1981-07, Washington: 証言が UFO を目撃 → 数年後、UFO 乗船を想起
Preston Dennett の 6事例の解説動画から case 3 に絞る。動画の中で表示されていた情報源のテキストの OCR+和訳 も付けた。
Preston Dennett 自身による概要
ユラニ。1981年7月のある暖かい夜、ワシントン州シアトルの自宅の外で、ロバート(当時16歳)が愛犬とフリスビーで遊んでいると、突然雲が空を覆い、頭上に色とりどりの光が見えました。 すると、暖かい光線に体を引き寄せられ、身動きが取れなくなりました。
彼は猫のような目をした存在を目にしたことを思い出し、翌朝ベッドで目を覚ました。何年も経ってから、彼は、人間とグレイのハイブリッドに会い、ユラーニと名乗る彼女から、長い船内での体験を思い出した。彼女は200歳以上だと話し、宇宙人が地球を訪れる理由につい て多くの情報を伝えた。ある時点で、ロバートは彼らの故郷の惑星に連れて行かれた。
UFO 現象の本質:John Keel, Jacques Vallee の解釈
OCR + 和訳
日付:1981年7月 1981年7月 時刻:夜 ロバート(仮名)が自宅の裏口に向かって走っていると、突然、円盤状の物体の下から発せられた光線によって体が麻痺し、持ち上げられた。自宅と街の明かりが眼下に消えていくのが見えた。ユラニ」と名乗る異星人の女性がロバートを出迎えた。ユラニはほっそりとした、ほとんどか弱い外見をしており、身長は170センチほどだった。肌は淡い白色で、わずかにピンクがかった灰色をしていた。頬骨の出た大きな顔で、モンゴロイド系の顔立ちをしていた。 30代か40代に見えたが、ロバートはもっと年上だと言った。手には3本の指と親指があり、爪はなかった。淡い灰色(ほとんど白)のローブを着て、黒い紐に金のペンダントをつけていた。女性のグレイとは異なり、胸があった。
出典 キム・カールスバーグ「接近遭遇の芸術」pp: G
場所 ワシントン州シアトル 日付:1981年7月 1981年7月 時刻:夕方
雲ひとつない暗い夜だったが、突然雲が出てきて、風が強くなった。 嵐が近づいていると思った16歳の目撃者は、振り返って自分の家に走り始めた。母親の電気は消えていた。ドアは換気のために開いていた。
突然、彼は工芸品の中にいて、そこは暗く、「猫の目」が彼を見つめているように見えた。 次の記憶は、翌朝、靴を履いたままベッドで目覚めたことだった。ラケットをフェンスに投げつけてから駆け込んだことを覚えている。雨は降っていない。彼はひどく体調を崩し、疲れて3日間入院した。
その後、彼は宇宙船に乗っていたアジア系かモンゴロイド系の女性エイリアンに会ったことを思い出した。彼女は額が高く、鼻が平らで、唇が小さかった。どうやら彼女が目撃者を診察した 「医者 」だったようだ。目撃者によると、エイリアンは彼の心の中に考えを入れたり取り出したりすることができ、催眠暗示のようにあなたの意思を無視して、あなたが望まないことをさせることができるという。アジア人風の女性エイリアンは、かつらをかぶり、サングラスをかけていれば、簡単に人間と見分けがついただろう。彼女の虹彩は濃い灰色で、血管のない白色だった。彼女は目撃者に、ビル・クリントンの選挙を含む、彼の未来についての部分的なイメージを精神的に早送りさせた。
彼女は首が細く、顔が大きく、「おたふく風邪のように」 少し腫れていた。指は3本、親指は逆で、爪も小指もない。足は細長く、床のすぐ上を滑っているようだった。毛穴の目立たない滑らかな肌で、額には2、3本の目立つシワがあった。とても老けていて、200歳以上かもしれないが、30代か40代に見えた。肌は白っぽく、身長は170センチほど。肩幅は広く、腕は膝下まであり、ほっそりとした体つきで、胸は小さかった。目撃者が見せられ、体験したところによると、彼女の種族はみな虚弱体質で、菜食主義者であり、彼らの食事には指で食べる色鮮やかな果物が含まれている。宇宙船は寒くて蒸し暑く、冷蔵庫のような 「ジムロッカーの悪臭 」がした。実験室とクルー用の寝室があった。
トイレは壁から掃除機のようなものを出して使う。彼らの世界では一日中、薄暗いオレンジ色の夕焼け空が広がっている。彼女は淡いグレーの長いローブを着ており、首には 「Z 」のシンボルのネックレスをつけていた。目撃者によると、少なくとも3日間はいなかったように感じたが、一晩だけだった。
出典 デビッド・W・チェイス、「A Visual guide to Alien Beings」、1995年6月7日の目撃者とのインタビューを引用。タイプ G
▼OCR 原文 展開
Date: July 1981 Time: night As Robert, (pseudonym) was running toward the backdoor of his house, he was suddenly paralyzed and lifted by a beam of light emanating from beneath a saucer shaped object. He could see his house and the lights of the city recede beneath him, then found himself aboard. An alien female being, calling herself 'Yurani' greeted Robert. Yurani had a slender, almost frail appearance, and stood about 5'7". Her skin was a pale white, with just a hint of pinkish gray. She had a big face with prominent cheekbones and Mongoloid features. She looked like she might have been in her 30s or 40s, but Robert was told that she was much older. Her hands had three fingers and a thumb, without fingernails. She wore a pale gray (almost white) robe and a gold pendant attached to a black string. Unlike female Grays, she had breasts.
