Bob Gimline インタビュー(by John Green) : 文字起こし+和訳
Bigfoot 探求者の John Green が Bob Gimlin にインタビューした時の会話の書き残し記録が見つかった。音声はない。動画ではそれを読み上げている。




Patterson- Gimlin Film * RARE * Interview Found! #Bigfootsighting
27,300 views 2023/11/19
A RARE interview between John Green and Bob Gimlin, one of the two men present during the Bigfoot Sighting and Recording of the Patterson-Gimlin Film. Bob Gimlin gives a lot of info about their encounter with Bigfoot in 1967, some of it CONTRARY to what is considered to be publicly accepted about the incident. The Patterson Gimlin Film is the most convincing evidence for the existence of Bigfoot ever, and you'll be blown away by what he reveals. Don't miss this exclusive and rare interview, and let me know what you think in the comments. Subscribe for more Bigfoot videos!
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
▼和訳 展開
パターソン・ギムリン監督作品。ほとんどの人が知っている。しかし、これからするインタビューは、ほとんど誰も聞いたことがない。次はその詳細だ。 ウィルスター・モンスターズ&ミステリーズへようこそ。今日 はとても特別なお話があります。ほとんど誰も聞いたことのないボブ・ギムリンのインタビューに出くわしたんだ。おそらくこれを聞いたことがあるのは、サスカッチの調査者か研究者くらいだろう。 (0:01:06)
しかしそうは言っても、何人かに連絡を取ってみたが、彼らはこの話を聞いたことがなかった。もし彼らが聞いたことがないのなら、きっとあなたも聞いたことがないでしょう。このインタビューはジョン・グリーンによって行われた。このインタビューはジョン・グリーンによって行われました。信じてください、おそらくあなたが聞いたこともないような詳細がたくさん書かれています。 (0:01:25)
さて、このインタビューは、信者でない人たちに、ほら、言ったとおりだろう、と言わせることになるだろう。しかし、心配はいらない。しかし、心配は無用だ。次のビデオでは、この新情報について話し、この映画について私の意見を述べる。でも今日のところは、インタビューを先に進めて、皆さんに決めていただこうと思っています。 (0:01:44)
インタビューでは、1967年10月20日に起こったとされる出来事が語られる。ボブ・ギムリンが語る。ギムリンは物腰柔らかく、彼とロジャー・パターソンがカリフォルニア州ブラフ・クリークでサスカッチに遭遇したとされる出来事を静かに語る。 ビッグフットの歴史家や信奉者なら、ギムリンの証言は何世代にもわたって見直す価値があると思うはずだ。 (0:02:36)
ジョン・グリーンのインタビューが始まる。ワシントン州ヤキマの自宅でボブ・ギムリンと話すジョン・グリーン。これはボブと彼の友人ロジャー・パターソンが25年前に北カリフォルニアで作った映画に関するものだ。でも、それよりも少し前の話から始めましょう。ロジャーとは長い付き合いですよね?ええ、ロジャーとは1960年代の初めに知り合いました。ロジャーと知り合ったのは1958年から1959年頃。では、彼がビッグフットに興味を持つ前のことですね?そうです。彼がビッグフットのことを私に話し始めたのがいつだったのか、正確には思い出せませんが、おそらく60年代の初めだったと思います。彼と一緒にビッグフットについて調べたことはありますか?はい、ロジャーと私は何度もいろいろな地域に出かけました。セントヘレンズ山周辺や、実はこの辺りにも、ビッグフットを目撃したという人がいて、ヤキマの近くのカワチキャニオン、ここから20マイルほど離れたところです。 (0:03:29)
私はロジャーと一緒にその調査に行った。ロジャーと私は馬に乗って、ヤキマの近くのカワチ渓谷に行ったんだ。ロジャーと私は、当時私が馬の調教をしていたこともあって、山でよく馬に乗った。 (0:03:43)
もちろん、私は山でよく乗馬をしたし、ロジャーも一緒に行って、テープを聞かせてくれたり、クリーチャーについて話してくれたりした。当時の私は懐疑的だった。ロジャーの考えや彼の知識は信頼していたけれど、彼らが存在するとはあまり確信していなかった。どうし てカリフォルニアに行くことになったのですか?まあ、ロジャーと私はセントヘレンズ山周辺に行ったことがあったんだけど、そこから戻ってきたときに、道路を走って、溶岩洞窟やいろいろなものを見て回ったんだ。 (0:04:10)
さて、ここで少し話を戻そう。それは8月の終わりから9月の初めにかけてのことだった。私たちがヤキマに戻ったとき、カリフォルニアの誰かがロジャーの妻に電話をかけてきて、彼らがブラフ・クリーク地域に伐採道路を建設するために押し戻した新しい道路で、足跡を目撃したというメッセージを残していったんだ。 (0:04:29)
ロジャーはすぐに出発したかった。それがあの地域に行った理由です。ロジャーは普段からムービーカメラを持っていたんですか?ええ、私が覚えている限りでは、ほとんどの場合、彼はカメラを持っていました。私はあまりカメラに詳しくはなかったのですが、ロジャーはカメラを持っていましたし、その前に彼はこの辺りで男と仕事をしていて、その時にカメラを手に入れたんです。 (0:04:51)
彼がカメラを持っているのは知っていた。彼はいつも馬の鞍袋に入れていた。カリフォルニアに行ったとき、そこで過ごす時間は決まっていたのですか?そうだね。当時は建設関係の仕事をしていて、仕事の合間だったから、正確にはわからなかったんだ。 (0:05:07)
だから、休みを取ってカリフォルニアに行けると言ったんだ。彼と一緒にそこに滞在する予定だった正確な時間は思い出せないが、滞在する予定よりも長く滞在した。実際、予定より1週間も長く滞在したんだ。どのくらい滞在していたのですか? (0:05:16)
合計3週間はいたと思 う。どんな車で?1トントラックに馬用のバンをつけて、動物や道具を運んでいました。もちろん、滞在に必要な物資はすべて持って行った。干し草も、穀物も、自分たちの食料も。一度そこに入ったら、町には出なかったからね。 (0:05:40)
馬は何頭いましたか?鞍馬が2頭、荷馬が1頭。私が鞍馬で、ロジャーが鞍馬だった。もちろん、小さな荷馬も一緒だった。アル・ザ・アトレイの役割は?まあ、アルはロジャー・パターソンの義理の兄で、ロジャーがこれらの場所に行くのに必要な経費を金銭的に援助してくれた。彼は、ロジャーがこうした場所に行くのに必要な経費の一部を私に援助してくれることになっていた。 (0:06:03)
つまり、あなたがトラックと...そう、燃料と自分の馬と食料を提供してくれたんですね。ロジャーが使った費用は、私と折半するというのが、調査に出発する時の取り決めでした。アルがロジャーを支援したのは、ロジャーがその当時、仕事を持っていなかったからだ。 つまり、彼はロジャーにだけ融資したのですか?あなたの分には融資しなかったのですか?いいえ、彼は私の分の資金を全く出してくれませんでした。 (0:06:34)
私は自分の馬、自分の道具、自分の食料を持っていた。誰かがサポートしてくれるとは思っていなかった。でも、燃料代やトラックの経費の一部を出してもらえたらよかったんだけどね。では、かなり最近に足跡が目撃されたという地域に行ったのですね?そう、私たちがそこに着く直前までね。 (0:06:49)
レイバーデーの週末を休んで、その火曜日に足跡を目撃したんだ。西海岸は雨が降り始めていた。私たちが現地に到着した時には、この足跡は3つの異なる大きさで、私の知る限りでは泥の塊になっていた。石膏で型を取ることもできなかった。その特定の足跡のために、あなたがそこに行ったとは知りませんでした。 (0:07:09)
そう、それがあのエリアに行った理由なんだ。私は仕事に戻らなければならなかったので、あそこに行くことにあまり気が進まなかった。でもロジャーは、あの辺りの連中はかなり優秀だと言い続けていた。 彼がここに呼んだ男の名前は覚えていない。たぶんアル・ホジソン?そう、アル・ホジソンだ。でも、他にもロジャーと話した人がいましたよ。 (0:07:31)
森林局で働いていた人。シル・マッコイだったかな?ええ、確かそんな名前だったと思います。そう、マッコイ、そんな名前だった。もちろん、このあたりでは、家内が家事をこなせるように準備するのに時間がかかったよ。当時は動物を飼っていたから、そんなに長く留守にするために餌をやったり、世話をしたりすることができたからね。 (0:07:47)
なぜかというと、家内が家畜の世話ができるように準備しなければならなかったからだ。というのも、私はその場にいて、あなたがおっしゃるような足跡を見たからです。私がそこにいたとき、アル・ホジソンはロジャーを待っていると言っていた。もしかしたら、その時にはもう電話していたのかもしれませんね。そうかもしれない。私は、ロジャーはその前にすでに旅行の計画を立てていたということだと解釈しました。 (0:08:10)
