予言抽出→判定の自動化:Craig Hamilton-Parker の予言を AI で客観的かつ自動で抽出→当否判定する方法
先日、Craig Hamilton-Parker(UK の有名な 予言者/霊能者)が来年、 2025年 に何が起きるかを長時間かけて予言した動画が下。
▼展開 予言動画(2:51:33)
2025 World Psychic Predictions | Craig Hamilton-Parker ☕
161,000 vies 2024/11/18
Craig Hamilton-Parker, from https://psychics.co.uk, is a renowned psychic medium hailed by the media as 'the New Nostradamus.' Sit back and enjoy his psychic predictions on this edition of ‘Coffee with Craig.’
- 彼のその予言の主な項目を要約して予言リストを作成し、
- 来年末にその予言リストの各項目について合否判定
- a かなりの手間
- b 予言リストの項目抽出に恣意性が入り込む(=客観性に乏しい)
- c 予言リスト合否判定に恣意性が入り込む(=客観性に乏しい)
という問題がある。そこで a, b, c の問題を解決するため AI で自動化する。
具体的な方法は以下の ChatGPT-4o とのやり取りでわかるはず。
以下の具体例は、アメリカ編だけに絞った。それでも 40分に及ぶ。AI に英語で要約させたのは、LLM の性能低下を予防するため。
▼具体例:AI との質疑 展開
Craig Hamilton-Parker というイギリス人がいて、彼は毎年、多数の予言をしています。最近、彼は来年 2025年の予知を Youtube で語りました。来年末にその予言の正答率をチェックしようと思いますが、人間がチェックリストを作成するのも、そのリストの個別の事柄を一々判定するのも手間です。チェックの客観性を確保するのも難しいです。
- 彼の予言の(Whisper による)書き起こしを AI に入力。
- AI に全ての予言の内容を簡潔に要約した、箇条書きリスト(予言リスト)を作ってもらう。
- 来年末に、その予言リストの当否を AI に判定してもらう。
という方法を考えました。Craig Hamilton-Parker 本人の個々の予言の確信度や予知した事象の時期(たとえば 2025年には兆しが見えるだけで本格化はしないといった予言)、微妙なニュアンスなどは、今回は無視して一律に扱うことで簡単化したいと思います。
このアイデアは効率的かつ実現可能で、Craig Hamilton-Parker の予言の正答率を客観的に評価するための良いアプローチだと思います。以下に評価と改良案を挙げます。
- Whisper での書き起こしと AI を使った予言リスト作成により、人的作業の負担が大幅に軽減されます。
- 一律の基準で予言を処理することで、評価のシンプル化が図れます。
- AI に要約と判定を依頼することで、主観的な解釈を排除できます。
- 来年末の判定時に、AI の能力を活用して当否を評価するプロセスは再現性があります。
- 予言の分類: 例えば「地震」「経済」「政治」「天候」といったカテゴリに分けると、判定時の精度が向上し、混乱を防げます。
- 内容の具体化: 「曖昧な表現(例: '大きな変化が起きる')」をAIで検出し、具体的な表現(例: '主要経済国で株価が大幅下落')に変換するフィルタを追加すると、判定しやすくなります。
- 判定基準を明確化: 「当たった」「外れた」「部分的に当たった」の3つのラベルを使用し、判定プロセスを文書化します。
- 複数の情報源から確認: 当否の判定にはニュースや公的データをAIで集約する仕組みを組み込むと客観性がさらに向上します。
- AI に予言の当たりやすさ(例: 確率が高そうな予言 vs 確率が低そうな予言)を分析させてリスト化すると、興味深い分析が可能です。
- 「2025年に兆しが見えるだけ」というニュアンスを無視する場合でも、未来の複数年に影響が及ぶ予言は「兆し」「実現」の2段階で評価できるよう整理することを検討してください。
- AI が「曖昧すぎて評価不可」と判断した予言については、「不明瞭」と明示的に分類する仕組みを導入します。
- 来年末だけでなく、四半期ごとに予言リストをチェックすることで、進捗状況を早めに把握できます。
- Whisperの活用: 書き起こしの精度を上げるため、Whisperの出力に対してAIで文章校正(文法エラーや不完全な文の修正)を自動化するプロセスを追加してください。
- リスト作成: GPTで要約した箇条書きリストを作成する際、各予言に固有のIDを付与すると追跡しやすくなります。
- ニュースデータ収集: 来年末の判定時に信頼できるニュースAPI(例: Google News API)を使い、予言との一致をAIに評価させる方法が推奨されます。
今回は、Whisper による文字起こし(段落の発言時刻付き )を添付しますから、先の返答にあった「技術的な補足」の
- Whisperの活用: 書き起こしの精度を上げるため、Whisperの出力に対してAIで文章校正(文法エラーや不完全な文の修正)を自動化するプロセスを追加してください。
- リスト作成: GPTで要約した箇条書きリストを作成する際、各予言に固有のIDを付与すると追跡しやすくなります。
を反映して、「予言リスト」を作成して。確認するために個々の予言リストにはその段落の発言時刻(例: 0:18:08 )も追加して。予言リストは和訳せず、英語のままで作成して。
なお、予言全体は長くトークン制限を超えるため、5分割しました。まずは part1/5 です。
以下 Whisper による文字起こし
So these are my 2025 predictions for the USA. Now, this is an interesting one. So again, just looking first at the kind of the raw data that I saw when I was tuning into this and what I started to see. And you might help me with my interpretations with some of this sometimes. But funnily enough, I sat in meditation and my head filled with images of courtrooms and judges wearing wigs and attacking one another. (0:10:48)
And for some odd reason, in the background of this courtroom scene, there was a big full moon on the wall. And I have no idea what that full moon means. I can't interpret that. But perhaps something's going to happen at the time of the full moon, or perhaps they're just plain lunatics. But there's something about the moon that was there. So astrologers might spot when there's an important full moon that these things might happen. (0:11:09)
So the original first thoughts I had was, yeah, OK, well, it seems obvious. I think we're going to see major legal challenges to Donald Trump, just like they had before. But as I said before, you know, I predicted that, you know, that Trump would get both houses. And now he's got both houses, although it doesn't give him complete and his team complete control over things. (0:11:34)
This looks to me like there's going to be major legal challenges. So we're going to have the media turning against him, as usual. We're going to have the legal challenges are going to be very much going to try to stymie the progress of what Trump wants to do in his presidency. But I don't think they'll win. (0:11:54)
I think that's good. But I feel that, you know, for a while, I wondered whether, because I did see, I have thoughts about would Biden in the last moments of his presidency, perhaps even just pardon Trump. So that's a kick to Kamala Harris, isn't it, really? Because there's definitely an animosity between those two still. Kamala Harris, I think, might try to run as governor for California, by the way. (0:12:23)
But I saw that, but then I didn't feel quite right about it. So I think the whole legal challenges are going to be happening, not just between Democrats and Republicans again, but the other way around as well. Because although I don't see Trump going out and taking revenge on everybody that tried to get him, I think he's going to drop that. (0:12:48)
He wants to get on with the other agenda. However, I do feel that there is naturally going to be some uncovering of corruption and voter fraud from the previous election. I feel that there is still a lot of unanswered questions. And this seems to me to come from more from a journalistic side of things rather than the president trying to stir up a hornet's nest with these things. (0:13:16)
I see it's still in the background. I see the whole idea of how America votes being overturned, much more emphasis coming up on voter ID, much more old style, show your picture, show your identification at the polling booth sort of thing. So I think that those things will become important. And I see new laws being introduced to safeguard future elections. So that's one of the early things that I feel will come out of this new change of presidency. So like I say, Trump will flush out the state, as it were. (0:13:57)
I'm looking at my notes as we start. So I put here, Trump will flush out the state but will not be vengeful to his enemies. (0:14:03)
Here’s the generated "Prediction List" with enhanced grammar and clarity, along with timestamps for easy reference. Each prediction has been assigned an ID for tracking purposes.
