1950-05-11, Oregon:McMinnville UFO 事件:Evelyn Trent の証言音声
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❏ 1950-05-11, Oregon : McMinnville UFO 事件の最初の UFO 目撃者 (2024-01-18)
Whisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL
これらのUFOは空高く飛んでいたが、もっと地上に近い他の地域から報告されたものもあった。たとえば、オレゴン州マクミンビルのポール・トレント夫人が50年代初頭に見たというUFOだ。 たまたま上を見上げたら、こんなものが見えたんだ。家に駆け込んで彼に話したよ。 (00:49:45)
彼はカメラを片っ端から追いかけ、私はカメラをもう片っ端か ら追いかけた。 どんな感じだったか教えてくれる?
まあ、紐も何もない靴くらいの大きさかな。 底は平らで、銀色だった。 (00:50:04)
私はゴツゴツしたものにぶつかるところだった。 煙も音も一度もなかった。 地面にどれくらい近かったと言った? そうだな、電線のすぐ上だった。 ただ、距離とかはわからないんだ。 しばらくホバリングしていたはずなんだけど、そんな感じで、彼は写真を撮ったんだ。写真の最初の方で、フィルムを巻き直して、もう一枚撮ろうとしたんだけど、撮った途端、向きを変えて、あっという間に飛び去ってしまったんだ。 (00:50:34)
Those UFOs were high in the sky, but some were reported from other parts of the country more down to Earth, such as the UFO Mrs. Paul Trent of McMinnville, Oregon, said she saw in the early 50s. And I happened to look up, and I seen this thing, and I ran into the house to tell him about it. (00:49:45)
He went one way after a camera, and I went the other way after a camera, and between the both of us, we found it. Can you tell us what it looked like? Well, about the best thing I could say would be just about the size of a pair of shoes without any strings or anything like that. It was all flat on the bottom, and it was silvery color. (00:50:04)
I was about to run into a rugged. There was no smoke, no noise, even once. How close to the ground did you say it was? Well, it was just above the electric light wires away. I just, you know, the distance and stuff, I just don't know. It should have hovered for a while, you know, just like that, and he took the picture, and right at the beginning of the picture, he wound the film to re-roll it, you know, to take another one, and as soon as he took it, it turned and just took off very fast. (00:50:34)
Invasion: UFO Encounters and Alien Beings www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxK6S_Zh5ug
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