1986, Australia: 3人が UFO を目撃 → 乗船 → 船内見学
Preston Dennett の 6事例の解説動画から case 6 に絞る。
動画の中に情報源と思しきテキストが表示されていたのでそれを OCR → 和訳 したものも付けておく。
Preston Dennett 自身による概要。
2人の小さな生命体が現れ、男性たちに近づいてきました。 3人とも体が動かなくなりました。 3人とも宇宙船に浮かび上がり、光を使った奇妙な検査を受けました。 宇宙人は友好的で微笑み、目撃者たちに 宇宙船のツアーを案内し、すぐに彼らを驚嘆のあまり言葉を失わせるものを見せました。
UFO 現象の本質:John Keel, Jacques Vallee の解釈
私は人生の大半をブッシュの中で過ごしました。これは50数年前に私に起こったことです。23歳か24歳だったかな。思い出せない。何年前だったか思い出せない。信じられないけど、思い出せないんだ。 70年代で、そこらじゅうにヒッピーがたくさんいた。みんな古くて小さな小屋に住んでいた。私は当時ガールフレンドと一緒に、古い罠猟師のキャンプに住んでいた。罠猟師が亡くなって空き家になっていたから、そこに引っ越したんだ。そこは町から15マイルほど離れていて、1マイルほど奥に入ったブッシュの中にあった。小屋から200ヤードほど離れたところに小さな湖があった。湖は長さ600ヤードほどの小さな湖だった。幅は150~200ヤードくらいかな。しかし、そこでは本当にいい釣り ができた。キャビンの右側には小さな泉があった。いい清水だったから、たくさん湧いた。そこは気持ちよかった。
私たちだけで、周りには誰もいなかった。だから彼らは来たんだと思う......。 こんな人里離れた場所にUFOが着陸したら.拉致された人は、それが何なのかさえ知らなかったと思う。それが僕の体験談の一部なんだ。その小屋は8x10フィート(約1.5メートル)しかなかった。木製のドアには革のベルトの塊が釘で打ち付けられていて、それを引っ張って開けると、キャビンが少し傾いていたので、自動的にゆっくりと閉まるようになっていた。家具は軍用簡易ベッド1つと古いテーブルとストーブだけだった。
このときは大丈夫だと思った。彼らを見ても、何も感じなかった。ただ彼らを見ていた。小屋に急いで行って、私たちもヒッピーみたいなものだったと思うけど、彼女に 「オバさん 」と言ったんだ。ヒッピーはみんな自分のガールフレンドをそう呼んでいた。それで小屋に入って、彼女に言ったんだ!湖のそばにUFOが2機着陸した んだ!湖のそばにUFOが2機着陸したんだ。そしたら彼女は、「いや、見たくない 」って言ったんだ。私はちょっとびっくりしたんだけど、いつもなら私が何かお願いしたりすると、彼女は「わかった、靴を持ってくる!」って言うのに。でも、彼女はノーと言ったんだ。私は言った!一緒に行こうよ。彼女はノーと言った。3回は言ったと思う。
私に一番近いものはドアが開いていた。このドアは壁の一部だった。壁が折れ曲がってスロープになっているのだ。私はUFOをしばらく眺め、丘を下り、右折してUFOのすぐそばまで歩いていった。スロープのすぐそばまで行って、壁の横に立つと、UFOはまだ動いているのがわかった。私は壁の横に立っていたのですが、UFOは地面から1フィートほどしか離れていませんでした。その下で、ゴロゴロというざらざらした連続音が聞こえた。私は、「彼らは急いで飛び立つか何かに備えて、走らせたままにしておいたに違いない 」と思った。鉄のビー玉がブリキのパイプの中で転がるような、荒いアイドリング音だった。
それでまず感じたのは衝撃だった。初めて2人の宇宙人を見たとき、ショックを受けない人はいないでしょう?その場に入ったときは気にならなかったけど、一度見てしまったら、ただただショックだった。そして次に感じたのは恐怖だった。そこで私はすぐに右を向き、ドアを振り返った。開いているド アを。そして振り返り、階段を駆け下りて外に出て、できるだけ早く家に向かおうと考えた。でも、彼らはそれを察知したんだと思う。私が右を向いて開いているドアを見つめたとたん、彼らの一人がすかさず言った。どうぞ入って "と。そのメッセージは私の頭に入ってきて、とてもクリアだった。彼らが何か言うと、脳内でその言葉がはっきりと聞こえるのだ。宇宙人は2人とも男性だった。もう一機のUFOには、おそらくもう二人乗っているのだろうと思った。
だから、彼は 「大丈夫だ、入ってこい 」と言ったんだ。そうやってね。とてもフレンドリーだった。それで私は最後の2段の階段を上り、左に曲がった。そして彼らのすぐそばまで行った。2フィートか、2フィート半ぐらいまで近づいて、僕を見つめた。そして彼らは私を見つめ、私も彼らを見つめた。ただ見ているだけだとしても、彼らにはまぶたも何もないと思う。だから、ただ見ているだけでも、睨まれているように見えるんだ。おそらく彼らは私をじっと見ていて、私は彼らを見つめ返していた。そして目は真っ黒だった。
テレビや本で見るエイリアンの写真は、決してあんなものではなかった。目はそんなに大きくなかった。頭は私たちよりも少し大きくて、灰色のしわだらけの肌をしていた。頭のてっぺんは広く、顎のあたりで細くなっていた。裸足で歩い ていたわけではなく、靴を履いていたかもしれないが、よく覚えていない。指は3本あった。中指は他の2本より長く、たぶん1.5センチくらい長い。目は涙型で、少し斜め上だった。目は私たちの2倍くらいあったかな。もし私たちに瞳孔がなくて、目が真っ黒だったら、私たちの目も大きく見えるでしょうね。彼らには髪の毛がまったくなかった。私たちのような耳はなく、頭の周りは平らで、両側に穴が開いているだけだった。口も小さな穴だけ。唇もない。鼻もない。鼻は平べったく、少し平べったく、先端が少し上がっていて、正面に2つの穴がある。鼻の両側は4分の1インチか半インチくらいずつ上がっている。彼らは互いに同じに見えた。