Prediction List (Part 1/5)
ID: P1-01 Timestamp: 0:10:48 Prediction: There will be significant legal challenges involving courtrooms and judges. These scenes may coincide with the occurrence of a full moon, which could hold symbolic or astrological importance.
ID: P1-02 Timestamp: 0:11:09 Prediction: Astrologers might identify a significant full moon that aligns with notable events or incidents.
ID: P1-03 Timestamp: 0:11:34 Prediction: Donald Trump will face major legal challenges, similar to previous instances, with the media strongly opposing him.
ID: P1-04 Timestamp: 0:11:54 Prediction: Despite these challenges, Trump and his administration will not be defeated.
ID: P1-05 Timestamp: 0:12:23 Prediction: There is speculation about whether Joe Biden might pardon Donald Trump during his final moments as president, which could create tension with Kamala Harris.
ID: P1-06 Timestamp: 0:12:23 Prediction: Kamala Harris might attempt to run for Governor of California.
ID: P1-07 Timestamp: 0:12:48 Prediction: Legal challenges will arise not only between Democrats and Republicans but also in reverse directions. However, Trump will not seek revenge on those who opposed him.
ID: P1-08 Timestamp: 0:13:16 Prediction: There will be uncovering of corruption and voter fraud from previous elections, led more by journalists than by the president.
ID: P1-09 Timestamp: 0:13:57 Prediction: The American voting system will undergo significant changes, with increased emphasis on voter ID requirements and traditional identification methods at polling stations.
ID: P1-10 Timestamp: 0:14:03 Prediction: New laws will be introduced to secure future elections, which will be part of Trump’s agenda to reform the state without seeking vengeance against his opponents.
This structured list is concise and includes clear timestamps for reference. Let me know if any adjustments are needed or when you're ready to process the next part!
以下は文字起こしの part 2/5 です。先のやり方で同様に処理して。
That's my actual quote that I put on my notes in front of me here. And I feel that will be important. The next point is anti-woke laws introduced. So he has mentioned this, Trump has mentioned this, but I'm seeing laws coming in, introduced about things like men and women's locker rooms, sex change operations, education will be reformed, there will be restrictions placed on gender teachings. (0:14:39)
And all of this will see huge legal challenges, of course. But my feeling is that this will happen and it will be put through and become law. Not just advisory law, but actual be set in law. So I predict that this is the beginning of the end of woke in America. And this will actually have a major effect around the world too, where places like Canada, places like the UK, places like Europe, mainly Western cultures have been, I think, held back by this crazy PC council culture. (0:15:22)
So the war with Mexico will be completed and illegal immigrants will be removed. I mean, this is something that Trump has said. It doesn't necessarily take a psychic to tell you that, but I feel that he will complete it. Last time I made a prediction about the wall, I said it wouldn't be completed. It wasn't completed. This time, I feel now it will be completed. (0:15:44)
So we will see this and we will see a lot of social unrest about this. You're going to see on the news, lots of programmes about families being broken up, children in tears, the human consequences the media are going to focus on about how hard it is on people being sent back. But basically, I think the bottom line will be people have broken the law, people are sent home. (0:16:12)
And this is going to become, it's going to seem like that the state is very vicious, but they are actually enforcing the law. So this is going to happen, I feel. Now, there's going to be these tariffs coming in, and I'll address this on some of this now, but also some of the other countries that I deal with on these predictions. So what I've put here is Mexico will be the first to see tariffs, as well as Canada, China and Europe. Now, he's going to do that. (0:16:43)
He said about he will put 60% tariffs on China. And Trump does what he says, basically. And this will cause some short... I'm seeing short-term market problems. I'm seeing panic, a bit of a panic still, because, you know, what's the consequence of this? The markets don't like uncertainty. And I'm seeing that we will get a few market panics. But like I've said at the beginning of the video, I feel the ship will be steadied. (0:17:07)
We will get through it. It will be choppy waters for lots of countries and lots of people, and lots of people also have been lining their pockets from these other countries and backhanders like the Hunter Biden and the rest of it. Some of that's all going to come to the fore when this happens as well. (0:17:23)
Now, it was one interesting one that also came up, because I do readings for people all over the world. I get a lot of readings coming in from America, but also from Mexico, strangely enough. And I was doing a reading for somebody talking about Mexico and from their Mexican communicators in the spirit world. (0:17:49)
And because the person was in business, one of the questions that come through from the spirit was that Mexico wouldn't do so badly out of these tariffs. In fact, I saw Mexico... I've gone from a USA to Mexico, but they're kind of linked together, aren't they? I saw Mexico actually doing quite well from it. (0:18:08)
The spirit guide said that there would be hard times at first, but Mexico would not be as hard hit as expected and that it would find new markets as well in Europe and it would find new markets as well in China. And it would still be able to maintain its economy. And in fact, the Mexican economy, rather than suffer from tariffs, will actually grow. (0:18:38)
So perhaps there's going to be a deal done that might be a little bit more... less harsh on Mexico. So I think Mexico is going to actually do reasonably well, surprisingly, which you would think the opposite. But that's one of the... so that's a prediction I'm making here today based upon an interesting encounter with the spirit world and messages that were given through there. (0:19:05)
