2008-01, Texas:Ricky Sorrells の目撃事件の解説記事
2008-01, Texas:Ricky Sorrells の目撃証言動画:巨大な UFO が頭上に出現 ⇒ この正体を推測
Stephenville UFO Updates & What Netflix's Encounters Leaves Out https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/stephenville-ufo-updates-what-netflixs-encounters-leaves-out/ar-AA1hZFZz
DeepL(new model)
Dani Kessel Odomによる記事
- Netflixのドキュメンタリーシリーズ『Encounters』は、リッキー・ソレルズが参加を拒否しているにもかかわらず、彼の話を徹底的かつ事実に基づいて取り上げています。
- リッキー・ソレルズは、UFOを丸くへこんだ巨大な鉄板と表現し、それが他国から飛来したものではないかと懸念を示しました。
- 多くの目撃証言や空軍からの矛盾する証言があるにもかかわらず、米国政府はスティーブンビルUFO目撃の事実を否定しています。
リッキー・ソレルズはNetflixのドキュメンタリーシリーズ『Encounters』への参加を拒否しましたが、第1話は彼の話を徹底的かつ事実に基づいてうまく取り入れています。ソレルズはハンティング旅行中にUFOを目撃し、望遠鏡を使ってその飛行物体をよく観察しました。ドキュメンタリーシリーズで彼が、その物体をボルトやナットのない継ぎ目のないものだと表現したことは正しいです。最も重要な要素が抜け落ちているのは、ウィリアム・J・バーンズ著『Aliens in America: A UFO Hunter’s Guide to Extraterrestrial Hotspots Across the U.S.』という本です。
この本の中で、バーンズは、ソレルズがUFOを3つのフットボール場よりも長い一枚の鉄板で、40フィート間隔で丸くへこんだものだと表現したと説明しています。くぼみの深さはそれぞれ4~6フィートでした。彼は、UFOはと ても大きく、動きも速いため、宇宙ではなく他国から飛来してきたとしたら、米国は大きな問題に直面するだろうと語りました。
情報源:Aliens in America: A UFO Hunter’s Guide to Extraterrestrial Hotspots Across the U.S.、NPR
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Stephenville UFO Updates & What Netflix's Encounters Leaves Out
Story by Dani Kessel Odom
- Netflix's Encounters docuseries incorporates Ricky Sorrells' story in a thorough and factual way, despite him declining to participate.
- Ricky Sorrells described the UFO as a massive sheet iron with round indentations, raising concerns if it came from another country.
- The United States government denies the reality of the Stephenville UFO sightings, despite numerous witnesses and conflicting statements from the Air Force.
While Ricky Sorrells declined to take part in Netflix’s Encounters docuseries, the first episode does a good job of incorporating his story in a thorough and factual way. Sorrells did see the UFO while on a hunting trip and used his scope to get a better look at the craft. The docuseries was correct when they said he described the object as seamless without nuts or bolts. The biggest elements left out can be found in the book Aliens in America: A UFO Hunter’s Guide to Extraterrestrial Hotspots Across the U.S. by William J. Birnes
In this book, Birnes explains that Sorrells described the UFO as a piece of sheet iron longer than three football fields with round indentations placed forty feet apart. The indents each went four to six feet deep. He said the UFO looked so big and moved so fast that the United States would be in big trouble if the craft came from another country instead of outer space.
Despite the immense number of witnesses to the Stephenville UFO sightings established in Encounters, the United States government has never acknowledged the incident as real. Instead, they scoffed at the idea that people saw anything. In 2008, the US Air Force decided to finally acknowledge through NPR that something was in the air that night – almost a dozen F-16 aircraft. However, the Air Force at Carswell Field contradicted this by saying no fighter jets flew over Stephenville. The two have since reconciled their stories to the official version that the F-16s flew over the area. They attribute the conflicting stories to an internal communications error.
This story already seems questionable based on the sheer number of times confidential info has later come out exposing the lies of the US government. However, it becomes downright silly when considering the fact that the government has released videos of “unidentified aerial phenomena” and held hearings in front of Congress addressing potential government knowledge of aliens. It wouldn’t be surprising to learn a decade or two from now that the Stephenville UFO sightings explored in Encounters provided another example of the US government knowing about a UFO.
Sources: Aliens in America: A UFO Hunter’s Guide to Extraterrestrial Hotspots Across the U.S., NPR