2021-12月08, UK: 奇妙なヒト形生物の写真 ⇒ 正体を解く

FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
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デボンシャーの男性が、イギリスのトーキーで風景を撮影しているときに、下の岩の上に立っている男性に気づきました。その写真とリアクションは、水棲クリプトイドを示唆しているようだ。 (0:05:28)
そこで彼は男の名前をジョンと言った。実はジョンとは以前から知り合いだった。彼は私がイギリス、デヴォンのトーキーを希望していることを知っていて、とても寒い日だったと言う。 ここはイギリス海峡の南西岸に位置するリゾート地だ。誰もいないように見えたので、私はこの場所を独り占めしたことになる。 (0:05:51)
最近よくhopes knowsを訪れる。新鮮な海の空気と松の木の香りがたまらないからだ。崖の上からサッチャー・ロックと海を眺める景色が特に好きだ。そこに立って写真を撮るのが好きだ。草地から崖に降りたところで、突然周囲の音が聞こえなくなり、辺りは完全に静寂に包まれた。 (0:06:25)
本当に不気味な感じがした。辺りを見回すと、突然誰かが岩の上に立っているのを見つけた。彼らは裂けた魚のようなものを食べていた。あの岩から安全に降りる方法はない。 (0:06:54)
ボートで行くしかないだろう。岩がゴロゴロ落ちていて、あそこまで降りるのはあまりにも危険だ。それが誰であれ、彼らは私が崖の端に立って観察しているのに気づいたようだった。 彼らは即座に私を見て、食べかけの魚を投げ捨てた。
その生き物はそれから奇妙なゴロゴロ音を立て、私に向かって威嚇するようにヒスをした。そう言うと、その生き物は海に向かって走り、氷のように冷たい水の中に飛び込んだ。 (0:08:10)
今、私は完全にショックを受け、ぞっとした。誰かが私を脅かそうとしているのだと本気で思っていたからだ。しかし今、私はそれが何か奇妙なもので、おそらく別世界のものだと確信 した。あの冷たい水の中で泳げる人などいるはずもなく、特に気温が急降下したあの時期には。 (0:08:33)
たちまち低体温症になって溺れてしまうだろうから、本当にどう考えていいかわからなかった。私は本物のマーマンという生き物を目撃したようで、今見たものにただ呆然と立ち尽くした。論理的な説明があるはずだ。 その生き物が再び姿を現さないかと、私は海を見下ろしながらもうしばらくそこに立ち続けたが、残念ながら姿を現すことはなかった。 (0:09:05)
少なくとも、私はその奇妙なマーマン型生物を証拠として写真に収めることに成功した。 これで私の人生は実に奇妙なものになった。こんな奇妙なことを日常生活の中で目撃できる人が他にいるだろうか?私はかつて、このようなことは完全なファンタジーだと思っていた。しかし、この奇妙なクリプト生物を直接目撃したようであることから、彼らは完全に現実の存在であり、私たちの生成した世界の中にある現実であると断言できる。 (0:09:39)
遠い昔からの奇妙な神話上の生き物の昔話は、完全に真実のようだ。科学者たちは、自分たちの科学的な物語に合わないからといって隠蔽したり無視したりするのではなく、長年にわたって起きてきた奇妙な非日常的出来事を研究するよう努めるべきだ。 このような奇妙なことが存在しないという意味ではないのだから。 (0:10:05)
さて、この事件は2021年12月8日午後4時4分、イギリスのデヴォンシャー州にあるトーキーのホープス・ノーズで起こった。ジョンもまた、奇妙な目撃をしている。彼は数年前に翼のあるヒューマノイドを目撃していて、それを私に送ってくれたんだ。そう 、彼は......彼はかなり多くの奇妙な目撃談や報告を受けていて、それを私に送ってくれるんだ。 (0:10:39)
たぶんこの報告は3年前か、ほぼ3年前だと思う。 (0:11:07)なんなんだ? (0:11:07)
彼らは何を見たのか?この証言は数年前に「見知らぬ人との遭遇」のポッドキャストで取り上げられ、私はその使用許可を得た。とにかく彼らは、私たちがアメリカの東海岸をチェサピーク湾まで移動していると言った。私はチェサピーク湾の真ん中で41フィートのヨットに乗っていた。その日、ボートには他に7人の男が乗っていた。 (0:11:32)
私たちはテストクルーズに出航し、約12時間の航海を予定していました。1980年代半ばのことです。天気予報の信頼性は今ほど高くなく、私たちは予期せぬ嵐に巻き込まれた。風速は時速50マイルに達し、弱いハリケーンの域に入りつつあった。 (0:11:55)
しかし幸運だった。船内にひときわ経験豊富な男がいて、嵐の接近を察知していた。だから私たちは、嵐が来る直前に嵐の音を鳴らして間に合わせたんだ。もしそうしていなかったら、間違いなく全員死んでいただろう。まあ、あの嵐の中、いつ死んでもおかしくないと思っていたからね。 (0:12:17)
少なくとも15分間は、視界ゼロの大渦の中にいた。嵐は去った。午後3時ごろには、すべてが落ち着いていた。 (0:12:33)
雲はまだあったが、周囲の明るさのおかげで、どの方角でも2マイルほどは見通せた。この時点で言っておく価値があるのは、あのような激しい嵐の後では、特に陸地に近い浅い水深では、海底から物が浚渫されるのが普通だということだ。だから私たちは全員、甲板で釣り糸を引き、ダメージが ないかチェックしている。波が立ち、泡が立っている。昔の船乗りは、海は混乱しているとよく言ったものだ。 (0:13:07)
とにかく、右舷から15フィートほど沖を見ると、何かが水面まで泳いできて、一時停止してこちらをじっと見ていた。私はそれをよく見た。 それは痩せた人間のような、人型の形をしていた。
頭は人間のようだったが、目はそうではなかった。目は大きく、厚く重いまぶたをしていた。このことに気づいたのは、私たちをじっと見つめた後、ゆっくりとまばたきをし、それから水の中に戻っていったからだ。この際だから言っておくが、私はドラッグやアルコールの影響は受けていない。 (0:13:59)
ドラッグやアルコールの影響は受けていないし、嵐で怪我をしたわけでもない。どちらかといえば、生きているだけで高揚していたので、感覚は鈍るどころか高まっていた。 このことが起こったとき、私は船や漁船での経験を6年ほど積んでいた。 世界中の海でイカ、タコ、トビウオ、サメなどを見てきた。 私は海藻の群れを見て、海の怪物だと思うような男だった。 (0:14:20)
私は誰にも何も言わないと即決した。何を言うつもりだったかって? 私はただ奇妙な人型の水棲モンスターを見ただけだ。まあ、ボートに乗っていた他の男たちはメカニックやエンジニアだったし、私はそんな評判を得る気はなかった。 だから私は救命胴衣を着て、ずぶ濡れで、鋼鉄の命綱につながれたまま、そこに立っていた。 (0:14:54)
他の船員の一人が、「今、水面に茶色いものが飛び出してくるのを見た。それはうろこ状の顔をしたトカゲ男のようだった。 それは大きな目で私 たちを見てまばたきし、潜っていった。ああ、私も見たよ」と私も言った。 誰も見たとは言わなかった。 (0:15:15)
そして今日に至るまで、自分があんな風に口走ったことに驚いている。でも勇気が出たのは、それを見たもう一人の水兵が、海軍で30年以上の経験を持つ合衆国の船長だったからだ。彼は乗組員から尊敬され、好かれていた。それが私に自信を与えてくれたんだと思う。 (0:15:33)
だからその日のうちに、私たちは海の中で見たことをもう一言も口にすることなく、桟橋に戻る航海をした。そして今日に至るまで、それが何であったかは分からないが、人ではなかったことは確かだ。あの水の中に人がいるはずもなく、私が見たあれのような姿の人がいるはずもない。 (0:15:56)
▼文字起こし 原文 展開
So before I go any further, I want to mention that this channel is made possible by you clicking on the subscribe and like buttons and by sharing our program. Super chat and super thanks donations are always appreciated. You can click the dollar icon located below the chat box and the buy me a coffee link is also shown below. (0:04:29)
