1982-03, Missouri: 運転中に UFO を目撃 → 乗船 → ET と対話
Preston Dennett の 6事例の解説動画から case 5 に絞る。 動画の中に情報源と思しきテキストが表示されていたのでそれを OCR → 和訳 したものも付けておく。
Preston Dennett 自身による概要
次に気づいたときには、彼女は野原に不時着した巨大な飛行船の隣に停車していました。彼女は船内に引き入れられ、青い目とブロンドの髪を持つ長身でたくましい人間のような6人の人物に迎えられた。彼らは彼女を調べ、人間の生殖 について研究していると言った。彼らは彼女の友人であり、また会えるだろうと言った。
UFO 現象の本質:John Keel, Jacques Vallee の解釈
One night in March 1982, in Springfield, Missouri, a local woman recalled that at the point where she was supposed to turn south in her car, she didn't. She felt as if the car was being pulled by a force faster and faster toward a light at tree-top level above and ahead of her.
No engine sound, smooth no bumps, it felt like the car was floating. Then she is an a clearing in the woods with a disc shaped craft (silver) that has three legs underneath, a light shining toward the ground, and steps that fold down. She is drawn into the craft and through several rooms to a larger room with a platform like padded white silver chrome that molds to body.
She "knows" to lie down. She then sees half a dozen men about six feet one or two inches tall, good build, long blond hair, high cheekbones, blue eyes. They wore tight-fitting jumpsuits (brown) with matching shoes and belt. Pale yellow stole draped over one shoulder.
Winged emblem on chest, circle with a "hawk eagle" head in center and wings on each side. The men were pleasant, caring and said they where her friends. Told her they were going to do some tests but they wont hurt. The witness feels slight stinging in breast area, some type of injection on each side of armpit area.
They want to see how earth women feed their babies and how they are shaped. They then helped her off the table (did not talk, could read her thoughts). They said she might see them again some time. The witness walked to door, down steps. All of the sudden she was back in her car. Turned and saw door closing on craft and legs going in as it took off with a whistling, whiny sound. Shot off ground and was gone. (13)
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
さて、別の事件に移りましょう。次の事件を「We Are Your Friends」と呼ぶことにしよう。これは1982年3月、ミズーリ州スプリングフィールドで起きた事件である。この総集編の中では、この事件が最も短い。それにもかかわらず、この事件の詳細のいくつかは、非常に一般的に報告されているものであり、また、目撃者にとっては少々恐ろしい体験であったにもかかわらず、最終的に彼はそれが善意であったと判断したことも興味深かった。 (0:41:46)
次のケースはかなり短い。これ はリンダ・モールトン・ハウによるもので、1982年3月のある晩、ミズーリ州スプリングフィールドの近くで車を運転していた匿名の女性が、突然車のステアリングをコントロールできなくなったという。そして前方を見ると、梢の高さでホバリングしている光が見え、自分の車がこの奇妙な光に向かって未知の力で引っ張られているように感じたという。 (0:42:14)
その下から光が地面を照らし、地面へと続く一組の階段が側面に出てきた。目撃者は、自分が工芸品の中に引き込まれるのを感じた。彼女は、いくつかの小部屋を通り抜け、大きな部屋に導かれ、中央には台かテーブルのようなものがあったという。 (0:43:01)
彼女は、それは白銀のクロームのように見えたが、彼女の体に奇妙にフィットするようにパッドが入っていたと言う。彼女はなぜかそのテーブルに横たわるように言われ、その通りにした。突然、彼女を取り囲む6人ほどの人間のような人影が見えた。彼らはそれぞれ身長180センチほどで、とてもたくましい筋肉質の体、長いブロンドの髪、高い頬骨、青い目をしていた。 (0:43:31)
彼女によると、彼らはピチピチの茶色のジャンプスーツを着て、靴を履き、腰には同じ色のベルトをしていた。ジャンプスーツの胸には、鷹か鷲の頭と左右に翼のある円形の紋章があった。目撃者によると、これらの人影は非常に友好的で、感じがよく、思いやりがあり、実際はもっと冷たかっ たという。 (0:43:52)
私たちはあなたの友人です。彼らは彼女にいくつかのテストをする必要があるが、彼女を傷つけることはないと説明した。目撃者によると、ある時、胸のあたりが少しチクチクするのを感じたそうです。 脇の下に注射をされたような気がしたそうです。しかし、ETは彼女に、地球の女性がどのように赤ちゃんに授乳しているのか、どのような形をしているのかを見たかったのだと言った。 (0:44:19)
このコミュニケーションはすべてテレパシーで行われ、目撃者は彼らが彼女の思考を読むことができたという強い印象を受けた。その後、彼らは彼女をテーブルから降ろし、ただ検査するだけだと言った。彼らは彼女に、将来また彼らに会うかもしれないと言った。そして彼らは彼女を出口まで案内した。彼女はドアまで歩き、階段を下り、工芸品の外に出た。 (0:44:44)
気がつくと、彼女は車に戻っていた。そして、自分がどこにいたのか確かめようと振り返ると、ドアが閉まるのが見えた。脚が中に引っ込み、ギーギーと口笛のような音を立てて飛び立ち、地面から垂直にズームして消えた。それだけだった。 かなり短い遭遇だったが、確かに魅力的だった。 (0:45:09)
このような経験をすることがどんなことなのか、想像することしかできない。確かに、あらゆることに対する考え方が変わるだろう。 その目撃者と話してみたいから、もどかしい。もっと細かいことがたくさんあると思う。 これが一度きりだったとは本当に思えない。というのも、このような事件ではたいていこのようなパターンが見られるからです。 (0:45:32)