彼がその電話の前に旅行を計画していたかどうかは覚えていません。実際、彼はしていなかったと思います。さっきも言ったように、私たちはセントヘレンズ山周 辺にいて、ここに戻ってきたときには、2週間後には仕事に戻るつもりだった。それからまたロジャーと話したんだ。 (0:08:24)
僕たちは仕事の合間のようなものだから、2週間くらい休んでもいいと言ったんだ。それが主に私が行った理由。ロジャーも一緒に行ったんだ。 (0:08:29)
それで、現地に着いたら何をしたんですか?もちろん、まずキャンプを張った。それから道路を走るんだ。ブルドーザーとかで道路を整備しているときに、その作業が終わると、すぐにそのエリアまで行って、足跡を探したりしたんだ。 (0:08:48)
それから、道路を走れるようにするために、機材が道路から離れたら1トンピックアップに乗るんだ。夜道をゆっくり走って、道路を横切る足跡を探した。もちろん、昼間は道路を走ることはできなかった。 (0:09:01)
いくつかの地域では伐採が始まっていて、伐採トラックがそこから降りてくるようになっていた。私たちは限られた時間の中で、できる限り多くの距離を走った。キャンプに戻らなければならないほど遠くまでしか行けなかった。キャンプに戻って、夜間はトラックで道を走ったけどね。 (0:09:15)
この日は何があったんですか?フィルムの映像を撮った日、私は朝早く出て、ロジャーは寝坊した。 私はただ外を走り回った。いつも早起きしていたから、そのまま出かけたんだ。馬が靴を緩めてしまったから、靴をきつく履かせるために戻ってきたんだ。 (0:09:32)
午前中の10時くらいに、私が戻った時にはロジャーがいなかったので、少しの間その辺に座っていました。おそらく、彼はブラフ・クリークに行ったんだと思う。しばらくして彼が戻ってき て、その朝、私がどの辺りをカバーしたのか聞いてきた。 私がそのことを話すと、彼は以前走ったことのある、峡谷をいくつか下った荒涼とした地域に行かないかと言った。 (0:09:53)
そこには小川が流れている。そして彼は、走り出すときに必要なら泊まれるし、必要なら夜までもう少し長く泊まれるように、荷物をまとめよう、と言った。荷馬車に荷物を詰め込み、この小川のカーブを曲がったのは正午過ぎだった。 (0:10:12)
倒れた木があって、それを回り込むと、小川のそばにこの生き物が立っていた。そのときからすべてが始まった。馬が飛び跳ね、悪魔のような声を上げ、この生き物に怯え始めたんだ。ロジャーは、馬が体を起こして飛び跳ねている間に馬から滑り落ち、鞍袋からカメラを取り出して、この生き物が歩き去るところを写真に撮ろうとし始めた。 (0:10:33)
ご覧いただいているフィルム映像は、私たちが写真を撮るために撮影した数秒間のうちの、その特定の目撃から得られたものです。そしてロジャーはカメラのフィルムを使い果たした。ロジャーがフィルムを使い果たした理由は、私たちがあそこまで走っている間、ただ時間をかけてふざけていたからです。 (0:10:47)
その年は秋で、カエデの木が紅葉していて、ちょっときれいで、ロジャーは私が渓谷を走っているところを撮ったり、木々の写真を撮ったり、周辺の写真を撮ったりしていました。だから、このようなことが起こったとき、残念ながら、彼のカメラにはあまりフィルムが残っていなかったんだ。もちろん、よりよく見るために、より近くでその生き物を見るために、そしてもっと写真を撮るために、彼は小川を渡って走っていたので、一部はちょっとぼやけている。 (0:11:10)
フィルムを使い果たした時、当然、フィルムを交換するためにポンチョの下に潜らなければならないような古いカメラだった。彼の馬と荷馬を捕まえに行ったんだ。私は馬を常に連れていた。 (0:11:25)
そこで私たちは彼の馬を捕まえ、鞍袋から新しいフィルムを取り出し、彼は古いポンチョの下に入ってフィルムを交換した。それから、その生き物を最後に見た場所から上へ追跡しようとしたが、あまりうまくいかなかった。午後も遅くなってきた。あの地域、あの時期、日が落ちるのは3時半か4時くらいだ。戻って足跡の石膏型を取り、それから街に出て、何かフィルムに残っていないか確かめたかったんだ。 (0:11:50)
ロジャーが砂州でつまずいて転んだり、立ち上がって走り出したりしたことで、私たちは確信が持てなかった。その時点では、フィルムに何かあるという考えすらなかった。実際、何も持っているかどうかはまったく疑問だった。その日のうちにキャスティングしたのですか?そうです。 (0:12:05)
実際、その日の午後でした。トラックをキャスティングし、トラックをキャスティングするためのさまざまな取引を済ませる頃には、夜も遅くなっていました。トラックに戻り、馬に餌を与えて繋いだ頃には、もう日が暮れかけていた。アルの店で街に出る頃には、すっかり暗くなっていた。 (0:12:21)
8時半か9時だったと思う。ロジャーの義理の弟のアルにフィルムを郵送して、現像してもらって、フィルムに本当に何か写っているかどうか確かめたんだ。 (0:12:29)
さて、線路のキャスティングに少し戻 ります。私は大きな馬に乗った。私が乗っていた馬は1,200ポンドから1,300ポンドくらいでした。私は彼の新しいフィルムをカメラに収め、線路の脇を走らせた。ロジャーは、生き物の足跡と比較して、馬の足跡が土の中にどれだけ深く残っているかを写真に撮った。 (0:12:52)
それから私は切り株の上に立ち上がり、およそ3〜4フィートあったよ。測ったんだ。とにかく、ヒールの高いカウボーイブーツで、できるだけ足跡に近いところから飛び降りたんだ。ヒールの高いカウボーイ・ブーツを履いた私の足跡が、同じ土にどれだけ深く食い込んだかを説明するために、その写真を撮ったんだ。 (0:13:07)
そしてその時、私の体重は165キロでした。これらはすべて、現場を離れる前にやったことだ。もちろん、戻ってきたその夜は、それを見ただけでかなり興奮していたからね。そして、朝の12時半か1時まで、みんなでそこに座ってその話をしていた。午前5時半くらいに雨が降り始めて、土砂降りの雨になった。 (0:13:29)
するとロジャーは、ああ、雨はやむだろう。そこでロジャーが言った。私は、いや、先に行って、あそこまで走って行くつもりだ、と言った。前の晩にアルの店から段ボール箱を2つほどもらってきて、トラックを覆っておいたんだ。それで外に出て、折りたたんであった段ボールを取ろうとしたら、ただのグチャグチャの古い段ボールだった。 (0:13:58)
それを持ち帰るのは無視した。それで現場まで戻って、木の皮を何 枚か引き剥がし、できる限り足跡を隠してキャンプに戻った。そのころになっても雨はやむ気配がなかった。
、幹線道路に出るにはトラックで渡らなければならないクリークの側にいた。私は、トラックでクリークを渡って、外に出てみようと言った。 そしてもちろん、ロジャーは雨がやむと思っていた。そして彼は、彼をそこに置いて、また迎えに来ようと言った。 (0:14:32)
その間に、カナダのトラックドッグの人たちに電話して、彼らが来ることになっていたんだ。あなたやグリーンさん、レニー・デヘンドレンにも電話したと思います。いつからそうなったのかは定かではありませんが、最後に見た場所から山を通って追跡できるかどうか確認するために、カナダのトラックドッグの人たちに連絡をして、来てもらうことになったのは覚えています。 (0:14:52)
電話をくれたのはBC州の博物館だったと思う。そうだったかな?どうだったかはよく覚えていない。博物館の人が9月の初めに私と一緒に降りてきて、私がそこにいた後に降りてきて、線路がそこにあると言ったんだ。 (0:15:09)
そうだったんですか?そうか。その一連の流れがどうなったのか、正確には覚えていないんだ。そうですね。彼から映画のことを聞いたんだ。美術館に電話があったんだろう。そうでしょうね。ええ。ロジャーはそんなことしなかった。アルだと思う。ロジャーは電話について彼に話したと思う。 (0:15:24)
まあ、彼らはそれについて話していましたが、私はその場にいませんでした。あなたのキャンプから、この場所までどのくらい距離があったんですか?あなたが撮影した線路の深さを比較した動画は、ブリティッシュ・コロンビア大学で上映されたものですね。そうです。ブリティッシュコロンビアで上映されたものです。それ以来、そのムービーがほとんど行方不明になっていることはご存知ですか?はい、知っています。 (0:15:52)
ロジャーが亡くなる前に尋ねたところ、アルがどこかに持っているという返事でした。正確な場所は教えてくれませんでしたが、アルがそのフィルムをどこかに持っていると言っていました。もちろん、私はアルにそのことを尋ねたが、彼はそれを持っていることも、存在したことも否定した。私はその存在を知っていたし、ロジャーもその存在を知っていたからです。 (0:16:08)
ブリティッシュ・コロンビア大学の人たちもみんなそうでした。その通りだ。なぜフィルムが消えたのか?私にはわからない。そしておそらく私たちも知ることはないだろう。 (0:16:15)
まるでアルがなくしたか、売ったかのように聞こえる。どうなったかは誰にもわからない。まあ、もし売られていたら、いつかは縫うことになっただろう。まあ、アルとロジャーはあの後、あのフィルムを持ってツアーを回ったし、あの頃何があったかはわからない。もちろん、ロジャーはアメリカン・ナショナルと何らかの契約を結んでいたようですが、それは知りませんでした。 (0:16:37)
その深さや、そこで何が起こったのか、正確には知ることができなかった。でもね、レネ・デヘンドレンと私は、フィルムそのものの使用契約を最初に結んだんだ。アルはシアトルにクリーチャーのフィルムと、ロジャーが撮影した滝や木々、その他いろいろなものの映像を大量に持ってきた。 足跡フィルムはそこにあるはずだったが、なかった。同じフィルムにあるはずだったんですか?