二人の小さな男が立っているように見えた。 私が階段に立っているとき、5フィートほど前と5フィートほど左に、2つのベッドがあった。ベッドは4本足ではなく、ベッドの真ん中にポールが立っているだけだ。どちらのベッドも白いリネンで覆われている。ベッドは同じもので、約6フィート離れている。ベッドの左側、2番目のベッドまで行くと、壁際に4フィートほどの小さなカウンターがあった。そしてカウンターから4フィートのところに、長さ5フィートほどの小さな手すりがあった。番目のベッドから医療カウンターに行くには、手すりの左側を回り込むように歩く。手すりの反対側に回ると、もう少し距離がある。
だから、私が彼らに近づいて、お互いに見つめ合っているうちに、頭の中が真っ白になった。 記憶を消されたか何かしたに違いない。頭の中が真っ白になったんだ。でも、その夜に起こったことはたくさん覚えている。 夏は日照時間が長く、朝早くから明るくなる。だから後で考えてみると、少なくとも5時間はそこにいたと思う。 でもとにかく、次に覚えているのは、ドアに一番近い最初のベッドに横たわっていたことだ。私の頭は階段の方にあった。足はUFOの真ん中にあった。私は全裸でベッドに横たわっていた。私は仰向けに寝ていて、両手を横に置いていました。私は意識を失っていた。じゃあ、どうしてベッドに横たわっていたことがわかったの?それは結局、僕の話の中に出てくるんだ。意識を失って横たわっていると、足の下に小さな黒い丸い点が見えた。25セント硬貨くらいの大きさだ。ゆっくり、ゆっくり、ゆっくり、私に向かってくる。黒い点は痛みだった。それはゆっくりと私に向かって近づいてきた。それは決して止まらなかった。それはずっと私の方へゆっくりと動き続けた。私の足元まで来たとき、あまりの痛みに私は目を覚ました。目が覚めるとすぐに、私の足元に宇宙人が立っていた。もう一人は階段のそばに立っていた。それを見た瞬間、私は立ち上がって痛みから逃れたいと思った。もう一人の宇宙人は--私が立ち上がろうとじっと見つめたとたん、私はとてもグロッキーで疲れていたのか、あるいは薬漬けにされていたのか、とにかく--私の足元にいた宇宙人が彼に言ったに違いない!彼は言ったに違いない。と言ったに違いない。ドアのそばにいたもう一人はベッドに駆け戻り、私の右腕を思い切りつかんだ。
だから私はそこに立っていて、こういうこと は言いたくないんだけど、後ろにいた宇宙人が私のお尻に大きな指を入れていたと思う。こんな話はしたくないけど、しなければならない。私の話の一部だから。彼は指をぐるぐる動かしていた。私はただそこに立っていた。私は見るために首をかしげなければならなかった。彼に触れられたくなかった。足を動かそうとしても動けない。ただ立っていることしかできなかった。いつからこうなったのかわからない。でも、とにかく......これだけは言っておかないといけないと思うんだけど......彼らは欲しいものを手に入れたんだと思う。
でも、とにかく、彼と少 し話してから、ベッドの横をまっすぐ向こうの壁まで歩いていった。壁には絵がかかっていた。私はその絵の前に立ち、絵を見上げてみた。絵は12インチ×18インチくらいだった。壁に水平に飾られていた。その絵には4つの惑星が描かれていた。惑星はトゥニーくらいの大きさだった。最初の惑星は左側の半分くらいのところにあり、それから上に向かって回り、また右側に戻ってきた。最初のものはおそらく地球だと思った。たぶん、他の惑星は通過した惑星か、行き先だったのだろう。わからない。私はしばらくそれを眺めた後、フロアを横切って反対側にまっすぐ歩いた。
このとき、私は何も感じていなかったと 思う。怖いと思ったのは、最初に2人の宇宙人を見たときだけだった。あとは日常茶飯事のように歩き回っていた。勇敢だったふりをするつもりはない。 右足が最初のスツールに触れていたので、後ずさりして周りを見回した。小さな廊下があって、そこからさっき言った小さな部屋に入るんだ。私はそこには降りなかった。あそこには行かないほうがいいと思った。後で考えたんだけど、たぶんバスルームとベッドか何かだったんだと思う。
私は歩き続けた。階段の方に戻ると、ドアがまた開いていた。外はちょうど日が暮れていた。宇宙人が近づいてきて、「もう行っていいよ 」と言った。私は 「私がここにいたことを証明するために、何かもらえませんか?」と言った。なんてバカなことを聞くんだ。その後、ちょっとおかしいと思ったんだ。彼らは一晩中、私に何も思い出させないようにしていた。
左に曲がり、キャビンに向かって歩き始めた。小高い丘の頂上まで来たとき、なぜか私はこれを小屋まで持って行きたくないと思った。その時、2機のUFOが去っていった。彼らは私とほぼ同じ高さで、ゆっくりと飛んでいた。私は間違いなく彼らが私を見ていると思った。私は左手にこの物を持っていた。UFOに背を向け 、右手にこの物を持ち、右手の茂みの中に小さな腐った木の切り株があった。私は振り返って、これをその切り株に投げ入れた。ひらひらして地面に落ちた。もう一回投げてみようと思ったけど、投げているところを見られたくないからやめた方がいいと思ったんだ。
▼原文 OCR 展開
Two Greys Visit Cabin in the Cariboo In 2023, UFOBC was contacted by a gentleman living in the Cariboo region of British Columbia. He was getting older and his health wasn't great, so he wanted to tell the world of an incident that he has kept quiet about for around 50 years. UFOBC Director Holly McCluskey arranged a phone interview on November 4th 2023. This is his story.
