1963:Paul Villa に関する記事
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1963: Paul Villa Photo and Contact Case - Think AboutIts https://www.thinkaboutitdocs.com/1963-paul-villa-photo-contact-case/
オーブマン 18-23分
(最終更新日: ) 拉致問題について考える
日付 1963年6月16日
昼/夜 昼
場所:ニューメキシコ州アルバカーキ ニューメキシコ州アルバカーキ
都市または地方: -
ハイネックの分類 CE-V(接近遭遇V)人類と地球外生命体の自発的な二国間接触。
物体の形状: 円盤
目撃者の数 1人
出典 ガブリエル・グリーン、UFOインターナショナル、1965年
ニューメキシコ州アルバカーキの機械工であるアポリナール(ポール)・ビラは、彼らの宇宙船の写真を撮るという特別な目的のために、宇宙人とのミーティングを事前に手配するというユニークな特権を持っていた。彼らは何光年も離れたかみのけ座銀河から来たと語った。 フルレポート
1963年6月16日撮影。UFOの乗員は「午後2時から4時の間、地表近くでポーズをとってホバリングしている彼らの船の写真を撮ることをヴィラに許可した。彼はF4.6、75mmレンズの日本製六王社のカメラに120コダックフィルムを装填して使用した。" ヴィラ10
ポール・ヴィラの写真 (Credit: Timothy Good)
ヴィラ氏にとって、宇宙人とのある種の接触は目新しいことではないらしい。彼は5歳の頃から地球外知的生命体からテレパシーを教わってきたという。彼は学校の10年生を修了していないが、数学、電気、物理学、力学などの知識は豊富で、エンジンや発電機などの欠陥を発見する特異な "才能 "を持っているようだ。
また、彼らは科学に関する高度な知識を持っていた。"彼らの工芸品や彼との会話からも明らかである。彼らはヴィラに、我々の地球が属する銀河系全体は、全宇宙に存在する底知れぬ数の有人銀河から見れば、巨大な浜辺の砂粒に過ぎないと 言った。彼らの技術的進歩のおかげで、宇宙船は地球のレーダー探知システムをすり抜けることができ、彼らが私たちの空に存在することに注意を喚起するときだけ、私たちのレーダースクリーンに映る。
ちなみに、写真7......では、船体にある通気口は窓ではなく、船の推進力に直接関係する開口部だと考えられている。ヴィラによると、この通気口は惑星の大気圏内だけで開けられるもので、宇宙空間では決して開けられないという。 (UFOインターナショナル1965年10月号 ガブリエル・グリーン)
火事の煙は、船のすぐ下の木々や、ヴィラのトラックのテールゲートのすぐ上と左側に見える(注:私は写真を持っている)。これらのことは、彼らの能力の一部を示すために行われた。船は着陸し、ヴィラはその直径を300フィートと判断した。その船には伸縮自在の三脚式着陸装置があり、写真では船底から突き出ている。3人の乗 組員は明るい茶色の髪で日焼けした肌をしていた。
さらに彼らは、1966年までに17カ国が原爆を保有することになるだろうと付け加えた。ヴィラによれば、彼らはスペイン語(彼の母国語)と英語の両方で会話したという。コンタクティは彼らのアドバイスで、テレパシーを受信する能力を高めるためにタバコを止めたと言う。 UFOインターナショナル 1965年10月号 ガブリエル・グリーン
彼らの宇宙船は常に私たちの惑星の周囲 で活動しており、彼らの存在に対する人々の認識を高めるために、より多くの目撃や着陸が行われていた。彼らは、私たちの人々を助けるために友好的な使命を帯びてここにいること、月に基地があること、火星の2つの衛星のうちの1つであるフォボスは空洞で人工的に建造されたものであること、そして優れた知性が宇宙とそこにあるすべてのものを支配していると言った。
1963年6月16日、ビラはテレパシーで、アルバカーキから南へ15マイルほど行ったペラルタという町の近くまで、ピックアップトラックで一人で行くように指示された。14時00分、彼は直径160-170フィートと推定される空飛ぶ円盤を見たと主張した。(その空飛ぶ円盤は、低空でさまざまな距離でホバリングしながら、ヴィラが木々に囲まれ、時には自分のトラックが前景に写る写真を撮った。彼は日本製のアプス折りたたみ式カメラに六耀社のf4.6 75mmレンズ(私が調べたもの)をつけ、120判のコダカラーフィルムを使った。
コマ・ベレニキア人」は平和主義者で、地球人が攻撃的で戦争好きな本能を克服することを望んでいた。愛とは「宇宙で最も強力な力」であり、正しく使えば人の心を変えることができると彼らは言った。愛の法則が地球人の心を支配するようになれば、他の世界の人々が大勢やってきて、彼らの進んだ科学を分かち合ってくれるだろう。. .
