宙からでなければ、どこから来るのですか?
その巨石がUFOと関係があるのか、あるいはその巨石が奇妙な光を放つ傾向があったため、長い年月をかけて人々が神殿として利用し、 そこに石を置いたのかは疑問の余地がある。もしかしたら、最初から自然現象だったのかもしれない。その可能性もあるが、すべてのUFOを説明することはできない。
しかし、まだ検出する方法を知らないプラズマの形があるかもしれないし、単に探していないだけかもしれない。 私はそのような説をすべて信じているわけではありませんが、これらの説は興味深いものです。ポール・デヴリューが提唱した地球の光に関する仮説は、非常に重要なものである。
今日の地質学者は、地震の前に光を見たという人々の記述を再評価し始めている: 「私はこの光の球体を見た、そしてそれは峡谷を飛んでいった、そして10分後に地震があった!」
DBS: 私たちのUFOに対する意識は有害だと思いますか、それとも有益だと思いますか?
UFO現象のような一過性のものと、ゆっくりと変化する長期的なものの両方を扱うのは非常に難しい。UFO現象は制御システムのようだ。コントロールシステムであるならば、それは私たちの 文化に影響を与える。それが私たちにとって良いことなのか悪いことなのか、私たちはおそらく気づくことができないだろう。実際、人間が善悪を定義するレベルを超えているのかもしれません。
DBS: この現象はどの程度広大なものなのでしょうか?
DBS: ロシアへの旅について教えてください。
すると彼らはこう答えた。西側諸国にはいわゆる『合理主義』思想家がたくさんいたからだ。ロシアの伝 統は、共産主義の下でも、常に古くからのやり方を守ってきたんだ」。 そこで私はこう言った。"自然に関する伝統に関して、この2つの文化の間にこれほどの違いがあるのはなぜだと思いますか?
すると彼らはこう答えた: 「あなたたちは魔女を皆殺しにした!だから遺伝子プールからその遺伝子を排除したんだ。ここには何世紀もの間、正統派の教会があったが、彼らは魔女を殺さなかった。共産主義者もそうだった。彼らは多くの恐ろしいことをしたが、魔女を虐殺したのは西方教会だけだ」。
DBS: 多くの本がUFO現象を慈悲 深く平和的なものとして描いています。あなたの『対決』のUFOに関する記述は、UFOを不吉なものに見せています。この矛盾をどう説明しますか?
DBS: あなたは著書『The Invisible College』の中で、物質には3つの側面があると述べていますね。これを詳しく説明して、UFO現象にどのように当てはまるか教えてください。
私たちは学校で、エネルギーと情報は同じコインの裏表だと習います。エネルギーを情報に変換することもできるし、その逆もできる。それなのに、私たちが学ぶ物理学はエネルギーの物理学だけです!エネルギーの物理学には情報の物理学という 妹がいるはずなのに、誰もそれについて語らない!その物理学に何があるのかを問うのは興味深い。
私の推測では、情報の物理学は存在し、それは時代を超えて人々が魔法と呼んできたものだと思う。魔法の伝統は、心はどのように情報構造を扱うのか?そしてそれは自然の他の部分とどのように関係しているのか? DBS:私たちの未来をより良くするために、現在の私たちにどのような理想的な変化をもたらす可能性があるか教えてください。
DBS: そう思わざるを得ない。しかし、今からあなたに世界の一時的な支配権を与えよう。
預言者たちは言う: 「愛があるように!」と言うと、人々は「そうだ、愛があるようにしよう。
DBS: 量子物理学と生物学では、科学者たちはもはや19世紀の機械論的モデルとは似ていないモデルを考えています。特に量子物理学者は、観察者が観察される現象に影響を与えると推測しています。生物学では微生物学者が、地球が文字どおり生物として適格かどうかを判断するために、その関係を調べています。あなたはこれらのモデルをどう受け止めますか?これらの分野でのブレークスルーはUFO現象に適用されるのでしょうか?