I spent most of my life living out in the bush. This happened to me 50-something years ago. I was 23 or 24, something like that. I can't remember. It's been a long time and I can't remember what year it was. That's hard to believe, but I just can't. It was in the seventies and there were lots of hippies all over the place. We were all living in these old little shacks. I was with my girlfriend at the time and we were living in an old trappers camp. The trapper had passed away and it was empty, so we moved into it. It was about 15 miles from town and about a mile back into the bush. About 200 yards from the cabin was a little lake. The lake was a small lake, about 600 yards long. Maybe 150-200 yards wide. But it had really good fishing in there. To the right of the cabin was a little spring. It was good fresh water, so we had lots. It was nice there.
Where our cabin was, it was kind of a swamp. Lily pads and cat o' nine tails and at night the frogs would start singing. The whole area was just singing with frogs. And once it got dark, the fireflies would come out. So it was a really pretty place. Once in a while we'd take a jar and catch the fireflies to put them in the house at night, then we let them go again in the morning.
We were probably living on welfare, so we didn't have a lot of money. We had enough money for groceries and gas for my little car, a red Volkswagen Beetle. You couldn't drive right up to the cabin because the lake would flood the road with about 2-3 feet of water, so we would park on the dry side.
It was just us, there was nobody else around. I think that's why they came ... If I think of someone a little way out in the middle of nowhere by themselves in this place and a UFO lands ... I think people have been abducted and didn't even know what it was. That's part of my story. Well, the cabin was only 8x10 feet. The wooden door had a chunk of leather belt nailed to it and you would just pull it open and it would automatically slowly shut by itself all the time because the cabin was leaning a little bit. Our furniture was a single army cot, an old table and a stove.
But anyway, when you're living in a little cabin like that you just sit around and play cards or whatever, and you always end up getting up and just pushing the door open and standing there for fresh air to break the monotony a little bit. And that was one of these times. I was standing there and from the north there was a hollow in the trees. The trees were shorter in this one spot there. I looked up and there were two UFOs. As soon as they came in through that hole in the trees, they dropped down and they were just level with the cabin. They slowly went by, real slow. Very slow and there was no sound. They were totally round and they were kind of a dull grey colour. If they were sitting up in the sky, you wouldn't even notice them. I estimated after that they were probably about 30 feet across.
This was just about a half an hour before dark, late in the afternoon. It was late summer. So I was standing right in front of the cabin and I was looking at them. They're both coming, really slow, one right behind the other, about 25 yards apart. My girlfriend did not see this. She was in the cabin. I just stood there and watched them. They were heading for the lake. I was watching the second one go by, and it zapped me. I just felt it. It felt like, I'm gonna say, radio waves just to give you an idea. It was really fast. Vibrating. It started on my right side, went through my whole body really fast, and then it came across the other side of my body.
Right across the front of my whole body in the same direction the UFO was flying. I never heard it or nothing. But as soon as they did that to me, then I knew that they were gonna go land by the lake. And I knew that I had to go down there right away.
I felt okay at this time. When I saw them, I never felt nothing. I just watched them. I hurried to the cabin and I told - I guess we were kind of hippies too - I called her my "old lady." All the hippies called their girlfriends that. So I went in and told her, "Come on! Hurry upl Two UFOs just landed down by the lake! Let's go down and see them!" And she said, "No, I don't want to." Well, I was kind of surprised because usually if I ever asked or anything she would say, "Okay, I'll grab my shoes!" But she just said no. I said, "Come on! Come with mel Hurry upl" She said no. I think I tried three times.
So, I grumbled something to myself and I turned and walked out the door. I turned left and walked towards the lake. I never ran. I never dawdled. Just kind of a brisk walk to the lake. As soon as I got to the edge of a little hill - there was a little hill before the lake - I seen these two UFOs just sitting on the ground. They were about 30 yards apart. Clear as day, sitting there. They were physically on the ground. There was kind of an open place for them to land, all rock that had been flattened down over the years.
The one closest to me had its door open. This door was part of the wall. The wall folds down and makes a ramp to walk in on. I looked at them for a second, walked down the hill, turned right and walked right up to the UFO. When I walked right up to the ramp and I stand beside the wall, I could tell it was still running. I was standing beside the wall and it was only a foot off the ground or something. I could hear a rough, continuous rumbling sound underneath. I thought to myself, "They must have left it running in case they wanted to take off in a hurry or something." It was a rough idling sound, like a couple of steel marbles rolling around in a tin pipe.
I stood there a sec just listening to it. When I looked up, the middle of the UFO was wider than the bottom or the top. It looked like a roof over top of the ground. I put my right hand up as high as I could go, just to see if I could touch the roof. But there was still about a foot above my head. I put my hand down, turned, and walked right into the UFO.