ポール・ヴィラの2枚目のカラー写真シリーズは、1965年4月に数カ所で撮影された。このシリーズの中で最も興 味深い写真は、4月18日の復活祭の日曜日、16時頃、アルバカーキの南20マイル、リオ・グランデ川の河床に近い地域で撮影されたものである。
▼ 原文を展開
1963: Paul Villa Photo and Contact Case - Think AboutIts Orbman 18–23 minutes
Warning: strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home2/orbman69/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 262 (Last Updated On: ) THINK ABOUTIT ABDUCTION REPORT
Date: June 16, 1963
Sighting Time: 2 and 4 P.M.
Day/Night: Day
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Urban or Rural: –
No. of Entity(‘s):
Entity Type:
Entity Description:
Hynek Classification: CE-V (Close Encounter V) Voluntary bilateral contact between humans and extraterrestrials.
No. of Object(s):
Height & Speed:
Size of Object(s):
Distance to Object(s):
Shape of Object(s): Disc
Color of Object(s):
Number of Witnesses: Single
Source: Gabriel Green, UFO International, 1965
Summary/Description: Apolinar (Paul) Villa, a mechanic of Albuquerque, New Mexico, had a unique privilege having pre arranged meetings with Space People for the specific purpose of taking pictures of their craft. They told him they came from the galaxy of Coma Berenices, many light years distance. Full Report
Photo taken June 16, 1963. The occupants of the UFO “permitted Villa to take photo’s of their ship which posed and hovered close to the surface between 2 and 4P.M. while he took various shots of the craft framed by the trees in the foreground. He used a Japanese-made Rokuoh-Sha camera with an f4.6, 75mm lens loaded with 120 Kodak film.” Villa10
Photo taken June 16, 1963. Villa4
June 19, 1966. (Another contact.) Smaller remote-control disc from Coma Berenices, about 1 metre in diameter ; it is accompanied by small spheres which whirl round it. Villa2
Photo taken April 18, 1965, from another contact. Another of the Paul Villa photographs.
Photograph of Paul Villa. (Credit: Timothy Good)
June 16, 1963-near Albuquerque, N.M. Apolinar(Paul)A. Villa, Jr., 49(born Sept. 24, 1916), a mechanic of 601 Niagara N.E.; Albuquerque, New Mexico, had a unique privilege having prearranged meetings with Space People for the specific purpose of taking pictures of their craft.
Apparently, contacts of one kind or another with space people are not new to Mr. Villa. He says that he has been taught telepathy by extraterrestrial intelligence since he was five years old. Although he did not complete the tenth grade of school, he seems to have a good knowledge on such subjects as mathematics, electricity, physics, and mechanics, and has an unusual “gift” for detecting defects in engines, generators, etc.
