

UFO 関連


Carlos Diaz の UFO 事件:web 記事の和訳

· 約34分


Carlos Diaz Photo and Contact Case (Mexico) - Ajusco National Forest , Mexico - January, 1981 - UFO Evidence http://ufoevidence.org/cases/case1091.htm

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カルロス・ディアス 写真と連絡先 ケース(メキシコ) - メキシコ、アススコ国立森林公園 - 1981年1月 12~15分


1981年1月のある朝、メキシコ人写真家のカルロス・ディアスは、メキシコシティ近郊のアススコ公園の人気のない駐車場に車を停めた。彼は雑誌の取材で、まだ到着していないジャーナリストと会う約束をしていた。ディアスは車の中でカメラの準備をし、これから始まる仕事に備えた。早朝にもかかわらず、空気は湿気を含んで重く、じっと座っているだけでも不快だった。待ちきれない様子で、ディアスは腕時計に目をやった。 突然、眼下の谷から不思議な黄色い光が放たれているのに気づいた。 最初は山火事かと思ったが、次の瞬間、光の正体がオレンジ色の楕円形をした大きなUFOであることが判明した。UFOはゆっくりと、彼の車の30メートルほど前方を旋回していた。

信じられない光景に、ディアスはすぐにカメラを手に取り、ハンドルにカメラを立てかけ、夢中でシャッターを切り始めました。 すると、何の前触れもなく車全体が激しく揺れ始めました。 ディアスは車から飛び出し、さらに2枚の写真を撮りました。 その後、その物体は垂直に上昇し、ディアスはショックのあまり呆然と立ち尽くしました。この遭遇は、UFO研究史上最も魅力的で長期にわたるコンタクティ事件へと発展する始まりとなった。今日、この事件は、様々な専門家の精査に耐えた検証済みのフィルム記録によって裏付けられた地球外生命体遭遇事件の少数派のひとつとして残っている。


実際、ディアスの主張の明白な信憑性は、ドイツの作家であるマイケル・ヘセマンや、アブダクション研究者のジョン・マック博士など、世界トップクラスのUFO研究者の注目を集めた。 両者とも、ディアスの話は完全に信憑性があるという結論に達した。 ヘセマンは、「カルロス・ディアスのケースは、現代に登場した文書化された異星人とのコンタクトのケースの中で最も重要なケースである」と述べ、ほとんどの研究者の意見を代弁している。確かに、最初の遭遇の時点では、ディアスはこれから起こることをほとんど予想していなかった。現在ではUFOのホットスポットとして認知されている地域で、ありふれたUFO目撃から、近年における重要な事例へと変化したのは、数週間後のことだった。1月に目撃された後、数日間、ディアスは自分の体験に心を奪われたままでいた。見たものを忘れられず、ディアス氏はアススコ公園の場所に繰り返し戻り、もっと写真を撮ろうとしました。 しかし、何度足を運んでも成果は得られず、ディアス氏は時間を無駄にしているのではないかと思い始めていました。 しかし、3月23日、ついに彼の忍耐は報われました。


緑の中を歩き回っていると、ディアスは再びUFOの存在をオレンジ色の光に気づかされた。それは、アススコ公園の森を飽和させる霧と雨でかすかにしか見えなかった。 谷の壁を登りながら、彼は物体から45メートルの距離まで近づくことができた。 ディアスは、明るいオレンジ色の光を放ちながら頭上を旋回する「飛行物体」を目にした。それはドーム型で、中央に滑らかなリングがあったと彼は言います。ディアスによると、それは直径約1メートルの半球がいくつも重なったような形をしていたそうです。岩陰に身を隠し、誰にも気づかれていないと思ったディアスでしたが、引き続き物体を観察していると、誰かが後ろから肩をつかんだのを感じました。ディアスはすぐに気を失い、目覚めた時には辺りは暗くなり、UFOは消えていました。激しい雨にもかかわらず、彼の服はまったく濡れていなかったことに彼は驚きました。この時点で、彼には何か不思議なことが起こったと気づきました。車に戻ると、ディアスは自分の前に別の車が停まっていることに気づきました。この時点で、ディアスによると、金髪のヒューマノイドが彼に近づき、自分が経験したことについてもっと知りたいのであれば、翌日の正午に同じ場所に戻ってくるようにと告げたそうです。翌日、ディアスが戻ってくると、同じ存在が芝生に座っているのが見えた。ディアスによると、その存在は彼の方を向いて、前日に彼の肩を掴んだのは自分であると説明した。その存在は去り際に、自分は宇宙船の中からやってきたこと、そして、ディアスは意識を失っている間に起こった出来事の記憶を徐々に取り戻すだろうと告げた。 その通り、数か月の間に、ディアスの記憶は少しずつ戻ってきた。