As soon as you walk into the door of the UFO, there's about four feet of floor and then a little wall that goes up to the main floor. The main floor was higher than where you walked in. Just to the left of where you entered, there was a stairway that went up to the main floor. It had four steps on the stairway.
I walked into the stairway to the left of this doorway. I walked up - there was a railing on the lefthand side of the stairway that was made of pipe - so I hung on with my left hand to the pipe railing. I walked up two steps, and then I stopped. From there, I could see everything on the whole floor.
What's round outside is round inside. I turned my head to the left, and there were two space aliens standing there looking at me. Their skin is really grey everywhere, and it's really wrinkly. Their faces are wrinkly grey skin and two black eyes. The first second I saw them, I thought, "This definitely is not from Earth. These people are not from Earth."
They were about four feet high. They were both wearing white smocks, y'know, like a doctor would wear. The smocks came down past their knees halfway down their calves. They had long sleeves. It looked like two little men standing there [Holly - I asked and he confirmed that they were "humanoid" looking].
So the first thing I felt was shocked. You know, who wouldn't be shocked the first time you ever see two space aliens? It never bothered me when I walked in there, but once I've seen them then I just felt shocked. And then the second thing I felt was fear. So I quickly turned my head to the right and looked back down at the door. The open door. And I was thinking about turning around and running down the steps and out around and head for home as fast as I could. But I think they picked up on that. As soon as I turn my head to the right and stared at the open door, one of them quickly said, "It's okay. Come on in." The message went right into my head, and it was so crystal clear. When they say something, you can hear the words right crystal clear in your brain. I knew that the aliens were both males. I figured there were probably two other people in the other UFO - I thought this over the years later, not at the time.
I was thinking, "Hey, they can speak our language. They must have taken people up there and learned our language." I was saying all this to myself through the years and then I start thinking, you know, does thought even have a language? Maybe when a thought enters your head, maybe your own brain converts it to maybe German or Chinese or whatever. They probably wouldn't be able to learn all the languages.
So, he said, "It's okay, come on in." Just like that. So friendly. And so I walked up the last two steps, and I turned left. And I walked right up to them. Stood there about two feet, maybe 2 1/2 feet from them. And they were staring at me, and I was staring at them. Even if they were just looking at you, I don't think they have any eyelids or nothing. So even when they're just looking at you, it looks like they're staring at you. They probably were staring at me and I was staring back at them anyway. And the eyes were all black.
When you see these pictures of aliens on TV and in books, it was never nothing like that. Their eyes weren't that big. Their heads might have been a little bit bigger than ours, with that grey wrinkly skin. Their heads were wider at the top, narrowing down around their chin. They weren't walking around barefoot - they might have had some kind of shoes on, but I can't really remember. They had three fingers. The middle finger is longer than the other two, maybe an inch and half longer. And their eyes were teardrop shaped, slanted up a little bit. Their eyes were maybe twice the size of ours. If we didn't have pupils and our eyes were totally black, our eyes would look bigger too. They didn't have any hair at all. They didn't have ears like we do - their head was flush all around, just a hole on each side. Their mouth is just a little hole. They don't have lips either. They don't have a nose like we do. It's just kind of flat, slightly flat, tips up a little bit with two holes in the front. Each side of their nose comes up about a quarter or half an inch on each side. They looked identical to one another.
They just looked like two little men standing there. When I'm standing on the stairway, about five feet ahead of me and five feet to the left, there are two beds. The beds aren't on four legs, it's just a pole in the middle of the beds holding them up. Both beds are covered in white linen. The beds are identical, about six feet apart. To the left of the beds, if you walk up to the second bed, there was a little counter right up against the wall about four feet long. And four feet from the counter was another little railing about five feet long. I'll call it the "medical counter" as that's what I figured it was a little later on - if you walked from the second bed to the medical counter, you'd walk around the left-hand side of the railing. If you went around the other side of the railing it was a little further.
As I said, what's round outside is round inside. The walls are one great big, huge circle. The walls are a light-ish brown. Kind of like a laminated flooring: smooth and clean. I don't think there was one speck of dust on it. The walls were probably six feet high all the way around. I never did look up. I can't remember what colour the walls were inside.
Straight across from the stairway, to the other side of the wall but to the right a little, was a little room. The room was right up against the other wall. When you put a square room in a circle, it looks like a piece of pie. The room had no windows or nothing from the stairway. I just could see it was a room because it was sticking out from the rest of the circle.
If you were to go downtown and buy a brand new car - the cheapest car you could buy - with no extras, this would be it. It was bare floor from wall to wall. Never even had a chair to sit on.
So, once I walked up to them and we were staring at each other, my mind just went totally blank. They must have erased my memory or something. My mind just goes totally blank. But I can remember lots that happened throughout that night. In the summer, the daylight hours are long and it gets light early in the morning. So when I thought about it later, I think I was probably in there at least five hours, probably something like that. But anyway, the next thing I can remember is I was lying on that first bed closest to the door. My head was towards the stairs. My feet were towards the middle of the UFO. I knew I was stark naked laying out on this bed. I was lying on my back with my hands beside me. I was unconscious. You're going to ask, "Well how do you know you were lying on the bed then?" That's all in my story eventually. So I'm lying there, I'm unconscious, and way down below my feet I can see this little black, round dot. It's about the size of a quarter. It's slowly moving towards me - slowly, slowly, slowly. The black dot was pain. It was slowly moving up towards me. It never did stop. It kept slowly moving my way all the time. By the time it got to my feet, the pain was so much that I woke up. As soon as I woke up, there was a space alien standing down by my feet. The other one was standing over by the steps. As soon as I saw that, I wanted to get up and get out of there away from the pain. The other alien - as soon as I stared trying to sit up, and I was very groggy and tired or drugged or whatever - the one at my feet must have said to him, you know, speaking in ESP or whatever they call it, he must have said, "Hurry up, grab him! He's waking up!" Or something like that. The other one by the door ran back to the bed and grabbed on to my right arm as hard as he could.