Villa says that prior to photographing his first series of saucers in 1963, he had seen about five Flying Saucers in the previous five years, and he had talked with a spaceman previously. He said that his first picture-taking contact was his second in-person meeting with extraterrestrial beings. The first was in 1953 while he was working for the Department of Water and Power in Los Angeles. While on the job one day in Long Beach, he had a strong urge to go down to the beach, a feeling he did not understand. There he met a man about 7 feet tall. At first Villa was a afraid and wanted to run away. But the man called him by name, and told him many personal things about himself. “Villa realized that he was communicating with a very superior intelligence, and he then became aware that this being was a spaceman. “He knew everything I had in my mind and told me many things that had happened in my life,” Villa says. ” He then told me to look out beyond the reef. I saw a metallic looking disc-shaped object that seemed to be floating on the water. Then the spaceman asked me if I would I like to go aboard the craft and look around, and I went with him.” He said the saucer occupants were entirely humanoid in appearance, although better looking in general than Earth people, as they were definitely more refined in the face and the body. Also they had an advanced knowledge of science, as evidenced by their craft, and by their talk with him.” They told Villa that the whole galaxy to which our Earth belongs is a grain of sand on a huge beach, in relation to the unfathomable number of inhabited galaxies in the entire Universe. Because of their technological advancement, their spaceships can penetrate the Earth’s radar detection system, so that they are picked up on our radar screens only when they choose to call attention to their presence in our skies. It seems that their craft are constantly active over our surface, and that they plan more sightings and landings in order to increase public awareness of their existence. They said they were here on a friendly mission to help our people; that they have bases on our moon; that Phobos, one of the two moons of Mars is hollow and is artificially constructed; and that their is a Superior Intelligence that governs the Universe and everything in it.
For his first series of pictures, Mr. Villa says his space contacts told him, telepathically, to drive his pick-up truck on June 16, (1963), to the meeting place, alone. There he saw a landed Flying saucer which he estimated to be about 70 feet in diameter. There were nine people aboard the ship: four men and five women. They disembarked through a hermetically sealed door. These beings, he says, ranged in height from seven to nine feet and were well proportioned. Some were blond; some were red-headed; (like polished copper); and some had black hair. They told him they came from the galaxy of Coma Berenices, many light years distance. They were able to speak many languages, as well as to communicate telepathically. Villa was told the craft operated as a Mothership for its nine remotely-controlled monitoring disks which were 14 inches in diameter, and were controlled from instrument panels in the Mothership. They could pick-up pictures and sounds from any area from which they were directed, and then could then relay them to TV panels aboard the Mother Craft. They permitted Villa to take photo’s of their ship which posed and hovered close to the surface between 2 and 4P.M. while he took various shots of the craft framed by the trees in the foreground. He used a Japanese-made Rokuoh-Sha camera with an f4.6, 75mm lens loaded with 120 Kodak film. Two of the photo’s show the ship in a vertical position, on its side, to indicate that the Space People have created an artificial gravity within the craft, and thus are completely comfortable no matter what position the ship is in, relative to a planet’s surface.. Incidentally, in photo #7…???, the vents in the hull, thought by some to be port holes, are not windows, but are openings directly concerned with the propulsion of the ship. Villa says they told him that the vents are opened only within a planets atmosphere—never in outer space. (UFO International Oct,1965 Gabriel Green)
Another contact… for his second set of pictures, Villa was telepathically guided, to another area near Bernalillo, New Mexico—about 15 miles north of Albuquerque. This was on Easter Sunday, April 18, 1965. The ship seen in photo’s #1,2 and 3, projected a ray which caused a small brush fire. The smoke from the fire is visible(more clearly in color)in the trees just below the craft, and just above and to the left of the tailgate of Villa’s truck.(Note: I have the photo’s..Dex) In one photo they singed a tree top—by use of a ray directed from the ship. These things were done to demonstrate some of their capabilities. The ship landed and Villa judged it to be 300 feet in diameter. It had telescopic, tripod landing gear, which are protruding from the bottom of the craft in photo’s ???(Note: I don’t have…Dex). The three crewman had light brown hair and tan skin. They appeared to be about 5’8″ or 5’9″ tall. Villa talked with them for nearly two hours about personal as well as general matters. They told him that our Astronauts, Edward White and James McDivitt, on their now-famous GT-4 flight, were really seeing a spaceship when they reported sighting the Pegasus-like object. They also said our Government won’t release the Mariner-4 photo’s because they show pumping stations for the canal systems on Mars. They added, that by 1966, 17 nations will have the Atomic Bomb. Villa says they conversed both in Spanish(his native language)and in English. On their advice, the Contactee says, he stopped smoking so as to enhance his ability to receive telepathic communications. UFO International Oct,1965 Gabriel Green
Excerpt from Timothy Good (Credit: Cosmic View)]
Apolinar (Paul) Alberto Villa Jr. was born in 1916, of Native American, Spanish, German and Scottish descent. He claimed to have been taught telepathically by extraterrestrial intelligences from the age of five, and though failing to complete the tenth grade of school, he seemed to have been well versed in subjects such as mathematics, electricity, physics and mechanics. He also had an unusual talent for detecting defects in engines, generators and other such machines, a talent that served him well in his profession as a mechanic, first in the Air Force and later as a private citizen.
