Chris Marx の以下の証言部分、
Skinwalker Ranch で NIDS の科学者が何度も繰り返して「数秒で充電池が空になる現象」を観測した。
- なぜ強い電磁界がその場所に発生したのか?
- 過去記事で述べた Skinwalker ranch の別の事例(ドローンが動作しなかった時、数GHz の強い電磁波が観測された)の電磁波が生じたのか?
NIDS の科学者は
We ran all kinds of experiments at Homestead II because there's such a strong electromagnetic field. It would drain batteries in just seconds. (0:41:44)
と判断している(*1)が、その判断は間違っている。電池(リチウムイオン電池 or ニッケル水素電池)の仕組 みと原理からしても科学的にありえない。強い電磁界は原因ではなく、副産物。
DeepL は、2024-07 版でも、このような係り受け構文を無視するので、原文で示す。
Erica Q) did you – at what point did you inform the Bigelow team that this is what you were doing? (0:41:20)
Chris Marx : A)
It was almost – it kind of grew. It wasn't anything that I just thought up. But I was up there with nuclear physicists. We ran all kinds of experiments at Homestead II because there's such a strong electromagnetic field. It would drain batteries in just seconds. (0:41:44)
It was like holding on to a cattle wire at times. And then sometimes it wasn't. But when it was on, it was on. And we tried any which way to document this. We daisy-chained eight laptops and tried to measure the electromagnetic pulse that was there. Only with the result that within – it was flatlining. Then it registered off the chart. And within seconds, all eight laptops were depleted. (0:42:17)
Batteries were dead. We took them back to Homestead I, charged them up again, and did this again. We did this for four days. And we had the same result every single time, which was we couldn't get anything. Or we got a major blow on the meter, but we couldn't go any further.
Chris Marx : Skinwalker Ranch の特定位置で強い電磁界が発生、数秒で電池が空になった (変換+文字起こし+和訳)
時系列でいえば、2021-03-01 の時点で、以上のような問題意識を持ち始め、2022-09-26 に至ってようやく
Skinwalker ranch などで数秒で充電池が空になる現象 ⇒この謎を解く (変換+追加)
(2024-11-04) 書式変換、追加。
(2021-03-01) 作成。 「数秒で(充)電池が空になる現象」の持つ重大な意味 (途中1)