I was fighting. The other one ran past me on the left side, probably heading to that medical counter. The one holding me down had both his hands over top of my arm and he was holding me down for all he was worth. It was quite a struggle. I felt pretty drugged up. When the other one ran past me towards the medical counter, I turned to the one holding me and stared right into his face. We're both staring at each other. He's staring down at me holding me for all he was worth. He realized I couldn't get up, so I quit fighting and just lay there.
The one that was at the medical counter was now back on my left side. I could feel him moving against me. I just kept staring into the face of the one that was holding my arm. Next thing I knew, I was out again. I went unconscious again. So anyway, I don't know how long I was on the bed. He probably gave me a good second dose to make sure I didn't wake up. I thought about all this in the years after - they must have been doctors.
The next thing I remember is I'm standing beside that railing in front of the medical counter. There's one space alien in front of me on the other side of the railing. And the other space alien was behind me. Now, they must have helped me. They must have waited until I woke up a bit, but I was still very groggy. And I remember standing in front of this railing. There's no way I could have walked there myself. I'm not sure what was holding me up there. Maybe the space alien behind was making sure I didn't fall, because I would have just gone flat on the floor if no one was hanging on to me.
So I'm standing there and - I hate to tell stuff like this - I think the one behind me had his big finger up my butt. I hate to talk like that, but I have to. It's part of my story. He was moving his finger around in circles. And I was just standing there. I had to turn my head to see. I didn't want him touching me. I tried to move my feet, but I couldn't. All I could do is just stand there. I don't know how long this happened. But anyway - I guess I have to say this - I guess they got what they wanted.
Sperm sample. And the one in front of me had some kind of container. He turned around, lifted a lid on the counter, and set this container inside there and closed the lid again. I don't remember nothing after that.
They must have taken me back to the bed. I don't know this. I'm just guessing. They must have helped me back to the bed. There's no way I could have walked there. Then, who knows what happened. I lay there for I don't know how long until I started coming to. This time, I was fully dressed.
The next thing I can remember is I was standing on the floor in front of the steps. I must have been walking around, looking around. I walked around the beds. There was a space alien standing between the bed and the railing. I talked to him. I asked him two questions, but I can't remember what the two questions were. I can't remember if he answered the questions. I think one of my questions he didn't answer, or if he did I can't remember. The other question, I don't want to talk about right now. It's kind of unbelievable.
But anyway, I talked to him for a sec and then I walked straight over past the beds to the other wall. There was a picture hanging on the wall. I stood in front of this picture and I looked up at it. The picture was about 12 inches by 18 inches. It was horizontal on the wall. The picture had four planets on it. The planets were about the size of a toonie. The first one was on the left side about half way down, and then they went up and around and back to the right again, all about four inches apart. The first one I thought was probably planet Earth. Maybe these other planets were planets they had passed, or where they were going. I don't know. I looked at it for a while and then I turned and walked straight across the floor to the other side.
I think they were letting me walk around to kill time. I think they didn't want to let me out. I could tell the door was closed. I knew it was totally dark outside. I think they were letting me kill time until daylight. So I walked straight across to the other side, and there was another little counter. In front of the counter were two little stools with just one leg underneath each one. On the counter, there was a TV screen flat in the counter, built into the counter. It was shut off. To the left of the TV screen, there was a joystick or a gear shift. I guess I'll call it a joystick. It was about six inches high and it had a round, black knob on it. To the right of the TV screen, there were three black buttons about the size of a quarter. They were flush with the counter. I don't know why they let me walk over there, because that must be where they flew the thing. I don't know why they let me walk over there, but I knew enough not to touch nothing.
At this time, I don't think I was feeling anything. The only time I ever got scared was when I first saw the two space aliens. The rest of the time, I walked around like it was just an everyday thing. I'm not trying to pretend I was brave. My right leg was touching that first stool, so I backed up and looked around. There was a little hallway that went down going into that little room I mentioned before. I never did go down there. I felt like I better not go down there. I thought to myself later, maybe it was the bathroom and a couple of beds or something.
I continued walking around. I walked back towards the stairway, and I could see the door was open again. It was just breaking daylight outside. The space alien came up to me and said to me, "Okay, you can go now." I said, "Can you give me something so I can prove I was in here?" What a stupid thing to ask. I thought it was kind of funny after. They spent all night trying to keep me from remembering anything.
The alien kind of looked at me for a sec, then turned around and walked back to the medical counter. He came back and handed me something. I put out my left hand and took it. I think it was a metal slate, about four inches by six inches. That's what I'm guessing. I never really looked at it and turned it over to see if it had writing or anything on it. I turned and walked down the stairs, along the ramp and straight out of the UFO with this thing in my hand.
I turned left and I started walking back towards the cabin. When I got to the top of that little hill, for some reason I decided I didn't want to take this thing to the cabin. At that time, the two UFOS started leaving. They were pretty well level with me, flying slow. I thought for sure they were watching me. I had this thing in my left hand, I turned my back to the UFOs, put the thing in my right hand and to the right in the bush there was a little rotten tree stump. I turned and I threw this thing into that stump. It only went halfway - it fluttered and fell to the ground. I was going to run and grab it and throw it once more, but I thought I better not because I didn't want them to see me throwing it.