どちらの場合も、情報とエネルギーとの関係の例があります。遺伝学で発見されつつあるのは、重要なのは情報の保存だということです。DNAは本質的に、多くの情報を保存する機械です。情報を変えれば、存在全体が変わる。基本的に 、ここではハードウェアではなくソフトウェアを扱っているのだ。DNA以外の表現方法もあるかもしれない。DNAは、情報を完璧に保存し、それを完璧に複製する非常に効率的な方法のように思える。
UFOは、私たちが現実と呼ぶものに疑問を抱かせる特別なケースだと思います。クロース・エンカウンターのケースでは、目撃者が別の現実に入り込んだように見えるポイントがある。これを 「オズ・ファクター 」と呼ぶジェニー・ランドルズというイギリスの研究者がいる。突然、現実が分裂し、観察者の現実が別の現実に置き換わる瞬間がある。
▼原文 展開
Strange Encounters: An Interview with Jacques Vallee by Daniel Blair Stewart, C:.A:.W:. [for Green Egg]We have all seen the classic Spielberg film that immortalized J. Allen Hynek's phrase, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It is the story of a little boy, a telephone repairman and a compassionate, wise French scientist who meet at the site of contact with extraterrestrials. How many of us know that the fictional character "Lacombe" is based on a real person, a compassionate and wise French scientist who travels the world in search of the elusive UFO? Fewer still know that Dr. Jacques Vallee, who is the real-life Lacombe, does not (I repeat, not!) espouse the theory that flying saucers necessarily constitute visitors from other worlds via spacecraft, saucer-shaped or otherwise. Instead, he postulates that they may be visitors from other dimensional worlds that coexist with ours, analogous to the realms of faerie, or may in fact be manifestations of something even stranger. Jacques Vallee received training as an astrophysicist and a Master's degree and then worked as an astronomer in France. There he witnessed the destruction of tracking tapes, which he had helped record, showing unidentified aerial phenomena. This sparked his interest in UFOs. He obtained his Ph.D. in computer science from Northwestern University in Chicago and moved to California, where he pioneered computer science and proceeded to write what some UFOlogists consider to be the best books on the subject of UFOs. Anatomy of a Phenomenon (1966) was followed by Challenge to Science (1967) co-written with his wife, Janine Vallee. In his 1970 classic Passport to Magonia, he wrote about the relationship of UFO contact with the patterns of faerie lore and the Little People. Five years later he published The Invisible College, which explored the patterns of influence unexplained phenomena have exerted on humanity historically. His investigations led him on a grand tour of the sinister side of unexplained phenomena, which he encapsulated in his 1979 book, Messengers of Deception. After a very long period away from writing, while continuing to research UFOs, he published several technical books, notably The Network Revolution in 1982. Vallee returned to the subject of UFOs again in 1988 with Dimensions, which summed up UFOs from a historical perspective. His book, Confrontations, (1990) is a detailed analysis of 100 of his most recent investigations, from northern California to Brazil. Most recently, his book Revelations (1991) gives us a glimpse of the world of UFO reporting and investigation -- as well as the paranoid maze of military and intelligence involvement with UFOs. Unafraid of controversy, always ready to examine unpopular issues, he remains one of our most intrepid and highly original thinkers on any subject. [Note: Green Egg is an "occult" magazine published by a neo- pagan group calling themselves the Church of All Worlds (CAW) and loosely fashioned after the group of the same name in Heinlein's sci-fi classic "Stranger in a Strange Land." Although in reading this interview some may be pleasantly surprised to discover there is far more to the enigmatic Dr. Vallee than bizarre tales of Pancake-Bearing Martians, what we found of perhaps even greater interest and significance than the refreshingly iconoclastic substance of the interview was the fact that it appeared in this particular publication. Lastly, we offer it here in loving memory of our dear friend and Water Brother; the recently deceased CAW Bard, Adam Walks Between Worlds -- may you never thirst, my Brother. -B:.B:.] Daniel Blair Stewart: What aspects, data, or questions about UFO phenomena are not being addressed by the community of investigators and researchers? Jacques Vallee: To begin with, many aspects of UFO sightings have to do with the paranormal; yet psychic phenomena, paranormal phenomena have been consistently pushed under the rug by most UFO investigators. That is due in part to the fact that witnesses tell you such things only after you have gained their trust. But very often they are a challenge to the beliefs or the world view of the investigators. They may not be ready to hear it or they may not publish it because they think it would damage their credibility. And since they are in the business of giving credibility to the subject they don't want to reveal the paranormal aspects of it. Just to give you one example, in the Redding case that I investigated in northern California, the witnesses had seen an object three times on their claim near a mine that they worked. The case had been investigated by various UFO groups and the report had been published. I went there and gained the trust of the witnesses. We went back to the place where the object had been and I asked them "How did the object take off?" They said it took off ... sort of at an angle." I looked at the place and said, "Well, it had to go through the trees, didn't it?" And they said, "Well, it kind of went through the trees!" I pointed out, "That's not what you told the other people who investigated and that's not what's in the published report." And they said, "Well, this man, he was so nice and obviously he wasn't going to believe it if we told him it went through the trees." Every genuine UFO sighting has some elements that are shocking to the "rational" view, the nuts-and-bolts picture that these are simply spacecraft