じゃあ違うフィルムだったんですか?まあ、彼が小さな箱をたくさん持ってきたのか、それともこのフィルムがすでにスプライスされていたのか、今となっては覚えていない。ええ、わかります?とにかく、足跡フィルムがあると思って見せたんだけど、なかったんだ。そう、私はムービーカメラやフィルムの継ぎ足しや、そういうことをよく知らなかったから、誰がフィルムを見せても、継ぎ足しを見抜くことはできなかっただろう。 (0:17:26)
みんな見たんだよ。もちろん、クリーチャーのフィルム映像はそれほど良いものではなかったが、他のフィルム映像は地味だった。太陽光の時間帯に撮られたもので、いいフィルムだと思った。あなたたちがどう思ったかは知らないけれど、私はなかなかいいフィルムだと思った。そうそう、確か一度しか見ていないけど、完璧にクリアだったと思う。 (0:17:45)
まあ、君たちと同じ時期に見たんだけどね。当時起こったことをすべて覚えているわけではないんだ。もちろん、当時はいろいろな憶測が飛び交っていて、ロジャーとアルは大きなドルサインを目にしていたんだ。彼らはあっちへ行ったりこっちへ行ったりしていた。まあ、あの映画ではたくさん旅をしたよ。 たくさんのお金がかかった。 (0:18:04)
もちろん、アルゴジーはその時ある記事を買った。1967年の秋だったと思います。その後、アルとロジャーは映画を持って旅をし、多少プロモーションをしました。その頃、私は収入がなかったので仕事に戻った。 彼らは私を映画から完 全に切り捨てたんだ。 (0:18:19)
、ロジャーが亡くなってからも、この映画から権利を得るために裁判を起こさなければならなかった。でもパターソンさんの弁護士と彼女の間では、私がこの映画にまったく関心を持っていないことを認めないという取り決めだったんだ。 (0:18:34)
一時は、お金が入ってくるのであれば、私はすべての出来事の3分の1のパートナーになるはずだった。でも、そのすべてが映画そのものを変えてしまった。今となっては、アルはそれを失ったのかもしれない。ロジャーと私が競馬場、私の長靴の跡、馬などを撮影したフィルム映像がどうなったのか、本当に知らないんだ。 (0:18:53)
サスカッチの足跡と比べて、馬の足跡はどれくらい深かったか覚えていますか?馬の足跡は、もちろんサスカッチの足跡ほど深くはなかった。 (0:18:58)
蹄跡の面積。馬の蹄跡の大きさをご存じなら。この馬が履いていた靴のサイズは1号で、前足に履いていた1号の靴の直径は6インチとまではいかないが、おそらく5インチといったところだろう。 後ろ足はもう少し小さい。サイズ1を切り詰めたものだった。 (0:19:39)
もちろん馬にも乗った。私の体重と馬の体重、それに鞍と馬具、馬に乗せたもの全部を足したんだ。総重量は1,400ポンドくらいあったかな。切り株から飛び降りたときは?ヒールの高いブーツを履いて切り株から 飛び降りたとき、その足跡は生き物の足跡と同じくらい深くついた。 (0:19:55)
実際に測ったわけではない。定規もなかった。ただ写真を撮っただけです。フィルムを見て、深さが生き物の足跡ほど深くないことを判断することで、実際に深さをよりよく知ることができました。両者は正確に並んでいたわけでもない。私の足跡とクリーチャーの足跡の間には、おそらく2、3フィートの距離があった。 (0:20:19)
しかし、土はほとんど同じだった。その土はすべて、1年前の洪水で流れ込んだものだった。土には多少の違いがあったかもしれない。私たちはそこまで深入りしなかった。私たちはかなり興奮していたし、暗くなる前に終わらせなければならないという時間的な要素もあった。 (0:20:33)
あなたが線路の周りを歩いた時、あのムービーを撮った時、あなたのブーツの跡も映っていましたよね? そうですね。できるだけ線路に近づかないように、かなり歩いたよ。 それでも近くにいたんですか?そうそう、ただ歩いただけ。
生き物の足跡と同じくらい深く、かなりの量があった。最初にクリーチャーを見たときのことに戻ります。それはどのようにして視界に入ったのですか?私たちが最初に見たときのことですか、ジョン?そうだ 角を曲がって来たのか?それとも遠くから見たのか?いや、正確には角じゃなかった。 (0:21:11)
曲がり角を曲がったんだ。小川の底を走っていたんだ。小川のカーブを曲がったとき、そいつは小川と並んで直立していた。最初にそれを見たとき、私たちはそこから60~80フィートほど離れていた。 (0:21:26)
それから時間が経つにつれて、私たちはその物から違う距離にいた。ある時、私が馬に乗って小川を渡り、馬から降りた時には、おそらく60フィート近くまで近づいていた。ロジャーが小川を走って渡ると、そいつはすぐに歩き出した。その後、馬が驚いて騒ぎ出すと、その生き物はそのまま立ち去った。 (0:21:42)
最初に見たときは立っていたんですか?最初に見たときは、小川の端に立っていました。端に?小川の端にね。でも完全に直立してた? (0:21:54)
完全に直立していた。馬はどうしたんですか?そうですね、ロジャーが前にいて、彼の馬がくるっと回って戻ってこようとしたんです。私は彼の後ろに乗っていて、大きな馬で群れの馬を先導していた。私の馬はちょっと不気味だったけど、ロジャーの馬ほどじゃなかった。ロジャーの馬は不気味な小さな馬だった。 (0:22:18)
もちろん若い馬だった。私が乗っていた馬は年老いた牛馬で、ロープでつながれ、いろいろなことに使われていた。ロジャーの馬はいろいろな発作を起こし、ロジャーが馬から降りると、その馬は走り去り、群れの馬は私から自由になって、来た道を戻って走り去った。 (0:22:35)
ロジャーの馬は腰を抜かしましたか?いいえ、決して腰を振りませんでした。ただ後ずさりして飛び跳ねただけだった。彼の馬は私の前にいて、もちろんそのとき私は彼をまっすぐ見ていなかった。ほんの2、3拍子の出来事だったよ。本当にあっという間だった。でも、ロジャーの馬は倒れなかった?いや、倒れなかった。 (0:22:51)
ただ後ずさりしただけです。ロジャーの馬が倒れたと言われていますが。いや、彼の馬は倒れなかった。なるほど、それは興味深い。では 、彼は馬に乗ったままカメラを手にしたのですか?はい、馬から降りるときに。 (0:23:10)
よく聞かれるんですが、ロジャーの俊敏さを知らないんでしょうね。彼はとてつもないアスリートだった。ロジャーはとてつもない敏捷性を持っていた。彼はロデオライダーだった。体操もやっていたし、ロジャーが乗っていたのもフルサイズの馬ではなかった。 ポニーのような小さな馬だった。 (0:23:27)
ああ、そういう小さな馬を見たことがあるよ。彼はよくフォルクスワーゲンのバスで馬を運んでいた。ええ、フォルクスワーゲンのバスに2頭乗せてね。ロジャーがこの馬に乗っていたのは、乗り降りが楽だったからなんだ。だから馬から降りるときは、いつもサドルバッグを用意していたんだ。 (0:23:44)
そのサドルバッグには、バックルを下げておくためのフラップが2つ付いていた。急いでカメラが必要になったときに取り出せるように、彼は片方をバックル留め、片方をバックルなしにしていた。サドルバッグからカメラを取り出す練習を?ああ、何度もね。 (0:24:02)
そうです。万が一カメラを取り出さなければならなくなったとき、片方のバックルは乗馬中に飛び出さないようにつけておき、もう片方は急いで取り出せるように緩めておくというのが彼の持論だった。ロジャーは銃を持っていましたか? ええ、ロジャーは鞍の鞘に303口径のイギリス製ライフル銃、私は鞍の鞘に30口径のライフル銃を持っていました。このような生き物を見かけるとは思っていませんでしたか?いや、確かになかった。ロジャーもそうだったと思う。 (0:24:31)
山に行くときはいつもライフルを携帯していた。少なくとも私はいつもそうだったし、ロジャーもそうだったと思う。このような生き物を見かけたら撃つかどうか、話し合ったことはありますか?ええ、何度も。話し合ったことはあったけど、必要なとき以外は絶対に撃たないって決めたんだ。 (0:24:48)
つまり、凶暴だったり、私たちを攻撃しようとしたり、そういうことがない限りはね。ロジャーが馬から降りて、カメラを持って生き物のところへ走っていったとき、あなたはどうしましたか?ロジャーはカメラを取り出しながら、援護してくれと言った。 (0:25:04)
それが何を意味するのか理解できないなら、彼は何か起こったときのためにカメラを手に持っていただけで、何も守っていなかったということだ。私がしたことは、小川を渡ってライフル銃を鞘から抜き、馬から降りてライフル銃を持ってただそこに立っていた。ライフルを撃つように構えたりすることはなく、ただ手に持って、もう片方の手で馬が私から離れないように押さえたんだ。 (0:25:25)
では、生き物に銃を向けたことはなかったのですね?いいえ、決して。ライフルを生物に向けてはいない。その生き物が威嚇していると感じたことはありましたか?いいえ、ずっと歩き続けていました。振り返って、ロジャーと私を1度ずつ見た。最初に振り返って見たのは、私が小川を走って渡ったときだった。私はその右後方にいたが、その時、頭を1回転させた。 (0:25:46)
