
岩に描かれた古代の 彫刻/図絵 は ET ではなく、太陽活動の影響による天文現象だ (書式変換+論文要旨和訳)

· 約22分

前置き(2021-07-01 begin)


世界各地で古代人が壁画などに残した謎の人物画の正体が解明された (途中:その1) (2019-03-17)

世界各地で古代人が壁画などに残した謎の人物画の正体が解明された (書式変換)


下の動画はその具体例を、現地の古代の 彫刻/図絵 の場所に出向いて解説したもの。

20210701_leak1.jpg 20210701_leak2.jpg


(2025-03-06) 書式変換 (FC2Blog → GitHub)、論文要旨和訳

(2021-07-01) 作成。 岩に描かれた古代の 彫刻/図絵 は ET ではなく、太陽活動の影響による天文現象だ


This connects the dots to everything!



Anthony L. Peratt, "Characteristics for the Occurrence of a High-Current, Z-Pinch Aurora as Recorded in Antiquity"

の pdf が下。



Abstract— The discovery that objects from the Neolithic or Early Bronze Age carry patterns associated with high-current Z-pinches provides a possible insight into the origin and meaning of these ancient symbols produced by man. This paper directly compares the graphical and radiation data from high-current Z-pinches to these patterns. The paper focuses primarily, but not exclusively, on petroglyphs. It is found that a great many archaic petroglyphs can be classified according to plasma stability and instability data. As the same morphological types are found worldwide, the comparisons suggest the occurrence of an intense aurora, as might be produced if the solar wind had increased between one and two orders of mag nitude, millennia ago.

(2021-07-01 end)

前置き(2025-03-06 begin)

上のリンク先の論文 "PerattAntiquityZ.pdf" は既にアクセスできなくなっているようなので、この論文の冒頭部分の原文と和訳を追加しておく。






原稿受付日:2003年5月19日、改訂日:2003年10月15日。本研究は、フィラデルフィアのペンシルベニア大学考古学・人類学博物館と提携するMainwaring財団の支援を受けた。 著者は米国ニューメキシコ州ロスアラモス国立研究所プラズマ物理学グループ所属(E-mail: alp@lanl.gov)。 デジタルオブジェクト識別子 10.1109/TPS.2003.820956

I. はじめに






図1. 1962年7月9日、ジョンストン島上空400kmでのヒトデ型熱核爆発。写真はロスアラモスKC-135航空機から、開始時刻から3分後に撮影された。プラズマ粒子から人工縞状オーロラがすでに形成され、地球の磁場に沿って広がっている。

左上隅の最も明るい背景の物体(印)はアンタレス星であり、右端の物体はケンタウルス座アルクトゥルスである。 バースト点は、最も低いプラズマ縞から3分の2の距離にある。




II. 激しいオーロラのダイナミクス

オーロラの形状は、超音速の太陽風、地球の磁気圏シールド(地表から約100km上空)、および地球の双極子磁場によって決定される。(太陽からの粒子流の衝突を涙形のシェルに転換するのが磁気圏界面である。 磁気圏界面の最も広い部分の幅は13万~15万km程度であるが、地球から伸びる尾は100万kmをはるかに超えることもある。比較のために、地球と月の平均距離は384,402kmです。

円形または楕円形の流入および流出電流は図2に示されています。これらの電流の層は、 オーロラの光のカーテン(図3)を形成し、これは電子が大気圏上部で分子と相互作用し、分子を励起させることによって生じるものです。オーロラは散発的に発生し、通常は最大でも数時間しか続きませんが、時には数日間続くこともあります。



図2. 地球の大気圏に流入し、高緯度の大気圏から流出するビルケラン電流のアーティストによる描写。かつては激しい論争の的であったこれらの電流は、現在では人工衛星によって日常的に測定されており、その総電流値は数百万アンペア(メガアンペア)に達する。ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学応用物理学研究所 S. G. スミス氏提供。


図3. (左)バイキング衛星が紫外線で捉えた地球のオーロラの様子。オーロラ発光は、ほぼ中央にある地磁気極を完全に包み込み、右下隅にある真夜中付近で最も明るい。このオーロラリングの直径は約5000kmである。(右)地球の磁気圏を通して濾過された太陽風プラズマが 地球のオーロラの原因となる。これらの壮大な現象は、北半球と南半球の両極緯度に位置する2つのオーロラアークで発生し、地球の磁場に沿ってシート状に流れるプラズマ電子によって引き起こされる。これらの電子シート、すなわち電子電流は、オーロラの光のカーテンが急速に波打つように見える原因となる。