from outer space. Another aspect of your question is that for a long time the UFOlogists have been blind to the fact that the phenomenon can be manipulated. In particular it can be manipulated by the government, by various intelligence groups or by different cults with their own agenda. I published over ten years ago in Messengers of Deception my conclusion that many of the UFO organizations had been infiltrated. That book got me in a lot of trouble with my friends in the UFO community who refused to look at that particular problem. Since then, of course, this observation has been vindicated. One government informant has even come forward to reveal that he, in fact, had been recruited to befriend various UFOlogists and to write psychological profiles of them. Every UFO organization is monitored by government informers. On the board of the National Investigation Commitee on Aerial Phenomena, which was one of the major organizations in this country in the '50s and '60s, were three people who were among the founders of psychological warfare. They were people with strong ties to the government and intelligence community. I'm not saying it's necessarily illegal or wrong, but it should be recognized. One of the recommendations of the 1953 Robertson Panel, convened by the CIA and the Air Force to review the UFO problem, was that UFO organizations be watched. That report was classified at the time. That recommendation was in fact implemented. The civilian UFO groups were being watched and infiltrated as early as the fifties. They still are. I think this aspect has many remarkable consequences. To what extent were some well-known UFO sightings actually simulations that were staged for the benefit of someone who wanted to do social engineering research or psychological warfare research? Perhaps to see what kind of stimuli it would take to make people change their belief systems, for example. DBS: A lot of investigators have pointed out that UFOs behave like holograms. I've heard the phrase "a hologram with mass" more than once. JV: In many cases they behaved like a hologram that had mass. In other words, if a hologram could also interact with the environment, if it could put holes in the ground and burn the vegetation, you'd have a good approximation of what the UFO is. In other words, it is not an object like that car over there is an object. It looks like a car, it feels like a car, but it isn't a car. It's something totally different which can look like a car if it wants to. To a large extent we know how to do that! We have devices that could produce something that would look like that car and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference, including shadows reflecting on it as objects go by. This is today's technology; not 1950s or 1960s technology, but it certainly is 1990s technology. But it still would not have mass. The UFOs do have mass. They leave imprints in the ground, they interact with the environment, so that's where the analogy stops. DBS: Tell us your objections to the extraterrestrial hypothesis as the explanation for UFOs. JV: If we had done this interview 20 years ago I would have told you the best theory we have is that this is extraterrestrial. We do know that UFOs are a physical phenomenon, they offer us an opportunity to do some good science, and they seem to come from the sky. We have the capability to go to the moon and very soon to go to other planets. I do believe that there is life throughout this Universe. So why couldn't "they" come here? In the last 20 years we've learned a lot of new things about this phenomenon that contradicts the idea that it is extraterrestrial. We have too many Close Encounters. The extraterrestrial theory on the first level assumes that these are explorers on a mission. They are supposed to have evolved on some other planet and are coming here. But if they have to study us by landing 100,000 times, they have to be very dumb! That's approximately the volume of data we have on Close Encounters reports today. If you were to take into account that those tend to occur at night when there are fewer observers, if you extrapolate you would actually get into millions of landings. Now, it wouldn't take us millions of landings if there was a civilization on Mars we wanted to study. With something the size of a beer keg in orbit we could get most of the things we needed to know about them, especially if they'd been broadcasting "I Love Lucy" into space for so many years! Then we'd want to land to check some things and get actual samples. We'd land maybe a few dozen times, maybe a few hundred times, but we wouldn't need millions of landings. So that aspect of it is a contradiction with the idea that it's an extraterrestrial mission. The second contradiction is the shape of the beings. They are uniformly humanoid in shape, somewhat bizarre and weird. They are described as having big eyes and being short with longer arms and so on, but still they have two legs, two arms. They have a torso and eyes that are adapted to exactly the same part of the spectrum as we are. They don't walk around with goggles or strange devices on their eyes. They seem to hear what we hear; they seem to be breathing our air. That means they're human or very close to human beings! It's very unlikely that beings evolving on radically different planets would end up looking like us, breathing our air, seeing the same part of the spectrum that we see. I think the biological statistics are against it. So you can say, "Well, they are so smart they are using biogenetic engineering to adapt to this planet and its gravity." But then why don't they just create complete human beings? If you can go 99% of the way, why not 100%, and then you'd be completely undetectable? So I think that's a