彼の説明によると、彼はその宇宙船が自分の真上に浮かんでいるのを思い出したそうです。宇宙船に触れようとしたとき、彼の腕は黄色い光の中を通り抜け、宇宙船と一体化したように感じたそうです。次に思い出したのは、宇宙船が巨大な洞窟内のプラットフォームに停車しているのを見たことでした。ディアス氏は、洞窟内で見たものについて次のように述べています。「洞窟内は石筍でいっぱいでした。そのうちのいくつかは、マヤの彫刻のように見えるものに刻まれていました。洞窟には多くの人がおり、何人かが私に手を振ったので、私はショックを受けながらも手を振り返しました。」 どうやら、ディアスが公園で遭遇した存在が、彼をさらに小さな洞窟に導いたようです。その洞窟には、光る卵型のオーブが7つあり、そのうちの1つにディアスは中に入るよう促されました。中に入ると、最初は黄色い光しか見えませんでした。






ディアスのケースに興味を持ったUFO研究者の一人に、ハーバード大学医学部の精神医学教授ジョン・マックがいる。マックは、誘拐被害者やコンタクティーと長年関わってきた経験があり、ディアスのケースは、彼がこれまでに遭遇したケースの中で最も説得力のあるもののひとつだと考えている。著書『パスポート・トゥ・ザ・コスモス』の中で、マックは次のように述べている。「私が関わってきた体験者のうち、自然界の相互関連性を最も深く理解していると思われるのはカルロス・ディアスだ。生き物とつながるというディアスの体験は非常に強烈で、彼は文字通り、自分が語っているものになっているように見える。」と述べています。マックは、ディアスの体験は「覚醒」であり、それはアブダクションの被害者に共通するプロセスであると主張しています。ディアスはマックに、宇宙人とのコンタクトによって、環境を保護する必要性と「美しい惑星を楽しむ」能力が身に付いたと語りました。地球外からの影響があったかどうかは別として、ディアスが新たに抱くようになった環境への関心は、間違いなく彼の人生の原動力となっている。彼は、1995年にドイツのデュッセルドルフで開催されたUFO会議で、この環境への警告を繰り返し、情熱的に公に伝えた。ディアスは、コンタクトを通じて、地球外文明もまた、私たちと同じように、自らの歴史の中で破壊によって脅かされてきたが、なんとか生き延びてきたことを知らされたと明かしている。 彼は、コンタクト相手が語った私たちの未来に関する不穏な予言は、あまりにも現実的であると確信している。その予言とは、人類が現在の道を歩み続けるならば、確実に全滅に向かうというものである。




カルロス・ディアスのUFO写真に関する専門家の分析は極めて徹底したものでした。 メキシコのUFO研究家ハイメ・マウサンは、オリジナルのポジフィルムをメキシコ大学工科大学のビクター・ケサダ教授に渡し、調査を依頼しました。 ケサダ教授は次のように述べています。「物体から発せられた光のスペクトルが、これまでに見たことのないものであり、これまでのパラメータをすべて破り、我々のデータバンクにあるものとは一致しないことが判明し、我々は衝撃を受けました。光は非常に強烈でした。 重ね合わせや偽造の証拠は何もありませんでした。 物体の直径は30~50メートルほどと推定されます。』 興味深いことに、この写真はカリフォルニア州にあるNASAのジェット推進研究所のロバート・ネイサン博士によっても分析された。 悪名高いUFO懐疑論者であるネイサン博士は、偽造の証拠は見当たらないと述べた。

確かに、3枚の写真を検証した多くの人々にとって、最初の写真が最も印象的である。その写真には、車のフロントガラス越しにオレンジ色の光る物体が見え、 車のボンネットと道路脇の金属製ガードレールに物体の光が反射している。これらは特に、専門家が偽造が極めて困難であると主張する詳細である。




この記事は、The X Factor 第89号に掲載されたものです。

▼原文 展開

Carlos Diaz Photo and Contact Case (Mexico) - Ajusco National Forest , Mexico - January, 1981 12–15 minutes

Carlos Diaz Case

One morning in January 1981, Mexican photographer Carlos Diaz pulled into a deserted car park at Ajusco Park near Mexico City. He was on an assignment for a magazine, and had arranged to meet a journalist who was yet to arrive. Diaz sat in his car, preparing his camera for the job ahead. Although it was early in the morning, the air was thick with humidity which made even sitting still uncomfortable. Impatiently, Diaz began to look at his watch. Suddenly, his attention was caught by a strange yellow glow coming from the valley below him. At first he thought it was a forest fire, but, an instant later, the source of light revealed itself to be a large, orange, oval-shaped UFO, slowly hovering about 30 metres from his car.