その後、ロジャーが丸太の上に身を移し、一度はカメラを安定させ、より良い景色と良い写真を撮るために別の位置に走ったとき、その生き物は2度目に頭を回し、私はそれがロジャーを見ていると思った。フィルム を見ると、このようなことはすべてものすごい速さで起こるし、私は馬とライフルを同時に持ちながら、クリーチャーとロジャーから目を離さないようにしていたから、クリーチャーが私を見ているのか、ロジャーを見ているのか判断できなかった。当時から映画で観たものと比べて、今、自分が観たものについての心象はありますか?それほど変わっていないと思います。 (0:26:22)
はい、あの日本当に起こったことの心象は今でも持っています。長年見落としていたことや忘れていたこともいくつかあるかもしれませんが、基本的には、その日の時間帯や物事の動き、私たちが何をしたかということは、今でもかなり頭の中に残っています。 (0:26:32)
興奮していたとはいえ、そういうことは決して忘れないものだから。最初に見たとき、どのくらいの大きさだと思いましたか?身長は6フィート半くらいで、体重は250ポンドから300ポンドくらいだと思った。ものすごい筋肉の塊だった。 (0:26:54)
もちろん、これはその時の推測です。私はそのようなものを見慣れない。クォーターホースの筋肉の量と比較して体重を推測しただけです。その生き物を初めて見たとき、私たちは馬の背に上がっていたので、背丈はクォーターホースと同じくらいでした。 (0:27:09)
そのため、実際ほど背が高く見えなかったのだろう。私が乗っていた馬は16手の馬だった。馬の背は16センチ。私の馬の身長は16手+鞍。つまり、馬の高さはおよそ16手半ということになる。もちろん、そこに座っている私の目線の高さは約9フィート(約1.6メートル)だった。 (0:27:27)
つまり、実際には9フィート(約1.6メートル)以下 の高さのものは下を向いていたことになる。オスかメスかは明らかでしたか? メスのように見えたけど、見たことはなかった。
君にはどんな色に見えた?濃い茶色、茶色っぽい色でした。では、映画で見るほど暗くはなかったのですか?いや、映画で見るほど黒くはなかった。日焼けとは程遠いけど、映画で見るような濃い茶色ではなかった。 (0:28:22)
唇は?唇があったことと、歯が見えたこと以外、唇がどんなだったかよく覚えていません。目は大きかったが、馬や牛のような大きな丸い目ではなかった。顔の毛は短かった。頬のあたりと顔の横の毛は少なかった。 (0:28:56)
私が覚えているのは、顔の毛が少なかったということだけです。では、肌の色は?茶色がかった肌だったような気がする。手で何かしていた?つまり......映画ではただスイングしていたということだよ。ジョン、私が見たのはそれだけだ。腕を振り上げたりはしなかった。 (0:29:18)
ただ私たちから離れるようにタイトな動きで歩き、人間のように腕を振っていた。私の記憶では、手は顔と同じ ような色をしていた。足の裏はかなり薄い色に見えたが、砂のせいかもしれない。そうだと思うよ、ジョン。砂は白い砂ではなかった。 (0:29:34)
その生き物が歩いたのは、ちょっとおかしなタイプの土で、薄い色の土だった。その土の色を覚えていると思うのですが。ああ、覚えているよ。その土はかなり明るい色をしていて、フィルムの映像で足の裏が明るく見えるのはそのせいかもしれない。映画では、映像が止まっても、まだ土は消えていないんだ。大きな山の向こうに消えようとしているように見えるから......切り株か、何かの木の山のように見えるね。 (0:30:00)
ロジャーがフィルムを使い果たした時、フィルムは消えていなかった。たぶん、ロジャーがいた場所の半分どころか、さらに30ヤードか40ヤードくらい先まで行ったと思う。洪水で木が何本か倒れていたんだろう。その辺りには倒木やいろいろなものがたくさんあった。 (0:30:20)
それからその生き物が少し上まで姿を消した時、なぜ私はその生き物を追いかけたかったのか。もちろんロジャーは後を追いたくなかった。なぜなら彼は歩いていて、そこに取り残されたくなかったからだ。 (0:30:24)
私たちは他に二人いる可能性があると考えました。その時は、それが上の方に足跡をつけたうちの一人なのかどうかはわからなかった。ロジャーは少し動揺していたので、馬を捕まえてカメラにもっとフィルムを入れようとした。馬を捕まえ、群れの馬も捕まえて縛り上げるのに、かなり時間がかかった。 (0:30:42)
それから私たちは生き物を追って走った。もっと多くの足跡を見ることができるか、あるいはまたこの生き物に会 えるかもしれないと思った。でも、砂利の中や小川の底に、その生き物が見えなくなったときに走ったかもしれない場所を示す擦れ跡を見たんだ。 (0:31:03)
歩幅は68〜72インチと測ったが、砂利に擦り傷があっただけで、正確とは言えなかった。 それから小川の底をかなり上まで追跡した。山へ登っていく途中、岩の上に濡れた半分の足跡が1つ見えた。 (0:31:18)
では、あなたが見た場所の先には足跡を示す砂はなかったのですか?いいえ、ほとんどは砂利でしたが、小川を横切ったところには砂と土がありました。 小川を渡ったところの岩に濡れた跡が残っていて、そこから丘のほうに上がっていった。ロジャーが写真を撮っている間、あなたはロジャーよりも近くにいたのですか?はい、そうです。 (0:31:40)
私が小川を渡って馬から降りた時、その時カメラを持っていたロジャーよりも近かった。私は生き物のかなり近くまで行った。ロジャーはその時カメラのレンズを通して見ていたので、あまり見ていなかったのですか?そうだね。その夜キャンプに戻ってから、そのことを話したんだ。 (0:32:00)
何時間も起きてその話をした。それぞれが見たものについてね。私はその生き物について見たけど、ロジャーは見なかったものがあった。もちろん、彼はカメラを通して見ていたから、あまりよく見えなかったんだけどね。馬から降りたとき、それはどのくらいの大きさに見えたのですか? 正直に言うと、その時は大きさなんて考えもしなかったよ。 (0:32:20)
大きかったけど、高さとか重さとかは全く考えなかった。その時私の頭にあったのはそのことだけだった。この生き物は私たちにとって何の脅威でもないと。何が起こるかわからないし、歩いていたくなかったから。 (0:32:41)
だから馬に戻れることはわかっていたし、もしそうしなければならなかったら、そうするかもしれない。まあ、もしそうしなければならなかったらね。もし撃たなければならなくて、それで倒れなかったら、馬に乗ってそこから逃げられる。ロジャーは自分で何とかするしかない。 (0:32:53)
私は臆病者ではないが、この生き物が凶暴化したら、私はその場に留まるつもりはなかった。だからライフルを手に持ち、馬をコントロールすることに集中したんだ。ボブはもちろん、これはある種の仮面劇だったという意見が広まっている。このフィルムには、もちろん、ある種のぼかしと、生き物自体の露出不足があります。 (0:33:15)
例えば顔が見えない。あなたはそれよりもずっとよく見ていますね。どんな印象を受けましたか?私の印象は、生き物がいて、それがスーツを着た男だとは感じないということです。もしスーツを着た男だったら、どうやってあの場所に戻したのかわからない。 (0:33:36)
この話は何度も聞いたし、考えた。一時は、このフィルムが出回り、批判する人たちばかりで、自分でもよくわからなくなりそうだった。でも何年も考えてみて、あれはスーツを着た男ではなかったと確信したんだ。 顔を見たんだ。 (0:33:52)
表情を見た。あの筋肉と腕と脚を見れば、スーツを着た男であるはずがない。それに、私はスーツを着た男と関わったことはない。 もしロジャーがそうだとしたら、私が撃たないことをどうやって知るというんだ?私の意見では、あの生き物はスーツを着た男 ではなかった。歩くときに筋肉が動くのが見えたのですか?はい、筋肉がはっきりと見えました。それが、これはスーツを着た人間ではないという私の意見の決め手の一つでした。 (0:34:16)
太もも、お尻、腕、肩......髪の毛の下ではっきりと動いているのが見えました。体重は馬よりずっと軽いはずなのに、足跡はもっと深かった。 どんな説明ができますか?最初に見たときの私の推定を聞いたんだろう?いやいや、でもああ、その後ということか。 (0:34:40)
まあ、ジョン神様......本当に知るすべはなかったんです。最初に見たとき、見た目より重いはずだとわかっていた。もちろん、馬の体重は4本の足に分散していると考えていたし、数学は苦手なんだけど、1400ポンドの馬を4本の足に分散させるとしたら、350ポンドから400ポンドくらいになる。 (0:34:56)
そうそう、私も同じことを同じゴリラにしてみたんだけど、そこにはかなり小柄なのにとてつもなく重いメスのゴリラがいた。ええ、ジョン・ロジャーがそう言っていました。その時は、それが何であれ、それほど興味はなかったよ。 (0:35:26)
結局、土の中にあんなに深い足跡をつけるには、体重はおそらく約500ポンドはあっただろう。 もちろん歩くときには、つま先の圧力で土を蹴散らしている。そうでなければ、馬よりも深い足跡をつけることはできない。その通りだ。 (0:35:44)
もし足を平らに置いたとしたら、それぞれの足の面積は馬の足の3本分にもなる。 その足跡を何らかの方法で転がさなければならない。そうだね。では、その瞬間まで馬場を見たことがなかったと?見たことがない。馬場を見たことがなかった その通りだ。そして、そのような動物がいるとはまったく思わなかったのですか?