Her race resembled that of humans more closely than do the grays. With sunglasses and a cap she could pass for a human. She looked similar to a gray human hybrid, but Robert saw dozens of these beings aboard the spaceship and saw no grays or other species (except for a few other humans they had picked up). Her species seemed to be unique, and not associated with the Grays.
The air in the ship was cold and moist, kind of stuffy, and had a gym locker stench. The ship was brightly lit and there were many plants to produce oxygen. These beings moved by gliding along the floor rather than walking. Robert moved along with them in the same way. Robert's experience involved being taken to another planet with round buildings and a sun that was dimmer and redder than ours. The experience seemed to last several days, yet he was returned to his home within hours (Earth time) of the time they first picked him up. When he woke up the next morning he was still wearing his clothes and shoes, and he felt tired and sick. He had no memory of what had happened until years later.
Yurani was a doctor or scientist. She told Robert that her people are observing human beings. They have lost the capacity for emotion that they once had and are trying to get it back. Long ago their planet was overpopulated, so they limited themselves. They no longer reproduce like we do. They've forgotten how to love one another. They lacked passion. Her people are at peace, but they neither laugh, nor cry. They merely exist. They bond to relieve stress, but it is done with the mind. They don't have sexual preferences. They are learning to breed with each other all over again. They are studying us to learn these things, as their society is at risk from under population. They are also helping humans to become less aggressive.
HC addendum
Source: Kim Carlsberg, "The Art of Close Encounters" pp. 56-57 Type: G
Location: Seattle, Washington Date: July 1981 Time: evening
It was a dark night with a cloudless sky when suddenly clouds came in and it got really windy. Thinking a storm was approaching the 16-year-old witness turned and began to run to his house. His mother's light was off - she'd gone to bed. The door was open to air out the house.
He had been playing frisbee with his dog. The dog ran inside. The witness was running to get in before the storm arrived when he was suddenly paralyzed - the clouds came and there was a bright light in them, he saw red and blue lights and heard a "cricket" sound. Then a warm beam of light shot down and took the witness up. As he rose he could see through the beam of light and could see the Seattle city lights down below.
Suddenly he was inside a craft, it was dark and there seemed to be "cat eyes" staring at him. His next memory was of waking up the next morning in his bed with his shoes on - he remembered throwing the racket over the fence before running in. The ground was dry outside - it hasn't rained. He became very ill and tired and ended up in the hospital for three days.