serious obstacle to the ET theory. Another argument is that this is not a recent phenomenon. It is a phenomenon that has existed, as far as we can tell, throughout history in one form or another. Without going back to Ezekiel or to Medieval folklore, we do have excellent UFO report records from 1897. I personally have a number of sightings that living people whom I actually met with and interviewed have told me about that they were witnesses of in the twenties and thirties. So this certainly invalidates the idea that we're dealing with a civilization that has just discovered us and is coming here now. UFOs seem to have been a part of our environment for a very long time, perhaps as long as man has existed. Another problem with the extraterrestrial hypothesis is the behavior of these beings. The mainstream of UFOlogy today claims that these are wise explorers of the galaxy who are coming here to study us and the proof of that is what they do. In abductions, for example, they take away human beings. They seem to carry them inside a craft and they draw blood from them. They take samples from them, such as sperm and ova and these look like biological experiments to people like Budd Hopkins and his followers. Well, I think it proves entirely the opposite thing, because the descriptions that are given of the medical examinations are crude to the point of being absurd. If you had this technology, disc-shaped vehicles that could fly silently and appear out of nowhere, paralyze people and remain unnoticed; if you wanted to, you could land on the roof of the Mayo Clinic or any large research hospital and you'd have access to the blood bank, the sperm, bank, the frozen embryo banks. We are close to having the techniques for cloning people. You could potentially restart the human race with what we know today on Earth, yet we have only been doing molecular biology for about fifteen years. It's a very young science, a new science. Think about it. If we can already do this and these beings are supposedly a million years ahead of us, they should be able to perform experiments that would be way beyond what we do. Instead what people describe is victims coming back with obvious scars. They come back bleeding, they have things up their nose, they have terrible dreams, intense trauma, and they remember under hypnosis! The whole thing is completely absurd. The mind control people in the military already have drugs that can make people forget what they did for a week or what they did on Tuesday between 2 and 3, and no hypnotist could simply put them into a trance and recover the memory. So if we already have that kind of drug, a civilization millions of years in advance of us should be able to manipulate both the body and the memory much better. Another thing that has been swept under the rug by UFOlogists, which is yet another argument against the extraterrestrial hypothesis, is that these objects change shape. In other words, they are not always discs or eggs or cigars. They change shape dynamically. When I went to the Soviet Union, I met a man named Vladimir Azhazha, who is head of the research committee on UFOs in Moscow. He said, "You know, one of the most important aspects of this whole phenomenon is that it's polymorphic." I wasn't sure my interpreter was translating accurately, so I had him repeat that. He said, "It's polymorphic; they change shapes. An object will appear as a disc and as it's moving through the sky it will change into a cube or into a pyramid or it will vanish on the spot." I showed him an article where I had said essentially the same thing. He looked at me and he said, "You know, it's as if you and I had been working together for the last ten years." This shows something rather remarkable about the phenomenon, which is that two people who have been studying it in earnest in completely different parts of the world under completely different conditions will arrive at the same conclusions about it. If it changes shape, if it can appear out of nowhere and disappear into nowhere, this is not just a bunch of spacecraft. This is a much more interesting technology that manipulates dimensions. It manipulates space-time. And if it can do that, then it can be from anywhere and anytime. DBS: Where are they coming from, if not from outer space? JV: Let me try to separate what I think I can prove from personal speculation. I would feel comfortable standing up in front of a scientific committee and I think I could argue convincingly that the UFO phenomenon is a real, unrecognized phenomenon; that it is physical and that it can manipulate space and time in ways that we don't understand. Beyond that, my own personal speculation which I could not prove is that the phenomenon represents a form of consciousness that is nonhuman. There's a big distinction here. A lot of people might agree that there are unrecognized phenomena in nature, but wouldn't necessarily agree that they are conscious even though they are nonhuman. If UFOs represent a form of consciousness then obviously it could originate in outer space, but not with the first level, nuts-and-bolts extraterrestrial hypothesis. It would have to be a lot more sophisticated than that. There could be a form of consciousness out in space that can manipulate dimensions. But it could just as easily be here on earth. It could be using the Earth as its home port. It could also be tied to human consciousness. The Collective Unconscious could be doing this to us, projecting images that are important during the current crisis we are going through. It could also come from a form of creature that has always lived on Earth with us and is not an alien consciousness, in the sense that we usually think of aliens. This goes back to the traditions about the faeries and gnomes and Little