Douglas Dean Johnson:「Einstein-Oppenheimer 文書」が偽造である根拠
UFO 肯定派の Douglas Dean Johnson が彼の記事(*1)の中で、タイトルの件に言及しているので、その箇所に絞って取りあげる。
記事の本題は 1945年の Trinity UFO 墜落事件が捏造であることを詳述したもの。その記事に掲載されていた「Padilla が描いた UFO の描画」が下。上部中央が例の「フランジ」と呼ばれる金属金具。

❏ Douglas Dean Johnson : 1945-08 の UFO 墜落事件は全くの捏造、Jacques Vallee は二人の証言者の捏造話に騙された (2024-06-11)

パオラ・ハリスは2023年9月16日、 「オッペンハイマーを超えてトリニティへ」と題したプレゼンテーションの中で、偽の「アインシュタイン・オッペンハイマー文書」を展示した。(ジャーナリズムと批評を目的としたフェアユースである)。
私はMJ-12文書の宝庫の専門家とはほど遠い。しかし、それらのいくつかは本物の文書を翻案したものであったり、中途半端に説得力のある偽物を作るための他の努力を反映したものであったりすることを観察してきた。それとは対照的に、この "アインシュタイン-オッペンハイマー "書簡は、"宇宙塵 "の住人に関するもので、説得力に欠ける。
この文書は、「地球外生命体(EBE)」とも呼ばれる「地球外生命体との関係」、特に「地球外生命体」が「ここに定住する」ことを望む場合に生じる問題についての議論であると称している。最初の4ページは、誤字脱字が多い上に、ほとんど支離滅裂なほどひどい文章である。例えば、"ホモ・サピエンスの一種が、太陽系の別の天体に独立国家として定着し、我々とは独立した文化的進化を遂げたという可能性もある "という見解である。そして、国際法を「五書」(旧約聖書の最初の5冊)に従った「惑星民族間の法」に置き換えるよう求めている。批評的見識の多少なりともある人なら、このとりとめのない戯言を、オッペンハイマーやアインシュタインの真作と受け取ることは、私には理解できない。
そして今、大気圏における天文観測機の存在は、原子兵器の実験の直接的な結果なのかどうかという最終的な質問に移る。例えば、10年かそこら先には、"これらの宇宙船が再突入飛行中の大陸間ミサイルと誤認され、恐 ろしい結果をもたらす偶発的な核戦争につながる可能性がある "という懸念が表明されている。

そこで私は、核機密史の専門家で『Restricted Data』の著者であるアレックス・ウェラーシュタイン教授に相談した: 米国における核秘密の歴史』の著者であり、核秘密の歴史の専門家であるアレックス・ウェラーステイン教授に相談した。2023年8月10日付の電子メールで、ウェラーステイン教授は次のように書いている:
用語の問題もある。1947年当時、彼らは熱核兵器を "核融合装置 "とは呼ばなかっただろうし、おそらく "水爆 "とも呼ばなかっただろう。(彼らはこの時、「スーパー」と呼んでいたし、トルーマンとも議論していなかった)。水爆」という言葉は、基本的に1949年末から1950年初めまで使われなかった。






[UPDATE(2023年10月3日): X/TwitterのKeithCEGJの指摘によると、オッペンハイマーが送った本物の手紙では、彼の雇用主の名前は「The Institute for Advanced Study」であり、偽の手紙のオッペンハイマーの署名のキャプションにあるような「Advanced Studies」ではない。また、本物の手紙では、オッペンハイマーは自分の名前を、筆記体でもタイプライターでも、偽の手紙に見られるような「J. Robert Oppenheimer」ではなく、単に「Robert Oppenheimer」と表記している。以下に、説明のために2つの例を挿入した]。