Later he recalled meeting an Asian or Mongoloid female alien aboard the craft. She had a high forehead, flat nose, small lips. Apparently she was the "doctor" who examined the witness. According to the witness the aliens were able to put thoughts in his mind and take them out and can make you do things you don't want to - overriding your will, like hypnotic suggestion. The Asian-looking female alien could had easily passed as a human if she would have worn a wig and sunglasses. Her irises were dark gray - white without veins. She gave the witness a mental fast-forward of partial images about his future - including the election of Bill Clinton.
She had a narrow neck, large face - a bit swollen "like mumps". She had three digit hands, 3 fingers and an opposable thumb - no fingernails or pinky fingers. She had long narrow feet and seemed to glide just above the floor. She had smooth skin without any visible pores with 2 or 3 noticeable wrinkles on her forehead. Apparently she was very old, maybe 200 years or more but looked to be in her 30s or 40s. She had pale whitish skin and was about 5'7" tall. She had broad shoulders, long arms - almost down to the knees, slender body with, and small breasts. All of her race has frail bodies, they are vegetarians, and their diet includes brightly colored fruits which they eat with their fingers - according to what the witness was shown and experienced. The spacecraft was cold and stuffy with a "gym locker stench" or odor like a refrigerator. There were labs and sleeping quarters for the crew.
They have restrooms where they pull a device like a vacuum cleaner out of the wall. Their world has a dim orange sunset-sky all day long. She wore a long pale gray robe and around her neck she wore a necklace with the symbol "Z," when asked what it meant she said it was her race name "Zodaronnians." According to the witness it felt like he had been gone at least three days, but it was only one night.
HC addendum
Source: David W. Chase, "A Visual guide to Alien Beings" citing interview with witness on 6-7-1995. Type: G
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)







さて、もうひとつの驚くべきケースに移ろう。これは私がこの中で最も好きなものの一つである。実は、この総集編の中ではどれも気に入っている。このような船上での体験はとても魅力的だ。 (0:21:04)
しかしこのケースは特に興味深い。というのも催眠術の助けを借りずに遭遇したことを覚えているのだ。催眠術は、正しく行われれば効果があると思いますが、それにもかかわらず賛否両論があります。 だから、私はこれをイエラーニと呼んでいる。これは証人に与えられたETの名前です。ETが実際に自分の名前を名乗るケースはあまりないので、それだけでもこのケースはかなり魅力的だと思います。しかし、あなたが思っているほど多くはありません。 (0:21:38)
この事件は1981年7月にワシントン州シアトルで起こりました。これも目撃者は一人だ。しかし、この男性はETと交流し、長い会話を交わすことができ、どうやら彼らの惑星に連れて行かれたようです。信じられないほど広範で興味深いケースです。 次のケースは、研究者デビッド・W・チェイスによるもので、彼の素晴らしい本『A Visual Guide to Alien Beings』に掲載されている。彼は非常に熟達した芸術家です。 (0:22:11)
夜は暗く雲ひとつなかったが、突然雲が急速に広がり始めた。ロバートには嵐がすぐにやってくるように見えた。 (0:22:45)
犬は家の中に駆け込み、デビッドは犬が家の中に駆け込むすぐ後ろにいたが、突然自分が麻痺して動けなくなったことに気がついた。この時点で雲は頭上に移動し、彼はその中に明るい光を見ることができた。それは赤と青に点滅し始め、コオロギのような音が聞こえたという。 (0:23:11)
前触れもなく、彼は上空から来る光線に打たれていることに気づいた。彼はその光線から熱を感じ、突然自分が自宅の上空に上昇し、シアトルの明るい街明かりが眼下に見えた。 次の瞬間、彼は船の中にいた。 (0:23:29)
とても暗くて影があり、猫のような目をした存在が彼を見つめていた。彼は恐怖の波を感じた。次の瞬間、彼はベッドで目を覚ました。 服も靴も履いたままだ。疲れている。気分が悪い。実際、彼は3日間入院するほど具合が悪くなった。 (0:23:50)
さて、何年もの間、彼が思い出すのはこれだけだった。しかし数年後、彼はこの行方不明の間に起こったことを自発的に思い出した。 1995年のデビッド・チェイスとのインタビューで、ロバートは、この光線に引き上げられた後、黒い金属のような機体の底を見たと語った。緑、白、青、赤のストロボのような光が縁を回っていた。 (0:24:16)
丸い円形の青白い黄色っぽい光が3つあり、彼はこれが動力源だと考えた。彼は、彼を船の中に持ち上げた光線は、船の中央の底から来たと言った。船内に入ると、彼はすぐに人間とグレーのハーフの異星人に迎えられた。彼女はかなり背が高く、約170センチ、細身で、ややひ弱そうで、アジア人のような顔立ちをしていた。 (0:24:51)