本当に存在するとは思っていなかった。ロジャーには何か理由があるに違いないと思ったんです。彼は石膏像を見せてくれたし、見た人たちからいろいろな話を聞いた。だから、もしかしたら何かあるかもしれないとは思ったけど、基本的には信じていなかったんだ。存在する可能性があるとは思えなかった。 (0:36:26)
映画が公開された後も、多くの人がそんなものは存在しないと言ったし、いまだにそんなものは嘘っぱちだと言う人もいる。実際に見てみないと納得できない人は必ず一定数いる。実際に見たとき、動物を見ていることに何の疑いも持たなかったのですか?私の心には何の疑いもなかった。 (0:36:41)
よし、これでボブも納得するだろう。どうもありがとう。どういたしまして、ジョン。 (0:36:46)
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The Patterson Gimlin film. Most people are familiar with it. But the interview I'm about to give you, hardly anybody has ever heard it. Here are all the details, next. Welcome to Willstar Monsters and Mysteries. Today I have something very special. I have come across an interview with Bob Gimlin that hardly anybody has heard. The only type of people that probably have heard this are Sasquatch investigators or researchers. (0:01:06)
But having said that, I've reached out to some and they have not heard of it. So if they haven't heard of it, I'm sure you haven't either. This interview was conducted by John Green. I have the written transcript of it and I'm going to read it to you. And trust me, it fills in a lot of details that you probably never heard of. (0:01:25)
Now this interview is going to make the non-believers say, see, I told you so. And on the other hand, it's going to make the believers say, see, I told you so. But fear not, the next video I have coming is my breakdown of the film again, talking about this new information and giving you my opinion on the film. But for today, I'm just going to go ahead and give you the interview and let you guys make up your minds. (0:01:44)
Having said all that, if you're new to the channel, welcome. Go ahead and hit that subscribe button for me right now. Thank you very much. Everybody remember, if you like the video, make sure you hit that like button for me. It really does help. And stay tuned for that next video. It's going to be a doozy. This event took place in Gimlin's living room. (0:02:05)
The interview takes us through events alleged to have occurred on October 20th, 1967. As told by Bob Gimlin. Gimlin is soft-spoken as he quietly recounts the events that was alleged to have happened when he and Roger Patterson encountered a Sasquatch or Sasquatches at Bluff Creek, California. Bigfoot historians and devotees should find Gimlin's account worthy of review for generations to come. (0:02:36)
John Green begins the interview. This is John Green talking to Bob Gimlin in his home in Yakima, Washington. This is with regard to the movie that Bob and his friend Roger Patterson made 25 years ago in Northern California. But we'll start a little further back than that. You've known Roger for a long time, haven't you? Yes, I knew Roger in the early 1960s. I met Roger about 1958-1959. So that was before he got interested in Bigfoot? Yes. I can't recall just exactly when he did start talking to me about Bigfoot, but it was probably in the early 60s. Did you go out with him at all looking into this? Yes, Roger and I had gone out many times in different areas and over in the Mount St. Helens area and actually up in this area here because there was a fellow who said he sighted a Bigfoot right up here in Kawachi Canyon near Yakima, which is about 20 miles from here. (0:03:29)
I went up there with Roger on that investigation. Of course, we'd covered as many of them as we could when they'd call or somebody would give us a report on something that's happening in the area. Roger and I rode horseback in the mountains quite a bit because I was training the horses at the time. (0:03:43)
Of course, I rode a lot in the mountains and Roger would go along with me and he'd play tapes and talk to me about the creature. I was a skeptic in those days. I trusted Roger's thoughts and his knowledge, but I wasn't really convinced that they existed. How did you come to take this particular trip to California? Well, Roger and I had been over in the Mount St. Helens area riding the roads and just more or less going by the lava rock caves and things when we came back from there. (0:04:10)
Well, let's go back a little bit here. It started raining really heavy over there and this was in the last part of August and the first part of September. When we got back to the Yakima area, somebody in California had phoned Roger's wife and left a message that there had been tracks sighted on some new road that they had been pushing back into the Bluff Creek area that they were building logging roads into, you know. (0:04:29)
Roger wanted to leave right away. That is the reason why we went down to that area. Did Roger usually carry a movie camera with him? Yes, most of the time he had a camera that I can recall. I wasn't much on cameras, but Roger did have a camera and prior to that he had been working with a guy up in the area here and that's when he got the camera. (0:04:51)
I knew he had that camera. He usually kept it in his saddlebags on his horse. When you went to California, did you have some definite time you were going to spend there? Yes. Well, we didn't know exactly because I was working construction at the time and I was in between jobs. (0:05:07)
So I said, yes, I can take off and go down there. I cannot recall the exact amount of time I was going to stay down there with him, but we stayed longer than I'd planned on staying. In fact, we stayed a week longer than I planned. How long were you there? (0:05:16)
I think we were down there a total of three weeks. And what were you traveling with? I had a one ton truck with a horse van on it to haul the animals and all of our equipment. Of course, we took all of our supplies to stay as long as we needed to stay. The hay, the grain, our own food, because once we got in there, we never went into town. (0:05:40)
How many horses did you have? We had three horses, two saddle horses and a pack horse. I had a saddle horse and Roger had a saddle horse. And of course, we had a small pack horse along. What was Al the Atlay's role in this? Well, Al was Roger Patterson's brother-in-law and he backed Roger financially with whatever expenses it took Roger to go to these places. He was supposed to help me on some of the expenses, which I never did receive. (0:06:03)
So, you provided the truck and the... yeah, and the fuel, my own horse and my own food. The agreement when we left on any of these investigations was that whatever Roger spent, that he would split the expenses with me. Al was backing Roger because Roger did not have a job at the particular time. So, in fact, he only financed Roger? He didn't finance your share at all? No, he didn't finance my part of the trip at all. (0:06:34)
I had my own horse, my own equipment, my own food. I didn't expect somebody else to support me on that. But it would have been nice if I would have gotten part of the fuel pay paid and expenses on the truck. So, you went to an area where you heard tracks have been seen fairly recently? Yes, just prior to the time we had gotten there. (0:06:49)
They had sighted tracks on that Tuesday after being off over the Labor Day weekend. It had also started raining all up and down the west coast. By the time we got down there, these tracks supposedly were three different sizes and were just globs in mud as far as I was concerned. We couldn't get any plaster cast definition of them at all. I never realized you went down there for that specific set of tracks. (0:07:09)
Yes, that's the reason we went into that area. I wasn't real anxious to go down there because I needed to go back to work. But Roger kept saying these guys were pretty good down in that area. I can't remember the fellow's name that he called up here. Probably Al Hodgson? Yes, it was Al Hodgson. But there was somebody else who had talked to Roger too. (0:07:31)
A guy that worked for the Forest Service. Sil McCoy maybe? Yes, I think that was his name. Yeah, McCoy, something like that. Of course, it took me a while around here to get things ready so my wife could do my chores because I had animals at that time to be able to feed them and take care of them to be gone that long. (0:07:47)
Why, I had to make provisions for her to take care of the animals. That is interesting because I was there and saw those tracks you're referring to. And when I was there, Al Hodgson told me he was expecting Roger. Well, maybe he'd called him already by then. May have. I took that to mean that Roger already had a plan their trip before that. (0:08:10)
Well, I don't recall whether he had a trip planned prior to the call or not. In fact, I don't think he did. Like I said, we'd been in the Mount St. Helens area and when I came back here, I was going to go back to work in two weeks. Then I talked to Roger again. (0:08:24)
We said we were kind of in between jobs so we could take a couple weeks off. And that's mainly the reason why I went on down. And Roger went with me because it was my equipment. (0:08:29)
So what did you do when you got there? Well, first we set up camp, of course. Then the way we do it is just ride the roads. When these guys were working on the roads with bulldozers and everything, as quick as they'd quit working, we'd ride up in that area and search for tracks or whatever we'd run into. (0:08:48)
Then we would take the one-ton pickup when the equipment was off the road so we could drive the roads. We would drive the roads at night real slow looking for tracks crossing the road. Of course, in the daytime, we couldn't drive the roads because they were working on the roads up there. (0:09:01)
They had started logging in some of the areas and the logging trucks had started coming down from there. We covered as many miles as we could with the amount of time that we had. We could only go out so far that we had to go back to camp. I mean, we did ride back to camp and use the truck to drive the roads at nighttime. (0:09:15)
What happened on this particular day? The day we got the film footage, I left early in the morning and Roger slept in. I just rode out and around. I always got up early so I rode on out. My horse loosened a shoe and I came back in to tack the shoe on tighter. (0:09:32)