By the time I got back to the cabin, the UFOs were long gone. It was only about 150 yards to the cabin. They might have been sitting up there watching me. I don't know. I never looked up. I walked into the cabin and I could feel the heat of the cabin. I must have taken my shoes off. My girlfriend was lying on the bed on her left side. I pulled the blankets back from behind her and tried getting into bed without waking her up. She never woke up, as far as I know. Within about two seconds, I was in a deep sleep. I probably slept about three or four hours.
I woke up, and my girlfriend was gone from the bed. So I looked around the room and she was standing over on the other side of the stove, drinking a coffee or washing dishes or something. I said to her, "How come you didn't come down to the lake last night to see the UFOs?" She just looked at me. I was waiting for her to say something. She never did. So I lay back down and went back to sleep, probably for another few hours. We never, ever mentioned it again. I don't know why. I guess maybe we weren't supposed to talk about it.
My girlfriend never said nothing. I wondered whether she was in that other UFO all night long, but I don't think she ever left the cabin. For some reason, she never talked about it. And I never talked about it after that either. We just went on with our daily lives.
Later on that afternoon, I walked down to see if there were any tracks where the UFOs were. I might have seen two tracks. It was hard shale. There was a little indentation in the shale.
A couple of days later we decided to go back into town for something. I never went back to look for the thing I threw in the bush. I don't know why. I kind of turned my head to look, but then I just kept walking. It wasn't long after that, maybe a couple of weeks, we moved back into town. Eventually, we went our own separate ways. We never did talk about the UFO. I have never told anybody. I think there was one time someone mentioned UFOs, and I said, "Yeah, I was in a UFO once." They just looked at me and continued with what they were talking about.
There are no people on our planet with really grey, wrinkly skin. They were definitely space aliens. Two of them. The other UFO - I can't imagine they were sitting in there twiddling their thumbs. They probably had some way of watching what was going on. Nothing like that ever happened to me again. They must have been watching my place. They must have had it planned. They must have seen they could land at a cabin in the middle of nowhere with no neighbours. I think that's why they chose the spot. They must have been sitting up waiting and watching the cabin. They must have been waiting for me to come outside.
Somebody told me the cabin is a pile of old boards now. The trapper who owned the cabin was named Leo. I met him before he passed away. I guess they shipped him to Kamloops and he broke out of there, but they took him back to Kamloops. I guess that's where he passed away. There used to be an old sawmill there, that's probably where he got all his lumber.
I don't know if it would be hard to find the object I threw. When you walk up the lake and to the cabin, you would stick to the right of the road and keep going. It was just laying on the ground. After 50 years, it's probably covered in pine needles. But maybe it could be found with a metal detector. The reason most people don't want to talk about UFOs is because they don't even believe them. I know for a fact it's true. If anybody ever doubted my words, I'm 100% in to take a lie detector test. I would go for that, because I've got nothing to hide. This is the first time anybody has heard this story.
I'm 76 now and my health isn't really good. I wanted to tell the story a few times throughout my life, but I didn't. I thought well, maybe somebody wants to hear it. So now they have.
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
さて、次のケース、そしてこの総集編の最後のケースに移ろう。これは、ETにそう尋ねた証人の一人からの直接の引用です。この事件は、3人の証人が関与しており、全員が同時に乗船していたという興味深いものです。 (0:45:55)
最終的には、彼らにとってかなり友好的な出会いだった。というのも、最初はかなり恐ろしく、超広範囲なものだったのですが、船内を案内してもらい、本当に興味深い情報を得ることができたからです。この事件は1986年に西オーストラリアのカルグーリーで起こりました。 (0:46:18)
この魅力的で非常に広範なケース、複数の目撃者のケースは、もともとは研究者のドン・ボイドによるもので、彼の雑誌「サイキック・オーストラリアン」に掲載されました。これは、3人の男性が一緒にUFOに乗せられたという珍しいケースである。実際、私たちはこの目撃者たち、アラン・ゴスランド、ショーン・ブルック、マイク・デュビンの名前を知っている。彼らはカルグーリー郊外の低木地帯でキャンプをしていた。カルグーリーには巨大な露天掘り鉱山がある。ここは西オーストラリア州の小さな町だ。カール・カーラ国立公園という美しい自然もある。男たちはキャンプファイヤーを囲み、澄み切った星空を眺めていた。 (0:47:19)
そこで彼らはその発生源を調べようと立ち上 がり、空き地で、頭上から銀色に輝く明るい光が目の前に迫ってくるのを見た。 (0:47:25)
実際、それはあまりに明るかったので、彼らは目を覆わなければならなかったが、それが薄れるにつれて、彼らはそれが実際に地面の真上でホバリングしている大きな丸い銀色のドーム型の工芸品であることを見た。すぐに、2体の小さなヒューマノイドがそのすぐ下の地面に立っていた。身長は約1メートル、3フィートで、薄茶色の肌をしていたが、大きな顔、大きな黒い目、低く太い茶色の隆起、尖った耳はあったものの、かなり人間的な外見だった。 (0:48:03)
彼らはプラスチックの肌にぴったりしたジャンプスーツのようなものを着て、白いブーツを履いていた。彼らはそれぞれ片手に小さな金属製の杖を持っており、それほど離れてはいなかった。彼らは目撃者から約9メートル、30フィートも離れていないところに立っていた。そこでショーンは友人にささやき、逃げたほうがいいと言った。 そして、3人とも、これはいい考えだと同意し、実行したいと思ったが、3人とも、引用したように、これらの存在が小さな杖を彼らに向けていたので、その場に凍りついた。 (0:48:36)