People: what I have called the Magonia tradition, that in fact there is another Universe right here. Perhaps most of us just don't see it, but it's here. When I started Passport to Magonia, I gathered all the old books about the faeries and the Good People, the Good Neighbors. This is a wonderful body of literature. These beings did approximately what the UFO beings do today. They would fly at night in strange cone-shaped luminous craft, they would abduct human beings, they even had little pins that would paralyze you. This is centuries ago, okay? And it matches reports from people who see UFOs today. So I think that parallel is very interesting. It's still one of my favorite theories but there could be others! You could argue that there are natural phenomena that play a role in all this. For instance, Paul Devereux has written several books about "Earth lights" which he has shown to be tied to several megalithic sites. Whether the megaliths have anything to do with UFOs, or whether those sites tended to have strange lights so that over the years people used them for their temple and put a rock there, is open to question. Perhaps it was a natural phenomenon all along. That's a possibility, but it really does not explain all UFOs. The other possibility is that there may be forces within the Earth tied to some old traditions. There may be unrecognized telluric currents, forces within the Earth that could manifest in the form of electromagnetic phenomena that could become luminous and float through the air. Usually those things we don't think of as being intelligent but who knows? Maybe it could be a form of consciousness. There are other way-out theories that I find entertaining. We could imagine superconductive clouds moving through the galaxy taking any shape they want. Say, if you were a superconductive hydrogen cloud ten times the size of the solar system and you wanted to look like a Volkswagen, who could stop you from looking like a Volkswagen? You could do anything you wanted to! There is a book called The Black Cloud by Fred Hoyle, who is one of our greatest living astronomers. It is a science fiction story about a conscious hydrogen cloud. Now, of course if there was such a cloud we'd presumably see it as it came closer to the Earth. But there may be forms of plasma that we don't know how to detect yet, or maybe we're simply not looking for them. Now, I don't specifically believe all that, but these are fun theories that should be looked at. Paul Devereux's hypothesis of the Earth Lights is a very important one. Geologists today are beginning to reassess the descriptions by people who said they saw lights before an earthquake: "I saw this globe of light and it flew down the canyon and ten minutes later there was an earthquake!" Geologists used to say those were ignorant farmers who didn't know their physics. Now they are beginning to realize that before an earthquake the friction forces within the Earth could well create plasma or electromagnetic discharges that could become visible. In fact, scientists like Dr. John Derr at the US Geological Survey have found a correlation of these lights with fault lines and earthquakes. DBS: Do you think our awareness of UFOs has been detrimental or beneficial? JV: In Confrontations we report on a trip Janine and I took to Brazil where there seemed to be evidence of UFO hostility. Objects would literally zap people with beams. In several cases it seemed that it killed them. It certainly injured them. We couldn't really prove a direct cause-and effect relationship in the cases of death, but there was a cause-and-effect relationship in the cases of injuries. People were, in fact, injured by those beams. The phenomenon really doesn't seem to care at all whether it's perceived as good or bad. It does seem to have an influence on our culture, but we may not be able to detect it because our view of it is so short. Historically, we're only aware of things for a few months or a few years. We don't tend to get the big picture of contemporary events. If we did, the science of economics would be in much better shape than it is! It is very difficult for us to deal both with transient and slow- changing, long-term thing like the UFO phenomenon. It seems to be a control system. If it is a control system, then it affects our culture. We probably would be unable to detect whether it is doing good or bad to us. In fact, it may be beyond the level at which humans would define good and evil. DBS: How vast might this phenomenon be? JV: My impression is that it extends to every culture, every race, every religion on Earth. I really have not found a single place that doesn't have a tradition about this phenomenon. What is fascinating is that most of the anthropologists have completely missed it! You have to look at the footnotes in their books to find any mention of it. It's never mentioned in the mainstream. It's a peripheral vision effect, you know? Something that's just off to the side of your intellectual vision. DBS: Tell us about your trip to Russia. JV: In Russia I had a chance to talk to a number of groups who are actually doing UFO research. One of the groups was even interested in New Age pursuits, astrology and a number of other topics. We were amazed because when we went there we had no idea that this sort of work went on. These people were also interested in natural healing and herbal medicine. They had an entire storehouse of primitive plant remedies that obviously came from a long Russian tradition. So we asked them, "How come the Russian culture has preserved all this with the kind of regime you've had all these years?" And they answered, "It's very simple. In this respect we are ahead because you have had all these so-called 'rationalist' thinkers in the West. The