Now, I made those predictions about an attack on Trump's life twice. I said it would happen and it has. And I feel there's still going to be more ahead with this because there was also one other image that I've seen and I had shared it once with a TV programme but they didn't actually put it on. (0:19:26)
But I said I saw Trump... I saw him being... an assassination attempt on him because I saw him by the side of a car. And it was reminiscent to me of exactly what happened to Ronald Reagan, where he was shot or attempted on him as he stepped out of a car. (0:19:46)
And I feel that's going to happen. But again, that will hit the news, but Trump comes out unscathed. He might have been... there was blood still, there was blood, so he's not completely unscathed. But I didn't feel he was completely wounded mortally or anything like that. So I'm sure there's going to be lots of attempts on him because he's got a lot of enemies in Iran. He's got a lot of enemies he's making in China. He's his life is under threat all the time. But I feel he will make it to the end of his presidency. (0:20:20)
People have asked, will he make it because of this? And I say yes, partly also because, you know, those of you that follow the channel know that I'm very interested in the Nardis. And I did have that Brigham Samhita Nardi of Trump. And it said about what he would do after his presidency, that he'd become a religious type figure after his presidency. (0:20:43)
And that's all started to happen. You remember I said about, actually, that's another one, wasn't it? I said about Trump would become like a religious type figure. And he kind of had a religious type of transformation after that first assassination attempt, you know, in a way. But the Indians were talking about it, that he'd been previously a Hindu in a previous life. (0:21:04)
But anyway, I digress, I'm afraid. I'm going to keep to this because it can take a long time, this video, otherwise. (0:21:07)
But I see another attempt on him, but he will make it to the end of his presidency. I get the feeling. Now, this is another prediction that I'm making here. As far as I understand, he's had one term. This is his second term. Can he have another term after this one? I'm not sure how it works in US law. (0:21:33)
You can perhaps put a note in. But I felt that he'd do another term after this term for the next election, you know, rather than J.D. Vance step in straight away, because I feel he'll have a presidency, too. But I feel that I sense Trump coming in for a third term, as it were. (0:21:52)
Is that possible? Does the law change? Is this something to do with all those legal challenges that I saw in the first images and visions I had when I opened up my meditation to this? Now, I'm going to move on. I'm working from notes this time. I usually don't work from notes at all. But I'm working. I have to do such a lot. I don't want to miss anything. (0:22:10)
The other one I put on here is, oh, yeah, Trump's health. So, again, I don't think Trump's health will get in the way. Now, people are saying, oh, he's already demented. Because they wanted to attack him again. They're jumping on saying he's got dementia and things like that. There's signs of this already. (0:22:35)
There's loads of social media floating around about that. No, I don't see that. I see him as a person that will keep strong mental health right to the end of his days. And physical health is not too bad, considering what he eats an hour in the rest of his lifestyle. But I see him continuing, like I say. So I don't see him being pulled out by ill health. (0:22:51)
Here’s the Prediction List (Part 2/5) based on the provided transcript, with enhanced grammar and clarity. Each prediction includes an ID and the timestamp for reference.
Prediction List (Part 2/5)
ID: P2-01 Timestamp: 0:14:39 Prediction: Anti-woke laws will be introduced in the U.S., focusing on issues such as locker room policies, sex change operations, and restrictions on gender teachings in education.
ID: P2-02 Timestamp: 0:15:22 Prediction: These anti-woke laws will face significant legal challenges but will ultimately pass into enforceable law, marking the decline of "woke culture" in America, with global ripple effects in Western countries like Canada, the UK, and Europe.
ID: P2-03 Timestamp: 0:15:44 Prediction: The wall along the Mexico-U.S. border will be completed during Trump's presidency, unlike in his first term.
ID: P2-04 Timestamp: 0:16:12 Prediction: Strict enforcement of immigration laws will result in deportations, causing significant social unrest and media focus on the hardships faced by affected families.
ID: P2-05 Timestamp: 0:16:43 Prediction: Tariffs will be imposed on Mexico, Canada, China, and Europe, with Mexico being the first. China will face a tariff rate as high as 60%.
ID: P2-06 Timestamp: 0:17:07 Prediction: These tariffs will create short-term market instability, causing panic, but the situation will eventually stabilize.
ID: P2-07 Timestamp: 0:17:23 Prediction: Corruption and financial misconduct, including scandals involving figures like Hunter Biden, will come to light during this period of economic shifts.
ID: P2-08 Timestamp: 0:18:08 Prediction: Despite initial hardships from tariffs, Mexico’s economy will adapt, finding new markets in Europe and China, and will ultimately grow rather than suffer.
ID: P2-09 Timestamp: 0:19:05 Prediction: A deal may soften the impact of tariffs on Mexico, enabling the country to perform better than expected economically.
ID: P2-10 Timestamp: 0:19:46 Prediction: There will be another assassination attempt on Donald Trump, reminiscent of the attempt on Ronald Reagan. Trump will be injured but not mortally wounded and will survive the presidency.
ID: P2-11 Timestamp: 0:20:43 Prediction: After his presidency, Trump will transition into a "religious-type figure," undergoing a personal transformation.
ID: P2-12 Timestamp: 0:21:33 Prediction: Trump may serve another presidential term after his second, potentially facilitated by legal changes or challenges.
ID: P2-13 Timestamp: 0:22:10 Prediction: Trump's health, both mental and physical, will remain stable throughout his presidency and beyond, contrary to claims of dementia or severe health issues.
