Richard Doty : Linda Moulton Howe を空軍基地に招いて 偽情報を与えた状況を詳しく語る
タイトルの件については Linda による説明や、Doty による(別のインタビューでの)説明を含めて過去記事で何度か取り上げたが、今回の状況説明が最も詳しい。
Dody は Linda に実質的な買収を持ちかけたことも語っている1。2022-09-14 の収録動画。
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
そして、リンダ・ハウエルのような、とても頭のいい人を相手にすることもある。そうですね。その話をしようと思ってたんだ。これから話すことを知らない人も多いだろう。だから、簡単に概要を説明するつもりだ。それと、 明かさなければならないことがある。 このことについてはリンダと個人的にじっくり話した。 (0:52:33)
リックとはこの件について個人的にじっくり話した。両方の言い分を聞いた。私は90%は完全に連動していると言うつもりだ。なるほど。わかった。リンダはカークランドに招待され 約束された HBOのドキュメンタリーの プレプロダクションの最中だった HBOはホワイトハウスと大統領を巻き込みたかったんだと思う。 (0:53:09)
私たちは彼女の情報源を見つける必要がありました。私たちは知っていました。つまり、この作戦には他の機関も関わっていたんです。彼女がここに来ることは知っていましたし、どうしてこんなことを知っていたのか、詳しくは書きませんが、彼女が何をしているのかは知っていました。 (0:54:40)
わかりました。彼女がどこへ行くかも知っていた。誰と話しているのかも大体わかっていた。彼女がアルバカーキに来ることも知っていた。それで彼女は、私と一緒に働いていたジェリー・ミラーを通じて、私から基地に招待された。彼女と話して、彼女のUB、HBOスペシャルに役立つものを見せようと思ったんだ。 (0:55:05)
彼女が言うには、上を見上げるとドアの上にカメラがあり、彼女は部屋の真ん中に座っていたそうです。あなたの机は端にありましたね?ええ。彼女は私にそう言ったんだ。椅子の位置がぎこちないと言っていました。そうでしょ? (0:55:43)
彼女を右前に座らせなければならなかった。とにかく、その前日、この書類は、軍隊の宅急便のポーチで届いたんだ。本部から極秘だと聞いていた。そして、この作戦は彼女にこの書類を見せることだと言われた。 彼女はメモを取ることも、何も保管することもできなかった。 (0:56:17)
彼女は何も写真を撮ることができなかった。だから私は、彼女に見せる前にそれを読む機会があった。今、私は真ん中の男です。 本部が何を知っているかは知らなかった。私は、こうするように言われた。そして、言われた通りにした。彼女に渡した。彼女はそれを読んだ。 (0:56:41)
彼女はそれについて私に質問し始めた。答えられる質問もあれば、答えられない質問もあった。私たちが期待していたのは、これらの文書を読んだ後、そこに書かれている情報の一部は正確であることはわかったが、多くの情報は正確ではなかった。というのも、彼女には政府内に2人の情報源があり、 その情報源は機密情報だったからです。 (0:57:17)
だから、その人たちが誰なのか知りたかった。それがリンダ・ハウエルに対する我々の作戦の基礎だった。それを彼女に見せた後、私はこう言ったんです。彼女は、そうだね、友達は多いに越したことはないって言ったんだ。 (0:57:43)
それで、私はこのことを掘り下げようと、彼女との友情を保ち続けた。ワシントンD.C.で会ったこともあるし、ニューヨークで会ったこともある。まず、リンダ・ハウエルはとても素晴らしい人だった。 彼女は私がやろうとしていることを知っていて、それに乗ろうとはしなかった。 実際、私たちはジョージタウンのカフェで昼食をとりながら、彼女に売り込んだんだ。 (0:58:19)
聞いてほしいのは、僕らのために働いてほしいんだ。給料は払う。あなたが知っていることを教えてください。彼女はただそこに座って、しばらく私の話を聞いていた。彼女は手ごわい人だった。とにかく、彼女とはしばらく連絡を取り合ったが、その後、別の捜査官がその作戦に関わることになった。 (0:58:59)
でも、そういう経緯だった。というのも、HBOのスペシャル番組が、私たちが望まない、政府が望まない、米国諜報機関が望まないものを放送しようとしていたからです。それを終わらせることができた。我々の任務の一部は成功した。 ここで休憩に入ろう。 (0:59:26)
▼文字起こし 原文 展開
And, um, and then, and then you have, you have people that are very smart that you're dealing with such as Linda Howell. I mean, okay. I was going to bring that up. Okay. So, uh, many may not know what we're about to talk about. So I'm just going to give a brief summary. Um, and, uh, I've got to disclose. I've spoken to Linda at length about this privately. (0:52:33)
I've spoken to Rick about this at length privately. I've gotten both sides of the story. I'm going to say that 90% of it completely interlocks. Okay. All right. And so, uh, basically, uh, Linda was invited out to Kirkland and was promised, uh, she was in the middle of this HBO documentary that, uh, was in the works and it was in pre-production. Um, there was some, uh, the white house was, uh, she was trying to get I think that HBO wanted the white house involved and the president involved. (0:53:09)
And so with all of this, she's invited out to Kirkland. She is going to be presented some documents and she, uh, goes into your office. Um, you had a mirror, you were videotaping. I think she even saw a camera above her. I think she said that there was a camera in the room. Um, and you told her that she could read the documents, but she couldn't take them with her. (0:53:38)
Right now. Um, so that's, that's the summary of it. Now let's go back to, uh, the contents of those documents. Was some of it facts, uh, with disinformation and as a matter of fact, disinformation, misinformation, two different definitions. Um, we'll circle back to that for some clarification, but, uh, what was the purpose of showing Linda these docs? Uh, was it to find her sources? Uh, was it, was there something else involved there that had nothing to do with UFOs? (0:54:13)
We needed to find her sources. We knew, uh, I got involved in this late. I mean, there were other agencies involved in this operation. Um, we knew that she was coming to, uh, and I'm not going to go into great details of how we knew all this stuff, but we knew what she was doing. (0:54:40)