図4. 激しいオーロラ・ファンネルの描写。 2つの同心円状のシートに含まれる、下向きのバークリアン電流と上向きのバークリアン電流の両方が示されている。 (左)斜め上方から見た図。 (右)側面から見た図。 中央下部に、かろうじて識別できるZピンチ不安定性が見られる。

III. オーロラ・シートの不安定性

A. オーロラの形態




電流が数十メガアンペアにも達する強力なオーロラの場合、そのほとんどが発光して見えるため、個々のフィラメントや渦もはっきりと見える。狭い視野では、発光するフィラメントは「点」または「細長い点」やフィラメント状の筋として見える。太陽から放出される荷電粒子が、相当な長期間にわたって1桁以上増加した場合、このような形状が優勢になるだろう。1 さらに、磁気圏の一部と尻尾も見えるだろう[12]。

図4は、激しいオーロラ・ファンネルの図解である。 薄い外側のプラズマは、小径のプラズマ電流と内側のプラズマ・シートおよびコアにフィラメント状になっている。 ファンネルの上部は、ダイヤモンド型、まだら、または細胞構造のいずれかであり、ファンネルの入り口部分は、(上から見ると)同心円状の点と円柱で構成されている。 ファンネルの中間から下部で発生する不安定現象は、本論文の研究テーマである。

激しいオーロラの場合、収束するフィラメントは点として見えるだけでなく、より上空の可視収束フィラメントに接続する点としても見えます。 オーロラプラズマシートを2つの部分、すなわち上部の漏斗または流入領域と、下部のプラズマシートおよび固体柱に分けて説明します。

▼論文の原文 展開

Characteristics for the Occurrence of a High-Current, Z-Pinch Aurora as Recorded in Antiquity

Anthony L. Peratt, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—The discovery that objects from the Neolithic or Early Bronze Age carry patterns associated with high-current Z-pinches provides a possible insight into the origin and meaning of these ancient symbols produced by man. This paper directly compares the graphical and radiation data from high-current Z-pinches to these patterns. The paper focuses primarily, but not exclusively, on petroglyphs. It is found that a great many archaic petroglyphs can be classified according to plasma stability and instability data. As the same morphological types are found worldwide, the comparisons suggest the occurrence of an intense aurora, as might be produced if the solar wind had increased between one and two orders of magnitude, millennia ago.

Index Terms—Aurora, high-energy-density plasma, magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) instabilities, petroglyphs, pictographs, stonehenge, Z-pinch.

Manuscript received May 19, 2003; revised October 15, 2003. This work was supported by the Mainwaring Foundation, in association with the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia. The author is with the Plasma Physics Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA (e-mail: alp@ lanl.gov). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPS.2003.820956


ON July 9, 1962, the United States detonated a 1.4-megaton thermonuclear device in the atmosphere 400 km above Johnston Island. The event produced a plasma whose initial spherical shape striated within a few minutes as the plasma electrons and ions streamed along the Earth’s magnetic field to produce an artificial aurora. Fig. 1 shows a photograph of the artificial aurora three minutes after detonation as recorded from a KC-135 aircraft.

Concomitant with the artificial aurora was a degradation of radio communications over wide areas of the Pacific, lightning discharges, destruction of electronics in monitoring satellites, and an electromagnetic pulse that affected some power circuitry as far away as Hawaii.

The event was recorded worldwide as the plasma formed at least two intense equatorial tubes, artificial Van Allen belts, around the Earth [1], [2]. These tubes, or plasma toroids,

contained relativistic electrons bound by magnetic fields; the source of intense amounts of synchrotron radiation. The radiation lasted far longer than expected; the decay constant was of the order of 100 days. (Mankind, unknowing, has viewed synchrotron radiation from the Crab nebula for centuries. The only known mechanism that produces synchrotron radiation are electrons spiraling about a magnetic field at nearly the speed of light).

Thus, the shape of the phenomena as recorded at radio, visible, and high frequencies was that of plasma “donuts” encircling the Earth, which mimicked the Van Allen belts.

Fig. 1. Starfish thermonuclear detonation July 9, 1962, 400 km above Johnston Island. The photograph was taken from a Los Alamos KC-135 aircraft three minutes after initiation time. An artificial striated aurora has already formed from the plasma particles, spreading along the earth’s magnetic field.