This list provides concise predictions with timestamps and IDs for tracking. Let me know if you’re ready for part 3 or need further adjustments!
以下は文字起こしの part 3/5 です。先のやり方で同様に処理して。
Now, I want to just talk a little bit about Elon Musk as well, because I put down Elon Musk will revolutionise the Department of Government Efficiency. Now, when I put this down, we know that he's in that position now as I'm talking. But I was making these predictions before that happened. I saw a lot of interesting things for him and what's going to happen around him, actually. (0:23:31)
Musk is more, although he's this so-called Department of Government Efficiency, it's not kind of like, it doesn't have the political clout that you can't dictate what's going to happen with this. It's kind of an advisory position. So it doesn't have kind of the power to it, as far as I understand this. It doesn't have the kind of power to it that a government position might have. (0:23:57)
And I do see that what Elon Musk advises is picked up on and there will be mass layoffs. He's going to do to the government what he did to X, which is basically let's pretty much sack everybody and let's re-employ those that are any good. And it's going to be obviously, this is where the legal challenges are going to be massive on this. (0:24:26)
But I saw him going through and actually doing a major clear-out and it will be socially extreme. But I've seen him doing this. Very hard to do because people are so embedded in these positions of power that it's a job to shift people once you give them power. Once you give someone power, it's very hard to take it away from. But he's going to try to do this. (0:24:47)
And there's going to be very high redundancies in government positions. But I'm also seeing work problems and work issues and unemployment in other areas in American society. I'm seeing a slowdown in the tech fields generally. All these people with these high-powered jobs in Silicon Valley and things, I'm seeing a lot of layoffs. And this is not because of Musk so much. (0:25:14)
This is because of artificial intelligence. But now they do large parts of the jobs for us. Self-propagating AI technology. So I'm seeing AI that can build AI. And I'm seeing, again, a huge leap forward as we go with this. I also see that there's going to be some... I predict there's going to be some huge, great leaps in quantum computing too. (0:25:40)
That's going to happen in 2025. They're already onto it with the idea of quantum computing. A lot of the most important things haven't been cracked yet. But I feel we're going to see a big leap forward in quantum computing, which is also going to be very significant for the speed at which AI can develop. I don't believe that AI can ever become fully conscious, but it can mimic consciousness. (0:26:06)
So there's going to be some very interesting things with that. And I think Elon Musk's role is going to be very, very important in the presidency ahead. I also saw... I didn't know about what Musk was up to. I went and looked it up after I made some predictions. And I saw a huge city. I saw a city that he built, a high-tech city, a future city, as a model. (0:26:36)
Now, I saw that in a vision, but believe it or not, I didn't know about this. But Musk has already got plans for that. So perhaps I was picking up without having... perhaps I'd seen it unconsciously or something, but I wasn't consciously aware of this at the time of seeing this. But I saw this incredible high-tech city. (0:27:02)
And I see these cities having a certain sort of legal thing around them, so that it's an experimental area. It's an experimental city or town, it would be really, where we can experiment with AI, experiment with new forms of transportation, experiment with new collapsible housing and pop-up housing and things like this. And there's going to be some real serious interest in this. (0:27:31)
I even saw flying cars there, actually. It felt like the Jetsons, you know? I don't even remember the Jetsons. It felt a bit like the Jetsons to me. Perhaps Musk has watched that when he was younger. But I feel there was something like that. But this is also going to have a lot of consequences for Silicon Valley, because it's going to shift from California. And I feel the high-tech world that California has been experiencing is going to struggle. (0:28:00)
In fact, I'm seeing a lot of incentives to take money out of California and put it elsewhere in America to more Republican areas. So if you're in the high-tech industry, do please be aware that there could be very high risks in that area for investment at the moment as well. Now, ultimately, I also saw, I feel, that Musk and Trump ultimately fall out. (0:28:30)
So I predict that they'll have a major fallout in the end. Now, in the images I had for this, I had a strange image for this again, and this is how I've interpreted it, that they fall out. (0:28:44)
What I saw in the image when I was tuning into this, and I can't quite understand what's going on here, so I'm going to share it with you just in case there's anything unusual in this that might pop up in the future. I saw Musk tied up. I saw it like, if you know the tarot cards, you'll know that there's the image of the hanged man, which is a man hanged on the tree by one leg and he's got a light around his head. (0:29:12)
So he's kind of in a position where he can't move, but the enlightenment is still there. Now, as I was tuning in, particularly trying to connect to the idea of Musk and what would happen with him, and I saw him like the image of the man in the hanged man. (0:29:30)
He was tied up. And so I interpret this as a feeling of the idea I'm restrained. I can't do what I want to do. He's so independent. He's a person that, you know, doesn't like to take orders from anybody, you know, including from Trump. So I think there's going to be a bit of a conflict there. (0:29:47)
But that might be a bit later on. Maybe that's not 2025. Maybe that's a bit further along, because I feel initially, certainly, that they're going to have some, they're going to make some very important moves for social change and the way things are done. And so I think it's, you know, it's important that he's going to become a very important figure for this. (0:30:13)
And just keeping with that as well, one thing that did occur to me, and I don't know what you think about this, guys, maybe you've got some thoughts you can add in the comments below, but Trump's father, Fred Trump, he, I don't know if it's true or not, but there's certainly a lot of talk about it, that he has or had the original documentation that the actual Tesla had written, his Tesla's notes. (0:30:41)
And they say there's nothing in it. They say, oh, well, his idea of being able to do all these amazing things by wireless energy and things like that aren't in there. But it makes you wonder if there's some kind of, I don't know, I suppose some spiritual sort of connection between the Trumps and the Musk, and that there's this common theme of Tesla there. And so I think it's very interesting that these things could be there. (0:31:07)
And I do feel that they're going to make some huge leaps technologically, because America's going to put a lot more money into high tech that is going to be made in America and can't be taken out of America. So the likes of Apple have everything made in China and re-imported. Obviously, that's going to change because the hardware is going to change. (0:31:30)
But there's also going to be much, much more stronger restrictions on sharing our technology. But they're going to be thinking much more in thinking very, very big when it comes to technology and space travel, of course, and the importance of improving human life through automation and this whole thing. (0:31:48)
So the Trump-Musk thing is going to become something major. We've got a highly inventive man, a businessman, put those two energies together, and we're going to have a very, very interesting symbiosis there of what's happening.