この時点で、これらの存在は近づき、まだ動くことができず、話すことさえできなかった怯えた3人の男性をつつき、突き始めた。船は真上に来るまで静かに移動した。丸く光る開口部が船の底に現れ、3人の男性はこのドアを通って浮遊させられ、ドアが閉まり、船の床に降ろされたと彼らは言った。彼らは今、あらゆる種類の奇妙に見える異星人の装置がある円形の部屋にいるのが見えた。 (0:49:14)
金属のように見えるも のもあれば、ほとんどゴムのように見えるものもあったという。彼らは、壁に大小のコンピューターのようなテレビ画面のようなものを見た。マイクはエイリアンに向かって叫んだ。何の反応もない。
スクリーンの1つを見て、目撃者たちは眼下の風景が後退していくのを見た。そのため、宇宙船が元の場所から離れて飛行していることは明らかであり、彼らは今以上に恐怖を感じた。しかし、ETが3人を透明なチューブに案内したとき、事態は驚くべき展開を見せた。 (0:49:54)
これにも彼らは怯えたが、驚いたことにそれはエレベーター型の装置であることが判明し、彼らを船の最上部のドームまで持ち上げた。そしてそこで、彼らはさらに2人の同じ存在を見た。彼らはスツールに座り、ある種のコントロールパネルらしきものの前に座っていた。そのうちの一人が振り返り、目撃者たちを見て微笑んだ。そして何も言わずに、彼らに座るように合図した。 (0:50:20)
今、彼らは大きなスクリーンを観察し、この宇宙船が深宇宙のどこかにあることを示した。 船内の照明が暗くなり、ドームを囲む楕円形の窓から外が見えるようになった。さて、この二人の小さなETは二人とも微笑んでいて、意味不明な、しかし一種のメロディアスな、つぶやくような音で会話を始めた。 (0:50:47)
そして、3人ともゆっくりとリラックスし始め、恐怖心は薄れていった。しばらくして、目撃者たちはエレベーターに戻され、船の下のセクションに連れて行かれた。彼らだけだった。 (0:51:07)
彼らはいくつかの閉ざされたドアと、壁と天井にある得体の知れない装置を見た。 突然、彼らがそこにいたのはほんの少しの間だったが、何の前触れもなく、壁や天井から光が点滅し始め、そのうちのいくつかは奇妙な渦巻き音を立てた。そして目撃者全員が、これらはある種の記録装置で、X線検査されたり、写真を撮られたり、何らかの方法で記録されているのだという印象を持った。 (0:51:41)
そこで彼らはそれを押すと、ドアが開いた。彼らは別の部屋に入り、様々な動物、家禽、ヤギ、羊を見た。別の部屋では、雄牛が二頭の牛と一緒にいた。3つ目の部屋では、犬やカンガルーなど、この地域に生息する動物が特別な檻に入れられていた。 (0:52:40)
そこで彼らは完全に驚いてこれらすべてを見ていた。突然、ETが部屋に入ってきて、柔らかくオレンジ色に光る光のある別の部屋に彼らを案内した。ETたちは出て行き、またドアを閉めて、彼らを一人にした。 この時、部屋のオレンジ色の光は消え、男たちは真っ暗闇の中に取り残された。 その後、奇妙な臭いがして、彼らは全員気を失った。 (0:53:05)
次の瞬間、彼らは連れ去られた場所で、フラフラしながら立ったまま目を覚ました。上を見上げると、この銀色の飛行機が夜空に素早く移動し、遠くに消えていくのが見えた。3人の目撃者はショックを受け、驚き、その体験はとても慈悲深く友好的なもので、ETは彼らに危害を加えるつもりはなく、どうやら彼らを研究したかっただけだということに全員が同意した。 (0:53:31)
さて、彼らは現在午後10時過ぎであることを知りました。彼らは、自分たちが約4時間クラフトの中にいたと推定しましたが、地球上では2分しか経過していなかったようです。それが、この非常に興味深い体験のもうひとつの不可解な要素だった。つまり、3人の紳士による4時間にわたる遭遇である。地球上では2分しか経過していないように見えたが、遭遇自体は4時間も続いたというのだ。 (0:54:14)
私たちは、ETが明らかに人々を時間の流れから引き離すようなケースを数多く見ています。彼らがどのようにしてこのようなことをするのか、正確に言うのは難しいが、我々ができないこと、あるいは完全に理解できないことを彼らができることは確かである。 (0:54:36)
Now let's move to the next case, and the final one in this compilation, which I call What Do You Want Us For? That is a direct quote from one of the witnesses who would ask that of the ETs. This is an interesting case because it involves three witnesses, all of whom were taken on board at the same time. (0:45:55)
It's ultimately a pretty friendly encounter for them. They decided, though initially it was quite frightening and super extensive, because they were given a tour of the craft, got some really interesting information, and it's just a little bit different than a lot of encounters that you hear about. This one occurred in 1986 in Kalgoorlie, West Australia, and I think you'll find it quite compelling. (0:46:18)
This fascinating and very extensive case, multiple witness case, comes originally from researcher Don Boyd and was printed in his magazine, The Psychic Australian, but was then retold by Rex and Heather Gilroy in their book, The Energy Beings, ET Abductions from Beyond Time. It's a rare case involving three men who were taken on board a UFO together. In fact, we know the names of these witnesses, Alan Gosland, Sean Brook, and Mike Dubin. They were camping in the scrubland outside of Kalgoorlie. Kalgoorlie is the location of a huge open pit mine. This is a small town in Western Australia. It also contains the beautiful natural area of the Carl Curla National Park. The men were just sitting around a campfire looking at a clear starry night sky when they heard this weird loud humming noise. (0:47:19)
So they got up to investigate the source and in a clearing saw a bright silvery glow coming from overhead right in front of them. (0:47:25)
In fact, it was so bright they had to shield their eyes and as it faded they saw that it was in fact a large round silver dome-shaped craft hovering just above the ground. Immediately, two small humanoids materialized standing on the ground just below the craft. They were about one meter, three feet tall, had light brown skin, but were pretty much human looking, though with large faces, large dark eyes, a low thick brown ridge, pointed ears. (0:48:03)
They were wearing what looked like plastic skin-tight jumpsuits and white boots. Each of them carried a small metal wand in one of their hands and they were not that far away. They stood about nine meters away from the witnesses, less than 30 feet. So Sean whispered to his friend and said, we better make a run for it. And although all three of them agreed that this was a good idea and wanted to do it, all three found themselves, quote, frozen to the spot as these beings were pointing their little wands at them. (0:48:36)
At this point, these beings approached, began to poke and prod the three frightened men, who were still unable to move or even speak. The craft now moved silently until it was directly overhead. A round glowing opening appeared in the bottom of the craft and all three men, they said, were levitated up through this door, which shut and then lowered these men back to the floor of craft. They could now see that they were in a circular room with all kinds of weird looking alien equipment. (0:49:14)
