Micah Hanks:1492-10-11, Columbus らが目撃した UFO は松明の類だろう
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OCR + 和訳

出典 フェルディナンド・コロンブスの『提督の生涯』(Vita del Ammiraglio)、プレトス・コロンビーノス(Pleitos colombinos:コロンブスの相続人をめぐる長期の訴訟)の議事録、その他 いくつかの資料。
DATE: October 11, 1492
LOCATION: Approx. 32 - 37 nautical miles east of Guanahani (exact location remains disputed).
DESCRIPTION: Christopher Columbus describes seeing a faint light "like a little wax candle, rising and falling" in the distance. Two others aboard the Santa Maria, Pero Guiterrez and Rodrigo Sanchez de Segovia, are told about this, but only Guiterrez is also able to see and confirm it. The light was reportedly observed from the Pinta, according to the account in Columbus's journal.
SOURCES: Ferdinand Columbus' Vita del Ammiraglio (The Life of the Admiral), the proceedings of the Pleitos colombinos (the long lawsuit involving the heirs of Columbus) and some other sources.
Whisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL
特に近年、コロンブスがUFOを見たとされる事実について、多くの人が話しているのを目にする。 さて、本当にそうなのだろうか?これだけは言っておこう。 彼は確かに光を見た。 しかし、その光は何だったのか? これも有名な歴史的事件なのだろうか? さて、私たちが知っているのは、実は彼の個人的な日記に書かれていたことなのだが、それはその後出版された。フェルディナンド・コロンブスの『アミラグリオ記』(Vita del Amiraglio)だ。 (00:38:52)
フェルディナンド・コロンブスの『提督の生涯』(Vita del Amiraglio)だ。コロンブスがグアナハナイに上陸しようとしていた夜、あるいは早朝に、コロンブスは遠く に小さなロウソクのようなものを見たと語っている。そして、コロンブスはこのことを遠く離れた船員たちに知らせた。 (00:39:12)
そこで彼は、ペドロ・グティエレスとロドリゴ・サンチェス・デ・セゴビアという2人組の船員にこのことを知らせた。 (00:39:15)
一人は見たが、もう一人は見ていない。 しかし、コロンブスと一緒に、彼らは遠くにこの小さな光を見たと言う、追加の目撃者の裏付けがあった。 そしてなぜか、多くの人がこれを歴史上最も早いUFO目撃談の一つと見ている。 果たしてそうだろうか? 私はおそらくそうではないと思う。 繰り返すが、コロンブスはそれを小さなロウソクのように見えたと述べている。 (00:39:41)
おそらく最も可能性の高い説明は、松明が運ばれてきたか、あるいは先住民のタイノ族が住んでいた近隣の島々で実際に起こった火事のどちらかだろうということだ。しかし、確かにコロンブスは光を見た。 というのも、神秘的な光が確かに目撃され、それが記録され、その体験があったという実際の証言が歴史的記録に残っており、この神秘的な光を複数の目撃者が目撃しているからである。 (00:40:09)
UFO擁護論者の多くは、ある種の照明に関わる歴史的なミステリーだと考えている。 私たちは、UFOの証拠となりうるものを解釈する際には、非常に注意深く見極める必要がある。 この例では、この光が本当に地平線の上に見えたという証拠はあまりない。 (00:40:31)
たとえそれが空に現れたとしても、それを説明するものがあるかもしれない。 しかし、これははるかに興味深い歴史的記述だと私は思う。
I have seen many people, especially in recent years, talking about the fact that Columbus purportedly saw a UFO. Well, is that really true? I'll tell you this. He certainly saw a light. But what was the light? Is this another famous historical case that maybe we can solve? Now, what we do know is that actually in his personal journal, but it was published thereafter. I actually have the source there, Ferdinand Columbus's Vita del Amiraglio, thereafter. (00:38:52)
I actually have the source there, Ferdinand Columbus's Vita del Amiraglio, The Life of the Admiral. This actually features this account from Columbus where he, as they're approaching landfall at Guanahanai, in the night or the early morning rather, Columbus says that he sees what he said resembled a little wax candle off in the distance. And so he actually brings this to the attention of a couple of his shipmates distance. (00:39:12)
And so he actually brings this to the attention of a couple of his shipmates there, Pedro Gutierrez and Rodrigo Sanchez de Segovia. (00:39:15)
One of them saw it, the other did not. But there was additional witness corroboration that, along with Columbus, said that they saw this little light out there in the distance. And for some reason, many people have looked at this as being one of history's earliest UFO sightings. Is it necessarily? I would argue it probably is not. Again, the way that Columbus described it, he said it looked like a little wax candle. (00:39:41)
Perhaps the likeliest explanation is that it was either a torch being carried or maybe it was actually a fire on one of the neighboring islands that was inhabited by the native Taino. But yes, Columbus certainly did see a light. But again, this is an important one to look at because although there was a mysterious light certainly seen and it was certainly recorded and there is in the historical record a actual testament to that experience having happened and a multiple witness sighting of this mysterious light. (00:40:09)
Because I think that it is a historical mystery involving some sort of illumination, many UFO advocates have kind of gravitated toward and said, therefore, aliens, right? Kind of talking about what we were saying earlier, we should be very careful and discerning in what we interpret to be possible evidence of UFOs. And in this instance, there isn't really much evidence that this light was ever really seen above the horizon. (00:40:31)
Even if it did appear in the sky, there may be things that would account for that. This is a far more interesting historical account, in my opinion, though.
Anomaly Archives Saturday Streamathon Fundraiser Series 4.3 Micah Hanks
30 views Dec 22, 2020 Anomaly Archives Saturday Streamathon Fundraiser Series 4.3 Micah Hanks
The Anomaly Archives Saturday Streamathons are a series of emergency fundraiser telethons happening each Saturday until 2021.
03:15 pm – Micah Hanks – “UFOs: A Historical Perspective”
We are raising funds to ensure our continued survival into 2021 and beyond. We're drawing together researchers from all corners of the Esoterica realms: Anomalistics, Cryptozoology, Forteana, Parapsychology, and Ufology. We'll be streaming many hours of great content covering these and other fields of inquiry. We'll be sharing a sort of "Fabulous Fortean Film Festival" evening, Plus Music and MORE! All in an effort to raise funds for our 501(c)3 nonprofit community organization to survive the circumstances created by this terrible Covid-Crisis.