ロバートは彼女のことをかなり生き生き と詳しく説明した。彼女の肌は淡い白色で、ピンクグレーの色も混じっていたという。おたふく風邪の人のように腫れぼったい大きな顔、細長い首、濃い灰色の虹彩を持つ猫のような大きな目、まつげはなく、頬骨が突き出ていて、額が高く、髪はなく、小さな平らな鼻、小さな唇、耳は見えなかった。 (0:25:21)
彼女の肌はとてもとても滑らかで、毛穴は見えなかった。額に2、3本のしわが見えただけだった。手は長く、3本の細い指と親指があり、爪はなかった。肩幅はかなり広かった。腕はとても長く、膝下まであり、足は細かった。淡い灰白色のぴったりしたローブを着ていて、女性らしい体型がよくわかる。 (0:25:49)
細長い袖がついていた。彼女は、何かの布でできているような、足首まである真っ黒なブーツを履いていた。彼は後で、これらの存在には足の指が4本あり、小指がないことを知った。しかし、このユラニという存在は、黒い紐のようなもののついたネックレスをつけており、その先には3インチ幅の金のペンダントがついていた。 (0:26:09)
そしてこのペンダントの表面には黒いZのようなシンボルが刻まれていた。そして彼は実際にそれについて尋ねた。すると彼女は答えた。それは自分たちの種族の名前を表しているのだと。 そして彼女はその名前を言った。それはゾデュラ人だった ロバートいわく、この種族は灰色というより人間的で、おそらくハイブリッドだそうだ。 (0:26:35)
サングラスをかけ、帽子をかぶれば、人間と見紛うほど人間に見えたという。周りを見渡すと、彼女のような存在が他にも何十人もいた。 彼らは歩くのではなく、床を滑るように移動し ていた。ETに拾われたらしい他の人間も数人見た。船内の空気は冷たく、蒸し暑く、ロッカールームと冷蔵庫を足したような臭いがしたという。 (0:27:00)
しかし、どうやら彼の心を読んだのか、ユラニは「いや、彼女は200歳以上だ」と説明し、「彼らは人間ほど早く年をとらない」と説明した。彼女は、彼らはほとんどベジタリアンであり、色鮮やかなフルーツをたくさん食べると言い、実際にデビッドのためにそれを実演した。彼女は主に科学者と医者として働いており、彼らは人間を観察し、自分たちの遺伝子を修復するために地球にいるのだと言った。 (0:28:16)
彼女は、大昔、彼らの星は人口過剰になり、人口増加を制限することを余儀なくされ、その過程で遺伝子をいじくりまわし、感情の能力の一部を失ったと説明した。愛することも、笑うことも、泣くことも、人間と同じような強い情熱を持つこともできなくなり、人間のように普通に繁殖することもできなくなった。 (0:28:44)
彼女は彼に、彼らは平和に暮らしているが、今は感情の価値を認識し、自分たちの種族が滅びつつあることに気づき、 人間の感情を研究し、繁殖の方法を学んでいると話した。そしてそれと引き換えに、人間が攻撃的にならないように手助けしようとしているのだ。そうして、彼はまた、工芸品の見学を許された。実験室、乗組員の寝室、トイレを見せられたが、壁から引き出せる装置が入っていて、掃除機のようだと彼は言った。 (0:29:17)
彼はある時、実際に彼らの惑星に連れて行かれた。その惑星は一日中薄暗いオレンジ色の夕焼け空だったと彼は言った。細長い円筒形をしていて、下部からスラスターが出ている。彼らは丸い建物のようなものに住んでいるという。これは長い体験だった。おそらく3日間、長ければ1週間は続いただろう。 (0:29:43)
しかし興味深いことに、彼が部屋に戻されたときには、ほんの数時間しか経っていなかった。もちろん、その間に何があったのか、ほとんど覚えていなかった。かなり珍しいケースであることは確かだが、このような詳細は、このような船内での遭遇で何度も耳にすることである。隠蔽工作というテーマをめぐり、懐疑と不信と嘲笑と混乱と恐怖が渦巻いているのはとても残念なことだ。これらすべてが、目撃者が名乗り出たり、話を共有したりすることを非常に困難にしている。そして確かに、ほとんどの人は自分の名前がこの件に結び付けられることを望まない。まったく理解できる。 (0:30:20)
Now let's move to another amazing case. This is one of my favorite in this bunch. I actually like all of them in this compilation. These onboard experiences are so fascinating. (0:21:04)
But this case is particularly interesting because the did remember his encounter without the aid of hypnosis. That's always a plus, I think, because although hypnosis, I think, works, if done correctly, it is nevertheless controversial. So I call this one Yerani. And that actually is the name of the ET given to the witness. That alone, I think, makes this case pretty fascinating because we don't have a lot of cases where ETs actually give their names. There are quite a few of them, but not as common as you might think. (0:21:38)
This one took place in July of 1981 in Seattle, Washington. And again, it is a single witness case. But boy, this guy was able to interact with the ETs and have long conversations, apparently taken to their planet. So it's an incredibly extensive and interesting case. This next case comes from researcher David W. Chase and was published in his amazing book, A Visual Guide to Alien Beings. He's quite an accomplished artist. (0:22:11)
This case occurred in Seattle, Washington in July of 1981 to an anonymous young man. We'll call him Robert. At the time, he was 16 years old. It was a warm evening and Robert was out playing frisbee with his dog. His mom was in the house and had turned off her bedroom light and gone to bed. The front door was still open to air out the house. (0:22:40)
The night was dark and cloudless, but suddenly clouds began to quickly roll in. It looked to Robert like a storm was coming in pretty quickly. (0:22:45)