Here’s the Prediction List (Part 3/5) based on the provided transcript, with clear formatting and timestamps for easy reference.
Prediction List (Part 3/5)
ID: P3-01 Timestamp: 0:23:31 Prediction: Elon Musk will play a key role in revolutionizing the Department of Government Efficiency, advising on drastic measures like mass layoffs similar to his approach at X (formerly Twitter).
ID: P3-02 Timestamp: 0:24:26 Prediction: Musk’s efforts will face massive legal challenges as he attempts to restructure government positions and reduce entrenched bureaucracy.
ID: P3-03 Timestamp: 0:25:14 Prediction: The tech industry in America will see significant layoffs and a slowdown due to the rise of artificial intelligence, which will begin automating many jobs.
ID: P3-04 Timestamp: 0:25:40 Prediction: There will be major advancements in AI technology, including self-propagating AI (AI that can create AI) and significant leaps in quantum computing in 2025.
ID: P3-05 Timestamp: 0:26:36 Prediction: Elon Musk will plan and potentially build a high-tech experimental city that will serve as a model for advanced AI, transportation, and collapsible housing technologies.
ID: P3-06 Timestamp: 0:27:31 Prediction: This high-tech city will feature experimental technologies such as flying cars and pop-up housing, but its rise will cause a decline in Silicon Valley’s prominence.
ID: P3-07 Timestamp: 0:28:00 Prediction: Incentives will encourage investment to shift away from California to Republican-leaning regions, creating risks for high-tech industries based in California.
ID: P3-08 Timestamp: 0:28:30 Prediction: Elon Musk and Donald Trump will eventually have a major fallout, though initially, their collaboration will lead to significant social and technological changes.
ID: P3-09 Timestamp: 0:29:12 Prediction: Musk will experience periods of restraint or inability to act freely, symbolized by the imagery of the "hanged man" tarot card, which reflects being tied down but still enlightened.
ID: P3-10 Timestamp: 0:30:41 Prediction: There may be a spiritual or thematic connection between the Trumps and Musk, linked by Nikola Tesla, raising speculation about hidden advancements in wireless energy.
ID: P3-11 Timestamp: 0:31:07 Prediction: The U.S. will make substantial investments in high-tech manufacturing and space technology, restricting the export of intellectual property and shifting production back to the U.S.
ID: P3-12 Timestamp: 0:31:48 Prediction: The partnership between Trump and Musk will create a powerful combination of business and innovation, driving major technological and societal advancements.
This structured list is ready for use and includes concise predictions with unique IDs for tracking. Let me know if you’re ready to proceed with part 4 or need any refinements!
以下は文字起こしの part 4/5 です。先のやり方で同様に処理して。
I'm just going to look at the next page of my notes here so that I can cover everything, hopefully. So Trump's already started to put his team together. (0:32:22)
I mean, a lot of those people we've talked about before and they're going to have a major effect. I don't know if I should go through all of them. I'll probably go through some of them later on as well. But Robert Kennedy, I think, is going to become an important figure. Already since today, at the time of making this video, the pharmaceutical industry is panicking because Robert Kennedy was, of course, a vaccine sceptic. (0:32:58)
But I do see him making a very successful job of particularly the food industry side of things. And I get the feeling we're going to see a lot more money and research put into these things so we can actually say these things are good or not. Because most of the research coming out of the pharmaceutical companies is obviously kept secret because they want the copyrights of it. (0:33:26)
But I'm seeing much more legal moves again to reveal that research, to share some of that research, and particularly to share the negative sides of it. So it's going to be very difficult for pharmaceuticals in the way ahead. And also, there's going to be much more research done into the dangers of food and food additives. You know, we're all eating things that are full of rubbish, full of flavour enhancers and things like that. (0:33:55)
And God knows what it does to our bodies. I see much more actual regulation coming in on that and an attack on sugar and things like this. So I think America will become healthy again. And this will set precedents for the rest of the world because people might start waking up to the dangers that we have for those things. (0:34:14)
I also, on the Kennedy topic, I also see Trump making public the Kennedy files. He's mentioned it once, but I see that all being revealed. We're going to see what happened with the Kennedy assassinations. And my thoughts with that is it will reveal cover-ups. It will reveal Russian involvement and Mafia involvement. I feel those two things are going to be proven in the reports that were covered up and that Kennedy ultimately, ultimately was killed by his own people, not just by a Russian involvement and Mafia involvement, there was government involvement in this. And I feel that's going to be in the news. (0:34:54)
We also, at the time of speaking, we also have an investigation going to the UFOs and talk about that. Again, this is going to be revealed as well. Trump is going to bring that whole lot onto the table, the whole thing about what's going on, what was covered up and not covered up. (0:35:18)
We're going to get pretty much full disclosure on these things. I think there's still going to be many, many anomalies there, which we're already seeing this so often with what's happening at the moment. But there's a great deal more with that coming up as we move ahead. (0:35:31)
It's going to be much more openness. And I think this openness is going to be very, very interesting. Another force that's going to be very important, and I did spot this before, is Tulsi Gabbard. I was talking about this a lot in 2024. It's going to become a very, very powerful force in America. In fact, the female voices in America, J.D. Vance's wife and so forth, are all going to have very, very powerful voices. (0:36:00)