Some they said looked metallic, others looked almost rubbery. They did see what looked like computer-like television screens, both large and small, on the walls. Mike yelled out to the beings, what do you want us for? There was no response. However, two more ETs, identical to the first two, entered the room. (0:49:35)
Looking out at one of the screens, the witnesses could see the landscape below them receding. So it was clear to them that the craft was now flying away from the original location, which caused them all to become even more afraid than they already were. But events took a surprising turn when the ETs ushered the three men into a clear tube. (0:49:54)
This also frightened them, but to their surprise it turned out to be an elevator type device, which lifted them up to the top dome of the craft. And there they saw two more of these same beings. These beings were seated on stools, sitting before what appeared to be some kind of control panel. And one of these beings turns, looks at the witnesses, and smiles. And without saying anything, motioned for them to sit down. (0:50:20)
Now they observed a large screen, which now showed that this craft was somewhere out in deep space. The lights inside this craft dimmed, which allowed them all to see outside through oval windows that were encircling the dome. Now these two little ETs were both smiling, and they began to talk among themselves with this unintelligible, but kind of melodious, muttering sounds. (0:50:47)
And all three of the began to slowly relax, and their fear faded away, because it was clear the ETs were not trying to hurt them. After some time, the witnesses were guided back to the elevator and brought to a lower section of the craft, and for a moment were left unattended inside this room. It was just them. (0:51:07)
They did see a few closed doors and unrecognizable equipment on the walls and ceiling. Suddenly, they were in there only a few moments, when, without warning, lights began to flash from the walls and the ceiling, some of them making weird whirring noises. And all the witnesses had the impression that these were recording devices of some kind, and they were being x-rayed, or having pictures taken of them, or recorded in some way. (0:51:41)
When the door opened, the ETs, still smiling, still silent, motioned them through the door into another room, and placed them in front of a tall, kind of wide, glass-like window, which suddenly flashed with yellow light. And again, the men felt that they were being recorded, or x-rayed, or scanned in some way. Then they were left alone again. And after being in there alone for some time, the men started to become curious, because they could see a closed door with a small, sort of gold, plastic-looking button, about one meter above the floor. (0:52:19)
So they pressed it, and found that it opened the door. They went into another room, and were shocked to see various animals, poultry, goats and sheep, all in special pens. In another, they found a bull with two cows. In the third room, they found some dogs, kangaroos, and other animals native to the area, all in special pens. (0:52:40)
So they were looking at all this in complete surprise, when suddenly the ETs came into the room, ushered them into still another room with a sort of soft, glowing orange light. The ETs left, closed the door on the men, again, leaving them alone. At this point, the orange light in the room faded, and the men were left in total darkness. They then smelled a strange odor, and they all blacked out. (0:53:05)
The next thing they knew, they were waking up in a standing position, dazed, in the exact location where they had been taken. Looking up, they saw this silver craft moving quickly off into the night sky, and it disappeared in the distance. So the three witnesses were shocked, amazed, all agreed that the experience was very benevolent and friendly, that the ETs meant them no harm, and apparently only wanted to study them. (0:53:31)
Now, they did find out that it was now just past 10 p.m. They estimated that they had been among the craft for about four hours, but it appeared that only two minutes had elapsed on earth. So that was another puzzling factor to this very interesting experience. So there you go, a four hour long encounter involving three gentlemen. And it's really interesting because they report coming back and only two minutes apparently had passed on earth, but the encounter itself lasted four hours. (0:54:14)
We see this in a number of cases where ETs are apparently pulling people out of the time stream. Hard to say exactly how they do this, but it's certainly apparent that they can do things that we are unable to do or even fully understand, because that does turn up quite a few cases. (0:54:36)
66,600 views Nov 2, 2024