SMiles Lewis: ET による遺伝子改造で、街中の ET が目視できるようなった人のことを私は知っている
SMiles Lewis が本気でタイトルのような ぶっ飛んだ 主張をしている。その主張の具体的根拠は何も語らず、その主張を足場にして
- ホログラフィックな全体性が…
- 意識の拡張が…
- トランスパーソナルな理解が…
- Ken Wilber の無境界の理論が…
Whisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL
例えば、人間がこれらの存在によって遺伝子を増強され、変更され、編集され、例えば、私たちがグレーのエイリアンと呼んでいる存在が、誰も見ることができないのに、人通りの多い都心で白昼堂々と通りを歩いているのを見ることができるようになったという状況を、私は知っている。 つまり、私たちの意識状態を変調させ、より拡大させたことで、帯域幅が広がり、平均的な人間には知覚できない要素を知覚できるようになったのだ。 (00:25:58)
そして彼らがより拡大した状態にあるとき、これらの存在が私たちのすぐそばにいることに気づく。 だから私たちがこの質問について話すとき、彼らは私たちとともにいるのだろうか? 私たちが話しているように、彼らは私たちの中にいるのだろうか? もちろん、彼らは常に知覚できるわけではないが、いる。 これは重要な違いだ。 そして、今日話しているような一般的な区別、つまり境界線は、本当はもっと重要なことなんだ。 (00:26:20)
知覚可能とは何か? 知覚の範囲と、究極的に実在し、究極的に区別され、分割され、分離されたものなどとは何か。 ここまでは、さまざまな人間が、さまざまな状態や領域で、さまざまな種類の実体と出会う経験について話してきた。 私たちの物理的な領域もまた、ある特定の変調に過ぎず、物理的な外観、物理的な感覚、物理的な直感的な性質は、まさに完全に没入した精神状態で期待されるものなのだ。 (00:27:00)
しかし、私たちは、身体性の出現が、実際には意識の変調だけでなく、全体的な何か根本的なことを語っているのだと思い違いをすべきではない。 人々が経験することに加えて、現実そのものの性質について、さらには私たち自身の性質、私たち自身の根源的な性質についてさえも、これらの存在から私たち、人間に対して非常に頻繁に伝えられているメッセージにも目を向けるべきである。 (00:27:31)
彼らは何を語っているのか? 今指摘したこととまったく同じことだ。 それは、すべては 究極的にはつながっているという事実であり、これらの分断線は私たちが作り出した地図の人工物にすぎず、根底にある現実を示すものではないということだ。 このことは、これらの領域を移動し、横断する能力だけでなく、私たちに与えるメッセージにおいても証明されている。 そして非常に重要なのは、そう言われているからといって、それを鵜呑みにしてはいけないということだ。 (00:27:59)
私たちはまた、より拡大された領域のような出会いをしたときの人々の経験とも比較すべきだ。 そして私たちが発見するのは、それは常に1対1であり、人々の経験と完全に一致するということだ。 だからこそ、この種の出会いを経験した人たちの世界観の転換に、説得力のある証拠が見られるのだ。 何度も言ってきたように、彼らはしばしば戻ってくる。死を恐れなくなり、物質的なものに興味を持たなくなり、他の自己ともつながっている、より大きな自己の感覚の中で、この転生の広い広がりにずっと集中しているのだ。 (00:28:37)
だから私たちは、経験においても、メッセージにおいても、そして人々の経験におけるそれらの相互関係のあり方においても、これを見ることができるのだ。 (00:28:45)
このポッドキャストで取り上げたケースから、簡単な例を挙げると、ある出会いがあった。 その後、出発するときに、よくあるように存在論的なショックがあったにもかかわらず、彼らは深い経験をした。 (00:29:12)
しかし、この存在、もう一人の異星人は、その体から出てきて、このカップルの前で踊るような光の球体になった。 そしてこの存在は、この男を体から引きずり出すこと ができた。 アンドロメダ銀河と天の川銀河が重力に引っ張られて互いの周りを踊り始めるのを見るのと同じようにね。 (00:29:38)
そしてこの体験の中で、この若者は、それが彼の視野全体を変え、彼の人生で最も深遠な体験であり、間違いなく、自分の覚醒状態とは何なのか、そしてそれが彼やすべての意識ある存在に利用可能な全体性のほんの小さな縮図であることについての彼の視野を徹底的に変えたと語った。 さて、このエピソードではこれまで、地図と領土の区別について、また一方と他方を混同してはいけないことについて話してきた。 (00:30:09)
さて、これはUFO現象を理解するために私たちがテーブルの上に置く可能性、可能性に対する私たちの理解にも関わってくる。 そして、これは私が先週ソーシャルメディアに投稿したことに関連している。 私は言った、引用、ある考え、存在はこの構成の外から発生することができ、それでもなお、ある至高に包括的な平面からの天使や悪魔のような引用できない究極の形態ではない。 (00:30:37)
私たちは、想像力の貧困や、永続的だが証明されていない仮定に支配されないように注意する必要がある。 つまり、ここでもまた地図と領土の話になる。 私たちは自分の地図、つまり既存の地図を頼りに、これから遭遇する新しい地形を理解しようとしている。 しかし、私たちはすでに何千年にもわたって蓄積してきた経験的データを持っており、その地図、つまり形而上学的に可能性を理解しようとする地図は不十分であり、ひどく不十分であることを示唆している。 (00:31:14)
ここで私が言っているのは、真に非二元的な理解、トランス パーソナルな理解と、一神教の伝統の中にある思考や構造、教義や教義を生み出す概念との違いについてだ。 現実にはフラクタルな側面があり、現実にはホログラフィックな側面がある。それは、根本的に私たちはすべて同じものであるだけでなく、私たちの個性の中にある全体性のフラクタルな破片でもあるという事実を物語っている。 (00:31:56)
なぜなら、それらは究極的には同じホログラフィックな全体のフラクタルな断片であり、小さな断片ではなく、全体性、全体性のレンダリングなのだから。 (00:32:34)
And so for instance, I'm aware of situations where human beings have had their genetics augmented, changed, edited by these beings and are now able to, for instance, see gray aliens, the beings we call gray aliens, walking down the street in broad daylight in a busy metropolitan center when no one else can see them. So again, what this has done is it's modulated our consciousness state, made it more expansive so the bandwidth is now broader and they can perceive elements that the average human cannot. (00:25:58)
And when they are in this more expanded state, they find that these beings are right in our midst. And so when we talk about this question around, are they with us? Are they here amongst us as we speak? Of course they are, although they're not always perceivable. This is a key distinction. And that these distinctions in general that we're talking about today, these boundaries, really are more about that. (00:26:20)
What is perceivable? What is the range of perception versus what is ultimately real and ultimately distinct, divided, separate, etc. Now so far we've been talking about the experience of different human beings encountering these different kinds of entities in different kinds of states or realms, which again, we're just looking at like a different modulation of consciousness because that's ultimately what it is. And that our physical realm is again, just one particular modulation and the appearance of physicality, the feeling of physicality, the visceral nature of the physicality is exactly what we would expect in a fully immersive mental state. (00:27:00)