In pushing the imagined Oppenheimer-UFO link, Harris employs a document that she believes to be a letter written jointly by Oppenheimer and Albert Einstein to President Truman, titled "Relationships with Inhabitants of Celestrial [sic] Bodies. The document (reproduced below) is marked TOP SECRET and "draft," and dated "June 1947." Harris associates this document with "MJ-12," a never-substantiated secret government group that some believe was in charge of the UFO/alien subject, to which innumerable hoaxed documents have been attributed since the 1980s.
Harris thinks the letter constitutes evidence that a UFO crash occurred in the United States prior to June 1947, which is the date on the document. There is no reference in the document to a crashed or recovered UFO. But in her September 16 presentation, Harris said, "Why would they write a letter? There had to be a crash before that [before June 1947]. So there was a crash before that." (The Roswell incident occurred in July 1947.)
Paola Harris displays fake "Einstein-Oppenheimer document" during her September 16, 2023 presentation titled Beyond Oppenheimer to Trinity. (Fair Use for journalistic and critical purposes.)
I am far from an expert on the troves of MJ-12 documents, but I have observed that some of them were adaptations of real documents or reflect other efforts to produce halfway convincing counterfeits. In contrast, this "Einstein-Oppenheimer" letter on inhabitants of "celestrial" bodies are as unconvincing as they come.
The document purports to be a discussion of issues raised by "relationships with extraterrestrial men," elsewhere referred to as "extraterrestrial biologic entities (EBE)," particularly if they wish "to settle here." The first four pages are so wretchedly written as to be virtually incoherent, besides being replete with misspellings. To the extent that this material conveys anything intelligible, it is filled with nonsensical statements– for example, the observation that "Another possibility may exist, that a species of homo sapiens might have established themselves as an independent nation on another celestrial [sic] body in our solar system and evolved culturally independent from ours." And, a call for international law to be replaced by "'Law Among Planetary Peoples,' following the Pentateuch" [the first five books of the Old Testament]. It is unfathomable to me that any person with a modicum of critical discernment could take this rambling nonsense to be an authentic product of either Oppenheimer or Einstein.
The voice of the document does shift near the bottom of page 4, beginning with this sentence, "And now to the final question of whether the presence of celestrial [sic] astroplanes in our atmosphere is a direct result of our testing atomic weapons?" Some of the material that follows -- barely more than a page-- is at least semi-coherent– for example, the expression of concern that ten years or so down the road, "mis-identification of these space-craft for an intercontenental [sic] missile in a re-entry phase of flight could lead to accidental nuclear war with horrible consequences."
I wondered if this final portion of the letter, at least, might have been inspired by a document that that Einstein and/or Oppenheimer actually wrote– not a letter about UFOs, but about the future dangers of accidental nuclear war. I thought that whoever forged the letter might have used some real document of that nature as a matrix into which to inject the UFO material.
I consulted first with Barry Greenwood, a researcher greatly knowledgeable on many aspects of ufological history, including the MJ-12 hoaxes. He responded in an email, "It looks to me like the O/E [Oppenheimer/Einstein] document was created out of whole cloth, with discussion that I can't imagine would have been like anything Oppenheimer or Einstein would have written that could have served as a model for the fake." [1]
I then consulted Professor Alex Wellerstein, the expert on the history of nuclear secrets and author of Restricted Data: The History of Nuclear Secret in the United States, seeking his observations of the section of the letter dealing with the dangers of accidental nuclear war. In an email dated August 10, 2023, Prof. Wellerstein wrote in part:
I know of no instance in which this was discussed by any of these people. I would note that contextually, the document contains things that Oppenheimer and Einstein for one would never say. For example, on page 5 [of the "Celestrial Inhabitants" letter] it laments the inability of international agreements to control atomic weapons. In June 1947 [the date on the fake letter], the failure of these agreements was not at all clear. Oppenheimer was himself deeply involved in the question of international control, and Einstein was advocating for it very strongly. So they would have regarded this as something in progress and not a failure. It is only several years later that any of them would have regarded these negotiations as obvious failures.
There are also some terminology issues. They would not have called thermonuclear weapons “fusion devices” in 1947, nor probably even “hydrogen bombs.” (They called them “Supers” at this time, and they were not discussed even with Truman.) The term “hydrogen bomb” was basically not used until late 1949/early 1950.
Even the bit referring to “atmospheric tests of late” is a bit anachronistic. The US had only tested 3 bombs by mid-1947. The last 2 (Operation Crossroads), they invited the Russians to observe. The adding of “atmospheric” is an unnecessary one in 1947 — there were no other kinds done nor contemplated at that point (only by the 1950s, as concerns about fallout began to grow, did the US start to think about underground testing, which is where distinguishing between underground and atmospheric testing makes a difference).
These are both the kind of things that would be not obvious to someone who wasn’t very, very steeped in the history — inadvertent anachronisms that give the game away.
This is separate from the fact that Einstein would absolutely not have been included in these discussions (he and Oppenheimer did not get along, Oppenheimer absolutely did not need Einstein’s “prestige” to be taken seriously, Einstein did not have a security clearance, etc.).
On the final page of the fake "Einstein-Oppenheimer" letter there appears a handwritten note, ostensibly written by Vannevar Bush, a leading government-affiliated science administrator during World War II and for a time thereafter (and, in MJ-12 lore, a leader of that shadowy group). The note indicated that Oppenheimer would not receive approval to discuss the matter with President Truman. It is possible that this note, at least, was lifted from some real document dealing with an unrelated subject, but if so, we have not identified the source.
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[UPDATE (October 3, 2023): Hat tip to KeithCEGJ on X/Twitter, who pointed out that in real letters sent by Oppenheimer, the name of his employer is "The Institute for Advanced Study," not "Advanced Studies" as seen in the Oppenheimer signature caption in the fake letter. Also, in authentic letters, Oppenheimer rendered his name, both written and typewritten, simply as "Robert Oppenheimer" not "J. Robert Oppenheimer" as seen in the fake letter. I've inserted two examples below for purposes of illustration.]
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