Unable to believe his eyes, Diaz quickly grabbed his camera. With it resting on his steering wheel, he began frantically firing off shots. Then, without warning, the whole car began to shake violently. Diaz got out of the vehicle and took two more photographs before the craft sped up vertically into the sky, leaving Diaz in a state of shock. This encounter marked the beginning of what was to develop into one of he most fascinating and long-running contactee cases in the history of UFOlogy. Today, the case remains among a small minority of alledged extraterrestrial encounters to be supported by verified film documentation that has stood up to the scrutiny of a range of experts.


Indeed, the apparent credibility of Diaz's claims has attracted the attention of some of the world's top UFO researchers, including German author Michael Hesemann and abduction researcher Dr John Mack. Both concluded that Diaz's story is completely credible. Hesemann echoes the views of most researchers when he states: 'The Carlos Diaz case is the most important case of documented alien-human contact to have emerged in modern times.' Certainly, at the time of his initial encounter, Diaz little suspected what was to come. The transition from a run-of-the-mill UFO sighting in an area now acknowledged as a UFO hot-spot, to one of the key cases of recent years did not occur until weeks later. In the days that followed this January sighting, Diaz remained preoccupied by his experience. Unable to forget what he had seen, he repeatedly returned to the Ajusco Park location, hoping to secure more pictures. After a succession of fruitless visits, Diaz began to think that he was wasting his time. But then, on 23rd of March, his patience was rewarded.


While roaming the greenery, Diaz was again alerted to the presence of a UFO by an orange glow, which he could see only dimly through the fog and rain that had saturated the forest in Ajusco Park. As he climbed up the walls of the valley, he managed to position himself within 45 metres of the object. Diaz watched the 'craft' hovering above him, eminating a bright orange light. It was, he said, dome-shaped with a smooth ring in its centre. This, claimed Diaz, was covered with a number of half spheres, each around one metre in diameter. Crouching behind some rocks, Diaz thought his actions had gone unnoticed, but, as he continued to watch the craft, he felt someone grab his shoulder from behind. Diaz immediately fainted, and, when he awoke, it was dark and the UFO was gone. He was shocked to discover that, despite heavy rain, his clothes were completely dry. At that point, he knew something strange had happened to him. When he returned to his car, Diaz noticed another car parked in front of him. At this point, Diaz claimed, a humanoid entity with fair hair approached him and told him that if he wanted to know more about what he had just experienced, he should return to the same spot at noon the following day. Apparently, when Diaz returned the next day, he discovered the same entity sitting on the grass. Diaz claimed that the being then turned to him and explained that it was he who grabbed his shoulder the previous day. Before leaving, the being also told Diaz that he had come from inside the craft and that Diaz would gradually recover his memory of what had happened while he was unconscious. Sure enough, over the next few months, Diaz's memory returned, piece by piece.

According to his account, he recalled the craft hovered directly over his head. As he attempted to touch the craft, his hand seemed to pass through the yellow light and he seemed to merge with it. The next thing he recalled was seeing the craft parked on a platform inside a giant cave. Diaz was filled with awe when he remembered what he had seen inside: 'It was full of stalagmites, some of which were carved into what appeared to be Mayan sculptures,' he stated. 'I saw many people in the cave, some of whom waved to me and, in a state of shock, I waved back.' Apparantly the being Diaz had encountered in the park then led him to a smaller cave which contained seven glowing, egg-shaped orbs, one of which Diaz was invited to step into. On entering, Diaz could at first only see yellow light.

But then he found himself surrounded by the image of a forest. 'I could see all the details of the forest as if I was walking through it,' said Diaz. 'I couldn't touch anything, but I could feel the temperature and moisture. I could see and experience everything, yet I wasn't physically there.' His guide then told him that the orbs were also a system for storing information and that certain data had been imparted to him. Diaz was then returned to the ship and, in time, to the park.


According to Diaz, this was only the first of a series of contacts with the same beings, which continue to this day. Since 1981, Diaz has stated that his experience inside the orbs has enabled him to 'travel' to different regions of the Earth's ecosystem - forest, desert, jungle, shoreline, even Arctic areas - with his ET contact. Through this contact, Diaz claims to have been imbued with an awareness of the interconnectedness of all life and the need to preserve our environment. To many UFOlogists, especially those who have had their 'fingers burnt' by alledged contactees before, these claims may appear far-fetched. However, Diaz is seen by many researchers as a highly reliable source, not least because of the strong body of photographic evidence he has amassed to support his claims.