Villa claimed that ten years prior to photographing his first series of saucers in 1963, he had been contacted by extraterrestrials while he was working for the Department of Water and Power in Los Angeles. At Long Beach one day in 1953, a strong inclination suddenly came over him to go down to the beach, a feeling he did not understand at the time. There, he said, he met a man about seven feet tall. Initially, Villa was afraid and wanted to run away, but the man called him by name and told him many personal things about himself. Villa realized that he was communicating with a very superior intelligence’, and he then became aware that this being was a
He knew everything I had in my mind and told me many things that had taken place in my life. He then told me to look out beyond the reef. I saw a metallic-looking, disc-shaped object that seemed to be floating on the water. Then the spaceman asked me if I would like to go aboard the craft and look around, and I went with him.
Villa reported that the saucer occupants were human-like in appearance, though more refined in face and body. Also, they had an advanced knowledge of science, as evidenced by their craft and from the information given by them.
Villa was informed that the galaxy to which our Earth belongs is as a grain of sand on a huge beach, in relation to the unfathomable number of inhabited galaxies in the entire universe. Because of the aliens’ techno- logical advancement, their spaceships could penetrate the Earth’s radar detection systems, so that they were picked up on our radar screens only when they chose to call attention to their presence in our skies. Their craft were constantly active around our planet, and more and more sight- ings and landings would take place to increase public awareness of their existence. They said they were here on a friendly mission to help our people; that they had bases on the Moon; that Phobos, one of the two moons of Mars, was hollow and had been artificially constructed, and that a Superior Intelligence governed the universe and everything in it.
On 16 June 1963, Villa’s space contacts telepathically told him to drive alone in his pickup truck to a site near the town of Peralta, about 15 miles south of Albuquerque. There, at 14.00, he claimed to have seen a flying saucer which he estimated to be about 160-170 feet in diameter. (In an earlier estimate he gave it as 70 feet.) The ship `posed’ and hovered at low altitude and at various distances as Villa took photographs of it framed by the trees, and sometimes showing his truck in the foreground. He used a Japanese-made Apus folding camera with a Rokuoh-sha f4.6 75mm lens (which I have examined), with 120 format Kodacolor film.
Two of the photos show the ship as it flipped on edge with its lower part rotating, apparently, according to Villa, to indicate that the space people had created an artificial gravity-field within the craft; thus they remained completely comfortable no matter what attitude the craft assumed relative to a planet’s surface.
According to the late Coral and Jim Lorenzen of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO), one of these images (see photo no. 3 in colour plates) fails to show the branches of a tree in front of the craft as it should do were it 170 (or even 70) feet in diameter as claimed, indicating that the craft’ might be a small fake. It could be the case, though I have been unable to establish this to my own satisfaction, working from enlargements I personally reproduced. Villa himself claimed that the branches of the tree were swaying from a
huge rush of wind’ generated locally by the craft, which might have accounted for the apparent inconsistency. In other photos from this series, where nearby vegetation and also Villa’s truck provide useful reference points, the saucer appears to be a large object at considerable distance from the camera, thus reducing the likelihood of fraud.
At one point, Villa said, the craft hovered about 300 feet above his truck and caused it to rise slowly into the air to three or four feet for a few minutes. Also, when the craft was about a quarter of a mile away, a flexible, controlled `rod’ could be seen, apparently probing the ground and trees at different angles and curving into different shapes. While this was going on, a small, shiny, remotely controlled sphere, six to nine feet in diameter, exited from the main craft and disappeared bchind trees, then reappeared and shot off at terrific speed, while glowing a reddish colour.
When the craft hovered a few hundred yards away, according to Villa, between the tree tops, the bottom section was tinted amber red, like hot metal’, but the colours changed from a
shiny chrome to a dull aluminum’ back to amber. At one point it became so bright that it shone almost unbearably. As it passed over Villa’s head, he felt not only heat from it but also `a prickly or tingling sensation all over my body’.