The dog ran inside and David was right behind the dog running inside when suddenly he found himself paralyzed, unable to move. The clouds had moved in overhead by this point and he could see a bright light in them. It began flashing red and blue and he heard a sound which he said was kind of like a cricket. (0:23:11)
Without warning, he found that he was being struck by a beam of light coming from above. He could feel the heat from it and he suddenly found himself rising above his home and he could actually see the bright city lights of Seattle all around him below. Next thing he knew, he was inside a craft. (0:23:29)
It was very dark and shadowy and there was an entity with cat-like eyes staring at him. He felt a wave of fear. Next thing he knows, he's waking up in bed. His clothes and shoes are still on. He's tired. He feels unwell. In fact, he became sick enough that he went to the hospital where he remained for three days. (0:23:50)
Now for many years, this was all he recalled. But some years later, he spontaneously recalled what happened during this missing time. In a 1995 interview with David Chase, Robert said that after being pulled up this beam of light, he saw the bottom of the craft which looked like black metal. It had green, white, blue, and red strobe-like lights circling the edge. (0:24:16)
Three round circular blue-white-yellowish lights, which he believed was the power source. He said that the beam of light that lifted him up into the ship came from the center bottom of the craft. And once inside this craft, he was immediately greeted by a half-human, half-gray alien being who introduced herself as Yurani. Now, she was pretty tall, about five feet seven inches, slender, somewhat frail-looking, and had Asian-looking facial features. (0:24:51)
Robert described her pretty vividly and in detail. He said her skin was pale white with some hints of pink-gray. She had a large face which looked almost swollen like a person with the mumps, a long thin neck, large cat-like eyes with dark gray irises, no eyelashes, prominent cheekbones, a high forehead, no hair, small flat nose, small lips, no visible ears. (0:25:21)
Her skin was very, very smooth with no visible pores. He saw only two or three visible wrinkles on her forehead. He said her hands were long, three thin fingers and a thumb, no fingernails. Her shoulders were pretty broad. Her arms were very long, reaching almost down to the knees, and she had long narrow feet. She was wearing a pale gray-white tight-fitting robe which did show her feminine figure. (0:25:49)
It had long narrow full-length sleeves. She wore dark black ankle-length boots that looked like they were made of some kind of cloth. He did see later that these beings had four toes with no little toe. But this being, Yurani, was wearing a necklace with sort of a black string, and it had a three-inch-wide gold pendant on the end. (0:26:09)
And on this pendant, there was a black Z-like symbol engraved on its surface. And he actually asked about it. And she answered. She told him that it represented the name of their race. And she gave the name. It was Zoduranians. Now, per Robert, this being looked more human than gray, perhaps a hybrid. (0:26:35)