So thanks for your consideration. Now your comments are always welcome. Tell me which accounts you found interesting in the presentation or suggestions for upcoming shows. I want to again thank our chat moderators, Bernadette, Marla, Thomas and Mike for their commitment to me and the channel. Now, if you're in the chat and have a question, please use all caps and I'll try to get to each one at my presentation. (0:04:53)
So before I talk about this next account, I'm going to pop something up here for you to look at because it's related to this next account. When a, you know, a Devonshire man in hopes knows Torquay in UK photographing scenery, he then notices a man standing on the rocks below him. The photos and the reactions seem to suggest an aquatic cryptid. (0:05:28)
So he states the guy's name is John. I've actually known John for a while. He states I was on hopes knows Torquay Devon, England and it was a very cold day. Now this place is located on the southwest shore of the English Channel and it's actually a resort town. There didn't seem to be anyone about which meant I had the whole place to myself. (0:05:51)
I have been visiting hopes knows quite a lot lately as I really do enjoy the fresh sea air combined with the smell of the pine trees there. I especially like the view from the cliff looking cliff top looking out towards Thatcher Rock and the sea. There I often like to stand and take photographs. Now I had just walked down from the grassy area to the cliff when suddenly the surrounding sounds around me faded away leaving the area completely silent which was very strange. (0:06:25)
It really made the place feel quite eerie. I looked around and then suddenly spotted someone standing down below over the rocks. They were eating what appeared to be a ripped open fish and I thought to myself that this was rather strange. There's really no way to safely get down from those rocks. (0:06:54)
The only way that they could have accessed the area was by boat as it was just too far too treacherous to climb down there that with all the falling rocks. Whoever it was they seemingly noticed me standing there observing from the edge of the cliff. They instantly looked at me and then threw down the partly eaten fish. I immediately took a I could see that whoever it was they were wearing some type of black garb. (0:07:25)
At first I thought it was just a person but then I saw its face. I almost lost my balance and nearly fell to the edge of the cliff in complete shock. I had never seen anything quite like it before. It really was quite hideous. It was the most unholy looking creature that I've ever laid eyes upon. It had a wide set black eyes with no sign of a nose. (0:07:51)
The creature then made a strange gurgling sound and then hissed at me in a threatening manner which in turn made me shout out some profanities toward it while raising my fist in complete anger. With that the creature ran toward the sea and dove into the icy cold water where it then quickly swum away disappearing down into the murky depths of the sea. (0:08:10)
Now I was completely shocked and horrified as I really thought that it was just somebody mucking around trying to scare the crap out of me but now I knew for sure that it was something strange and possibly otherworldly. There was no way anyone could swim in that cool cold water especially at that time of year when the temperature had plummeted at such a low level. (0:08:33)