I saw her helping Trump before. I saw a vision of these things before. I'd also forgotten the name of the lady, the older lady that took power as well. I said about her, she would come in, the lady in the background. What's her name? I've forgotten her name now, but I'm English, I'm not American. But I spotted her, didn't I, about the older person in the background that helped Trump. And the person of colour helping Trump, I think, was Tulsi. And I feel there's going to be a lot more, from the female side, a re-look at human values and a re-look at what it means to be a normal human being, as it were. (0:36:42)
A look to family values, particularly with the influence of Musk, with his insistence that we're losing people too quick, that the population, it might seem counterintuitive, but the population needs to be looked at. I feel that the whole centre, the idea of the family at the centre of things, and many of the people like Tulsi Gabbard will, I feel, have influence on those things and become very much a uniting force, and a force that puts compassion into politics again. (0:37:16)
Not false compassion, but real compassion, real meaning about, you know, we want to be families again. I mean, spiritually speaking, I mean, I always think that the family is the basis of society. If you can get your family right, you know, then from that, the world around you starts to get right, the people around you start to, your friends and everything connects in, and then actually the local society becomes better, and the world at large. (0:37:44)
The basis of everything that we've had in human evolution has ultimately been the family. You have a good family, then you have a good tribe, and then you have a good nation, and then you have a good world, you know, they should all be working at the basis of the family with people doing their roles in the way that is most like their nature. (0:38:01)
But the world has been gone off on another route where it said it's self-first, and I don't think that's conducive of a harmonious society. So I think going back to those values, I personally think is a good idea, you know, and this is where there's going to be a lot of friction, and I probably, having said that, I'm sure I've lost a lot of subscribers already just saying that. (0:38:24)
But that is the way I feel to greater harmony, to look back to those values. And talking about bad values, actually, Epstein files are going to be revealed. I have made some other videos about that, that has just lost my screen for a second there. The Epstein files are going to be revealed, and I have spoken about that before, and I've got a full video out there. (0:38:53)
But it's going to reveal, I feel, this political stuff in there. OK, we've got, I think, I think Harry and Meghan are trying to be tied up in this controversy as well. But there's going to be some revelations about people in politics that are very much being involved with that whole business. And they've been kept, because now the government change, I think they can't be protected in quite the same way they were over the last period. (0:39:22)
So there's going to be some real big stuff coming out of that again. And I feel that whole thing about corruption, there's going to be more too. Epstein was one, but I'm seeing something else coming. I'm seeing another big reveals about corruption in Hollywood, bigger again, even than that one. There's something else coming that's going to be absolutely scandalous. And this is going to affect the whole media industry particularly. (0:39:48)
And again, bringing in regulations, I feel, about these type of things, because the next one involves children, you know, it involves children. And there's something been going on with children in the background that's been covered up. And it's involving politics, it's involving the entertainment industry too. And there's overseas influences in this too. I feel again, we're starting to see that there's been deliberate attempts from other governments, putting money into things or putting influences into things to sort of bring down the society, as it were, create scandals, create blackmail situations. (0:40:33)
Okay, so we got other stuff on my site about some of the other ones that came up recently as well, with those type of things as well. So you can look at that. So I've also got information about UFOs in Area 51 will be released. I've said that I've commented on that, but that will happen. (0:40:50)
Here’s the Prediction List (Part 4/5) based on the provided transcript. Each prediction is clear, concise, and includes timestamps and IDs for tracking.
Prediction List (Part 4/5)
ID: P4-01 Timestamp: 0:32:22 Prediction: Robert Kennedy will become an important figure under Trump's administration, focusing on issues related to the pharmaceutical and food industries.
ID: P4-02 Timestamp: 0:33:26 Prediction: There will be legal moves to make pharmaceutical research more transparent, including revealing both positive and negative aspects of drug research.
ID: P4-03 Timestamp: 0:33:55 Prediction: New regulations will be introduced to address the dangers of food additives, sugar, and unhealthy ingredients, leading to a healthier America and influencing global health policies.
ID: P4-04 Timestamp: 0:34:14 Prediction: Trump will reveal previously classified Kennedy assassination files, which will expose cover-ups involving the Mafia, Russian involvement, and U.S. government complicity.
ID: P4-05 Timestamp: 0:35:18 Prediction: Investigations into UFOs and related cover-ups will lead to full disclosure, revealing anomalies and hidden information.
ID: P4-06 Timestamp: 0:36:00 Prediction: Tulsi Gabbard and other prominent female figures, such as J.D. Vance’s wife, will become influential voices in politics, emphasizing compassion and human values.
ID: P4-07 Timestamp: 0:37:16 Prediction: Political movements will focus on re-establishing family values, driven by figures like Elon Musk and Tulsi Gabbard, with an emphasis on population growth and societal harmony.
ID: P4-08 Timestamp: 0:38:24 Prediction: The Epstein files will be fully disclosed, exposing political and media figures involved in scandals, including potential revelations about Harry and Meghan.
ID: P4-09 Timestamp: 0:39:48 Prediction: A major corruption scandal larger than Epstein’s will be revealed, implicating Hollywood, politics, and overseas governments, particularly in crimes involving children.
ID: P4-10 Timestamp: 0:40:50 Prediction: Classified information about UFOs, including details on Area 51, will be released, contributing to further transparency on extraterrestrial phenomena.
This list is formatted for clarity and ease of tracking. Let me know if you’d like to proceed with part 5 or if any refinements are needed!