Russian tradition has always preserved some of the ancient ways, even under Communism." So I said, "Why do you think there is such a difference between these two cultures when it comes to these traditions about nature?" And they answered: "Well, you killed all your witches! So you've eliminated the genes from the gene pool. We've had an orthodox church here for centuries but they never killed the witches. Neither did the Communists. They did many horrible things, but only the Western church slaughtered the witches." Oddly enough, parapsychology research went on in the Soviet Union even under Stalin's regime. They never stopped doing that kind of research and they never stopped natural healing and natural medicine, side by side with the official medicine. Don't get me wrong, this wasn't approved officially by the Academy of Sciences and all that, but they didn't kill these people. They didn't send them to labor camps. I had never thought of that. The east European countries never eliminated those abilities from their gene pool. We went there because there were a series of sightings in Voronezh, which is a city a few hundred miles south of Moscow. Some of the UFO sightings were reported in the Western press, but in a very superficial way. We found that there were many more witnesses than had been reported. There were not only Close Encounters but also things seen in the sky by up to 500 witnesses at the same time. Very active research was being done by several official commissions and by private scientists. I was impressed by the number of people doing research and by the quality of the research. DBS: Many books depict the UFO phenomenon as benevolent and peaceful. Your descriptions of UFOs in Confrontations make it appear sinister. How would you account for this discrepancy? JV: I can understand why the expectation has grown that this could be helpful and benevolent. It's a very complex, unexplained phenomenon and we always tend to project our own human fantasies into every such thing that comes along. It would be nice if somebody came down from the sky and told us how to stop wars and how to cure cancer. Unfortunately the phenomenon itself, when you look at it objectively, doesn't seem to care about us at all. It seems to be benevolent in some cases and hostile or at least harmful in other cases. Notice that we could say the same thing about electricity. We couldn't live without electricity, but if you put your fingers in the socket it could kill you! That doesn't mean the utility company is hostile to you, it just means that there's a very powerful force out there and it doesn't care if it kills you or not. Electricity really doesn't give a damn one way or the other, and I think that, to some extent, the UFO phenomenon is the same way. It does whatever it has to do according to a pattern we haven't detected. When people get in the way they get zapped. In Close Encounter situations there is often a profound long- term psychological behavior change in the witness. Sometimes it's for the better and sometimes it's for the worse. You occasionally meet people who seem very enlightened, who have a very positive attitude toward life, who think they have psychic abilities, and when you ask them when they first became aware of this they will trace it to a time when they saw a UFO. Some witnesses have actually described to us being healed as they were caught in the beam from a UFO. There is a case like that in Confrontations, a doctor in France who had been blown up by a mine in Algeria. He had a form of paralysis that was gone after he was exposed to light from the object. There are also numerous cases in which the reverse happens. People are confronted with a UFO and their whole life changes for the worse. When they tell their story, the local people don't believe them. They are ostracized, they get fired from their jobs, their wives leave them, they go through a tailspin, they sometimes end up as bums. That happened in the '60s and '70s to several American cops. The phenomenon tends to happen away from towns, between, say, 1 and 4:00 in the morning. Who is going to be away from a town between 1 and 4:00 in the morning, but the highway patrol! So very often in places like Nebraska, North Dakota, Minnesota, there are cases of Close Encounters at night involving highway patrolmen. In numerous cases their lives were destroyed or broken; they had to leave the force because people wouldn't respect them anymore. They were suspected of seeing things, maybe of drinking. DBS: In your book The Invisible College you stated that matter might have three aspects: substantial, energetical, and informational. Could you elaborate on this and show how it applies to UFO phenonmena? JV: We learn in school that energy and information are two sides of the same coin, okay? That you can translate energy into information and vice versa. And yet, the only physics we learn is the physics of energy! The physics of energy should have a little sister, the physics of information, but nobody talks about it! It's interesting to ask what might be in that physics. My speculation is that that physics of information exists and that it is what people through the ages have called magic. The magical tradition asks, how does the mind deal with information structures? And how does it relate to the rest of Nature? DBS: Tell me what perhaps idealistic changes you might make in our present that would improve our future? JV: By idealistic, what do you mean? If I could change human beings, I would make them more loving, more open, but I don't know how to do that. So I'm going to take your question on a different level: if I had the power to make changes in the way things are in the world, what would I change without changing human nature? I have to assume