It would instantly get hypothermia and drown so I really didn't know what to think. I had seemingly witnessed a real merman creature and I was just left standing utterly astonished by what I had just seen. Now I thought to myself this is utterly absurd there must be a logical explanation. I continued to stand there for a little while longer looking down upon the sea wondering if the creature would resurface once again but unfortunately it never did. (0:09:05)
At least I had successfully managed to capture the strange merman type creature within a photograph as proof. Now my life is very strange indeed. Who else gets to witness such peculiar things within their day-to-day life? I once thought things like this were complete fantasy but having seemingly witnessed these bizarre cryptid creatures firsthand I can safely say that they are totally real and a reality within our generated world. (0:09:39)
The old tales from the distant past of strange mythological creatures appears to be completely true which I find to be very exciting. Scientists should endeavor to study these weird extraordinary events that have occurred over the years instead of trying to cover them up or ignore them just because they don't fit their scientific narrative. It does not mean these strange things do not exist. (0:10:05)
Now this incident took place at 4 04 p.m on the 8th of December 2021 at the Hope's Nose in Torquay and that's in Devonshire, England. And John also he also has had some strange sightings. He had a winged humanoid sighting several years ago that he sent to me. So yeah he um he does get a quite a few bizarre sightings and reports that he sends to me though I haven't heard from him. (0:10:39)
I think this report was maybe three years ago or almost three years ago so that's the last I heard from him. So anyway uh this next account an experienced sailor along with a 30-year U.S. Navy captain witnessed a brown scaly lizard humanoid rise to the Chesapeake Bay surface and blink at them. (0:11:07)
What did they see? Now this account was discussed several years ago on the Encounters with Strangers podcast and I was given permission to use it. Anyway they state we were moving up the east coast of the United States to the Chesapeake Bay. I was working on a 41-foot sailboat out in the middle of the Chesapeake. There were seven seven other men on the boat that day. (0:11:32)
We were taking it out for a test cruise and were expected to be out about 12 hours. So this was in the mid-1980s. The weather prediction resources weren't as reliable as they are today and we found ourselves caught up in an unexpected storm. The winds were gusting to 50 mile an hour edging in the weak hurricane range. (0:11:55)
But we were lucky. There was one particularly experienced guy on board who had sensed the storm approaching and that was that it was going to be serious. So we'd rigged the storm sounds just in time just before the storm hit. If we hadn't, I'm certain we would have all died. Well, as it was, I fully expected to die at any moment during that storm. (0:12:17)
So we called for help and for at least 15 minutes we were in a maelstrom with absolutely zero visibility and then it passed. The storm was over. So by about 3 p.m. everything had calmed down. (0:12:33)
There were still cloud cover but the ambient light allowed us to see about two miles or so in any direction. It's worth mentioning at this point that after fierce storms like that it's common, particularly in the shallower depths near landmasses, for things to be dredged up off the seafloor. So we're all on deck working lines and checking for damage and the bay around us is still choppy. It's churning and foaming. Old-timey sailors used to say the sea is confused. (0:13:07)