以下は文字起こしの part 5/5 です。先のやり方で同様に処理して。
I'm back to Elon Musk, but I did find this quite an interesting symbiosis, as I'm calling it, that Elon Musk's Tesla gets a government military contract. Now that's going to cause major controversy. But I see him getting military, he's not really in military stuff, and he's been kind of resistant about doing military stuff. But I'm seeing a military type of influence from Tesla now. (0:41:27)
And I see being developed a new sort of AI-based form of device for defence drones, AI-driven drones that work as a cloud and stop incoming missiles. So it's a strongly defensive type of thing I see here. It's like a cloud of drones that you can put over a and those sort of Iran and things like that. (0:41:54)
It's a defence cloud that I'm seeing here, that is going to be a massive investment in this and AI military technology and also to counter China's rise to power. The whole idea of drone swarms, which we've already seen, is going to become enormous the way they start to interlink and can anticipate without human intervention. Stop a rocket, it will stop a rocket. Attack a military group, it will attack a military group. (0:42:24)
But I see Musk involvement as a defensive sort of shield. And they're going to be tiny little drones too. They're going to be the size of bees I'm seeing here, miniaturised versions of these things. It's like a cloud that can be used. And also I see SpaceX will get government money to develop the Mars project. (0:42:54)
Trump is going to enjoy the idea of, when they said we will be the first men on the moon, we will be the first men on Mars. And I see that project getting government money. So I'm seeing SpaceX and NASA amalgamated, not necessarily joined together, but working together to do this. Boeing too will be given some help with these things. Boeing, again, I feel there's troubles with Boeing. This feels troubles with Boeing. But all will ultimately be working together to make a very, very strong and big advancements in technology, as if we've got to outstrip China now. (0:43:37)
And so it's going to be like a race. It's although I also said that I see people being laid off. It's like in the traditional IT industry, there's going to be other new developments happening, which are AI based, where if you've got coding skills, for example, they might become pretty useless. But if you've got imaginative skills and you've got engineering skills, those will be well sought after in this new environment. (0:44:02)
So. So in response to Trump, I'm going to read it actually. In response to Trump's tariffs, China will impose sanctions on the export of critical minerals. And what I mean by that is things like rare earth metals and the metals required for computers and batteries. Now, this is going to be quite difficult for the movement ahead with the leaps that America's wants to make in technologically, because if we can't make the batteries, it becomes very difficult. If we haven't got the rare earths and these critical minerals, I think they call them, which you actually put into the machines to make them work, there's difficulties. (0:44:44)
And I feel there's going to be a tit for tat type of thing. And China is going to be very clever. Okay, you can have this, you can have that, but we're not giving you our critical minerals. And I remember that China went into... when America left everything in Afghanistan, just moved out and let everybody have a free-for-all there, not only was the military stuff compromised, but also China bought up a lot of rare earth metal rights in Afghanistan, the very thing that America should have held on to. But they've got those rights. (0:45:21)
So as far as I understand it, there's a shortage of these things already. And I'm seeing that rare earth metals is going to become quite an important talking point in the future, because it's going to hold America's progress back. It won't ultimately, but there'll be a scramble for mining, it'll be like a gold rush. And certain areas, I believe there's these sort of things in Canada and Australia and things like this, those areas that have these resources, that's where I put your money into guys, if you're an investor, that's where there's going to be money, in the new mines. (0:45:54)
Those new mines are going to be need to open and invested in very fast. And there's big rewards from that. And I'm also seeing, it's a bit like that movie Moon, where they brought satellites back from, brought mining back from the moon. (0:46:09)
I see is mining the moon. I don't see that in 2025, but it's close. I feel that that's going to happen once we've done that next spacewalk on the moon as well. The man on the moon is already in progress to put another American on the moon. But I'm seeing talk about mining and setting up mining of the moon. (0:46:36)
For most of 2025, cryptocurrencies will do comparatively well. I feel that the economy, I can say the economy is going to be bouncing up and down. So having money in property is a good idea. Interestingly, I've had done quite a few readings for people that have been investing in property. So I've been looking into those things. And I feel property in America will do quite well. (0:46:56)
It's good to have money in things like bricks and mortar. It's good to have money in things like silver and gold. It's good to have money in oil, I expect as well, because that will become obviously a boom industry ahead for America, the way things are going. But I still feel cryptocurrencies would be all right, too. Meanwhile, other things are bouncing all over the place, because there's still quite a lot of market volatility. (0:47:22)
So it's probably good if you're investing to obviously keep a broad sheet of stuff, but keep some money in property, because I don't feel there's American property bust. I've got a feeling elsewhere, like Canada, I think we're going to see some serious problems, and also in Australia, but we'll come to those later. But I feel the property market in America is going to do okay. (0:47:44)
And interestingly, again, it comes from some other readings, I'm seeing a boom in the property industry in New York, because I see Trump wanted to regain the crown in New York, as it were. That was his early stomping ground to make his money. And I'm seeing all sorts of new regulations to help New York become more of a powerhouse again. And even though it's mainly votes Democrat, I'm seeing the Republicans putting money in there to think both politically, thinking we'd like New York to vote Republican. And I'm seeing all sorts of new opportunities for building in New York. It's like Trump's going to do what he knows best, and I feel rebuilding parts of New York is going to be very important as well for the way ahead. (0:48:27)
Longer term, I see cryptocurrencies being consolidated later as well. A lot of the smaller cryptocurrencies, I feel, are going to start to get stripped out. We're going to start to see consolidation of cryptocurrencies. We're going to start to see government involvement in regulation of cryptocurrencies. We're going to see some sort of more dodgy, not doge, the dodgy cryptocurrencies going. The type of cryptocurrencies that can bypass sanctions, for example, bypass borders. (0:49:06)
The sort of cryptocurrencies that could stop the restrictions that he puts on China and things. A lot of the small ones going. And more government control in cryptocurrencies, which on the one hand undermines the concept of cryptocurrencies in some respects, but also gives a security to them. (0:49:27)
So that's why I feel if you're in cryptocurrency, and I don't really know much about cryptocurrency and the technical side of it, but I would put it into the most well-known cryptocurrencies, you know, the Bitcoin type cryptocurrencies that have already got a track record. Be cautious of new ventures and be cautious of forced cryptocurrency claims in a very volatile market. Keep your money in the more secure routes because there's going to be an improvement in the world's economy, I feel, despite some major jumps as it does that direction. (0:50:07)
Now, coming to, again, because at the moment, America is Trump, because, I mean, he's got such a lot of control. It's unusual to be talking about a country around an individual, because it has become that way with him. But I feel that when it comes to Israel, and I'm going to do some on Israel, but I feel that Trump will be almost see it as his Christian duty to support the Israel. And I'll give some more interpretations about that in the Middle East part of the talk that I'm going to do, section of this, this section. (0:50:53)
But yeah, so I'm seeing quite serious sort of things happening with there. But we'll talk about that in a moment, I think, and later on. So I think we're going to get an actual, a kind of a dynasty of Trumps now. I feel that J.D. Vance will be the next candidate after Donald Trump as out of power. (0:51:20)
So J.D. Vance, I feel, will step in for the next candidate in the next lot of elections for in the distant future now. But I also see that shy Barron Trump. I feel he is a young man at the moment and it's a long way ahead yet. But I feel he's going to become quite an important figure. (0:51:42)
I feel all the Trumps are going to form a bit like a Kennedy dynasty here. But I feel that Trump, that him in particular, Barron Trump, I get the feeling Barron Trump will be a president one day. I feel him being a president one day. So that might be some way ahead. But let's put that in as a prediction now for the future. (0:52:10)
And I also feel this, in a way, this kind of, just like I said, there's a resonance between Trump and, you know, Musk. I think there's also a resonance now almost energetically developing between Kennedy's and the Trump family. And maybe some of the karmas being moved between the two of them. (0:52:33)
And perhaps like the Kennedys, the Trump dynasty will be plagued by assassination attempts, not just on Donald Trump, but on other members of the family. And so oddly, I feel kind of a link between, funnily enough, I felt the Kennedys and Lincoln were kind of energetically connected. And that's always as if the baton's now being passed along to the Trump dynasty. And with it comes not just good fortune, but also troubles as well. (0:53:01)
So I see the Democrats will lose the 2028 elections as well. That's what I'm predicting. And they will not learn from their losses in this election. They won't reform, just as in the same way the Labour Party here in the UK and the Tory party are not reforming and not listening to the public. (0:53:20)
So that's another thing I predict. So economically, America will be unstable for a while, but it will recover. Another one that Trump's hinted at, and also as in my final little prediction, is that Prince Harry will leave the UK. I mean, Trump got no sympathy for him, and he'll be out. (0:53:51)
Now, I'm sure there's a thousand and one things we could talk about still with America, but I'm going to leave it at that for now for the American predictions. And if you're watching this video, you're probably watching the long video, but I'm also going to have a shorter video. Well, no, another longer video, more detailed video about America, which will look at these predictions and some more in some of the live ones. (0:54:10)
So don't forget, keep following the channel, guys, keep giving us a thumbs up, that helps, and look out for those so you can ask your questions of me and we can investigate some of these things in another one about America. Okay, now let's now talk about Europe, shall we? So quite a lot to take in all of this. I hope you're enjoying it. (0:54:44)
Here’s the Prediction List (Part 5/5) based on the transcript, formatted with unique IDs, timestamps, and concise descriptions.