human nature is a given. DBS: We'll have to assume that. But now we're going to give you temporary control of the world. JV: Good! (Laughter, a long pause.) The reason I am silent is that it's so easy to come up with idealistic things. Jesus Christ did it, every prophet has done it, and usually they ended up with the exact opposite of what they wanted. The prophets say: "Let there be love!" and people say, "Yeah, let there be love, but of course it has to be my way and not this other guys's way!" and they end up fighting. I do wish that the impulse to search, to question reality, to search beyond the obvious face of reality, became more widespread. I wish that people had more of an interest in the mysteries around them. I also wish that there was a simple, medical way for all of us to experience what goes on in the moment of death without dying. I think that if people had that simple experience once, the rest of their lives would be very, very different. I have a few friends who have had a near-death experience, usually under very traumatic circumstances like a head-on collision. They changed radically the way they thought about their careers, their relationships, their life, their view of death. In some cases it eliminated their fear of death completely. When you don't fear death anymore your life is going to change radically. So if there was one thing... You cannot wish for people to have head-on collisions! I'm just wishing there was a way for people to have the experience of dying, to take it with them into the mainstream of their life without going through the trauma of an accident. Of course, that's what initiation does, in part, with a lot of work. A head-on collision gives you that instant initiation, assuming you survive it. To some extent the UFO Close Encounter has the characteristics of a near death experience. DBS: In quantum physics and biology scientists are considering models that no longer resemble the mechanistic models of the 19th Century. In particular, quantum physicists speculate that the observer influences the phenomenon observed. In biology microbiologists are examining relationships to determine if Earth qualifies as a literally living thing. How do you respond to these models? Will breakthroughs in these fields apply to UFO phenomena? JV: In both of those cases you have an example of the relationship of information with energy. What we seem to be discovering in genetics is that what's important is information storage. DNA is essentially a machine to store a lot of information. When you alter the information you alter the whole being. Essentially you are dealing here with software, not hardware. There may be other ways of representing it, other than DNA. It just seems to be an extraordinarily efficient way of storing information perfectly and duplicating it perfectly. I'm not a physicist, but I do talk to a lot of physicists who are very puzzled these days. When you draw information out of an experiment, theoretically you're drawing energy, because energy and information are related; in fact, they are identical. So if I observe a certain phenomenon at the quantum level, the answer is translatable in terms of energy. That energy had to come from somewhere! So I've actually had an impact on the experiment. It might not have happened the same way if I had not been observing it. That's another mechanism in which you see information and energy being related and unless we take that equation into account we don't have a real picture of the Universe. That leads to the question of what is the role of consciousness in the Universe. This also relates to magic, because in magic you are manipulating information structures that have a relationship to the material world around you. So I think that both of those examples are very relevant to the question of information versus energy. Increasingly we may find that information is the more important of the two. I think UFOs are a special case that forces us to question what we call reality. In Close Encounter cases there is a point at which the witness seems to enter a different reality. There is an English researcher named Jenny Randles who calls this "the Oz factor." There is a point where all of a sudden reality has split and the reality of the observer has been replaced by another reality. If we could measure that, if we could instrument the witness, we might be able to learn about what we call physical reality. But that also raises the question: how do we know that this reality is the real one? How would we prove that it's the real one? This reality is merely a human consensus. There are interesting experiments that have been done where a newborn cat is given goggles that have vertical slits, and the cat can't take the goggles off. It's known that visual reality is created in the first two weeks in the life of a cat. So after two weeks they remove those goggles and the cat has a vertical reality! The cat could not think of horizontal structures. The cat would never jump on this bench, for example. She would negotiate her way around a vertical structure, but she has no concept of horizontal things. If the goggles had horizontal slits, then that cat would have a horizontal reality. The point is that we all have goggles over our minds and that's where the UFO phenomenon comes in. It challenges these goggles! Our goggles are called culture, education, tradition and so on, and these are the things through which we see the world! We're incapable of seeing the world through a different set of goggles. One of the opportunities that the UFO phenomenon is giving us is to look at reality in a much larger context. Whatever UFOs turn out to be, the opportunity is here. Simply by stretching our minds and forcing us to look at the Universe in other ways.