Anyway, I looked about 15 feet off the starboard side and saw something swim to the surface, pause and stare at us, or should I say glare at us, then submerge again. I got a good look at it. It was like a thin man, a humanoid shape. It was lean but it had muscular arms and its skin was covered in scales like a snake. (0:13:37)
Its head was human-like but its eyes weren't. They were big with thick heavy lids. Now I noticed this because as it stared at us it blinked at them slowly and deliberately, then dove back into the water. Let me just say at this point that I'm not affected by drugs or alcohol. (0:13:59)
I was not affected by drugs and alcohol and I hadn't been injured in the storm. If anything, I was elated just to be alive so my senses were heightened, not dulled. Now when this happened, I had about six years of experience on ships and fishing boats. I'd seen squid, octopi, flying fish, sharks, etc. in the waters all over the world. I was the kind of guy to see a patch of seaweed and think it was a sea monster. (0:14:20)
I made an instant decision that I wasn't going to say anything to anyone. What was I going to say? I just saw a strange humanoid aquatic monster just take my word for it? Well, the other men on the boat were mechanics and engineers and I had no desire to get a reputation as a flake. So I'm standing there in my life vest, soaking wet, hooked onto a steel lifeline, still feeling relieved to be alive and wondering what the hell I just saw. (0:14:54)
When one of the other sailors said, I just saw a brown thing pop up on the surface. It looked like a lizard man with a scaly face. It blinked at us with those big eyes and went back under. Yeah, I said, I saw it too. No one else said that they had seen it. (0:15:15)
And to this day, I'm surprised I bluttered it out like that. But I got the courage because the other sailor, the one who saw it, was a United States captain with over 30 years experience in the Navy. He was respected and liked by the crew. And I guess that's what gave me the confidence. (0:15:33)
So later that day, we sailed back to the pier without saying another word of what we had seen that in the water. And to this day, I still don't know what it was, but I know it wasn't a man. No man could have been out in that water and no man could have looked like that thing I saw. (0:15:56)
The thing that looked me in the eye that day.
1,900 views 2024/08/31 Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports'
Throughout the world, there are numerous tales of mermaids, mermen, sprites, frogmen, etc. These stories appear in literature, film, television, games, and even in comics. Aquatic humanoids are said to be legends and fiction, despite people having continually reported real-life encounters and sightings of these elusive creatures.
In this presentation, I'm going to offer a small, though interesting, representation of eyewitness statements reported globally.
Please feel free to comment on the accounts and let me know your opinions.
Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - Real cryptid and unexplained reports directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.
Hi. My name is Lon Strickler. I hope that you enjoy listening to Phantoms & Monsters Personal Reports. I have a question for you. Have you ever had an unexplained sighting or encounter? Do you have photographic and/or video evidence of your experience? Would you like to share your unique story with our readers and listeners? Please feel free to forward your account to me, either through my email lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com or call me at 410-241-5974. You can also visit my website at https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com