But we shouldn't make the mistake of assuming that appearance of physicality is actually speaking about something fundamental, not just of that modulation of consciousness, but of the totality, which is again, what reductionistic materialists would have us believe. Now, in addition to the experiences people have, we should also look to the messages that are so often conveyed by these beings to us, to human beings, about the nature of reality itself, and even about our own nature, our own fundamental nature. (00:27:31)
What do they speak of? The very same thing I just pointed to. That being the fact that everything is ultimately connected, that these dividing lines are only artifacts of the maps that we create, not indicative of the underlying reality. They demonstrate this not just in their capacity to move around and across these domains, but also in the messages they provide to us. And very importantly, we shouldn't just believe it because that's what's being said to us. (00:27:59)
We should also compare that with people's experience when they have these more expanded realm kind of encounters. And what we find is that those are always one to one, that this completely fits with people's experience. And this is why we see such compelling evidence in the kind of worldview shifts that happen for people who've had these kinds of encounters. They often come back, as I've said many times, no longer fearing death, no longer being interested in material goods, being much more focused on the broad sweep of this incarnation amongst a much larger sense of self that is connected to other selves as well. (00:28:37)
So we see this both again in experience and in the messages and in the way that those interrelate in people's experience. (00:28:45)
And as a quick example here, again, from a case that I've covered over the course of this podcast, there was an encounter where these two young adults, they were late teenagers basically who were parents of a newborn, were taken aboard a craft. And then afterwards, as they were leaving, even though there was ontological shock involved, as is often the case, they had this profound experience, specifically the young man who had been in the military and was a pretty straight and narrow just-a-facts man kind of guy. (00:29:12)
But this being, this other alien being, came out of its body and became a dancing sphere of light in front of this couple. And then this being was able to draw this man out of his body. And then these two spheres of light proceeded to kind of join together in this kind of cosmic dance in the same way that we might eventually see the Andromeda galaxy and the Milky Way galaxy begin to dance around each other when their gravities pull them together, something like that. (00:29:38)
And in this experience, this young man said that it changed his entire perspective, that it was the most profound experience of his life, and undoubtedly, thoroughly changed his perspective on what his waking state was and just what a tiny microcosm of the totality available to him and to every conscious being that represented. Now thus far in this episode, we've been talking about the distinction between the map and the territory and how we shouldn't confuse one for the other. (00:30:09)
Now this also comes down to our understanding of the possibilities, the possibilities we put on the table to make sense of the UFO phenomenon. And this relates to something I posted to social media this last week. I said, quote, a thought, beings can arise from outside of this construct and still not be quote unquote ultimate forms as in angels and demons from some supremely overarching plane. (00:30:37)
We need to be careful not to let a poverty of imagination and enduring but unproven assumptions rule the day, unquote. So this again gets to the map versus the territory. We look to our maps, our preexisting maps to make sense of this new terrain that we're coming across, assuming that our maps are sufficient to answer those kinds of questions. But the thing is, we already have empirical data that's been building up over millennia suggesting that that map, this map that tries to make sense of the possibilities metaphysically is insufficient, is woefully insufficient. (00:31:14)
And here I'm referring to the difference between a truly non-dual understanding, a transpersonal understanding and the notions that give rise to the thoughts and the structures and the dogma and the doctrine within monotheistic traditions. And what I'm saying here is that the data we have at hand seems to point towards a non-dual reality, that there is a fractal aspect to reality and a holographic aspect to reality that speaks to the fact that fundamentally we are not only all the same thing but also fractal shards of the totality in our individuality, which seems paradoxical but is the nature of reality itself. (00:31:56)
