有名な ET の写真の正体
それなりに有名な ET の写真(下)の意外な正体が明かされていた。
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
1990年の秋、新聞各紙は、ロズウェルで回収されたエイリアンの一人であるとする写真を掲載した。その写真は、亡くなったロシアのUFO専門家、フェリッ クス・ジーゴ博士の書庫で発見されたと書かれていた。 (0:06:26)
数ヵ月後、同じ被写体で2枚目の写真が現れたが、1枚目よりもはるかに鮮明だったため、UFO界では荒唐無稽な憶測が飛び交った。空軍内部のリークなのか、それとも情報機関によって仕組まれたデマなのか。1枚目の写真の出所は確認できなかったが、2枚目の写真の出所は確認できた。 (0:06:52)
In the fall of 1990, newspapers published a photograph of what they claimed to be one of the aliens retrieved in Roswell, stating that the picture had been found in the archives of the deceased Dr. Felix Zigo, an obscure Russian UFO specialist. (0:06:26)
A few months later, a second photograph appeared on the same subject, but much clearer than the first, raising wild speculation in UFO circles. Was it a leak within the Air Force or a hoax orchestrated by information agencies? Although the origin of the first photo could not be confirmed, the origin of the second one could. (0:06:52)
In an article published in The Orbiter, American UFO researcher Jim Malesiuk said that he had obtained the photo from Canadian journalist Christian Page. The humanoid in the pictures was nothing more than a wax and latex figure on display in the early 1980s at the strange Strange World Pavilion, one of the few buildings still remaining from the 1967 Man and His World exhibition.
The Alien Files: UFOs, Lies, and Videotape featuring Timothy Good
100 views 2023/05/31 An exposition of hoaxes, including staged photos, fake flying saucer crashes and a film allegedly showing the autopsy of an alien.