At about 10 o'clock mid-morning or so, I sat around there for a little while because Roger was gone when I got back. Supposedly, he had gone down to the Bluff Creek there and after a while he came back and asked what area I had covered in that morning. I told him and he says, why don't we ride up into this area we had ridden into before, a desolate type area down a couple of canyons. (0:09:53)
There's a creek running through it. So we went ahead and fixed lunch and he said, let's get our gear together so when we ride out, we can stay if we have to and stay a little bit longer into the night if we need to. We packed up the packhorse and it was about midday, perhaps a little bit after noontime, when we went around the bend in this creek bed. (0:10:12)
There was a fallen tree and as we came around it, there was this creature standing by the creek. That's when everything started happening. The horses started jumping around, raising the devil and spooking from this creature. Roger, while his horse was rearing up and jumping around, he slid off him, got his camera out of the saddlebags and started trying to get pictures of this creature as it was walking away. (0:10:33)
The film footage that you see is what was acquired from that particular sighting in the few seconds that we had filmed to take pictures with. And then Roger ran out of film in the camera. The reason for him running out of film was, as we were riding up there, we just took our time and fooled around. (0:10:47)
It was the fall of the year, the maple trees were turning red and it was kind of pretty and Roger was taking pictures of me riding up the canyons, pictures of the trees and photographing the surrounding areas. So when all this happened, he didn't have much film left in the camera, unfortunately. Of course, some of it is kind of blurry because he was running across the creek to get a better view, a closer view of the creature in a better way and to get more pictures of it. (0:11:10)
When he did run out of film, why naturally it was one of those old cameras that he had to get under a poncho to change the film. We went to catch his horse and the pack horse because I kept my horse under control. I had my horse with me all the time. (0:11:25)
So we caught his horse, got the new film out of the saddlebags, he got under his old poncho and changed the film around. Then we tried to track the creature on up from where we had last seen it, but we didn't have much luck doing it. Then we decided it was getting late in the afternoon. In that area, that time of year, the sun goes down about 3.30, 4 o'clock. We wanted to get back and take plaster casts of the tracks and then go on into town to see if we had anything on film. (0:11:50)
We weren't sure from Roger stumbling and falling down on the sandbar and getting up and running. We didn't even have an idea that we had anything at the film at that time. In fact, it was doubtful that we did have anything at all. So you cast the tracks the same day? Yes, we did. (0:12:05)
In fact, right that afternoon. By the time we got the tracks cast and the different deals that we did to cast the tracks done, it was getting late. It was almost dark by the time we got back down to the truck and got the horses fed and tied up. By the time we got into town at Al's store, it was good and dark. (0:12:21)
I imagine it was 8.30 or 9 o'clock. Then we went on over to, oh, whatever town that was, to mail the film up to Al, Roger's brother-in-law, so he could take it and get it developed to see if there was really anything on the film. (0:12:29)
Okay, I'll go back a little bit to the casting of the tracks. I rode the big horse. The horse that I was riding was around 1,200 to 1,300 pounds. I rode him alongside the tracks with his new film in the camera. Roger took pictures of how deep the horse's prints were in the soil compared to the creature's tracks. (0:12:52)
Then I got up on a stump, which was approximately three to four feet, you know. We did measure it, probably should have. Anyway, I jumped off with a high-heeled cowboy boot as close to the track as we could. Then we took pictures of that to illustrate the depth that my footprint went into the same dirt with a high-heeled cowboy boot. (0:13:07)
And at that time, I weighed 165 pounds. These were all things that we did prior to leaving the scene. And it was a thing we did because that night when we came back, of course, we were pretty excited about just seeing it. And we all sat there and talked about it until 1230 or one o'clock in the morning. Around 530 AM or so, it started raining and it was just pouring down rain. (0:13:29)
I told Roger we had better get up and do something about the tracks or they'd wash out. And he said no, that it would stop raining after a while. I went ahead and got up and put the saddle on my horse and decided I would ride up there while it was raining really hard. (0:13:43)
And Roger says, ah, it'll quit. Don't ride up there. I said, no, I'm going to go ahead and ride on up there. I had gotten a couple of cardboard boxes from Al's store to cover these tracks the night before. So when I went outside to get a couple of these boxes that were folded up out there, they were just soggy old pieces of cardboard. (0:13:58)
I disregarded taking those back up there. So I rode back up to the scene, pulled some bark off some trees and covered up the tracks as best as I could and went back to camp. By then we decided it wasn't going to quit raining. The little Creek that was six or seven feet across was now 10 or 12 feet across and four feet deep. (0:14:18)
We were on the side of the Creek, which had to be crossed with a truck to get out to the main road. I said, well, I'm going to go ahead and cross the Creek with a truck and get started out. And of course, Roger thought it would stop raining. And he suggested I leave him there and come back and pick him up. (0:14:32)
In the meantime, why, uh, they called the track dog people in Canada and they were supposed to come down. I think they also phoned you, Mr. Green and Renee DeHendren. I'm not sure when it all happened, but I do remember the people in Canada had been called with the track dogs to come on down to see if we could track it on up through the mountains from where we last saw it. (0:14:52)
I think it was the BC museum that was called because that was the people who phoned me. Was that it? Oh, I couldn't recall just exactly how that went. A man from the museum had come down with me at the beginning of September, come down after I was there and told him the tracks were there. (0:15:09)
Oh, was that it? Okay. Well, I didn't remember just exactly how those sequences happened. Yes. Well, it was from him that I learned of the movie. The call must have gone to the museum. Must have. Yeah. Well, Roger didn't do that. I think that was Al. I think Roger had talked to him about the calling. (0:15:24)
Well, they had talked about it, but I was not present at the time they did. About how far was it from your camp to where this, uh, oh, a calculated guess, I would think about four miles. That movie that you took comparing the depths of the tracks, that would be the one that you showed at the university of British Columbia. Yes. That is the one shown in British Columbia. Are you aware that that movie has been missing almost ever since? Yes, I am aware of that. (0:15:52)
I asked before Roger passed away and his reply was that Al had that somewhere. He didn't tell me exactly where he said that Al has the film in his possession somewhere. Of course, I asked Al about it and he denied having it and denied it ever existed. That seems strange to me because I knew it existed and Roger knew it existed. (0:16:08)
And so did all the people at the university of British Columbia. Exactly. See, so why the film disappeared? I'll never know. And probably we'll never find out. (0:16:15)
Sounds almost as if Al lost it or sold it. Who knows what happened to it? Well, you think if had been sold, it would have sewn up sometime. Well, you know, Al and Roger toured with that film afterwards and it's hard telling what went on in those days. And of course, Roger made some deal with American National, which I never did know. (0:16:37)
I was never allowed to know the exact depth of it or exactly what happened there. But, you know, Rene DeHendren and I were the first to make a deal for the use of the film itself. Al brought to Seattle the film of the creature and a great deal of footage that Roger had taken of the waterfalls, trees and various things like that. The footprint film was supposed to be there, but it wasn't. Was it supposed to be on the same roll of film? Oh, no. (0:17:04)
It was just a different roll of film then? Well, I don't remember now if he brought a lot of little boxes or whether this film had already been spliced. Yeah, see? Well, anyway, we showed it expecting to find the footprint film, but it wasn't there. Yes, being as I didn't know much about movie cameras or splicing film or any of that sort of thing, anybody could have shown me the film and I wouldn't have been able to detect a splice, except I knew what was taken. (0:17:26)
We all saw it, you know? Of course, the film footage of the creature wasn't that good, but the other film footage was plain. It was taken during sunlight hours and I thought it was a good film. I don't know what you guys thought about it, but I thought it was a pretty good film. Oh, yes, as I remember, I only saw it once, but it was perfectly clear, I thought. (0:17:45)
Well, I saw it the same time you guys did. I don't really recall everything that happened way back then, you know? Of course, there was a lot of speculation at the time and Roger and Al had big dollar signs in their eyes, you know? They were just going to go here and go there. Well, we did travel a lot with that film. There was a lot of money spent. (0:18:04)
Of course, Argosy bought one article at that particular time. I think it was the fall of 1967 Argosy. After that, Al and Roger traveled with the film and promoted it somewhat. And that was about the time I went back to work because I didn't have any income. They just kind of cut me completely out of the thing. (0:18:19)
It took me forever to kind of even, well, even after Roger died, I had to go to court to get any rights at all out of it, which, you know, was kind of an odd thing. But between Miss Patterson's attorney and her, it was a deal that they did not recognize that I had any interest at all in the film. (0:18:34)
