2008-01, Texas:Ricky Sorrells の巨大 UFO 目撃事件
2008-01, Texas:Ricky Sorrells の目撃証言動画:巨大な UFO が頭上に出現 ⇒ この正体を推測
Ricky Sorrells: UFO Witness is Working in the Real Estate Business Today https://thecinemaholic.com/ricky-sorrells-now/
DeepL(new model)
リッキー・ソレルズ:UFOの目撃者は現在不動産業を営んでいます クリティ・メホトラ 4~5分
Netflixの「Encounters: Messengers」は、2008年初頭にテキサス州中部で発生した未確認飛行物体(UAP)現象を深く掘り下げたドキュメンタリーで、これまでにない作品に仕上がっています。結局のところ、この番組はアーカイブ映像やドラマチッ クな再現だけでなく、15年前に実際に起こった出来事を強調するために重要な人物への独占インタビューも含まれています。 ヨン・モツキン監督によるこのオリジナルエピソードで詳しく取り上げられた人物の中に、実はUFOの目撃者であるリッキー・“リック”・ソレルズがいました。それでは、彼について詳しく見ていきましょう。
2008年1月8日、イラス郡の地元住民数十人が夕暮れの空に不可解な光を目撃したと報道されていますが、リッキーはそれよりも1週間以上も前に同じものを目撃していました。しかし、番組によると、ダブリン在住の機械工、牧場主、溶接工であるリッキーが、近くの森に単独で鹿狩りに行ったときは、ほぼ真昼間でした。研究者に語ったところによると、突然、まるで頭上に重たい雲が押し寄せてきたかのように辺りが暗くなったそうです。しかし、実際には、その一帯を覆うように巨大な物体がただ1つあっただけでした。 画像クレジット:AP Archive/YouTube
リッキーは、最初に親しい友人に打ち明けた際には、確かに笑い飛ばされてしまいましたが、2008年1月以降に新聞で同様の記事がいくつか掲載されたことをきっかけに、自ら名乗り出ることを決意しました。当時彼は、「その地域では、大きなバスや大きな鹿の話を耳にしますが、これはそれとは別物です。他の人も何かを見たという話を聞くと、自分が狂っていないことが証明されたようで、気分がいいですね」と語りました。しかし、その後、見知らぬ人物が彼の家に近づく、軍用弾丸が彼の車に放置される、ヘリコプターが彼の所有地を飛行するなど、嫌がらせと思われる行為が相次ぎ、ドキュメンタリーによると、彼はこの不気味な現象について一切口外するのをやめることになったそうです。 リッキー・ソレルズは現在どこにいるのでしょうか?
リッキーの現在の状況ですが、この家族思いの男性は、故郷であるテキサス州ダブリンに今も住み続けており、愛する娘たちに囲まれて幸せに暮らしているようです。職業については、UAPについて公に議論することに伴う脚光を避けることを決意して以来、彼はTechnipFMCという石油業界企業の製造監督者から、Sorrells Realty Team のブローカー、不動産業者、起業家に転身しました。
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Ricky Sorrells: UFO Witness is Working in the Real Estate Business Today Kriti Mehrotra 4–5 minutes
With Netflix’s ‘Encounters: Messengers’ delving deep into the early 2008 Unidentified Aerial/Anomalous Phenomenon (UAP) over Central Texas, we honestly get a documentary unlike any other. After all, it comprises not only archival footage and dramatic reenactments but also exclusive interviews with significant individuals to really underscore the events that transpired 15 years ago. Amongst those to thus be carefully mentioned in this Yon Motskin-directed original episode was actually UFO witness Ricky “Rick” Sorrells — so now, let’s just find out more about him, shall we?
Although it was reportedly on January 8, 2008, when dozens of Erath County locals sighted unexplainable lights in the evening sky, Ricky had come across the same thing more than a week prior. However, per the production, this Dublin-based machinist, rancher, as well as welder’s experience was almost in broad daylight while he was on a solo deer-hunting trip to the nearby woodlands. It’d suddenly gone dark as if heavy clouds had rushed overhead, according to his narrative to a researcher, yet the truth is there was nothing but a sole, massive object covering the entire area. Image Credit: AP Archive/YouTube
Ricky apparently couldn’t even determine the shape or size of this floating entity since it was so big, only to then be utterly shocked by it having no bolts, rivets, or connections — it was seamless. He’d actually used the scope of his rifle to get a better look at this silver, metallic thing to satisfy his curiosity, as indicated in the show, unaware he’d find something like an insect or mantis inside it. That’s when he did briefly consider pulling the trigger before thinking better, just for it to then take off in such high speed he was left dumbfounded, especially as it made no noise or affected the wind.
Ricky was admittedly laughed off when he initially confided in some close friends, yet he still chose to come forward upon reading several similar accounts in the paper following January 2008. “You hear about big bass or big buck in the area, but this is a different deal,” he said at the time. “It feels good to hear that other people saw something, because that means I’m not crazy.” But then came the alleged harassment in the form of strangers approaching his home, military-grade bullets being left behind in his car, and helicopters flying over his estate, driving him to stop being vocal regarding this entire eerie phenomenon altogether, according to the documentary. Where is Ricky Sorrells Now?
There are several individuals who genuinely believe Ricky was intimated into silence because his encounter was during the day, and it could mean he likely caught more than any other witness. In fact, even Erath County Constable Lee Roy Gaitan expressed in the episode that he thinks his fellow believer “was possibly approached by someone and offered a monetary agreement. They wanted him quiet.”
Coming to Ricky’s current standing; well, it appears as if this family man continues to reside in his hometown of Dublin, Texas, to this day, where he’s glad to be surrounded by his loving daughters. As for his profession, since deciding to step away from the limelight that comes along with openly discussing UAPs, he has evolved from a Manufacturing Supervisor at an oil industry company by the name of TechnipFMC to a broker, realtor, and entrepreneur at Sorrells Realty Team.