Okay. We knew where she was going. We knew who she was talking to for the most part. And we knew she was coming to Albuquerque. And so she was invited by me, uh, through, uh, Jerry Miller, um, who worked with me to the base. And I was going to talk to her and show her something, uh, that would help her in her, with her UB, uh, HBO special. (0:55:05)
So, so she came out to the base and like you said, she was in a room, uh, to make way mirror, there were agents on the other side filming her. Plus it was a camera inside. We had a microphone in there too. She was fully aware that we were filming. I know at one point years ago, she said she didn't, but she's smart. (0:55:30)
She told me, she looked up and saw a camera like above the door and she was sitting in the middle of the room. Your desk was on one end, right? Okay. Yeah. That's the way that she presented that with me. And she said that the chair was awkwardly placed. Right? (0:55:43)
We had to get her right in front of the right. Anyways, uh, now the day before these documents came in through a pouch, uh, armed forces courier pouch. So I knew they were top secret from headquarters now. Uh, and I was told the pro the, the, the operation was to show her these documents. She couldn't take any notes and she couldn't keep anything. (0:56:17)
She couldn't take any photographs of anything. So I had a chance prior to showing them to her to read them. Now I'm the middle guy. Now I'm not, you got to understand that I didn't know what headquarters knew. I was, this is what I was told to do. And I did what I was told to do. I gave them to her. She read them. (0:56:41)
She started asking me questions about them. Some of the questions I could answer, some of them I couldn't. Now, what we were hoping that after reading these documents, which I know that some of the information in there was accurate, but a lot of the information in there wasn't accurate. What we were hoping was she'd come around to our side because she had two sources within the government that was providing her information that was of classified, it was classified information. (0:57:17)
So we wanted to know who those people were. And that was the basis of our operation against Linda Howell. So after I showed her those, I said to her, listen, I'd like to get to know you, like know what you're doing as far as programming and so forth. And she said, sure, you know, you can never have too many friends. (0:57:43)
So I kept a friendship with her trying to delve into this. I've met her in Washington, D.C. I've met her in New York City, trying to find these people. Well, first of all, Linda Howell, very brilliant person. And she knew what I was trying to do and she wasn't going to run with it. In fact, we were having we were in Georgetown at a cafe having lunch and I pitched her. (0:58:19)
I did the pitching by saying, listen, what I want you to do is work for us. We'll pay you. You just tell me what you know. And she just sat there and listened to me for some time and she said, not no, but hell no, in a polite way. She was a tough cookie to crack. Anyways, I maintained contact with her for some time and then another agent became involved with that operation. (0:58:59)
But that's that's how it went. And we actually accomplished one of the was to end the HBO special because they were going to air something that we didn't want, that the government didn't want, U.S. intelligence didn't want. And we were able to end that. And so part of our mission was successful. Let's take our break right here. (0:59:26)
Ep. 1689 Richard Doty: DisInfo in Ufology(2024-10-17)
Linda は既に UFO 業界の有名人だったし、 Laurance Rockefeller や Robert Bigelow などから調査資金の提供を受けていたりしていたので買収に乗らなかったのだろう。その点でしがない高校教師(US では高校教師の社会的地位も給与も高くない)だった Bill Moore とは立場が異なる。 ↩