Mexican TV journalist and UFOlogist Jaime Maussan, who has been at the centre of UFO investigations in Mexico since the wave began in 1991, believes that Diaz's UFO photographs are among the most impressive he has seen. Maussan took Diaz's photographs to Jim Dilettoso, an image processing expert at Village Labs, in Tucson, Arizona, who concluded they were genuine. After satisfying himself he was not dealing with a hoaxer, Maussan visited Diaz at his hime in Tepoztlan, Mexico. There, he spoke to a number of other witnesses who claimed to have seen exactly the same type of UFO. The apparent credibility of the Diaz case has also attracted UFO researchers from further afield, who have attempted to glean insights into the alien agenda from Diaz's contactee claims. German author Michael Hesemann, who first interviewed Diaz in June 1994, is convinced of the credibility of Diaz's story. 'Not only is he contacting these beings through encounters on the ships,' says Hesemann, 'but he claims to be meeting these beings socially, since he believes some of them are living among us.' However Hesemann explains that, according to Diaz, the beings are reluctant to fully disclose their origins. 'Apparently,' says Hesemann, 'they did, however, explain that they have been visiting Earth for thousands of years, and are particularly interested in our evolution which, compared to their own, has happened at a much faster rate. They are trying to learn why.'

Another UFO researcher intrigued by Diaz's case is Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, John Mack. Mack has a long history of dealing with abductees and contactees and believes that the Diaz case is among the most convincing he has come across. in his book Passport to the Cosmos, he states: 'Out of all the experiencers I have worked with, it is Carlos Diaz who seems to have developed the richest understanding of the interconnected web of nature. Diaz's experience of connecting with living creatures is so intense that he seems literally to become the thing he is describing.' Diaz's experience, Mack claims constitutes an 'awakening', a process which, he says, is common in abductees. Diaz told Mack that his contact with the ETs had instilled in him a need to preserve the environment and the ability to 'enjoy a beautiful planet'. Whether or not an extraterrestrial influence was involved, Diaz's new-found concern for the environment has certainly become a driving force in his life. he has repeatedly and passionately conveyed this environmental warning publicly, most notably at a UFO conference in Dusseldorf, Germany in 1995. Diaz has revealed that he had been informed through his contacts that the civilization of the visiting extraterrestrial, like ours, had been threatened by its own history of destruction, but had somehow managed to survive. He remains convinced that his contacts' disturbing prediction for our future is only too real - a prediction that states with near certainty that humanity, on its current course, is headed for total extinction.


This outspokenness, coupled with the public nature of his experience, has le Diaz to assume visionary status in both his home town of Tepoztlan and UFO circles. however, Diaz has been quick to dispute this, claiming that he is not a unique visionary, but merely 'a messenger'. The real nature of Diaz's current incarnation aside, for many UFOlogists, the Diaz case remains among the most convincing on record. Indeed, few UFO reports exist that boast such impressive and abundant photographic evidence. And fewer still have emerged that have stood up to the scrutiny applied to Diaz's images.


Expert analysis of Carlos Diaz's UFO pictures has been extremely thorough. Mexican UFOlogist Jaime Maussan gave the original transparencies to Professor Victor Quesada at the Polytechnical Institute of the University of Mexico for examination. Quesada stated: 'We were shocked to discover that the spectrum of light from the object was unlike anything we have ever seen, it broke all previous parameters and didn't match anything in our data banks. The light was extraordinarily intense. There was no evidence of superimposition or a hoax. We estimated the object to be around 30 to 50 metres in diameter.' Interestingly, the photographs were also analysed by Dr Robert Nathan at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. Nathan, a notorious UFO sceptic, stated that he could find no evidence of a fake.

Certainly, for many who have examined the three images, the first shot is the most impressive. In it, the orange glowing craft can be seen through the windshield of the car, and light from the object is reflected both off the car's bonnet and off the metal guard rail by the side of the road. These, in particular, are details that experts claim are extremely difficult to fake.


Mexican UFOlogist Jaime maussan was so intrigued by Carlos Diaz's account of his experiences that he provided him with a video camera and asked him to see if he could record the UFO on tape when it next appeared. A few weeks later, Diaz awoke at 5 a.m. and grabbed his camera. he walked out and waited. Apparently, within minutes, the craft appeared and hovered over the house, where Diaz filmed it. When Maussan saw the remarkable footage, he asked Diaz if he could get even closer to the craft while filming. Two months later, Diaz was once again able to film the craft, which this time hovered directly above him, without moving.

However it is Diaz's third attempt to capture the craft on video that is the most spectacular. In this footage, Diaz having mounted his camera on a tripod, walks to the bottom of a field waving a flash light. Responding to this, the craft suddenly materializes directly above Diaz's head and sends beams of light down towards him. Then, the unidentified object remains motionless for 30 seconds, before blinking out. It is universally recognized that this video contains some of the best UFO footage ever taken.

This article originally appeared in issue 89 of The X Factor.
