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David Talbott : 解説動画:天空の ET のシンボル

· 2 min read



古代壁画に描かれた ET の正体は (2025-03-12)

岩に描かれた古代の 彫刻/図絵 は ET ではなく、太陽活動の影響による天文現象だ (書式変換+論文要旨和訳) (2025-03-06)

David Talbott の講演動画 : 天空のフクロウの目 (書式変換+和訳) (2025-03-06)

世界各地で古代人が壁画などに残した謎の人物画の正体が解明された (書式変換) (2025-03-06)

David Talbott : 古代神話に頻出する「創造の花」の正体は… (2020-05-14)


Youtube 動画(1:18:25)

Symbols of an Alien Sky (Full Documentary)


2,374,200 views Dec 5, 2012 Here we offer David Talbott's first glimpses of celestial dramas in ancient times. Just a few thousand years ago a gathering of planets hung as towering forms in the ancient sky close to the earth, provoking spectacular electric discharge formations above our forebears and inspiring the vast complex of world myths and symbols.

See the next two full documentaries in the Symbols of an Alien Sky series

Episode 2, Symbols of an Alien Sky: The Lightning-Scarred Planet, Mars • Symbols of an Alien Sky, Episode 2: T...

Episode 3, Symbols of an Alien Sky: The Electric Comet • Symbols of an Alien Sky, Episode 3: T...

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