At one time, I was supposed to be a one third partner on everything that happened if there was any money coming in. But then all that changed the film itself. Now, maybe Al lost it. I really don't know what happened to that film footage where Roger and I took film of the tracks, my boot tracks and the horses and so forth. (0:18:53)
Do you remember how deep the horses tracks were compared to that of the Sasquatch tracks? The horse tracks were not as deep as the Sasquatch tracks, of course. (0:18:58)
I just walked the horse through. I walked him as slow as I could. But you figure he is distributing his weight on four feet. The tracks were better than half as deep, but they weren't as deep as the tracks of the creature. But the area of four hoof prints wouldn't be any greater than two of those footprints, would it? No, no. (0:19:19)
The hoof print area. If you're familiar with the size of horses hoof prints. Well, the horse wore a size one shoe, which is not quite six inches in diameter, probably more like five inches in diameter with the number one shoe on the front feet. The shoes were a little bit smaller on the back feet. They were size ones trimmed down is what they were. (0:19:39)
Of course, I rode the horse too. So there was my extra weight plus the horse's weight plus the saddle and tack and everything I had on him. That was probably a total weight of about fourteen hundred pounds. How about when you jumped off the stump? Now, when I jumped off the stump with a high heeled boot in the dirt, the footprint went almost as deep as the creature's footprint. (0:19:55)
We didn't actually measure. We didn't have a ruler. We just took pictures of it. Viewing the film, you could actually tell better for depth by looking at it and making a judgment on the it wasn't as deep as the creature's footprint. They weren't exactly side by side either. They were probably two or three feet between my track and the creature's track, but there was some distance between them. (0:20:19)
But the soil was practically the same. That soil had all been washed in there from a flood a year prior. There could have been some variation in the soil. We really didn't get into it that deep. It was a thing where we were pretty excited about it all and there was a time element there to get these things done before dark. (0:20:33)
You know, when you walked around the tracks, when you took that movie, your boot tracks were there too in that movie, weren't they? Yes, right. We walked around it quite a bit trying to stay out of the tracks as much as possible. But still, you would have been close then? Oh yeah, just walking. We were close, but the boot prints lacked a whole lot going as deep. (0:20:53)
Considerable amount going as deep as the creature tracks were. Going back now to what happened when you first saw the creature. How did it come into view? You mean when we first saw it, John? Yeah. Did you come around a corner or did you just see it from a distance or? No, it wasn't exactly a corner. (0:21:11)
We came around a bend. We were riding the creek beds is what we were doing. And so when we came around the bend in the creek, this thing was standing alongside the creek, standing upright. We were about 60 to 80 feet away from it when we first saw it. (0:21:26)
Then at different times, we were at different distances from it. At one time, I was probably as close to 60 feet to it when I rode across the creek and got off my horse. When Roger ran across the creek, the thing immediately started walking away. Then whenever it was that the horses started spooking and throwing fits, the commotion started and the creature just started walking away. (0:21:42)
So it was standing when you first saw it? It was standing still right at the edge of the creek when we first saw it, yes. Right at the edge? Right by the edge of the creek, yes. But fully upright? (0:21:54)
Fully upright, standing upright, yes. What exactly did the horses do? Well, Roger was in front and his horse tried to spin around and come back. I was riding behind him on the big horse leading the pack horse along. My horse was kind of spooky but not near as bad as Roger's horse. Roger's horse was a spooky little horse. (0:22:18)
He was a young horse, of course. The horse I was riding on was an older cow horse, been roped on and used for a lot of things. Roger's horse threw all kinds of fits and when Roger got off the horse, the horse ran off and the pack horse jerked free from me and ran off back down the way we came. (0:22:35)
Did Roger's horse buck? No, it never did buck. It just reared and jumped all around. His horse was in front of me and of course I wasn't looking straight at him at the time. This happened all in a couple of heartbeats, you know. It happened really fast. But then Roger's horse didn't go down? No, it did not fall down. (0:22:51)
It just reared up is all. Because this has been said, you know, that Roger's horse fell down. No, no, his horse never did fall down. No. Okay, that's interesting. So, did he get the camera while he was still on the horse? Yes, while he was stepping down off the horse. (0:23:10)
Um, a lot of people ask me about that and they probably don't realize the agility that Roger had. He was a tremendous athlete. Roger had tremendous agility. He had been a rodeo rider. He did gymnastics and this wasn't a full-size horse Roger was riding either. It was a pony, a small horse. (0:23:27)
Yeah, I've seen those little horses. He used to haul them in a Volkswagen bus. Yeah, we used to haul two of them in a VW bus. Roger rode these horses because they were easy to get on and off because Roger wasn't a very big man. So actually, when he was getting off his horse, he always kept that saddlebag ready. (0:23:44)
The saddlebag had two flaps on it to keep it buckled down. He kept one buckled and one of them unbuckled so he could get to his camera in the event that he needed it in a hurry and this was the case in that particular time. So he practiced getting the camera out of the saddlebags in a hurry? Oh yeah, lots of times. (0:24:02)
Yes, he did. That was his theory that if he ever had to get it, he kept one of the buckle on there so it would not bounce out while he was riding and the other one loose so he could get to it in a hurry. Did Roger have a gun at all? Yes, Roger had a .303 British rifle in his saddle scabbard and I had a .30-06 rifle in my saddle scabbard. Did you have any expectation that you might see one of these creatures? No, I surely didn't. I don't think Roger did either. (0:24:31)
We always carried rifles with us when we went into the mountains. At least I always did and I'm sure Roger did too. Had you discussed whether you would shoot at one of these creatures if you saw one? Yes, many times. We had talked about it but decided unless it was necessary, we would never shoot. (0:24:48)
Or in other words, unless it was violent or attempted to attack us or something in that sense of the word you know. So when Roger was off of his horse and ran off to the creature with a camera, what did you do? Roger said cover me as he pulled the camera out. (0:25:04)
If you don't understand what that means, well he didn't have any protection, just the camera in his hand in case something were to happen. What I did was ride across the creek, pull my rifle out of the scabbard, step down off the horse and just stood there with my rifle. I never raised the rifle like I would shoot or anything like that, just held it in my hand and with the other hand held my horse to keep him from getting away from me. (0:25:25)
So there was never a gun pointed at the creature? No, never. I didn't point the rifle at the creature. Did you ever feel the creature was acting at all threatening? No, it kept walking away all the time. It turned and looked around, once at Roger and once at me. The first time it turned and looked was the time I rode across the creek. I was off to its right and behind it and that's when it made one turn with its head. (0:25:46)
Then when Roger relocated itself on a log, steadying the camera at one time and then when he ran to another position to get a better view and better picture, the creature turned its head a second time and I assumed it was looking at Roger. When you view the film, I never could really decide whether it turned to look at me or Roger because all of these things happen tremendously fast and I was trying to hold on to my horse and a rifle at the same time and also keep an eye on the creature and Roger. Do you have much of a mental image now of what you saw as opposed to what you saw on the movie since that time? I don't think it's changed that much. (0:26:22)
Yes, I still have a mental image of what really happened that day. There may be a few things I've overlooked or forgotten over the years but basically the time of day and how things moved and what we did is pretty much still in my mind. (0:26:32)
Pretty exact in my mind because even though we were excited, you never seem to forget those things. When you first saw it, how big did you think it was Bob? I thought it was about six and a half feet tall and I would have guessed its weight at 250 to 300 pounds. It did have tremendous muscle bulk. (0:26:54)
This was an estimated guess at the time of course. I'm not used to seeing things like that. I was just guessing weight compared to the amount of muscle quarter horses have. It was as big as a quarter horse naturally and the height because we were up on our horses at the time when we first saw the creature. (0:27:09)
Therefore, it probably didn't look as tall as it really was. Now the horse I was riding was a 16 hand horse. One hand is four inches on a horse. My horse was 16 hands tall plus my saddle. That would make him approximately 16 and a half hands high. Now of course me sitting up there, you can figure my eye level was about nine feet high. (0:27:27)
So anything actually less than nine feet you would be looking down at. Was it obvious whether it was a male or a female? Well it appeared to be a female but you know I had never seen one. I had never even seen a track until that day so I couldn't even make a statement whether it was a male or female. (0:27:43)