All right, let's move to another one. I call this next case We Are Your Friends. This occurred in March of 1982 in Springfield, Missouri. Of all the cases in this compilation, this one is the most brief. We don't have a whole lot of information about it, but I found it fascinating nevertheless because some of the details in this are very commonly reported, and I also found it interesting that although this was a somewhat frightening experience for the witness, he ultimately decided that it was benevolent. (0:41:46)
This next case is quite short. It's from Linda Moulton Howe, and involves an anonymous woman who, on one evening in March of 1982, was driving near Springfield, Missouri, when she says she suddenly lost control of the steering of her car. And looking ahead of her, she saw a light hovering at treetop level, and she felt as if her vehicle was being pulled by an unknown force towards this strange light. (0:42:14)
Immediately, a weird silence settled over her. She says the sound of her engine stopped. She could no longer feel the bumps in the road, and in fact, it felt like the car was floating. The next thing she knew, she was in a clearing surrounded by forest. A silver disc-shaped craft was on the ground, resting on three landing legs. (0:42:41)
A light was shining down on the ground from underneath it, and a set of steps came out on the side leading down to the ground. The witness felt herself being drawn up into the craft. She says she was led through several small rooms to a larger room, where there was a platform or a table of some kind in the center. (0:43:01)
She says it looked like white silver chrome, but it was padded in a way that it weirdly molded to her body. And she knew for some reason that she was to lie down on the table, which she did. Suddenly, she saw about six totally human-looking figures surrounding her. They were each about six feet two inches tall, had very strong muscular bodies, long blonde hair, high cheekbones, and blue eyes. (0:43:31)
She says they wore tight-fitting brown jumpsuits, shoes, and a belt around the waist, all the same color. On the chest of the jumpsuit, she did see an emblem, a circle with the head of a hawk or an eagle, and wings on either side. Now, per the witness, these figures were very friendly, pleasant, caring, and in fact colder. (0:43:52)
We are your friends. They explained that they needed to do some tests on her, but that they would not hurt her. The witness says she did feel a slight stinging in the breast area at one point. She felt like they did some kind of injection on either side of her armpit area. But the ETs told her that they wanted to see how Earth women feed their babies, how they are shaped. (0:44:19)
All this communication was done telepathically, and the witness did have the strong impression that they could read her thoughts. Afterwards, they helped her off the table, and they said basically that they just needed to examine her. They told her that she might see them again sometime in the future. They then led her to the exit. She walked to the door, down the steps, and outside the craft. (0:44:44)
Next thing she knows, she's back in her car. And turning to see where she had been, she saw the door close in this craft. The legs retracted inside of it, and it took off with a whining, whistling sound, zoomed vertically off the ground, and was gone. And that was it. Yeah, a pretty brief encounter, but certainly fascinating. (0:45:09)
I can only imagine what that must be like to have this sort of experience. It certainly would change the way you think about everything. It's frustrating because I would love to talk to that witness. I'm sure there's a lot more details. I really doubt that this was a one-off. I suspect that there are quite a few other encounters that this person has had, because that's the pattern we usually see in these cases. (0:45:32)
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