Prediction List (Part 5/5)
ID: P5-01 Timestamp: 0:41:27 Prediction: Tesla, under Elon Musk, will secure a controversial government military contract, leading to the development of AI-driven defense drones designed to form a "defense cloud" to counter missiles and attacks.
ID: P5-02 Timestamp: 0:42:54 Prediction: SpaceX will receive government funding to advance Mars exploration projects, with SpaceX and NASA collaborating, along with Boeing, despite challenges within Boeing.
ID: P5-03 Timestamp: 0:44:02 Prediction: AI will lead to shifts in the job market, with coding skills becoming less valuable, while imaginative and engineering skills will gain importance.
ID: P5-04 Timestamp: 0:44:44 Prediction: In retaliation for U.S. tariffs, China will impose sanctions on exports of critical minerals, including rare earth metals, creating challenges for U.S. technological advancements.
ID: P5-05 Timestamp: 0:45:54 Prediction: There will be a scramble for rare earth metals, with mining opportunities in Canada and Australia becoming lucrative for investors.
ID: P5-06 Timestamp: 0:46:36 Prediction: The idea of mining on the moon will gain traction but will not materialize in 2025.
ID: P5-07 Timestamp: 0:46:56 Prediction: The U.S. property market, particularly in New York, will perform well, with new regulations and investments revitalizing the city as a political and economic powerhouse.
ID: P5-08 Timestamp: 0:49:06 Prediction: Cryptocurrencies will see consolidation, with smaller, unregulated cryptocurrencies fading away. Governments will increasingly regulate cryptocurrencies, balancing security with undermining their original decentralized intent.
ID: P5-09 Timestamp: 0:52:10 Prediction: The Trump family will establish a political dynasty akin to the Kennedys, with Barron Trump predicted to become president in the future.
ID: P5-10 Timestamp: 0:53:20 Prediction: The Democrats will lose the 2028 elections and fail to reform, similar to stagnant political parties in the UK.
ID: P5-11 Timestamp: 0:53:51 Prediction: Prince Harry will leave the UK, with Trump showing no sympathy for him.
This list wraps up all predictions for the American context in Craig Hamilton-Parker's video. Let me know if you need a compiled list of all parts or further adjustments!
以上の part1/5 から part5/5 の「予言リスト」は結構項目数が多いので、これらの個々の予言リストから重要性・話題性の高いものを選んで「サマリー・リスト」を10個程度、作成して。英語のままで。
Here’s a Summary List of 10 key predictions, selected based on their importance or potential for widespread impact and discussion:
Summary List
ID: P1-09 Timestamp: 0:13:57 Prediction: The American voting system will undergo significant changes, with increased emphasis on voter ID requirements and stricter laws to safeguard future elections.
ID: P2-10 Timestamp: 0:19:46 Prediction: Another assassination attempt on Donald Trump will occur, similar to the attempt on Ronald Reagan. Trump will be injured but will survive and complete his presidency.
ID: P3-04 Timestamp: 0:25:40 Prediction: Major advancements in AI technology and quantum computing will take place in 2025, accelerating innovation and automation.
ID: P4-04 Timestamp: 0:34:14 Prediction: Trump will release previously classified Kennedy assassination files, exposing Mafia, Russian, and U.S. government involvement in the event.
ID: P4-05 Timestamp: 0:35:18 Prediction: Investigations into UFOs will lead to full disclosure, revealing hidden information about extraterrestrial phenomena and government cover-ups.
ID: P5-01 Timestamp: 0:41:27 Prediction: Tesla, under Elon Musk, will secure a government military contract to develop AI-driven defense drones capable of forming a "defense cloud" against missile attacks.
ID: P5-04 Timestamp: 0:44:44 Prediction: In retaliation for U.S. tariffs, China will impose sanctions on exports of critical minerals, creating global challenges for technological progress.
ID: P5-06 Timestamp: 0:46:36 Prediction: Discussions about mining on the moon will gain momentum, setting the stage for future space-based resource extraction.
ID: P5-09 Timestamp: 0:52:10 Prediction: The Trump family will establish a political dynasty similar to the Kennedys, with Barron Trump predicted to become president in the future.
ID: P5-08 Timestamp: 0:49:06 Prediction: Cryptocurrencies will consolidate under increased government regulation, eliminating smaller, less secure cryptocurrencies while stabilizing the market.
This Summary List highlights predictions that are either highly impactful, likely to generate significant discussion, or indicative of major societal, technological, or political shifts. Let me know if you’d like adjustments or further details!