Although the upper, domed structure of the craft could be turned independently from the lower section, Villa learned, it appeared to remain stationary during flight, while the lower section rotated at diffeent speeds. It made a whirring noise that sounded something like a giant electric motor or generator’. At other times it gave off either a buzzing,
pulsating’ noise, or it suddenly became totally silent as it moved about in different directions.
At about 14.30, the craft landed on tripod legs and nine beautiful’ crew members – five men and four women – disembarked through a previously invisible door. These beings ranged in height from seven to nine feet, said Villa, and were well proportioned, immaculately groomed and dressed in tight-fitting one-piece uniforms. The colour of their hair ranged from
fiery golden’ to polished copper’ to black. Villa was told that they came from the
constellation of Coma Berenices, many light years distant’.(Coma Berenices is a constellation notable for the large number of galaxies it contains.) In addition to communicating telepathically, they were also able to speak many of our languages. During the 90- minute conversation with Villa, they spoke in both English and Spanish (Villa’s native tongue), but when conversing among themselves, they spoke in their own tongue, which sounded like `something akin to Hebrew and Indian’.
The craft operated as a mother ship for nine remotely controlled monitoring discs, manoeuvred from instrument panels in the mother ship, Villa was informed. These could pick up imagery and sound from areas to which they were directed, and relay them to TV-monitor panels in the mother craft, a remote-viewing technology first described by George Adamski.
The vents’, clearly seen in some photos surrounding the central section of the craft, were openings possibly used for
collecting and ionizing atmospheric gases’. These vents were not used nor left open outside a planet’s atmosphere, where the magnetic lines of force are further apart, but,like the door’ underneath the craft, were
hermetically sealed’, either manually or automatically, after leaving the atmosphere.
The hermetic sealing is accomplished by removing all foreign substances from the basic elements of the parent metals, and a device is used to charge both pieces that are to be sealed together, either positively or negatively, depending on how a certain metal is naturally charged. The hermetic sealing of two or more metals cannot be accomplished unles.s they are first neutralized and then all charged with the same polarity. The carbon elements, how- ever, being amphoteric [chemically reacting as acidic’ to strong
bases’ and as basic’ towards strong acids] and combining equally well with positively or negatively charged elements, cannot be charged.
Tubes’ are used to achieve hermetic sealing, using this carbon principle.
Villa reported that some crew members carried a miniature version of these tubes that appeared made of an aluminium-like material, about eight inches long and one inch in diameter, tapering slightly from the centre outwards. These devices could be used to paralyse any animal life form, including man.
The Coma Berenicians’ were peaceful and expressed a desire for Earthlings to rise above their aggressive, warlike instincts. Love, they said, is
the most powerful force in all the universe’ which, used correctly, could transform the hearts of men. When the law of love rules the minds of the men of Earth,’ Villa learned,
then the people of other worlds will come in great numbers and share with us their advanced sciences. . .
Paul Villa’s second series of colour photographs was exposed at several locations in April 1965. The most interesting photographs from this series were those taken on Easter Sunday,18 April, at about 16.00, in an area 20 miles south of Albuquerque, close to the bed of the Rio Grande river, one of several areas I visited together with Villa in 1976. At one point the craft, which he told me he estimated at about 150 feet in diameter, projected a beam of light that caused a small bush fire (a Biblical burning bush’!), then another beam shot out and extinguished it. Smoke from the fire is visible in trees just below the craft, and just above and to the left of the tailgate of Villa’s truck (see photo 9). The craft also produced a
miniature tornado’, causing the lower branches of some trees to appear blurred. The turbulence was so high, Villa reported, that he thought he and his truck would be blown away. Suddenly, the wind ceased, as if it had been `switched off’, and the surrounding air became quite hot and there was dead silence.
Based on the atmospheric hazing or `thickening’ effect, whereby an object becomes increasingly less well defined in imagery the greater its distance from a camera, these photographs show a large craft at considerable distance from Villa’s camera.
The ship landed on telescopic tripod landing gear that can be seen protruding from the bottom of the craft in photos 7-8. The three crewmen had light-brown hair and tan skin and appeared to be about five feet eight inches tall. Villa claimed to have talked with them for nearly two hours about personal as well as general matters.