And this is why we can learn just as much by exploring our rich interiority as we can by exploring the cosmos, because ultimately those are fragments, fractal fragments of the same holographic whole, representing not tiny pieces but renderings of the entirety, of the totality. (00:32:34)
104 - Consciousness Continuum
1,400 views Jun 30, 2024 Point of Convergence
今や有名になった2017年のニューヨーク・タイムズ紙の記事「光るオーラと "ブラックマネー"」で発覚した事実に始まる: ペンタゴンの謎のU.F.O.プログラム」、そしてルイス・エリゾンドやデヴィッド・グルーシュのような元軍内部関係者による疑惑が明るみに出たことで、一般の人々は、このコミュニティの一員である私たちがずっと以前から知っていた現実、つまり、人間以外の知的生命体とその技術的驚異が私たちのすぐそばにいる(そして今もいる)という現実に徐々に慣れつつある。
さらに、人間は時に自分の身体の外、さらにはこの3次元の "物理的 "構造体の外で行動していることに気づく。遭遇した異星人はまた、肉体を含むこともあれば含まないこともある方法で、人間の意識を動かすことができるようだ。要するに、ここで強調されているのは、物理主義的なパラダイムが全く成り立たないということだ。
Beginning with the revelations that arose in a now famous 2017 New York Times article titled “Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program”, and further brought to light with the allegations made by former military insiders like Luis Elizondo and David Grusch, the general public is being slowly acclimated to a reality that those of us who are part of this community have long known to be the case: non-human intelligences and their technological marvels have been (and continue to be) in our very midst.
Still, for those of us who regularly dive deep into these murky (but often exhilarating) waters, we know that these revelations - as startling as they are to the average Joe and Jane on the street - are really just the beginning. And that’s because, simply put, there are numerous elements of human experience that simply don’t play well with the prevailing paradigm that rules in Western civilization - at least at present. These elements include out of body experiences, near death experiences, psi phenomena, synchronicity, contact with supposed deceased loved ones, and time slippages. And that’s just for starters.
Not only do these elements that have historically been forced to the fringes of polite conversation stretch the mainstream’s understanding of what’s possible, they also call into question the very maps we’ve so confidently crafted to make sense of what’s real altogether. For instance, when it comes to the matter of dealing with sophisticated, apparently non-human intelligences (ie. aliens), not only do we have the matter of the DoD allegedly housing the recovered craft and even the cadavers of non-human life forms - life forms that are decidedly biological, just like us - also on the table are the credible accounts of a host of other kind of non-conventional encounters.
Truth be told, there is a considerable body of data pointing to encounters with beings that are better described as ethereal, though - importantly - no less “real”. These beings are described by people from different walks of life in such consistent ways that they seem to claim just as much “real” and independent existence as we do. Other life forms that people encounter are perhaps better described as quasi-physical, and still others seem to navigate between these different domains like we might move between different rooms of a house.
Furthermore, human beings sometimes find themselves acting outside of their own bodies - and even outside of this 3D “physical” construct altogether - interacting with alien beings of various sorts and sometimes even with their own supposedly deceased loved ones in the process. The beings encountered also seem capable of moving human consciousness in ways that sometimes include the physical body, and other times do not. In short, what’s being highlighted here is the untenable nature of the physicalist paradigm altogether.
But all this being the case, how are we to proceed? If our modern maps have been exposed as - at best - approximations reflecting only one tiny corner of a much more expansive territory, how are we to make our way forward? And how can we reconcile the seemingly illusory boundaries between the living and the dead, sleep and waking states, and physical and ethereal realms? This all amounts to some pretty ambitious inquiry. But these are exactly the matters that we’ll seek to engage with in this the 104th episode of the Point of Convergence podcast.