But the film indicates that it had mammary glands so we assumed it was a female. Now they had told us that the tracks they found in the road were three different sizes. We talked about that at length and discussed it and assumed there was a male, a female, and a younger one with three different size tracks. So our first assumption was it was a female. (0:28:06)
What color did it appear to be to you? It was a dark brown, brownish color. Then it wasn't as dark as it looks in the film? No, it wasn't as dark as it looks in the film. It was a long ways from being tan but it wasn't a very dark brown like it shows in the film. (0:28:22)
It was a lighter colored brown. Of course it was lighter in different areas of the body too. I suppose where the hair was shorter it was lighter or vice versa. It might have been darker where the hair was shorter. Can you remember details on its face? Yes, I can. The face would have had a flat type nose. (0:28:39)
The lips? I can't really remember what the lips looked like except that it did have lips and we could see its teeth. The eyes were large eyes but not big round eyes like a horse or a cow but they were large eyes. The hair on his face was short. There wasn't a whole lot of hair around his cheeks and down alongside his face. (0:28:56)
The best I can remember is the face didn't have a whole lot of hair on it. What would the skin color be then? It seemed like it was a brownish color skin. Was it doing anything with his hands? You mean... like... well in the film they were just swinging is what I meant. Well John, that is all I ever saw. It never raised its arm or anything to that effect. (0:29:18)
It just walked away with an easy tight motion away from us and swung its arms like a human being. The best I can remember is the hands were about the same color as the face. The bottom of its feet looked quite light colored but that could be the sand. I think that's the case John. The sand wasn't a white sand. (0:29:34)
It was a kind of funny type soil where the creature walked through and it was a lighter colored dirt. I think you can remember the color of the soil John. Oh yeah I remember. It was pretty light colored soil in there and might have been why the soles of the feet look light in the film footage. In the movie it hasn't quite disappeared when the picture stops because it looks as if it's about to disappear behind a big pile of... well it looks like a stump or a pile of wood of some kind. (0:30:00)
Yeah it hadn't disappeared when the film footage... uh when Roger ran out of film because it traveled on. Oh probably not half again the distance of where he was but another 30 or 40 yards. There were some trees down in the area I suppose from the flood and so forth. There were many fallen trees and different things in that area. (0:30:20)
Then when the creature did disappear up a little draw why I wanted to follow it. Of course Roger didn't want to follow it because he was on foot and he didn't want to be left there. (0:30:24)
We thought that there was a possibility that there were two others around. We didn't know at the time whether that was one of the ones that had made the tracks up above or not. Roger was a little bit upset about that so he wanted to catch his horse and get some more film in the camera. It took quite a while to catch the horse and to catch the pack horse as well and then tie them up. (0:30:42)
Then we rode on in pursuit of the creature. Now see the way it went to see if we could see more tracks or I don't know I thought maybe we could see this creature again. I don't really know why I was thinking that we never did see it again but we saw scuffs in the gravel and in the creek bed there that indicated where it had possibly ran when it went out of sight. (0:31:03)
We measured 68 to 72 inches in the stride which was not even close to accurate because it was as I have said it just scuffs in the gravel. Then we tracked on up the creek bed quite a ways. We saw one wet half footprint on the rock as it went up into the mountains and that was as far as we went with it. (0:31:18)
So there wasn't sand to show footprints beyond where you saw it? No it was gravel mostly but there was sand and dirt where it went across the creek but it never left a footprint in the sand or in the dirt or soil. It did leave a wet mark on the rock in the creek where it went across and went on up into the hills from there. Were you ever closer to it than Roger while he was taking the pictures? Yes I was. (0:31:40)
When I rode across the creek and got off my horse I was closer than Roger was with the camera at that time. I rode fairly close to the creature. And Roger didn't have much of a look at it because he was looking through the lens of the camera at the time? Well yes I feel that I had better look at it. We talked about it like I said when we got back to camp that night. (0:32:00)
We stayed up and talked about that for hours. You know talked about what each one of us had seen. There were things I had seen about the creature that Roger didn't. Of course he couldn't see it too well because he was looking through the camera. When you got off the horse what size did it appear to be then? Well to be plum honest with you I didn't even think about sizes at the time it was going away. (0:32:20)
It was large but I never gave any thought about how high it was or how heavy it was because it was moving away from me. That was about all that was on my mind at the time. That this creature was of no threat to us. And oh yeah I was trying to keep my horse under control because you know I never had any idea what might happen and I sure didn't want to be on foot. (0:32:41)
So I knew I could get back on my horse and maybe if I had to. Well if I had to. If I had to shoot it and it didn't go down I could get on my horse and I could get out of there. And Roger would have to fend for himself. (0:32:53)
I'm not a coward but I'll be darned if I was going to stick around if this creature got violent you know. So I was concentrating on keeping my rifle in my hand and my horse under control. There is of course Bob this widespread opinion that this was some kind of masquerade. Having the film of course there is a certain amount of blurring and a certain amount of underexposure of the creature itself. (0:33:15)
You can't see the face for instance. You've had a much better look at it than that. What was your impression? My impression is that there is a creature and I don't feel that it was a man in a suit. If it had been a man in a suit I don't know how they would have gotten him back into that particular area. (0:33:36)
I have heard this story and thought about it many times. God at one point with the film circulating and all the people criticizing I was almost to the point of not even being sure myself. But I thought about it all these years and I'm quite sure it wasn't a man in a suit. I saw the face. (0:33:52)
I saw the expression on his face. With all the muscles and the arms and the legs I don't know how it could be a man in a suit. Plus I never had anything to do with a man in a suit. And if Roger did how would he know I wouldn't shoot it? In my opinion the creature was not a man in a suit. Could you see the muscles move when it walked? Yes I could see the muscles clearly and that was one of the deciding factors in my opinion that this was no man in a suit. (0:34:16)
The thighs, the buttocks, the arms and shoulders you could see it move clearly underneath the hair. You have estimated this thing to weigh a great deal less than the horse and yet the footprints were deeper. What explanation could you think of? Well you asked my estimation when I first saw it. No no but oh you mean afterwards. (0:34:40)
Well god John there was no way of really knowing. We knew it had to be heavier than it appeared to be when we first saw it. Of course we thought the horse's weight was distributed on four feet and I'm not good with mathematics of such but if you figured a 1400 pound horse distributed on four feet would be about 350 to 400 pounds. (0:34:56)
So we figured it must have weighed much more than we originally figured. Of course Roger did some research by going over to the zoo in Seattle. He watched the gorillas there and asked how much they weighed and so forth. They had one over there named Bobo and I don't remember his weight exactly but I do remember he weighed more than it looked like he weighed. (0:35:15)
Yes I did the same thing with those same gorillas and there was a female gorilla there that was quite small but was tremendously heavy. Yeah John that is what Roger was telling me. I wasn't all that interested in the time whatever it was you know. (0:35:26)
In the end it probably weighed approximately 500 pounds to make tracks that deep in the dirt. Of course when it walked it kicked up a certain amount of dirt from the pressure of the toes pushing away. Well it would have to distribute the weight on different parts of the foot when it walks otherwise there is no way it could have made a deeper print than the horse. Yeah right. (0:35:44)
If his feet were put down flat each foot would have an area as big as three of the horse's feet. You would have to roll that imprint in some way or another. Yeah right. So when you saw it up until that moment you had never seen a track? Never. Never seen a track at all. That's right. And you weren't at all convinced that there were any such animals to be seen? That is true. (0:36:07)
I was not convinced that they really existed. You know I figured Roger must have had a reason. He showed me plaster cast and I heard different stories from people who had seen them. So I thought well maybe there is something to this but I just didn't believe in them basically. Didn't believe it was possible that they could exist. (0:36:26)
Even after we got the film many people said oh they don't exist and still people tell me it's a bunch of malarkey you know. There will always be a certain amount of people you just can't convince unless they see one themselves. Well when you did see it there wasn't any doubt you were looking at an animal was there? There was no doubt in my mind at all. (0:36:41)
Okay that ought to do it Bob. Thanks a lot. You're quite welcome John. (0:36:46)