He said that she looked human enough that if she were to wear sunglasses and a hat, she could pass as human. Looking around, he saw dozens of other beings like her. They moved around this craft by gliding across the floor, not walking. He did see a few other humans who had also apparently been picked up by the ETs. He said the air in the ship was cold, stuffy, and moist, smelled like a cross between a locker room and a refrigerator. (0:27:00)
Now, Yurani then proceeded to give David an examination. He was glided across the floor like the other figures. And he found that Yurani was easily able to override his willpower and put thoughts into his mind or take them out. She communicated with him telepathically, usually using images, showed him various mental pictures of the future, about his personal life, and world events, such as the election of President Bill Clinton, which ended up coming true. He said that they were able to speak verbally in a high-pitched voice, but it did not sound at all human. Now, Robert thought that Yurani looked to be about 30 or 40 years old. (0:27:44)
But apparently reading his mind, Yurani explained that no, she was more than 200 years old and explained that they don't age as quickly as humans do. She said that they are mostly vegetarians, and that they eat a lot of brightly colored fruit, and actually demonstrated this for David. She said that she worked mostly as a scientist and a doctor, and that they were here on Earth to observe humans and to repair their own genetics. (0:28:16)
She explained that long ago, their planet had become overpopulated, so that they were forced to limit their population growth, and in the process of doing this, had messed around with their genetics, and lost some of their capacity for emotion. No longer were able to love, or laugh, or cry, or have the same strong passions as humans, and were not able to reproduce normally like we do. (0:28:44)
She told him that they do live in peace, but now recognizing the value of emotions, and realizing that their race is dying out, they are studying human emotions and learning how to breed. And in exchange, they are attempting to help humans to become less aggressive. So, he was also given a tour of the craft. He was shown laboratories, sleeping quarters for the crew, restrooms, which he said contained a device that could be pulled from the wall, kind of reminded him of a vacuum cleaner. (0:29:17)
He was then, at one point, actually taken to their planet, which he said had a dim orange sunset sky all day long. He was shown some of their craft, which looked long and cylindrical, with thrusters coming out from the bottom part of the craft. He was shown that they live in round-like buildings. This was a long experience. He estimates that it lasted probably three days, maybe even as long as a week. (0:29:43)
But, interestingly, when he was returned back to his room, only a few hours had passed. And, of course, he had almost no memory of what had happened during all this missing time. Pretty unusual case for sure, but these are details we hear again and again in these on-board encounters. It's such a shame there's so much skepticism and disbelief and ridicule and confusion and fear surrounding the subject, the cover-up. All of this makes it very difficult for witnesses to come forward and share their stories. And certainly most do not want their names attached to it. Totally understandable. (0:30:20)
But it would be a very different world if this subject was treated differently. And we're moving in the right direction. Don't think we're there yet.
66,600 views Nov 2, 2024