The brightest background object (mark) at the top, left-hand corner, is the star antares, while the right-most object is -Centauri. The burst point is two-thirds of the way up from the lowest plasma striation.

The artificial aurora shown in Fig. 1 also shows plasma striations that arise from instabilities. This paper describes characteristic features of laboratory plasma experiments and simulations, especially for high-current Z-pinch conditions, and compares these features with petroglyphs and other ancient writings, which may have been associated with auroral observations.

As in the natural aurorae at the northern and southern magnetic poles, the streaming charged particle electrical currents,

Birkeland currents, are of the order of megaamperes [3].


The shape of the aurora is determined by the supersonic solar wind, Earth’s magnetospheric shield (approximately 100 km above the Earth surface), and Earth’s dipolar magnetic field. (It is the magnetopause that diverts the impingement of the solar flux into a tear-dropped shaped shell. At the widest, the width of the magnetopause is of the order of 130 000–150 000 km while the tail may stretch away from the Earth far beyond 1 000 000 km. For comparison, the mean distance between the Earth and Moon is 384 402 km).

The circular or oval inflowing and outflowing electrical currents are shown in Fig. 2. These sheets of electrical currents form the rapid waving curtains of light in an auroral display (Fig. 3), a result of the electrons interacting with and exciting molecules in the upper atmosphere [4], [5]. The aurora is sporadic, usually lasting for a maximum of several hours but sometimes for days.

The most intense and largest auroral displays occur during a solar storm when the incoming flux increases dramatically [6].


Fig. 2. Artists depiction of Birkeland currents flowing into and out of the earth’s atmosphere at high latitude. These currents, once the subject of intense debate, are routinely measured by today’s satellites and have total magnitudes of millions of amperes (megaamperes). Courtesy of S. G. Smith, Applied Physics Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins University.


Fig. 3. (Left) View of the Earth’s aurora obtained by UV light by the Viking satellite. The auroral emissions completely encircle the geomagnetic pole, located approximately in the center, and are brightest near midnight, located in the lower right corner. The diameter of this auroral ring is about 5000 km. (Right) The solar wind plasmas filtered through Earth’s magnetosphere responsible for the aurora on Earth. These spectacular phenomena occur in two auroral arcs lying at polar latitudes in both the northern and southern hemispheres, and are caused by plasma electrons flowing down in sheets along the Earth’s magnetic field. These sheets of electrons, or electrical currents, filament up to form the rapid waving curtains of light in an auroral display, a result of the electrons interacting with and exciting molecules in the upper atmosphere.


Fig. 4. Depiction of an intense auroral funnel. The figures show both downflowing and up-flowing Birkeland currents contained with two Concentric sheets. (Left) Oblique upward view. (Right) Side view. Barely discernible at the lower center are the Z-pinch instabilities.


A. Auroral Morphologies

The auroral plasma column is susceptible to two plasma instabilities; hollowing of the relativistic electron beam to form the sheets and the diocotron instability that cause the sheets to filament into individual current strands causing the “swirls” or “curtains” [7], [8]. These instabilities also produce the radiation observed over a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum [9]–[11].

The dimensions of the auroral circle can be hundreds of kilometers in diameter while the width of the sheet can be tens of kilometers.

For an intense inflow of plasma, the aurora would be shaped by the strength of its own azimuthal magnetic field, i.e., a Z-pinch.

In the case of a strong aurora involving many tens of megaamperes of current, most of the funnel would be visible in light emission and the individual filaments and vortices strongly visible. In a narrow field-of-view, the light-emitting filaments would appear as “dots” or “elongated dots” and filamentary strands. This geometry would predominate if the charged particle outflow from the sun were to increase an order of magnitude or more for an appreciable length of time. 1 In addition, portions of the magnetosphere and its tail would also be visible [12].

Fig. 4 is a graphic depiction of an intense auroral funnel. The thin outer plasma has filamented into small diameter plasma currents and inner plasma sheets and core. The upper part of the funnel has either a diamond, mottled, or cellular structure, while the incoming part of the funnel consists (looking up) of concentrics of dots and cylinders. The instabilities that occur in the mid to bottom part of the funnel will be a topic of study in this paper.

For an intense aurora, the converging filaments are seen not only as dots, but also as dots connected to the visible converging filaments at higher altitude. We shall delineate the aurora plasma sheet into two parts, the upper funnel or inflow region and the lower plasma sheet and solid columns.
